Resource thickenup plv can 227 克
Many older people suffer from dysphagia / swallowing disorders. The recommended basic therapy for these individuals is the thickening of beverages and food.Resource ThickenUp is a proven instant powder made from modified cornstarch that dissolves in water without forming lumps. In addition, it can easily be used with a wide variety of liquids - whether warm or cold, with protein-containing drinks such as milk or with fruit juices. The bound liquid can be absorbed by the body and thus contributes to the liquid supply. Dosage There is a uniform dosage for all liquids. For 100ml of liquid you need: 1 scoop for nectar-like consistency2 scoops for honey-like consistency3 scoops for pudding-like consistency..
26.37 USD
Thickenup 透明 plv 24 棒 1.2 克
Many older people suffer from dysphagia / swallowing disorders. The recommended basic therapy for these individuals is the thickening of beverages and food.Resource ThickenUp Clear dissolves completely in all liquids without clumping, leaving the thickened water perfectly clear. In addition, it can easily be used with a wide variety of liquids - whether warm or cold, with protein-containing drinks such as milk or with fruit juices. The constant stability of the consistency ensures that swallowing can be prevented even if the drink has been sitting around for a while. Dosage There is a uniform dosage for all liquids. For 100ml liquid you need: 1 stick for nectar-like consistency2 sticks for honey-like consistency3 sticks for pudding-like consistency..
26.18 USD
Thickenup 透明 plv can 125 克
ThickenUp 透明 Plv Ds 125 克 独特的抗淀粉酶速溶粉末,可安全增稠液体和果泥菜肴 产品属性?基于黄原胶?效率比传统增稠剂高出 4 倍?中性且不影响颜色、味道或气味?粘稠后没有结块不粘稠?不含脂肪、麸质和角叉菜胶 每 100 克的营养价值 - 能量:306 kcal - 碳水化合物:62 g - 蛋白质:1 g - 脂肪:0 g - 膳食纤维:27克 适应症用于吞咽困难(吞咽障碍)的饮食管理 剂量饮料:1;对于 IDDSI 1、2 或 3 级,每 200 毫升使用 2 或 4 量匙。将规定量的粉末倒入量杯中,边搅拌边加入饮料,搅拌约 1 分钟。 30 秒,直至达到所需的稠度。 储存存放在阴凉干燥的地方。将打开的罐头密封存放在阴凉、干燥的地方,并在 8 周内使用。尽快饮用增稠饮料或将其存放在密封容器中,在室温下最多可保存 4 小时 - 在冰箱中最多可保存 24 小时。 重要信息?在医疗监督下使用? 3岁以上适合吗?不适合作为唯一的食物来源?特殊医学用途食品(均衡膳食) 自2022年10月1日起,增稠剂已纳入MiGeL,并根据治疗吞咽困难的处方获得全额或部分报销。 < p>成分表麦芽糖糊精;黄原胶、氯化钾。 ..
40.86 USD