Hopisana 耳烛 红色炎症 4 件
The Hopisana ear candles are used for soothing relaxation and for general ear hygiene. Application Hopisana ear candles RED TRADITION They can be used for ear hygiene during colds, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and to prevent ear problems. They are also used to clean and restore a healthy balance in the ear after a middle ear infection has healed. What are Hopisana ear candles? According to the tradition of the Hopi Indians, Hopisana ear candles create a slight negative pressure in the ear through the chimney effect. The resulting negative pressure also equalizes the pressure conditions in the various sinuses. The warmth radiated pleasantly into the ear creates a feeling of relaxation and well-being. Components of the ear candles The ear candles contain essential oils in BIO quality, thyme, eucalyptus and laurel oil, as well as cranesbill herb. The ear candles are handmade and consist of natural products. Note You use this product at your own risk. Follow the instructions in the packaging carefully.In order to use the Hopisana ear candles correctly, you should have a second adult...
42.62 USD
Spagyros arnica glob c 30 multi click 2 克
Spagyros Arnica Glob C 30 Multi Click 2 克的特性存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 克重量:10g 长度:10mm 宽度:20mm 高度:60mm Buy Spagyros Arnica Glob C 30 Multi Click 2 g 来自瑞士在线..
36.22 USD
Tenderdol 凝胶无糖 tube 20 克
Tenderdol® Gel 对口腔和嘴唇的口腔溃疡、炎症和其他疼痛具有三重功效。具有镇痛、消炎和消毒作用。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Tenderdol, Gel VERFORA SA Tenderdol 是什么,什么时候使用? Tenderdol 是一种消毒凝胶,可缓解疼痛和炎症在嘴里和嘴唇上。 Tenderdol 的作用基于以下活性成分的组合:水杨酸胆碱具有镇痛和抗炎作用,西他氯铵对细菌和真菌有效。 Levomenol 是洋甘菊的活性成分,具有抗炎、抗菌和治疗作用。效果通常在不到 5 分钟后开始,并持续 2-3 小时。该凝胶味道鲜美,也适合小孩使用。 Tenderdol 凝胶用于:口腔粘膜和嘴唇区域的刺激、炎症、损伤和疼痛。处方中婴幼儿的牙齿问题。 Tenderdol Gel 只能由医生处方开具处方,并且只能用作因病毒性疾病引起的发烧的儿童和青少年的二线治疗(请参阅“何时应谨慎使用 Tenderdol?”)。由假牙和调整牙套引起的疼痛、压疮和炎症。什么时候不应该使用 Tenderdol?在这种情况下不得使用已知对其中一种活性成分过敏和对水杨酸盐(例如 Aspirin®)过敏的 Tenderdol。 什么时候使用 Tenderdol 需要小心?如果儿童和青少年因流感、水痘或其他病毒引起的发烧,只能在医生的处方下使用 Tenderdol Gel疾病,仅将其作为第二选择。如果在此类疾病期间或痊愈后出现意识障碍并伴有严重呕吐,则必须立即就医。 该药物每成人剂量含有 55 毫克酒精(乙醇),即 34.5%。 它可能会导致受损皮肤有灼烧感。 如果您患有其他疾病、过敏或正在服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物)或外用药物,请告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Tenderdol 可以在怀孕期间或哺乳期间使用吗?在怀孕期间和哺乳期间,Tenderdol 只能在咨询医生后使用。 如何使用 Tenderdol?在疼痛部位涂抹 ½ 至 1 厘米的凝胶。如有必要,可以每 2 到 3 小时重复一次应用程序。对于婴幼儿,每天最多使用一半和最多 4 次。按照包装说明书中给出的剂量或医生开的处方服用。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Tenderdol 有哪些副作用?使用 Tenderdol 会出现以下副作用:不常见(影响 1000 名用户中的 1 到 10 名)水杨酸盐含量引起的超敏反应。 em>频率未知由于其含水酒精成分,该凝胶会在受伤的皮肤上引起轻微的灼烧感。 如果您有任何副作用,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。这也特别适用于本传单中未列出的副作用。 还有什么需要考虑的?药品只能在容器上标有 «EXP» 的日期前使用。 储存说明在室温(15-25 °C)下储存,并放在儿童接触不到的地方! 更多信息您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。 Tenderdol 含有什么?Tenderdol 凝胶对牙齿有益。 1 克口服凝胶包含:活性成分水杨酸胆碱 87.4 毫克,西他氯铵 0.1 毫克,左烯酚 4.0 毫克。 赋形剂乙醇(由于水醇凝胶基质,酒精含量为 34.5%)、甘油、羟丙甲纤维素、调味剂(八角油和苦茴香果油)、甜蜜素, 净化水。 批准号49153 (Swissmedic)。 哪里可以买到 Tenderdol?有哪些包装?在没有医生处方的药房和药店。 每管 20 克。 授权持有人VERFORA SA, 1752 Villars-sur-Glâne。 药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2020 年 8 月对本传单进行了最后一次检查。 ..
