A. vogel santasapina 止咳糖浆 10片
Property name Cough candies Composition per candy (4.0g) : Fresh Spruce Bud Extract 168mg, Spruce Needle Oil 2mg, Cane Sugar, Glucose Syrup, Honey, Water, Pear Juice Concentrate, Malt Extract, Peppermint Oil, Menthol. 1 candy of 4.0 g contains: 3.9 g carbohydrates.. Application Helps with cough, hoarseness and pharyngitis Allergens Contains Cereals containing gluten and cereal products containing gluten Notes dry , uncooled, 17 ? 22°C, protected from light Property descriptionCough candiesComposition per candy (4.0g): 168mg extract from fresh spruce buds, 2mg spruce needle oil, cane sugar, glucose syrup, honey, water, Pear Juice Concentrate, Malt Extract, Peppermint Oil, Menthol. 1 candy of 4.0 g contains: 3.9 g carbohydrates.. Application Helps with cough, hoarseness and pharyngitis Allergens Contains Cereals containing gluten and cereal products containing gluten Notes dry , uncooled, 17 ? 22°C, protected from light ..
4.55 USD
Arkotus cough syrup md bottle 140 ml
Arkotus cough syrup is used to relieve dry or productive coughs. use The syrup is to be taken orally, the bottle must be shaken before use. Which packs are available? Arkotus cough syrup Md bottle 140 ml ..
21.13 USD
Dünner eibisch isländisch moos pastillen 24 stk
Dünner Eibisch isländisch Moos Pastillen 24 Stk Get relief from sore throat and cough with Dünner Eibisch isländisch Moos Pastillen 24 Stk. These pastilles have a soothing effect on the throat and thus help to relieve the symptoms of cough, hoarseness, and throat irritation. They are made from natural ingredients and have a pleasant taste that makes them easy to take. Natural ingredients The pastilles are made from natural ingredients such as marshmallow root extract and Icelandic moss extract. These ingredients have been used for centuries to soothe and calm irritated throats. The natural goodness of these ingredients makes the pastilles effective in providing relief from sore throat and cough without any side effects. Pleasant taste The pastilles have a pleasant taste that makes them easy to take. They have a mild herbal flavor that is not overpowering, making them suitable for people who do not like strong flavors. Soothing effect The pastilles have a soothing effect on the throat, which helps to reduce the inflammation and irritation caused by coughing and sore throat. They also help to moisten the throat, which provides relief from the dryness and scratchiness associated with a sore throat. Easy to carry The pastilles come in a convenient pack of 24 and can be easily carried around in your bag or pocket. This makes them a handy option for people who are on the go and need quick relief from sore throat and cough. Conclusion Dünner Eibisch isländisch Moos Pastillen 24 Stk are a safe and effective way to relieve sore throat and cough. They are made from natural ingredients, have a pleasant taste, and provide a soothing effect on the throat. They are also easy to carry, making them a convenient option for people who need relief on the go...
