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探索焕发活力的 Aromalife 能量室内喷雾,采用瑞士花卉精华和葡萄柚、柠檬和喜马拉雅雪松等精油制成。这种令人振奋的喷雾可为您的空间注入活力,促进愉悦和积极的态度。请注意,它可能会引起过敏反应,请将其放在儿童接触不到的地方,并避免火源。非常适合增强我们瑞士健康和美容产品系列中的房间护理。
Aromalife 室内喷雾能量 100 毫升
The Aromalife energy room spray with Swiss flower essences (mustard, olive, willow, zinnia and sweet chestnut) and essential oils from grapefruit, lemon, Himalayan cedar, angelica, ornamental pine and lemon myrtle revitalises, stimulates and gives motivating new energy. The spray has an uplifting effect and promotes cheerfulness and helps to achieve a more positive attitude. Notes May cause allergic reactions trigger. Keep out of the reach of children. Keep away from sources of ignition and do not smoke...
29.56 USD
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