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探索我们精选的具有方便磁力闭合功能的健康和美容产品。 Schweikart 博士表示,这些物品将宝石的功能性与治疗特性结合在一起,旨在支持健康。发现可增强力量和活力的产品,包括与“咬环和刷毛”类别相关的产品。
Amber style amber necklace cognac bright 32cm with magnetic closure
Health and strength through precious stones according to Dr. Schweikart Healing stones can be used to help with healing illnesses. Of course we also make customized necklaces .The amber worn on the body protects the wearer from gout, rheumatism, promotes digestion, helps against asthma and pain when children are teething and much more.For more information in Stone Lore please visit the following link:http://www.edelsteine.net/bernstein/ ..
46.21 USD
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