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探索我们精选的巴赫花疗,这是一种自然而全面的情感健康方法,以爱德华·巴赫博士确立的值得信赖的原则为基础。这些疗法采用瑞士野生植物精心制成,旨在支持您日常生活的平衡与和谐。来自多功能 S.O.S.从酸酊剂、红栗子酊剂和柳酊剂等原创酊剂的小球,每种产品都针对特定的情感需求,例如焦虑、过度热情和注意力不集中。我们的巴赫花疗非常适合那些寻求温和有效的解决方案的人,它仅使用高品质的天然成分,是增强情绪清晰度与平静的理想选择。了解我们的产品系列并找到正确的疗法来支持您的健康之路,这些疗法可以从瑞士方便地在线获得。
Bioligo dr bach 2 aspen 阿斯彭 20 毫升

Bioligo dr bach 2 aspen 阿斯彭 20 毫升

产品代码: 6109554

LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 是一种草药补充剂,致力于缓解焦虑和恐惧。该配方含有从白杨和杨树芽中提取的天然物质,这两种树木以其治疗特性而闻名。人们相信白杨有助于缓解紧张、焦虑和非理性恐惧,而白杨则可以增强自信、内在力量和适应力。 产品的工作原理 LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 基于 Bach Flower Remedies 的原理,这是 Edward Bach 博士在 1900 年代初期开发的整体治疗系统。这些疗法旨在治疗导致身体疾病和紊乱的潜在情绪失衡和创伤。传统上,白杨树和白杨树被用来促进头脑清醒、减轻压力和焦虑,并增强整体健康。 使用 LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 的好处 缓解焦虑、紧张和恐惧 促进头脑清晰和平静 增强自信心和内在力量 有助于减轻压力和紧张 促进整体健康和活力 如何使用产品 LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 呈液滴形式,您可以口服或添加到饮料或食物中。推荐剂量为 4 滴,每天四次,或按照医疗保健提供者的指示。滴剂可直接含在舌下以加快吸收,或用水或果汁稀释以获得更微妙的味道。该滴剂适合成人和儿童。 注意事项和副作用 LEMON PHARMA Dr Bach 2 Aspen Zitterpappel 是一种天然补充剂,通常可以安全使用。然而,与任何其他补充剂一样,重要的是遵循建议的剂量并在使用前咨询您的医疗保健提供者,特别是如果您怀孕、哺乳或服用任何药物。在极少数情况下,有些人可能会出现轻微的副作用,例如皮疹或胃部不适,这些副作用通常在停止使用滴剂后消失。 ..

30.14 USD

Bioligo dr bach 口香糖浓度 can 60 克

Bioligo dr bach 口香糖浓度 can 60 克

产品代码: 4407299

'Concentration ? clarity and perseverance' Bach flower chewing gums contain the Bach flowers, which are often used for small concentration problems in everyday life. Properties 'Concentration - clarity and perseverance' Bach flower chewing gums contain the Bach flowers, which are popular for those little concentration problems of everyday life - collect yourself and explore balance and Patience for more attention. ..

19.42 USD

Faltschachtel 救援喷雾 7 毫升

Faltschachtel 救援喷雾 7 毫升

产品代码: 7810854

FS 中的救援喷雾 英国人爱德华·巴赫 (Edward Bach) 设计了著名的原创 RESCUE® - 1930 年代五种原创 Bach® 花精的混合物。 英国人爱德华·巴赫 (Edward Bach) 是一名医生和研究员,在 20 世纪 30 年代,除了 38 种 Bach® 花之外,他还构思了 5 种花的混合物,这是专门为情感激动的情况而开发的,称为“救援”?被称为。它由樱桃李、铁线莲、凤仙花、岩玫瑰和伯利恒之星精华组成。 RESCUE® / RESUCE® NIGHT 的区别? p> RESCUE NIGHT® 除含有 RESCUE® 的五种精华外,还含有白栗子精华。它与不安的感觉有关,例如当思想总是围绕着同一件事时。 RESCUE® 面霜和凝胶中的精华素? 除了 RESCUE 之外®混合物、RESCUE®霜和RESCUE®凝胶含有青苹果花精华。 不含酒精的 RESCUE® 产品? 是的,有一些不含酒精的 RESCUE® 产品:RESCUE® 锭剂黑醋栗味、橙子接骨木果味、蔓越莓味和柠檬味、RESCUE® Kids 和 RESCUE® Pets 滴剂以及 RESCUE NIGHT® Pearl 味。 < /p> ..

23.16 USD

Phytomed bach flower globuli s.o.s 20 克

Phytomed bach flower globuli s.o.s 20 克

产品代码: 1679413

?The Bach Flower Remedies S.O.S. Globules are tasteless, very long lasting, small and handy for on the go.All our S.O.S. products are made according to the exact rules of Dr. Bach from Swiss wild plants - we use Swiss wild plants according to the principle of Dr. Bach, "one should take flowers from the place where one lives" - and contain the S.O.S. concentrate composed by Dr. Bach, which consists of the Bach flowers No. 6-9- 18-26-29.The S.O.S. globules are taken as globules: let 5-7 globules melt in the mouth, up to hourly. The globules can be given either directly into the mouth, under the tongue, or over a meal or in a drink.Which packs are available? Phytomed Bach Flower Globuli S.O.S 20 g ..

22.51 USD

Phytomed 巴赫花 sos 软膏 75 毫升

Phytomed 巴赫花 sos 软膏 75 毫升

产品代码: 4936170

Which packs are available? Phytomed Bach flowers Sos ointment 75 ml ..

