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我们的护膝系列可为您带来极致的舒适度和支撑力,旨在满足您积极的生活方式需求。无论您是希望预防受伤、术后恢复还是寻求缓解慢性膝盖疼痛的运动员,我们精选的高品质护具都提供医疗级压缩、可调节贴合度和适合全天佩戴的透气面料。探索 GenuTrain 和 DermaPlast 等值得信赖的品牌的创新设计,确保最大程度的移动性、稳定性和舒适性。这些支架非常适合运动爱好者、健身爱好者或任何需要可靠膝盖支撑的人,让您自信无痛地运动。我们的护膝是膝盖疼痛、骨关节炎或受伤后恢复的理想选择,是您保持积极健康生活方式的首选解决方案。
3m futuro ultra performance knie-bandage s

3m futuro ultra performance knie-bandage s

产品代码: 7807129

3M FUTURO Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage S 3M FUTURO Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage S The 3M FUTURO Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage S is the perfect support for athletes and those recovering from knee injuries. The compression and support provided by this knee brace helps reduce swelling, soreness, and stiffness in the knee. It is made of a lightweight and breathable fabric that provides comfort and support during all types of activities. Features: Provides compression and support to help reduce swelling, soreness, and stiffness in the knee Lightweight and breathable fabric for maximum comfort Adjustable straps for a personalized fit and support Flexible design allows for natural movement during activities Can be worn on either knee Sizing: Use the following measurements to determine the correct size: Size Measurement S 30-36cm M 36-42cm L 42-48cm Usage: Insert the foot into the knee bandage and pull up to the knee. Position the knee correctly in the center of the bandage. Secure the adjustable straps for a snug and comfortable fit. The knee bandage can be machine washed in cold water for easy care. Experience the ultimate support and comfort with the 3M FUTURO Ultra Performance Knie-Bandage S. Order now and start enjoying the benefits of this high-quality knee brace!..

87.68 USD

Dermaplast active genu soft plus s1

Dermaplast active genu soft plus s1

产品代码: 7822250

DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S1 DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S1 是一款革命性产品,旨在为您的膝关节在运动或康复时提供出色的支撑和保护。该产品由优质材料制成,提供卓越的舒适度和耐用性。 DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S1 非常适合在运动或日常活动中需要为膝关节提供额外支撑和稳定性的运动员或个人。该产品使用的柔软而有弹性的材料也使其非常适合皮肤敏感或过敏的人,因为它不致敏且低过敏。 功能和优点: 为膝关节提供出色的支撑和稳定性 柔软而有弹性的材质,带来卓越的舒适度和贴合度 低过敏性且不致敏 易于佩戴和脱卸 可用于运动或康复 DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S1 易于佩戴,并且紧密贴合您的膝盖,提供最大程度的支撑和保护。该产品可用于多种运动,包括篮球、足球、跑步,或用于伤后康复。无论您是寻求额外的支撑还是只是想保护您的膝关节,该产品都是您的完美选择。 ..

130.75 USD

Dermaplast active genu soft plus s2+

Dermaplast active genu soft plus s2+

产品代码: 7822252

DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S2+ DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S2+ 是一款创新的高品质产品,旨在为膝盖疼痛或受伤的人士提供最大的支撑和舒适度。该产品是运动员、活跃人士或任何需要额外膝盖支撑的人的理想解决方案。 功能 先进的舒适度和支撑 优质材料提供耐用性和灵活性 易于使用且可调节以适合任何膝盖尺寸 非常适合患有关节炎、扭伤或膝盖受伤的人 提供有效的压缩,以改善血液循环并减少炎症 好处 DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S2+ 为使用者提供了许多好处。独特的创新设计有助于支撑膝盖并保持其稳定,尤其是在锻炼或任何其他主动运动期间。制造 DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S2+ 所采用的优质材料确保了产品的耐用性和灵活性,使运动更加轻松无压力。该产品还可调节以适应任何膝盖尺寸,因此非常适合需要额外膝盖支撑的人。 Dermatoplast Active Genu Soft plus S2+ 非常适合患有关节炎、扭伤或膝盖受伤的人。它还可以有效地提供压力,从而改善血液循环并减少炎症,这有利于运动后的恢复。 DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S2+ 可降低进一步受伤或肌肉疲劳的风险,让您尽快恢复正常活动。 用法 DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S2+ 非常易于使用。首先,将产品包裹在膝盖上,确保其贴合舒适。然后,将产品调整到您所需的压缩级别。您现在已准备好参与您的活动,同时享受 Dermatoplast 提供的支持的好处。 结论 如果您正在寻找一款高品质的创新产品来为您的膝盖提供最大的支撑、舒适度和灵活性,那么 DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S2+ 就是完美的解决方案。凭借其先进的功能和优势,您可以轻松地回到您最喜欢的活动并享受它们!..

