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探索我们旨在支持泌尿道健康的蔓越莓补充剂系列。我们的产品采用 Cys-Control 蔓越莓和石南花胶囊,是治疗和预防尿路感染的理想选择。为了获得最佳的 24 小时保护,请早上服用一粒胶囊,晚上服用一粒。我们来自瑞士的高品质补充剂采用 60 粒胶囊包装,可确保有效的健康和营养支持。
Cys-control 蔓越莓和石南花 60 粒胶囊
Cys-Control cranberry and heather capsules is a medical device that can be used to treat and prevent urinary tract infections. dosage For 24-hour protection, take 1 tablet each morning and evening.Which packs are available? Cys-control cranberry and heather 60 capsules ..
81.92 USD
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