Odinelixir 花精成品混合物 relax spray 10 毫升
Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml Introducing the Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml, the perfect blend of flower essences to help you unwind and relax after a long day. This product is a natural solution that supports your emotional well-being and can help reduce stress and anxiety. Product Features: Contains a blend of flower essences 10 ml bottle Helps promote relaxation and calmness Natural solution for stress and anxiety relief Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml is infused with natural ingredients that work together to help you feel more at ease. Some of its key ingredients include: Ingredients: Cherry Plum - helps to alleviate fear and promote composure and calmness. Impatiens - reduces impatience, mental tension, and irritability, and promotes mindfulness and awareness. White Chestnut - calms the mind, reduces restlessness, and helps improve focus and clarity of thought. Rock Rose - helps to alleviate panic, fear, and feelings of dread in stressful situations and promotes courage and composure. Clematis - promotes focus and alertness, helps to anchor thoughts in the present, and prevents absent-mindedness. This finished mixture is easy to use, simply spray it on your pillow, in your bedroom or around the room. You can also use it during meditation or yoga to enhance your relaxation experience. Simply shake the bottle well and spray the mist around your body or on your clothing. So why wait? Try the Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml today and start experiencing the benefits of a relaxing and stress-free lifestyle...
31.47 USD
Salus bach flower tea motivation and confidence bio bag 15 pcs
使用 Salus Bach 花茶提高您的动力并增强信心。这种有机混合物装在一个 15 片装的方便袋中,非常适合舒缓和振奋的茶体验。这种混合物经过精心调制,加入了精选的水果和花草茶,可促进头脑清晰和情绪健康。无论您需要温和提神还是只是想放松身心,Salus Bach 花茶都能提供一种清新的方式来自然滋养您的身心。让这款充满活力的混合茶让每一口都激发积极性和内在力量。..
11.66 USD
巴赫 flower original vine no32 20ml
Bach Flower Original Vine No32 20mlBach Flower Original Vine No32 20ml 是一种自然疗法,有助于控制压倒性的支配感和控制感。这种花精由藤本植物制成,对意志力和野心过大的人特别有效,这会导致他们进步和缺乏灵活性。藤本精来自巴赫花卉系列,已经存在 80 多年,对于那些正在寻找自然和整体方式来平衡情绪的人来说,它是一种值得信赖和完善的治疗方法。The Bach Flower Original Vine No32 20ml 是合适的适合素食者和严格素食者,它由天然成分制成,不添加任何化学物质。这些补救措施通过使用花精来平衡体内能量并促进情绪和身体健康。如何使用使用时,稀释两滴补救措施在一杯水中,不时啜饮。该疗法也可以外用,将其涂抹在手腕和太阳穴上,或将其加入放松浴中。好处 帮助控制支配和控制他人的感觉 促进平衡和平静 改善情绪和心理健康 由天然成分制成,不添加任何化学物质 The Bach Flower Original Vine No32 20ml 是寻求一种自然而全面的方法来管理情绪和改善整体幸福感的个人的完美解决方案。..
33.32 USD
巴赫花 original oak no22 20ml
Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml The Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml is a powerful remedy designed to help people who feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities and tend to push themselves beyond their limits. This all-natural product is made with the essence of oak, a tree that is known for its sturdy, resilient, and enduring qualities. By taking this remedy, individuals can tap into the strength and endurance of the oak tree, helping them to stay focused and determined despite the challenges they may face. Whether you are dealing with work-related stress, family obligations, or personal issues, Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml can provide you with the inner strength you need to keep going. This remedy is particularly helpful for those who tend to take on too much, often neglecting their own needs in the process. By restoring balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit, Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml can help you achieve a greater sense of ease, self-acceptance, and resilience in your daily life. Key Features: Helps to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit Contains natural essence of oak tree Provides inner strength and endurance in the face of challenges Helpful for those who feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities Made with high-quality ingredients for optimal effectiveness Comes in convenient 20ml bottle for easy use Benefits: Provides natural support for those dealing with stress and anxiety Promotes feelings of inner strength, resilience, and determination Assists in restoring balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit Encourages self-acceptance, self-care, and self-awareness Can help improve overall well-being and quality of life Overall, if you are looking for an all-natural and effective way to support your mental and emotional well-being, Bach Flower Original Oak No22 20ml may be just what you need. So why wait? Try this powerful remedy today and experience the many benefits it has to offer for yourself!..
33.32 USD