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了解我们的玉米护理解决方案系列,其高弹性聚合物凝胶帽旨在保护您的皮肤。非常适合缓解脚趾之间的鸡眼、指甲褶皱问题和脚趾尖不适。易于保养,使用后只需清洗并涂抹 Gehwol 足粉即可。所有产品均经过CE认证,确保符合欧洲安全标准。在我们的健康和美容产品类别中体验压力保护的瑞士品质。
Gehwol 鞋头 g 小 2 件
Highly elastic, skin-protecting polymer gel cap. For corns between the toes and problems with nail folds and toe tips. Properties Polymer Gel Cap. For corns between the toes and problems with nail folds and toe tips. Application After wearing, wash with a mild detergent, dry and lightly use the enclosed Gehwol foot powder (in of the packaging).This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
22.51 USD
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