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Dermaplast active rhizo left pro 1

Dermaplast active rhizo left pro 1

产品代码: 7755404

DermaPlast ACTIVE Rhizo Pro 1 left 是一款专门用于手腕支撑和稳定的医用绷带。这款绷带采用优质材料制成,提供牢固的压缩力,有助于缓解手腕疼痛并促进愈合。可调节设计确保舒适、牢固贴合,非常适合在体育活动或日常支撑时使用。无论是从受伤中恢复还是希望防止拉伤,DermaPlast ACTIVE Rhizo Pro 1 left 都能提供可靠的手腕支撑,以提高舒适度和灵活性。相信这款绷带可以帮助您实现最佳手腕健康。..

129.21 USD

Dermaplast active uni belt chest 80-105cm 2 men

Dermaplast active uni belt chest 80-105cm 2 men

产品代码: 7755358

DermaPlast ACTIVE Uni Belt Thorax 2 是一款高品质罗纹腰带,专为胸围 80-105 厘米的男士设计。这种创新产品为肋骨区域提供支撑和压缩,使其成为从受伤或手术中恢复的人的理想选择。该腰带采用耐用材料制成,确保安全舒适,促进适当愈合并减少不适。无论是用于术后护理还是体育活动期间,DermaPlast ACTIVE Uni Belt Thorax 2 都能提供可靠的支撑和保护。相信这款肋骨腰带可以满足有效的伤口护理和护理需求,从而增强您的康复过程。..

51.67 USD

Gibaud manugib 创伤手腕拇指 2r 18-22cm 右

Gibaud manugib 创伤手腕拇指 2r 18-22cm 右

产品代码: 6623937

GIBAUD Manugib 创伤手腕拇指 2R 18-22cm 右 GIBAUD Manugib Trauma Wrist Thumb 2R 是手腕或拇指受伤患者的绝佳解决方案。该产品专门设计用于为手腕和拇指区域提供充足的保护和支撑,是任何从受伤中恢复的人的必备品。 该产品采用优质材料制成,极其耐用,并采用独特的设计,佩戴舒适。该设计专门针对手腕和拇指区域进行设计,确保患者获得所需的支撑,而不会感到许多其他产品带来的不适。 GIBAUD Manugib Trauma Wrist Thumb 2R 适用于手腕和拇指受伤程度从轻度到重度的患者。无论您是扭伤还是正在从骨折或脱臼中恢复,该产品都将为您提供快速康复所需的支撑和保护。 该产品有多种尺寸可供选择,以确保为每位患者找到合适的尺寸。尺寸范围为 18-22 厘米,患者可以确信他们会获得适合手腕和拇指的完美尺寸。 因此,如果您正在从手腕或拇指受伤中恢复,并且想要一款能够为您提供全面康复所需的支撑和保护的高品质产品,那么 GIBAUD Manugib Trauma Wrist Thumb 2R 是一个绝佳的选择。立即订购并开始您的康复之路! ..

100.60 USD

Manutrain 主动支撑 gr2 右钛

Manutrain 主动支撑 gr2 右钛

产品代码: 7826471

ManuTrain Active Support for Right Hand, Grade 2 Titanium If you are in need of a high-quality wrist support that can help you recover from injuries, stay pain-free and improve your overall hand and wrist performance, the ManuTrain Active Support for Right Hand is a great option to consider. This product is made with Grade 2 Titanium, which is renowned for its exceptional strength, durability and anti-corrosive properties. Features of the ManuTrain Active Support for Right Hand: Support for your wrist, hand and fingers Grade 2 Titanium material for enhanced strength and durability Pad for cushioning on the wrist Adjustable support straps for a customized fit Breathable fabric for comfort and easy airflow Can be worn during physical activity or daily tasks Benefits of Using the ManuTrain Active Support for Right Hand: The ManuTrain Active Support for Right Hand is designed to help alleviate pain and discomfort in your wrist, hand and fingers, especially if you suffer from conditions like sprains, strains, arthritis, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and post-operative recovery. The adjustable support straps allow you to customize the fit for optimal support and compression, while the pad provides cushioning and additional stability. Using this support on a regular basis can help improve your hand and wrist range of motion, reduce inflammation and swelling, enhance circulation and support your joints during physical activity or daily tasks. The breathable fabric ensures that your skin stays cool and dry, and the lightweight design allows you to wear the support for extended periods of time without discomfort. Who Can Benefit from Using the ManuTrain Active Support for Right Hand? If you are an athlete, manual laborer, office worker or anyone who uses their hands and wrists on a regular basis, the ManuTrain Active Support for Right Hand can help you stay pain-free and perform at your best. This product is suitable for anyone who has suffered from past injuries, or those looking to prevent future injuries and improve their overall hand and wrist health. The size of your wrist support is important to ensure that it fits comfortably and provides the right amount of support. The ManuTrain Active Support for Right Hand comes in a variety of sizes to ensure that it fits you properly. Conclusion The ManuTrain Active Support for Right Hand is a high-quality, durable and effective product that can help you stay pain-free, recover from injuries and improve your hand and wrist performance. Whether you are an athlete or just someone looking to stay healthy and active, this support can provide you with the support and stability you need to succeed. ..