9.94 USD
Fisherman's friend eucalyptus-menthol pastillen mit sugar bag 25 克
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Fishermans Friend Eucalyptus/Menthol Indikation Husten; Heiserkeit 25900 / 21.02.2008 ..
4.22 USD
Fluimucil cold cough effervescent tabletse 600 mg 12 pcs
什么是 Fluimucil 以及何时使用?Fluimucil 含有活性成分乙酰半胱氨酸。这种活性成分液化松弛粘附在呼吸道中的粘液并促进排痰。 呼吸道粘膜上的分泌物在抵御细菌、灰尘和化学杂质等吸入污染物方面起着重要作用。这些刺激物存在于分泌物中,在那里它们变得无害并随呼吸道排出体外痰。 由于细菌和病毒引起的感染(感冒、流感、支气管炎)和有害物质引起的慢性刺激,粘液的产生增加。粘液变稠会导致气道阻塞,导致呼吸困难和咳痰问题。 由于 Fluimucil 的祛痰作用,粘稠的粘液液化,可以更好地咳出。这降低了感染的风险。当呼吸道畅通时,咳嗽就会消退,呼吸也会变得更容易。 Fluimucil 适用于治疗所有导致粘液过多产生的呼吸系统疾病,例如感冒或流感引起的咳嗽和粘膜炎,以及急慢性支气管炎、鼻窦感染、喉咙和咽部感染、支气管哮喘和 (作为额外的治疗)囊性纤维化。 注意事项有哪些?大量饮用可促进Fluimucil的作用。吸烟会导致支气管粘液过多形成。您可以通过戒烟来支持 Fluimucil 的作用。 什么时候不应该服用 Fluimucil?如果您知道,一定不要服用 Fluimucil对活性成分乙酰半胱氨酸或任何其他成分过敏,如果您有胃或肠溃疡。 Fluimucil 也不应与止咳药(镇咳药)一起服用,因为这些药物会抑制咳嗽和气道的自然自我清洁,这会影响液化粘液的咳出并导致支气管充血粘液可能会导致支气管痉挛和呼吸道感染。 泡腾片和 600 毫克颗粒剂小袋不得用于 12 岁以下儿童(6 岁以下患有代谢性疾病囊性纤维化的儿童),因为它们的活性成分含量高。 您的医生会知道在这种情况下该怎么做。 Fluimucil 不得用于 2 岁以下的幼儿。 什么情况下服用Fluimucil要慎用?Fluimucil的使用,尤其是在治疗开始时,会导致支气管分泌物液化并促进排痰。如果患者无法充分咳出,医生可以采取支持措施。如果您在服药时发现皮疹或呼吸困难以前使用与 Fluimucil 相同活性物质的药物,您应该在开始服用 Start 制剂之前告知您的医生或药剂师。 同时使用某些其他药物会影响彼此的效果。某些药物对冠状动脉循环障碍(如硝酸甘油治疗心绞痛)的有效性可以增加。 乙酰半胱氨酸和卡马西平同时给药可导致卡马西平浓度降低。 同时服用止咳药(镇咳药)会削弱 Fluimucil 的有效性(见上文:“什么时候不应该服用 Fluimucil?”)。此外,您不应与 Fluimucil 同时服用抗生素,但至少相隔2小时。 关于一些 Fluimucil 辅料的重要信息Fluimucil 颗粒包含: ul>阿斯巴甜:每 100 毫克和 200 毫克小袋含 25 毫克阿斯巴甜,每 600 毫克小袋含 75 毫克阿斯巴甜。阿斯巴甜是苯丙氨酸的来源。如果您患有苯丙酮尿症 (PKU),它可能有害),一种罕见的遗传性疾病,由于身体不能充分分解苯丙氨酸,苯丙氨酸会积聚。山梨糖醇:每 100 毫克小袋含 775 毫克山梨糖醇,每 200 毫克小袋含 675 毫克山梨糖醇每 600 毫克小袋含 2025 毫克山梨糖醇。山梨糖醇是果糖的来源。如果您的医生告诉您(或您的孩子)您(或您的孩子)服用或接受该药,请在您(或您的孩子)服用或接受该药之前咨询您的医生) 对某些糖类不耐受,或者如果您患有遗传性果糖不耐受症 (HFI),即人无法分解果糖的罕见遗传病症 - 已被确认。葡萄糖和乳糖:如果您知道自己对糖不耐受,请咨询您的医生后再服用此药。Fluimucil 泡腾片含有:阿斯巴甜:每片泡腾片含 20 毫克阿斯巴甜。阿斯巴甜是苯丙氨酸的来源。如果您患有苯丙酮尿症 (PKU),它可能是有害的,这是一种罕见的遗传性疾病苯丙氨酸在其中积聚,因为身体不能充分分解它。葡萄糖:如果您知道自己对糖不耐受,请仅在咨询医生后服用此药。每泡腾片 156.9 毫克钠(食盐的主要成分)。这相当于成人每日最大推荐膳食钠摄入量的 7.8%。如果您需要,请咨询您的医生或药剂师长期服用泡腾片或每天服用 200 毫克的泡腾片,尤其是在低钠饮食的情况下。在这种情况下应使用 Fluimucil 颗粒剂或 Fluimucil 片剂,“无钠”或其他无盐乙酰半胱氨酸制剂是可取的。告诉您的医生、药剂师或药剂师如果你有 患有其他疾病,过敏或服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物!)或外用!Fluimucil 可以在怀孕或哺乳期间使用吗?根据以往的经验,如果按预期使用,对孩子没有已知的风险。从未进行过系统的科学研究。作为预防措施,您应尽可能避免在怀孕期间服药,或咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师的建议。 没有关于母乳中乙酰半胱氨酸排泄的信息。因此,如果治疗您的医生认为有必要,您应该仅在母乳喂养期间使用 Fluimucil。 如何使用Fluimucil?除非另有规定,通常的剂量对于急性疾病是: 2 至 12 岁的儿童:1 包 100 毫克颗粒剂,每天 3 次或 200 毫克,每天两次(例如 1 片泡腾片或 1 包 200 毫克)。 12 岁以上的青少年和成人:每天 600 毫克,分成一剂(1 片泡腾片或 1 袋 600 毫克颗粒剂)或多次服用(例如 3 次 1 片泡腾片或 1 片小袋 200 毫克颗粒)。 