130.75 USD

Dermaplast active genu soft plus s4

Dermaplast active genu soft plus s4

产品代码: 7822255

DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4 DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4 是一款高品质护膝,可为膝盖提供舒适的压缩和支撑。它专为患有轻度至中度膝盖疼痛和不稳定(包括膝盖扭伤、拉伤和关节炎)的人士而设计。膝盖支撑由透气、吸湿排汗的材料制成,可让您的膝盖在活动过程中保持干爽舒适。 DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4 有四种尺寸可供选择 - 小号、中号、大号和超大号,确保为广大用户提供舒适和支撑的贴合感。 该产品的主要功能包括: 为膝盖提供轻度至中度支撑和压缩 有助于减轻扭伤、拉伤和关节炎引起的膝盖疼痛和不稳定 透气、吸湿的材料让您的膝盖在活动期间保持干爽舒适 四种尺寸可供选择(小号、中号、大号和超大号),确保为所有用户提供舒适和支撑性的贴合 如何使用: 要使用 DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4,只需将膝盖支撑滑到膝盖上即可。支撑应紧密贴合,但不要太紧。根据需要调整肩带以增加支撑和压力。 DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4 可以佩戴进行各种活动,包括运动、步行和其他对膝盖施加压力的活动。 保养说明: 为了保持产品的高质量和有效性,建议定期用冷水手洗 DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4 并平铺晾干。请勿漂白、熨烫或干洗。 借助 DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft plus S4,您可以享受对膝盖的舒适支撑,同时保持积极的生活方式。立即订购,体验这种高品质护膝的好处。 ..

130.75 USD

Dermaplast active genu soft plus s4+

Dermaplast active genu soft plus s4+

产品代码: 7822256

DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S4+ 简介 DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S4+ 是一款高效、舒适且具有治疗作用的护膝,提供支撑和舒适的完美结合。该产品专为帮助缓解膝盖疼痛、为关节提供支撑和稳定性以及促进愈合而设计。它由高品质、透气、低过敏材料制成,确保最大的舒适度和耐用性。 功能 材质柔软舒适,适合全天佩戴 配有铰链式可调节肩带,可提供额外的支撑和稳定性 提供最佳压缩、促进血液流动并减少炎症 有助于降低膝盖受伤的风险,例如髌骨轨迹和膝盖不稳定 采用低调设计,可轻松穿在衣服下,提供适当支撑且隐蔽 易于清洁和维护,确保卫生且无异味 好处 DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S4+ 是一种治疗膝盖疼痛的非侵入性解决方案,无需采取手术干预。其独特的设计有助于为膝关节提供最大的支撑和稳定性,从而有助于减轻疼痛、不适和炎症。用户可以在运动等体育活动中或出于康复目的佩戴该产品。它也非常适合因年龄或受伤而导致膝盖疼痛的人。 如何使用 调整支架以紧贴膝盖 将可调节带子固定在膝盖上,以获得额外的支撑和稳定性 根据需要全天佩戴或在运动等体力活动期间佩戴 使用后取下并清洁 结论 如果您正在寻找一款能够提供最佳支撑、舒适度和稳定性的护膝,那么 DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S4+ 就是完美的解决方案。该产品由优质材料制成,确保耐用性和持久支撑。它易于使用,全天佩戴舒适,有助于减轻膝盖疼痛、炎症和进一步受伤的风险。立即购买 DermaPlast Active Genu Soft plus S4+ 护膝,再次开始享受无痛健康的膝盖。..

130.75 USD

Dermaplast active genu soft s

Dermaplast active genu soft s

产品代码: 7822240

DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S 是一款高品质膝盖支撑产品,旨在为您的膝盖在体育活动期间提供最大的舒适度和支撑。这款护膝由透气、柔软的面料制成,穿着舒适,非常适合那些患有膝盖问题或在体育活动中需要额外支撑的人。 护膝易于穿脱,配有可调节肩带,可实现定制贴合。该支架还具有硅胶环,可为膝关节提供额外的支撑,有助于在跑步、慢跑或锻炼等活动中稳定并防止受伤。 DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S 是运动员、健身爱好者或需要额外膝盖支撑的个人的理想产品。该支架还适合从膝盖手术或受伤中恢复的个人,有助于加快愈合过程并防止进一步受伤。 DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S 的一些主要功能包括: 透气、柔软的面料,带来最大的舒适度 可调节肩带,实现定制贴合 硅胶环为膝关节提供额外支撑 适合有膝盖问题的人士 非常适合运动员、健身爱好者或从膝盖手术中恢复的人士 总体而言,DERMAPLAST Active Genu Soft S 是一款出色的膝盖支撑产品,可在体育活动期间为您的膝盖提供最大的舒适度和支撑。这款护膝采用透气、柔软的面料和可调节的设计,是任何希望减轻膝盖疼痛并防止体育活动中受伤的人的理想选择。 ..