126.69 USD

Manutrain 主动支撑 gr5 右钛

Manutrain 主动支撑 gr5 右钛

产品代码: 7826467

ManuTrain Active Support Gr5 Right Titan ManuTrain Active Support Gr5 Right Titan is a highly effective and comfortable wrist support designed to provide support, stability, and pain relief for individuals experiencing wrist pain, weakness, or injury. The high-quality product is made with soft and breathable, yet highly supportive materials that make it versatile for multiple types of conditions and activities. The ManuTrain Active Support Gr5 Right Titan is designed with precision to provide targeted support and protection for the wrist, hand and fingers. The support is made with high-grade medical-grade silicone inserts that remain in position whilst the wrist is in motion, providing unparalleled comfort and stability. This support also features two adjustable wrist straps that allow for a customized fit, providing additional support as needed. Whether you're an athlete looking to prevent injuries, someone who types or uses a computer frequently, or someone simply recovering from a wrist injury or surgery, this product provides optimal support, stability and pain relief. The ManuTrain Active Support Gr5 Right Titan can be used for various conditions such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, wrist arthritis or instability, post-operative treatment, or simply for everyday activities. It ensures a better level of comfort, hence the customer can be assured of an effective and comfortable healing experience. In conclusion, this product is a reliable choice and value-added purchase for anyone seeking wrist stability, support and pain relief. Buy it now to experience its effectiveness. ..

126.69 USD

Rhena color elast binden 4cmx5m blau offen

Rhena color elast binden 4cmx5m blau offen

产品代码: 7770923

RHENA Color Elast Binden 4cmx5m blau offen RHENA Color Elast Binden 4cmx5m blau offen 是一种高品质弹性绷带,可为受伤或虚弱的关节和肌肉提供出色的支撑和压力。这款绷带长 5 m,宽 4 cm,非常适合缠绕身体的各个部位。开放式设计使其易于应用和调整,适合所有年龄和能力的人使用。特点和优势 优质弹性绷带提供出色的支撑和压力 5 m 长和 4 cm 宽非常适合包裹各种身体部位 开放式设计,易于应用和调整 适合所有年龄和能力的人使用 颜色:蓝色 使用 RHENA Color Elast Binden 4cmx5m blau offen 非常适合在各种情况下使用。无论您是从受伤中恢复过来,在体育活动中需要额外的支持,还是只是需要减轻不适或疼痛,这种绷带都是一个很好的选择。它可用于包裹脚踝、手腕、膝盖和肘部等关节,并提供出色的支撑和压缩,以减少肿胀和炎症。它也可以作为一种预防措施,避免在体育活动中受伤,是运动员和追求积极生活方式的个人的必备品。使用说明 使用前,确保患处清洁干燥。首先将绷带缠绕在患处,确保不会太紧或太松。继续缠绕绷带,每一层稍微重叠,直到该区域被充分覆盖。根据需要用夹子或胶带固定绷带。要移除,只需解开绷带,注意不要拉得太猛或太快。按照保养说明清洗绷带。总的来说,RHENA Color Elast Binden 4cmx5m blau offen 是任何寻求高品质弹性绷带的人的绝佳选择。凭借其耐用的设计和出色的支撑和压缩,它是任何人从受伤中恢复或希望在体育活动中预防受伤的完美选择。..

43.96 USD

Sigvaris mobilis epiactive 肘部绷带 m

Sigvaris mobilis epiactive 肘部绷带 m

产品代码: 7742375

Sigvaris MOBILIS EpiActive 肘部绷带 M 是一款优质医用级压缩绷带,旨在为肘部受伤和状况提供支撑和缓解。这种弹性绷带由柔软、透气的材料制成,提供舒适的贴合性和温和的压力,以减少炎症、促进愈合并稳定肘关节。可调节肩带确保个性化且安全贴合,在活动期间提供最佳舒适度和支撑。无论是从受伤中恢复还是治疗慢性肘部疾病,Sigvaris MOBILIS EpiActive 肘部绷带 M 都是有效肘部支撑和保护的重要配件。..

