Cellacare manus 经典 1 号左
Cellacare Manus 经典 - 尺寸 1 您的皮肤是否感觉干燥、刺激或发痒? Cellacare Manus Classic 提供舒缓和保护双手的终极解决方案。这款丰富的保湿霜经过特殊配制,可深入渗透到皮肤中,提供持久的保湿和舒缓效果。 主要优点: 舒缓干燥、受刺激的皮肤 有助于治愈破裂和干裂的皮肤 提供持久保湿 适用于湿疹、皮炎 Cellacare Manus Classic 是任何希望使双手恢复自然柔软和光滑的人的完美选择。立即订购管材,体验与众不同!..
64.96 USD
Mavena b12 gesichtscreme disp 50 毫升
Mavena B12 Gesichtscreme Disp 50 ml The Ultimate Solution for Sensitive Skin: Mavena B12 Gesichtscreme Disp 50 ml is a facial cream enriched with Vitamin B12 that is specifically designed to nourish and heal sensitive skin. The cream contains highly effective ingredients that work to moisturize, soothe, and protect the skin, reducing redness and inflammation, and restoring the skin's natural hydration. Features and Benefits: The cream contains Vitamin B12 which assists in repairing the skin, leaving it smooth and healthy The ingredients work to calm irritated skin and reduce redness and inflammation caused by various skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea It contains a blend of natural ingredients such as jojoba oil, vitamin E, and aloe vera that help to restore the skin's natural hydration The product is gentle on the skin and does not contain any harsh chemicals, preservatives, or fragrances that can cause irritation or allergic reactions The cream is easy to apply and comes in a convenient 50 ml dispenser that allows you to control the amount of cream needed for your face The product is suitable for all skin types, especially for those with sensitive, dry, or itchy skin With consistent use, Mavena B12 Gesichtscreme Disp 50 ml will help to protect, nourish, and improve the overall health of your skin. Give your skin the attention it deserves with this gentle and effective facial cream. Order now and experience the benefits of a healthy and radiant complexion. ..
36.54 USD
Sanadermil hydro 霜 tube 15 克
Sanadermil® hydrocream、lipocream 和泡沫含有醋酸氢化可的松作为活性成分。应用于皮肤,它们具有抗炎、抗过敏和止痒的作用。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Sanadermil®VERFORA SA什么是 Sanadermil,何时使用?Sanadermil Hydrocreme 含有作为活性成分醋酸氢化可的松。涂抹在皮肤上,具有抗炎、抗过敏、止痒的作用。 氢化可的松是人体内天然存在的一种激素,可对抗炎症。适用于皮肤,它在局部起作用。 Sanadermil 用于治疗:皮肤出现轻微湿疹变化,未感染的皮肤在接触洗涤剂、植物、化妆品、珠宝后出现刺激和发红,未感染的昆虫叮咬, 晒伤,轻微的非感染性烧伤,没有开放的皮肤。什么时候不能使用 Sanadermil?什么时候不能使用 Sanadermil? 如果您对活性成分或任何其他成分过敏,请勿使用 Sanadermil。 Sanadermil 不得接触眼睛;避免将其涂抹在眼睑上。 如果您患有真菌感染(例如香港脚)、病毒感染(例如唇疱疹、带状疱疹)或接种疫苗后出现皮肤反应,则不适合使用 Sanadermil;同样,应避免用于开放性伤口和化脓性炎症(例如疔疮、脓肿、痤疮)。 仅在医生指导和监督下用于 6 岁以下儿童。 何时使用 Sanadermil 需要小心?Sanadermil 不应应用于过大的皮肤区域或不可渗透(封闭)绷带下。 Sanadermil 不宜长期使用。如果 2 周后没有改善,您应该去看医生。如果症状恶化,您应该停止治疗并咨询您的医生。 如果您患有其他疾病、过敏或正在服用其他药物(即使是您自己购买的药物!)或外用,请告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Sanadermil 可以在怀孕或哺乳期间使用吗?在怀孕期间,您只能在医疗建议和医疗监督下使用 Sanadermil。 母乳喂养时不应使用 Sanadermil。 如果您怀孕或打算进行母乳喂养,请告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 如何使用Sanadermil?除非医生另有处方:成人和 6 岁以上的儿童:每天在受影响的区域涂抹一层薄薄的一层至 2 次。使用时间不应超过 2 周。 6 岁以下的儿童:仅凭医疗处方并在医疗监督下服用。 坚持使用包装传单中给出的剂量或医生开出的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Sanadermil 有哪些副作用?使用 Sanadermil 时可能会出现以下副作用:罕见:局部发生的副作用,例如轻微灼痛、瘙痒或皮肤变红。 这些副作用要么是对 Sanadermil 赋形剂过敏的症状,要么是氢化可的松的副作用。这种活性成分还会导致皮肤干燥。 如果出现不耐受,您应该立即停止治疗。 Sanadermil 可以促进感染的发展。 在较大面积的皮肤和/或封闭的石膏或绷带下长时间使用会对新陈代谢产生不良影响。 长期或过于频繁地使用,不能排除其他皮肤变化或皮肤变脆的风险。 在眼睛附近长时间使用该产品可能会导致视力障碍(眼内压升高、青光眼、白内障)。 如果您注意到此处未描述的副作用,您应该告知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 还需要考虑什么?将 Sanadermil 放在儿童接触不到的地方,并置于室温 (15-25 °C) 下。 药物只能在包装上标有 «EXP» 的日期之前使用。 您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有专家的详细信息。 Sanadermil 含有什么?1 克氢化霜含有 5 毫克醋酸氢化可的松作为活性成分。 赋形剂:抗氧化剂丁基化羟基茴香醚 (E 320)、防腐剂三氯生和二盐酸盐洗必太。 批准号50135 (Swissmedic)。 哪里可以买到 Sanadermil?有哪些包装?在药房和药店,无需医生处方。 每管 15 克。 授权持有人VERFORA SA, 1752 Villars-sur-Glâne。 本传单最后一次由药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2018 年 8 月检查过。 ..
32.19 USD
喜疗妥天然凝胶 tube 100 克
Hirudoid Natural Gel Tb 100 g Hirudoid Natural Gel Tb 100 g is a natural and effective solution for various skin problems. This gel is made from a blend of natural ingredients that have been scientifically proven to provide excellent relief for skin conditions such as eczema, bug bites, bruises, and acne. The key ingredient in this gel is the Badiaga Microalgae which has been shown to have a positive impact on skin health. This ingredient is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties which help to calm the skin and reduce inflammation. The gel also contains Arnica which is known for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. This ingredient is especially useful for reducing pain and swelling caused by bruises. The Hirudoid Natural Gel Tb 100 g is also enriched with Aloe Vera which is known to have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. This ingredient helps to hydrate and nourish the skin while reducing redness and inflammation. This gel is easy to apply and is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving any greasy residue. The Hirudoid Natural Gel Tb 100 g is suitable for use on all skin types and can be used regularly as a part of your daily skincare routine. Benefits of Hirudoid Natural Gel Tb 100 g: Effective relief for skin conditions such as eczema, bug bites, bruises, and acne. Contains natural and effective ingredients such as Badiaga Microalgae, Arnica, and Aloe Vera. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties to calm the skin and reduce inflammation. Easy to apply and quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving any greasy residue. Suitable for use on all skin types. Invest in the Hirudoid Natural Gel Tb 100 g and enjoy healthier, smoother and more hydrated skin in no time!..
47.44 USD