Morga 黑麦谷物 demeter bag 500 克
Morga Rye Grains Demeter Battalion 500g: An Organic and Nutritious Option for Health Enthusiasts If you're looking for a healthy and flavorful addition to your diet, Morga Rye Grains Demeter Battalion 500g is an organic and nutritious option that makes for a perfect ingredient for a variety of dishes. This product is obtained from the best quality organic rye grains that are sourced from the Demeter-certified farmers, ensuring that the end-product is free from any harmful chemicals and pesticides. Benefits of Morga Rye Grains Demeter Battalion 500g The product is rich in dietary fiber and essential nutrients like B vitamins, iron, magnesium, and zinc that make it an ideal ingredient for a healthy diet. The low glycemic index of rye grains ensures stable blood sugar levels and a feeling of fullness, making it an excellent option for weight-watchers looking for a nutritious snack or meal option. Usage Suggestions Morga Rye Grains Demeter Battalion 500g can be used in a variety of ways - from versatile baking options, such as bread or cakes, or added to soups, salads, stews, and pilafs, adding a wholesome flavor, and a crunchy texture. They are also perfect for preparing breakfast cereals that are both tasty and nutritious. About Morga Morga is a family-owned, Swiss organic food company that follows the Demeter principles of biodynamic farming. Since 1980, Morga has been offering organic and natural food products to health enthusiasts all over the world, with a commitment to providing the highest quality and most sustainable products possible. Order Your Morga Rye Grains Demeter Battalion Today! Order your pack of Morga Rye Grains Demeter Battalion 500g now and start incorporating nutritious and organic food items into your diet for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle...
6.63 USD
Naturkraftwerke 沙棘油 demeter 30 毫升
NaturKraftWerke 沙棘油原生 Demeter 30 毫升 温和冷榨的 NaturKraftWerke 原生沙棘油富含不饱和脂肪酸和维生素。它非常适合精炼沙拉酱和冰沙,纯服用或局部用于皮肤护理。 沙棘 (Hippophae Rhamnoides) 是一种油柳植物,生长在欧洲和亚洲的大部分地区。 NaturKraftWerke 沙棘油的灌木丛生长在托斯卡纳的一个家庭农场,该农场拥有受控的 Demeter 农业。为了生产纯油,将整个沙棘浆果轻轻冷压,然后离心。这意味着保留了典型的沙棘气味。为了确保油得到最佳保护,将其填充到紫色保护玻璃瓶中。 NaturKraftWerke 的沙棘油具有 Demeter 品质,品质非常高,因此可以外用或作为膳食补充剂。这要归功于它含有的各种维生素。维生素 C、E 和 A 等可支持免疫系统并有助于防止氧化应激。该油还含有重要的单不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸。 作为膳食补充剂,逐滴服用纯沙棘油或将其添加到菜肴、夸克菜肴或油混合物中,赋予它们果香。对于身体护理,可以与其他油混合或少量直接涂抹在皮肤上。皮肤干燥的感觉得到缓解,变得滋润。建议皮肤敏感或容易长粉刺的人谨慎使用,因为这种油可能会导致皮肤问题,并可能产生粉刺作用。要进行测试,请将其涂抹在不显眼的区域并放置过夜以发挥作用。 小心,NaturKraftWerke 的原生沙棘油是橙色的,可以给皮肤和浅色纺织品染色。 ..
45.01 USD