Sundo hand - und fingertrainer stern 粉色 leicht
SUNDO Hand - und Fingertrainer Stern pink leicht The SUNDO Hand - und Fingertrainer Stern pink is the perfect exercise tool for your hands and fingers. Whether you're a musician, athlete, computer user, or just looking to strengthen your grip, this lightweight and portable device will help you achieve your goals. Lightweight and durable Easy to use Helps improve grip strength Increases finger dexterity Perfect for rehabilitation or general exercise Suitable for all ages and skill levels Bright pink color adds a fun touch The SUNDO Hand - und Fingertrainer Stern pink is designed to strengthen your fingers, hands, and wrists through a series of simple exercises. The device features adjustable resistance levels, allowing you to gradually increase or decrease the amount of resistance as your strength improves. This makes it perfect for both rehabilitation and general exercise. The compact and portable design of the SUNDO Hand - und Fingertrainer Stern pink means you can take it with you wherever you go. Whether you're on the go, at home, or at the office, you can easily fit a quick exercise session into your day. Overall, the SUNDO Hand - und Fingertrainer Stern pink is a versatile, effective, and fun tool for improving grip strength, finger dexterity, and overall hand and wrist health. ..
20.48 USD
Sundo 手 - 和 fingertrainer stern blau schwer
SUNDO 星蓝色重型手和手指训练器是一款专业级工具,专为手和手指康复和力量训练而设计。这款多功能设备非常适合手部受伤康复者、中风幸存者或希望提高精细运动技能和灵活性的人士。星形设计提供多种抓地力选择,可有效针对不同的肌肉群。凭借其可调节的阻力水平,用户可以在恢复力量和活动能力时逐渐进步。 SUNDO 手部和手指训练器结构紧凑、便于携带,非常适合在家中、治疗过程中或在旅途中使用。无论您是寻求改善手部功能还是增强握力,这款训练器都是您改善手部健康和功能的可靠伴侣。..
20.48 USD