A aion 粉 würenloser 1000 克
Woerless healing rock powder for external use. Properties Wormless healing rock powder for external use.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
60.66 USD
Actimaris sensitiv wundspüllösung fl 300 毫升
Serves for painless wound rinsing of covered and contaminated wounds as well as for cleaning and moistening sensitive and irritated skin and mucous membranes. Properties The ActiMaris Sensitiv wound irrigation solution is used for painless wound rinsing of covered and contaminated wounds as well as for cleaning and moistening sensitive and irritated skin and mucous membranes. Incrustations, biofilms and sticky bandages can be easily removed. In addition, MRSA/VRE germs are effectively decontaminated.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
20.57 USD
Bort stabilohip 臀部保护器 1 m 白色一对
BORT StabiloHip 髋关节保护器的特性 1 M 白色一对欧洲 CE 认证包装数量:1 Paar重量:326g 长度:68 毫米 宽度:255 毫米 高度:198 毫米 从瑞士在线购买 BORT StabiloHip 髋关节保护器 1 M 白色一对..
72.80 USD
Cross tape mix pain and acupuncture tape 20x s / m 27x / 6x l / xl 2x 55 件
Properties The Crosstapes are water-resistant and can be worn for several days without restriction. Do not use on wounds or skin diseases. Properties The Crosstapes are water-resistant and can last several days without restrictions.Do not use on wounds or skin diseases.This product is CE -certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
22.20 USD
Dermaplast isopor fixing 1.25cmx10m 羊毛白色角色
The white Dermaplast Isopor is the special fixing plaster with a particularly skin-friendly adhesive that is very kind to the skin and adheres securely. The DermaPlast® Isopor is ideal for fixing wound dressings. The white fixing plaster consists of a soft fleece and is strong, breathable and skin-friendly for sensitive skin. It is also easy to tear by hand. This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
6.68 USD
Dermaplast 压缩保护 5x7.5cm
DermaPlast Compress Protect 5x7.5cm 10 件的特性欧洲 CE 认证每包数量:10 件重量:200 克长度:55mm 宽度:88mm 高度:30mm 从瑞士在线购买 DermaPlast Compress Protect 5x7.5cm 10 件..
19.29 USD
Emser 紧凑型吸入器
Properties For the treatment of the upper and lower airways. Nebulization of liquid medicines. Nebulization with oscillating membrane technology. Particle size: diameter 5 µm. Nebulization performance: 0.25ml/min. Whisper quiet. Including batteries and power supply. Properties For treatment the upper and lower airways. Nebulization of liquid medicines. Nebulization with oscillating membrane technology. Particle size: diameter 5 µm. Nebulization performance: 0.25ml/min. Whisper quiet. Batteries and power supply included.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
200.48 USD
Ivf faltkompresse t24 10x10cm 8fach
Multi-layer non-sterile gauze compresses made of 100% cotton with cotton wool, which have inward edges. IVF compresses type 24 with folded edges or cut, 100% cotton, non-sterile. This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
33.98 USD
Ivf longuetten t17 10x20cm 12fach
IVF longuettes Type 17 10x20cm 12 次 100 件的特性欧洲 CE 认证每包数量:100 件重量:614 克 长度:200mm 宽度:100mm 高度:170mm 瑞士在线购买 IVF longuettes Type 17 10x20cm 12 次 100 件..
75.43 USD
Medi-7 medicator white 德国/法国/意大利
Medi-7 medicator white 德国/法国/意大利的特性欧洲CE认证存储温度最低/最高15/25摄氏度每包数量:1 件重量:250g 长度:50mm 宽度:130mm 高度:120mm 从瑞士在线购买 Medi-7 medicator white 德国/法国/意大利..
32.33 USD
Medidos medikamentenbox german blue
属性 尺寸:10.5 x 15.5 x 2.5cm。包含 7 个可拆卸模块,每个模块有 4 个滑动隔层,位于带魔术贴封口的塑料文件夹中。 特征 尺寸:10.5 x 15.5 x 2.5 厘米。包含 7 个可拆卸模块,每个模块有 4 个滑动隔层,位于带魔术贴封口的塑料文件夹中。本产品是CE 认证。这保证符合欧洲安全标准。..
37.94 USD
Medisana 呼吸面罩 ffp2 rm100
Medisana 呼吸面罩 FFP2 RM100 10 件 Medisana 的呼吸面罩 FFP2 RM100 10 片是一款高品质面罩,特别适合在诊所、实验室或建筑工地等感染风险高的区域使用。该面罩可以保护佩戴者免受可通过呼吸吸收的灰尘、烟雾和气溶胶等有害颗粒的侵害。 该产品由六层组成,确保有效和安全的过滤。该口罩已通过CE认证,符合欧洲标准EN 149:2001+A1:2009,证实了产品的质量和有效性。 Medisana的呼吸面罩FFP2 RM100 10片,由于采用亲肤材质和舒适贴合,也适合长期使用。弹性耳带确保牢固贴合,不会造成不舒服的紧压。 如果您正在寻找一款可靠、高品质的口罩,既能保护您的健康,也能保护他人的健康,那么 Medisana 的 FFP2 RM100 10 片呼吸面罩是您的理想选择。..
42.65 USD
Meliseptol wipes sensitive xl(流动包装)
Meliseptol Wipes sensitive XL(流动包装)的特性欧洲 CE 认证存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度用量每包:1 件重量:836 克长度:318 毫米宽度:124 毫米高度:89 毫米从瑞士在线购买 Meliseptol Wipes sensitive XL(流动包装)..
22.53 USD
Menicon progent intensivreiniger amp 5 件
The ampoules contain an intensive cleaner for contact lenses. It removes proteins and disinfects all rigid, oxygen-permeable contact lenses. This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
27.58 USD
Mepilex lite 吸收协会 10x10cm 硅胶 5 件
Mepilex Lite 吸收绷带 10x10cm 硅胶 5 件 薄泡沫敷料美皮康 Lite 是一种覆盖、薄、高柔性泡沫敷料,用于治疗不渗出或轻微渗出的伤口以及保护脆弱和/或敏感的皮肤。 属性 适用于各种无渗出至轻微渗出的伤口,例如伤口。腿部和足部溃疡、压疮、热损伤和大疱性表皮松解症。乳头疼痛的治疗方案可以量身定制。无味无臭材料,可多次使用(最多 7 天),无菌。 ..
85.74 USD
Molicare mobile 6 l 14 件
MoliCare Mobile 6 L 14 件的特性欧洲 CE 认证每包数量:14 件重量:1514 克长度:190mm 宽度:280mm 高度:285mm 瑞士在线购买 MoliCare Mobile 6 L 14 件..
59.33 USD
Pangao infrarot ohr-/stirnthermometer 3in1
属性 测量耳温、额头温度或物体。 内存:9个测量结果。 属性测量耳温、额头温度或物体。内存:9 个测量结果。本产品已通过 CE 认证。这保证符合欧洲安全标准。..
78.78 USD
T-flap 无汞温度计
T-FLAP 无汞温度计的特点欧洲 CE 认证每包数量:1 件重量:50g 长度:40mm 宽度:205mm 高度:20mm 从瑞士在线购买无汞 T-FLAP 温度计..
19.76 USD
Tena 洗面奶 fl 250 毫升
TENA Wash Cream Fl 250 ml的特性欧洲CE认证避免阳光暴晒包装量:1 ml重量:0.00000000g 长度:0mm 宽度:0mm 高度:0mm Buy TENA Wash Cream Fl 250 毫升瑞士在线销售..
19.37 USD