如果治疗2周后粘液过多和伴随的咳嗽没有消退,您应该去看医生,以便他更准确地查明原因并排除可能的呼吸道恶性疾病。 慢性病的长期治疗(仅限医生处方):400–600 mg 每天,分为一剂或多剂,治疗持续时间最长为 3–6 个月。 囊性纤维化:同上,但对于 6 岁以上的儿童,每天 3 次 1 包颗粒剂或 1 片泡腾片 200 毫克,或 1 包颗粒剂或 1 片泡腾片每天一次 600 毫克。 将泡腾片剂或颗粒剂溶解在一杯冷水或热水中并立即饮用。不要将其他药物与 Fluimucil 同时溶解在水中,因为这会影响或停止 Fluimucil 和其他药物。 当袋子或箔纸被撕开时,会闻到轻微的硫磺气味。这是活性成分乙酰半胱氨酸的典型气味,不会影响其效果。 遵守包装说明书中给出的剂量或医生开的处方。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Fluimucil 有哪些副作用?服用 Fluimucil 会出现以下副作用:胃肠道疾病,如呕吐、腹泻、恶心、腹痛或口腔粘膜炎症,以及过敏反应、荨麻疹、头痛和发烧。 此外,还可能出现脉搏加速、低血压和耳鸣、胃灼热以及面部出血和水潴留。 一般性质的过敏症状(如皮疹或瘙痒)也可能发生。如果超敏反应导致呼吸困难和支气管痉挛(这种情况在极少数情况下会发生),您必须立即停止 Fluimucil 治疗并咨询专业人士医生。 呼吸可能会暂时闻到难闻的气味。 如果您有任何副作用,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。这尤其适用于本宣传单中未列出的副作用。 还应该注意什么?只在标有“ EXP”在容器上。 储存建议颗粒剂:不要储存在30°C以上。泡腾片:在室温 (15–25 ° C) 下储存。 请置于儿童接触不到的地方。 更多信息您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。这些人有专家的详细信息。 Fluimucil 含有什么?活性成分1 袋颗粒剂含有 100 毫克、200 毫克或 600 毫克乙酰半胱氨酸。 1 片泡腾片含有 200 毫克或 600 毫克乙酰半胱氨酸。 辅料颗粒剂:阿斯巴甜(E951)、橙味(含葡萄糖和乳糖)、山梨糖醇(E420 ). 泡腾片片剂:阿斯巴甜 (E951)、柠檬酸、碳酸钠和碳酸氢钠、柠檬香精(含葡萄糖)。 批准号37561, 45179 (Swissmedic)。 哪里可以买到 Fluimucil?有哪些包装?在药房和药店,没有医生处方:Fluimucil30 袋装 100 毫克颗粒剂。Fluimucil30 袋装 200 毫克颗粒剂。Fluimucil10 袋装 600 毫克颗粒剂。Fluimucil30泡腾片200 mg。Fluimucil10泡腾片600 mg .在药店,仅凭处方:Fluimucil90 袋装 200 毫克颗粒剂。Fluimucil30 袋装 600 毫克颗粒剂。Fluimucil30 和 100泡腾片600 mg.上市许可持有人 Zambon Schweiz AG, 6814 Cadempino。 ..
30.53 USD
Grethers 黑加仑 pastillen ohne sugar duo 2 bag 110 克
Grethers Blackcurrant Pastillen ohne Zucker DUO 2 Btl 110 g Grethers Blackcurrant Pastillen ohne Zucker DUO 2 Btl 110 g is a premium quality blackcurrant flavored lozenge that offers a unique blend of delicious taste and effective relief from dry throat and cough. Made in Switzerland with the finest ingredients, Grethers lozenges are known for their long-lasting flavor and soothing properties. Features Contains two bottles of 110 grams each Sugar-free formula Made in Switzerland Long-lasting flavor Soothes dry throat and cough Grethers Blackcurrant Pastillen ohne Zucker Duo 2 Btl 110 g are perfect for people who want to enjoy the delicious taste of blackcurrant while also getting relief from a dry throat and cough. These lozenges are free from sugar, so you can enjoy them guilt-free. The unique blend of natural ingredients in Grethers lozenges has been carefully selected to provide effective relief from symptoms such as dry mouth and coughing. The blackcurrant flavor in Grethers lozenges is derived from natural sources, making them a healthier alternative to other sugary sweets. Whether you're suffering from a cold or just need a little bit of extra comfort for your throat, these lozenges are the perfect choice. Order your Grethers Blackcurrant Pastillen ohne Zucker DUO 2 Btl 110 g today and enjoy the soothing relief and delicious flavor that only Grethers can provide...
