Hagerty copper 黄铜抛光瓶 250 毫升
使用哈格蒂铜黄铜青铜抛光剂,让您的铜、黄铜和青铜闪闪发光。这款 250 毫升瓶装的专用清洁剂旨在有效去除这些金属表面的锈迹、污垢和污垢。非常适合家庭使用,特别是房间护理以及铬和金属物品的维护。这种抛光剂易于涂抹,可让您最喜爱的铜锅、黄铜装饰品和青铜古董恢复光泽和光彩。使用 Hagerty 的这款高品质清洁解决方案恢复其原有的美丽。..
21.87 USD
Twinkle 铜护理 can 125 克
TWINKLE Copper Care Ds 125 g The TWINKLE Copper Care Ds 125 g is the perfect solution for people who own copper pots and pans or ornaments. This copper care product helps to maintain the natural shine of your copper items, while also protecting them from tarnishing and discoloration. Features and Benefits: Formulated to clean and restore copper items Removes tarnish and discoloration Protects against further tarnishing and discoloration 125 g packaging Simple and easy to use With regular use of TWINKLE Copper Care Ds 125 g, your copper pots and pans, as well as other copper items will maintain their natural luster and shine, giving your kitchen a polished and classy look. Instructions: Wash the copper item with soap and water and let it dry completely. Apply a small amount of TWINKLE Copper Care Ds 125 g with a dry cloth or sponge. Rub gently until the tarnish and discoloration disappear. Wipe away any excess and buff with a clean, dry cloth until a shine appears. Repeat as needed to maintain shine and protection. Ensure that you keep this copper care product out of reach of children, and use as directed. TWINKLE Copper Care Ds 125 g is a high-quality product that is easy to use and effective. Give your copper items the care they deserve with this trusted product...
18.99 USD
Twinkle 铜护理 can 300 克
TWINKLE 铜护理 DS 300 克 TWINKLE Copper Care DS 300 克是一款优质清洁解决方案,旨在让您的铜炊具和厨房配件保持闪亮如新。这种强大而温和的配方有助于去除铜表面的顽固污渍、变色和失去光泽,展现其自然光泽和光泽。 TWINKLE Copper Care DS 300 克采用天然成分配制而成,可安全用于所有类型的铜炊具和配件,包括锅、平底锅、水壶、马克杯等。该产品还适用于黄铜、不锈钢和其他金属,使其成为适合任何厨房的多功能清洁解决方案。 TWINKLE Copper Care DS 300 克装在一个方便的 300 克罐子中,易于储存和使用。产品使用起来简单吗?只需将少量清洁剂涂在湿布或海绵上,然后擦拭到铜炊具或配件的表面即可。用水彻底冲洗,然后用干净的布擦干,即可呈现出美丽、闪亮的效果。 如果您正在寻找强大而有效的解决方案,让您的铜炊具和配件保持最佳状态,TWINKLE Copper Care DS 300 g 是您的完美选择。经常使用,该产品可以帮助保持铜表面的光泽和光泽,使其在未来几年内看起来像新的一样。..
29.49 USD