35.99 USD
Vividrin 依克多因 mdo gd opht fl 10 毫升
Vividrin ectoin MDO Gd Opht Fl 10 ml The Vividrin ectoin MDO Gd Opht Fl 10 ml is a highly effective medication for treating a variety of ocular problems such as dryness, burning, and inflammation of the eyes. The medication contains ectoine, a natural substance derived from bacteria that can survive in harsh environments, which helps in soothing and hydrating the eyes while enhancing the natural defense mechanisms of the body. The Vividrin ectoin MDO Gd Opht Fl 10 ml is a gentle and safe option for those with sensitive eyes or for those looking for a more natural alternative to conventional medication. The product is free from preservatives, phosphates, and surfactants, making it suitable for daily use. Key Features: 10 ml bottle containing a gentle and natural formula Contains ectoine, a naturally occurring substance that helps in reducing inflammation, soothing and hydrating the eyes Free from preservatives, surfactants, and phosphates Suitable for those with sensitive eyes or for those looking for a more natural alternative to conventional medication Easy to use with the dropper applicator and can be carried in your purse or pocket for convenience Benefits: Relieves symptoms of dryness, inflammation, and burning eyes Enhances the body's natural defense mechanisms Free from harmful chemicals and trengthen ocular humidity retention Can be used daily for long-term protection and hydration of the eyes The dropper applicator allows for precise and easy application of the medication The Vividrin ectoin MDO Gd Opht Fl 10 ml is a reliable and effective medication that offers relief from a range of ocular issues. Its natural formula makes it an ideal option for long-term use, as it provides hydration and protection without causing any side effects or causing damage to the eyes. Get yours today and maintain healthy, hydrated eyes throughout the year...
32.59 USD
山金车后跟片 can 250 片
山金车足跟片Ds 250粒 Arnica compositum Heel tablets Ds 250 片是一种顺势疗法药物,用于缓解受伤和事故引起的疼痛和炎症。该产品采用天然成分配制而成,包括山金车蒙大拿,一种被认为具有抗炎和镇痛特性的植物。 Arnica compositum Heel 片剂每包 250 片,可为您的健康需求提供持久的供应。这些药片易于服用,可以在舌下溶解或用水稀释。 这种顺势疗法适合所有年龄段的人,包括儿童和孕妇,因为它对身体安全且温和。与传统止痛药不同,Arnica compositum Heel 片剂没有任何已知的副作用或与其他药物的相互作用,使其成为那些希望避免使用合成药物的人的绝佳选择。 总体而言,Arnica compositum Heel tablets Ds 250 片产品是缓解疼痛和炎症的天然有效解决方案。凭借其高品质的成分和易于使用的形式,该产品是任何寻求更安全、更自然的方式来控制疼痛的人的必备品。立即购买您的背包,亲身体验其中的好处! ..
99.24 USD
GENGIGEL Gel Product Description GENGIGEL Gel is a unique product that has been specifically formulated to provide relief from gum problems including inflammation, swelling, and bleeding. This gel contains a powerful blend of natural ingredients that target the root cause of gum problems, helping to restore the health and vitality of your gums. Key ingredients in GENGIGEL Gel: Chamomile extract: Chamomile has natural anti-inflammatory effects, reducing redness and inflammation in the gums. It has also been found to help reduce plaque and prevent gingivitis. Sage oil: Sage oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, making it effective against a range of microorganisms that can cause gum problems. Aloe vera gel: Aloe vera is known for its soothing and healing properties. It helps to reduce inflammation and promotes the healing of damaged tissue in the gums. Benefits of using GENGIGEL Gel: Provides relief from symptoms of gum problems, including inflammation, swelling, and bleeding. Contains natural ingredients that are gentle on the gums and do not cause any side effects. Helps to restore the health and vitality of your gums, promoting better oral health in the long term. Easy to apply and fast-acting, providing relief from symptoms within minutes of use. Directions for use: Apply a small amount of GENGIGEL Gel directly onto the affected area of the gums using a clean finger or a cotton swab. You can use this gel up to three times per day, or as directed by your dentist or healthcare professional. Overall, GENGIGEL Gel is an effective and natural solution for anyone experiencing gum problems. With its powerful blend of natural ingredients, it provides fast-acting relief from symptoms while promoting long-term oral health. Try it today and discover the benefits for yourself!..
20.51 USD