24.18 USD
Neck sweep 药草滴剂 bag 90 克
Herb candy with a soft honey core Property description Herb candy with soft honey core Composition Sugar, glucose syrup, honey, BARLEY MALT EXTRACT, herbal extract, caramel sugar syrup, vegetable fat (palm), menthol, acidifier: citric acid, essential oils (peppermint oil, mint oil, eucalyptus oil).CH. Properties Herb candy with a soft honey core Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measuring accuracy th> Energy1590 kJ100 gApproximate value (~)Energy372 kcal100 gApproximate value (~)Fat0.1 g100 gApproximate value (~)Fat, of which saturated fatty acids0.1 g100 g td>Approximate value (~)Carbohydrates93 g100 g Approximate value (~)Carbohydrates, including sugar78 g 100 gApproximate value (~)Dietary fiber0 g td>100 gApproximate value (~)Protein0.1 g 100 gApproximate value (~)Salt 0 g100 gApproximate value (~) Allergens Contains Barley and barley products (cereals containing gluten) ..
4.93 USD
Soldan em-eukal 丹参无糖 bag 50 克
Soldan Em-eukal Salvia 无糖 Btl 50 克的特性储存温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 克重量:58g 长度:10mm 宽度:130mm 高度:160mm 购买 Soldan Em-eukal Salvia 无糖瑞士在线 Btl 50 克..
5.11 USD
Soldan em-eukal 儿童软糖野草莓蜂蜜 bag 75 克
Soldan Em-eukal Kids Gumdrops Wild Strawberry Honey Btl 75 g 的特性存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 克重量:76g 长度:10mm 宽度:90mm 高度:165mm Buy Soldan Em-eukal Kids Gumdrops Wild Strawberry Honey Btl 75 g 瑞士网购..
6.22 USD
Soldan em-eukal 蜂蜜填充 bag 50 克
Soldan Em-eukal 蜂蜜填充 Btl 50 克的特性存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 克重量:58g 长度:10mm 宽度:130mm 高度:160mm 购买 Soldan Em-eukal 蜂蜜填充 Btl 50 g 来自瑞士在线..
5.11 USD
Sonnentor 百里香茶营 18 件
Sonnentor thyme tea Battalion 18 pieces Sonnentor thyme tea Battalion 18 pieces is a premium quality tea made from the leaves of Thymus vulgaris, a herb native to the Mediterranean region. This tea is carefully selected and packaged to provide a rich and delicious taste that will satisfy even the most discerning tea lovers. Thyme tea has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-viral effects, making it an excellent choice for supporting immune health. In addition, thyme tea has a soothing effect on the throat and digestive tract, making it an ideal choice for people looking for a natural way to manage coughs, colds, and digestive issues. Sonnentor thyme tea Battalion 18 pieces comes in a convenient package containing 18 tea bags, perfect for those who enjoy a cup of tea on the go or for sharing with friends and family. The tea bags are made from unbleached, natural materials that are eco-friendly and safe for the environment. At Sonnentor, we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality, organic products that are sustainably sourced and produced. Our thyme tea is made from 100% pure, organic thyme leaves, grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. We believe that by choosing our products, you are making a positive impact on your health and the health of the planet. Experience the benefits of thyme tea with Sonnentor thyme tea Battalion 18 pieces ? a delicious and natural way to support your overall health and well-being. ..
9.81 USD
Stiltuss pflanzlicher hustentstiller 糖浆
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Stiltuss Pflanzlicher Hustenstiller Sirup Indikation Reizhusten; trockener Husten. Dosierung 4-9 J: 2×tgl. 10 ml. 10-17 J : 3×tgl. 10 ml. >18 J: 4×tgl. 10 ml.30 Sekunden im Mund zergehen lassen und anschliessend schlucken. Behandlungsdauer: min. 5 Tage. 767552 / 29.09.2020 ..
28.82 USD
Vicks blue ohne sugar bag 72 克
Vicks Blue ohne Zucker Btl 72 g Looking for quick relief from a stuffy nose and cough? Vicks Blue ohne Zucker Btl 72 g is the product for you! This German-made product is a sugar-free mentholated candy that can help soothe your throat and clear your airways. Key features: Sugar-free - perfect for people who are sensitive to sugar or on a low-sugar diet. Contains menthol - a natural decongestant that can provide relief from coughs and stuffy noses. Handy pack - each pack contains 72 g of candy, making it easy to carry with you wherever you go. Great taste - the refreshing mint flavor of Vicks Blue ohne Zucker Btl 72 g adds a pleasant taste to your mouth. How to use: Take one candy and place it in your mouth. Let it dissolve slowly to release the menthol vapors. You can repeat this as needed throughout the day until symptoms improve. Safety information: Like all medications, Vicks Blue ohne Zucker Btl 72 g can have side effects if used improperly. If you experience any adverse reactions, stop using the product immediately and consult your doctor. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Are you ready to breathe easy and feel better? Order Vicks Blue ohne Zucker Btl 72 g today and experience the soothing power of menthol for yourself!..
5.56 USD
渔夫之友大茴香-薄荷醇 m z
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Fishermans Friend Anis/Menthol Indikation Husten; Heiserkeit 25812 / 23.03.2009 ..
4.22 USD