82.35 USD

Sigvaris mobilis genucare 膝盖绷带 s

Sigvaris mobilis genucare 膝盖绷带 s

产品代码: 7742319

Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare 膝盖绷带 S 是一种高品质、多功能的解决方案,可提供膝盖支撑和稳定性。这款绷带的设计考虑到舒适性和功能性,为膝盖区域提供温和的压缩和保护。无论您是从伤病中恢复、治疗慢性病,还是在体育活动中寻求额外支持,Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare 膝盖绷带 S 都能提供安全贴合和可靠的性能。其耐用的结构和轮廓设计确保紧密舒适的贴合,同时允许灵活性和自然的运动。使用 Sigvaris MOBILIS GenuCare 膝盖绷带 S 体验有针对性的膝盖支撑的好处。..

30.91 USD

Sigvaris mobilis malleosupport sprayunggelenkbandage s

Sigvaris mobilis malleosupport sprayunggelenkbandage s

产品代码: 7742335

Sigvaris MOBILIS MalleoSupport 脚踝绷带 S 为脚踝受伤和拉伤提供有针对性的支撑。这款绷带采用优质材料制成,具有压缩性和稳定性,可促进愈合并减少肿胀。其轻盈透气的设计确保佩戴舒适,非常适合日常使用或体育活动。可调节肩带可实现定制贴合,而解剖形状可确保正确定位和支撑。无论是从伤病中恢复还是寻求预防性护理,Sigvaris 踝关节绷带都是增加稳定性和舒适度的可靠选择。..

90.49 USD

Sigvaris mobilis manucare handgelenkbandage m 号

Sigvaris mobilis manucare handgelenkbandage m 号

产品代码: 7742348

Sigvaris MOBILIS ManuCare 手腕绷带 M 为手腕受伤和状况提供舒适且有效的支撑。这款手腕绷带旨在提供稳定性和压缩性,是治疗扭伤、拉伤、关节炎和受伤后恢复的理想选择。透气材料确保长时间佩戴舒适贴合,而可调节肩带可提供定制的支撑水平。无论您需要温和的固定还是加压治疗,这款手腕绷带都是促进愈合和缓解不适的多功能解决方案。非常适合活跃人士以及在日常活动、运动或康复期间需要手腕支撑的人士。..

22.87 USD

Sigvaris mobilis manusupport 手腕夹板 l/xl

Sigvaris mobilis manusupport 手腕夹板 l/xl

产品代码: 7742364

L/XL 号 Sigvaris MOBILIS ManuSupport 手腕夹板旨在为手腕受伤和状况提供舒适且有效的支撑。这款手腕夹板采用优质材料制成,具有稳定性和压缩性,有助于减轻疼痛并促进愈合。可调节肩带可实现定制贴合,确保为日常活动或恢复期间提供最佳支撑。透气面料提高舒适度并防止过热。无论您需要缓解扭伤、拉伤还是关节炎,Sigvaris MOBILIS ManuSupport 手腕夹板都是管理手腕损伤和促进康复的可靠选择。..

73.92 USD

Wero swiss performance kinesiotape 5cmx5m rot box

Wero swiss performance kinesiotape 5cmx5m rot box

产品代码: 7837384

WERO SWISS Performance Kinesiotape: Boost Your Performance and Recover Faster WERO SWISS Performance Kinesiotape is designed to help athletes push their limits and recover faster from injuries. Made with high-quality materials and advanced adhesive technology, this kinesiotape provides strong support and stability to your muscles and joints, allowing you to perform at your best. Features and Benefits High-quality cotton material that is comfortable and breathable, reducing the risk of skin irritation Elastic and stretchable design that mimics the natural movement of your muscles and joints Advanced adhesive technology that ensures long-lasting and secure adhesion, even during intense workouts and competition Creates a lifting effect that promotes blood flow and reduces swelling, accelerating the healing process and reducing pain Water-resistant and durable design that can withstand sweat, water, and extreme temperatures Easy to apply and remove, with clear instructions included in every box Usage Instructions WERO SWISS Performance Kinesiotape can be used for a variety of purposes, including: Improving athletic performance and preventing injuries Facilitating recovery from injuries, such as sprains, strains, and muscle soreness Reducing pain and discomfort caused by arthritic conditions Providing extra support and stability to joints and muscles during activities To use the kinesiotape, follow these simple steps: Clean and dry the skin before applying the tape Cut the tape to the desired length and shape, depending on the area of the body you want to target Peel off the backing paper and apply the tape to the skin, making sure to smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles Adjust the tension of the tape by stretching it slightly as you apply it Continue with your activities, and remove the tape gently when you are finished With WERO SWISS Performance Kinesiotape, you can take your athletic performance to the next level, recover faster from injuries, and enjoy a more comfortable and pain-free lifestyle. Whether you are a competitive athlete or a casual fitness enthusiast, this kinesiotape is a must-have item in your sports gear collection...

26.40 USD

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