71.64 USD

Genutrain s aktivbandage gr2 链接 titan

Genutrain s aktivbandage gr2 链接 titan

产品代码: 2477930

GenuTrain S Aktivbandage Gr2 links titan Looking for a comfortable and supportive knee brace that lets you stay active? The GenuTrain S Aktivbandage is the perfect solution. Designed specifically for people with mild to moderate knee pain or instability, this knee brace features a unique blend of compression and support that helps you manage your symptoms while still staying active and enjoying your favorite sports and activities. The GenuTrain S Aktivbandage is made from high-quality materials that are comfortable to wear and easy to clean, so you can rely on your brace day in and day out. The open patella design and soft viscoelastic pads provide extra support and cushioning where you need it most, while the breathable fabric helps keep you cool and dry even during intense exercise or activity. With a secure and adjustable fit and a range of sizes to choose from, the GenuTrain S Aktivbandage is perfect for anyone who wants to stay active and comfortable while managing knee pain or instability. So why wait? Order your knee brace today and start enjoying the active lifestyle you deserve. Features: Compression and support for mild to moderate knee pain or instability Comfortable and easy to clean Open patella design and viscoelastic pads for extra support and cushioning Breathable fabric helps keep you cool and dry during activity Secure and adjustable fit for maximum comfort and effectiveness Sizing Chart: Size Thigh Circumference (in cm) 1 34 - 39 2 39 - 44 3 44 - 49 4 49 - 54 5 54 - 59 6 59 - 64 ..

270.32 USD

Genutrain 主动支持 gr3 性质

Genutrain 主动支持 gr3 性质

产品代码: 7750383

GenuTrain Active Support Gr3 Nature The GenuTrain Active Support Gr3 Nature is a comfortable knee support designed to promote healing and protect against future injury. Made with high-quality materials and innovative technology, this product is perfect for athletes looking to recover from knee injuries or prevent them from happening altogether. Features & Benefits Medical-grade compression helps to reduce pain and swelling Anatomically shaped knit provides gentle massage and support to the knee joint Skin-friendly materials ensure all-day comfort and prevent irritation Adjustable straps allow for a customized fit and optimal support Innovative design allows for maximum mobility without sacrificing stability Easy to put on and take off, even for those with limited mobility Who Should Use It? The GenuTrain Active Support Gr3 Nature is ideal for anyone looking to prevent or recover from knee injuries, including: Athletes participating in high-intensity sports Individuals with chronic knee pain or instability Those recovering from knee surgery or trauma People with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis How to Size To select the right size, measure the circumference of your thigh 6 inches above your kneecap, and then measure the circumference of your calf 4 inches below your kneecap. Use these measurements to determine the appropriate size: Size Thigh Circumference Calf Circumference 1 13 3/4" - 15" 9 1/2" - 10 1/4" 2 15" - 16 1/8" 10 1/4" - 11" 3 16 1/8" - 17 3/8" 11" - 11 3/4" 4 17 3/8" - 18 1/2" 11 3/4" - 12 5/8" 5 18 1/2" - 19 5/8" 12 5/8" - 13 3/8" 6 19 5/8" - 20 3/4" 13 3/8" - 14 1/8" Customer Reviews Here's what our customers are saying: "I've been using the GenuTrain Active Support Gr3 Nature for a few weeks now, and I'm already noticing a huge improvement in my knee pain. It's comfortable to wear all day, and the compression really helps reduce swelling. Highly recommend!" - Sarah J. "As a competitive athlete, I'm always looking for ways to protect my knees and prevent injury. The GenuTrain Active Support Gr3 Nature is a game-changer. It offers the perfect combination of stability and flexibility, so I can move freely without worrying about getting hurt. Love it!" - David L. Order Now Don't let knee pain hold you back. Order the GenuTrain Active Support Gr3 Nature today and take the first step towards a healthier, more active lifestyle. ..

143.13 USD

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