42.56 USD

Sanaya aromaandbachblüt roll on energy bio

Sanaya aromaandbachblüt roll on energy bio

产品代码: 7830180

SANAYA Aroma&üt Roll on Energy Bio Achieving energy and balance in our daily lives is essential. It is the key to a fulfilling and productive day, which is why the SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Roll on Energy Bio was developed to help you reach your goals. Our blend of high-quality essential oils and Bach Flower Remedies provides a powerful and unique combination that helps you restore balance and energy whenever you need it. Our energy roll-on is ideal for those feeling tired or sluggish in need of a boost of energy to enhance productivity, motivation, or elevate their mood. Features 100% natural ingredients Certified organic Fast-acting formula Convenient and easy-to-use roll-on packaging Vegan and cruelty-free Made in Switzerland Ingredients Our formula contains the following essential oils: Lemon: Promotes mental clarity, focus, and energy Ginger: Stimulates the senses and promotes vitality Grapefruit: Reduces stress and promotes positivity Our energy roll-on also includes Bach Flower Remedies that help to balance the emotional aspects of our lives: Olive: Increases mental and physical vitality Mimulus: Reduces anxiety and fear Wild Rose: Promotes enthusiasm, motivation and a positive attitude How to use Apply the roll-on to your wrists or neck whenever you need an energy boost. Re-apply as needed throughout the day. Experience the power of natural essential oils and Bach Flower Remedies with SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Roll on Energy Bio today!..

25.90 USD

Sanaya aromaandbachblüt 喷雾氛围生物

Sanaya aromaandbachblüt 喷雾氛围生物

产品代码: 7830185

SANAYA Aroma&üt Spray Atmosphere Bio The SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is a unique product that combines the power of natural essential oils and Bach flower remedies to create a soothing and uplifting atmosphere in your home or workplace. Made with 100% natural and organic ingredients, this spray is designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance your overall sense of wellbeing. Key Features: 100% natural and organic Contains a blend of essential oils and Bach flower remedies Promotes relaxation and reduces stress Enhances overall sense of wellbeing Easy to use spray bottle The SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is perfect for anyone who wants to create a peaceful and calming environment at home or at work. It can be used to refresh the air in any room, or as a personal spray to help calm your nerves during moments of stress. The spray is also great for use during meditation and yoga sessions, as it can help to promote a deeper sense of focus and relaxation. The powerful blend of essential oils in this spray includes lavender, bergamot, and ylang-ylang, all of which have been shown to have calming and mood-enhancing properties. In addition, the Bach flower remedies in the spray are carefully selected to help promote emotional balance and positivity. The SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is made from high-quality, natural and organic ingredients, which are free from harmful chemicals and synthetic fragrances. This makes it a safe and gentle option for anyone who is sensitive to harsh chemicals or artificial scents. Overall, if you want to create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere in your home or workplace, the SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is an effective and natural solution...

35.32 USD

原味巴赫花柳 no38 20ml

原味巴赫花柳 no38 20ml

产品代码: 2544945

Original Bach Flower Willow NO38 20ml The Original Bach Flower Willow NO38 20ml is a powerful natural remedy that helps individuals who feel resentful or bitter about their lives. This product is designed to provide relief to those who struggle with feelings of self-pity, envy, jealousy, or a sense of being a victim of fate or circumstance. The formula is made from the traditional Bach flower essences and is prepared carefully to ensure its purity and potency. The ingredients are selected for their ability to soothe the mind, calm the emotions, and promote a sense of inner peace and strength. The Willow essence helps the individual to accept accountability for their own lives and move past the negative emotions that are holding them back. It helps to develop emotional resilience, self-awareness, and self-acceptance, enabling individuals to move forward in life with confidence and clarity. The product comes in a convenient 20ml dropper bottle, making it easy and convenient to take. Simply add a few drops to a glass of water or take the drops directly on the tongue. It is suitable for adults and children alike and can be taken as part of a daily routine or during times of emotional upheaval. The Original Bach Flower Willow NO38 20ml is a natural, safe and effective way to promote emotional balance and well-being. It is an ideal choice for those seeking a natural alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals and is gentle enough to be used regularly without fear of side effects. ..

33.32 USD

原味巴赫花白栗子 no35 20ml

原味巴赫花白栗子 no35 20ml

产品代码: 2544916

Do you have circling thoughts and find it difficult to switch off? For people who cannot switch off and are subject to a constant compulsion to think. Unwanted thoughts constantly revolve around negative experiences and problems without being able to do anything about it. This often leads to difficulties falling asleep, inefficiencies and problems concentrating. White Chestnut helps to find inner peace again. Breathing becomes deeper and both hemispheres of the brain become equally active and come into harmony...

33.32 USD

原味巴赫花菊苣 no08 20ml

原味巴赫花菊苣 no08 20ml

产品代码: 2544566

巴赫花原味菊苣 No08 20 毫升 原创的 Bach® 花可以帮助应对日常生活中的情感挑战。 英国医生兼研究员爱德华·巴赫坚信,每种疾病都源于情绪失衡。由于有38种基本情绪,他寻找能让它们恢复平衡的植物和花卉。 爱德华·巴赫宣称基于简单性的系统在1930年代完成。 自那时起,原版 Bach® 花的受欢迎程度不断增长。如今,许多国家的数百万人相信其精华。 什么是巴赫®花? 38 种花中的Bach® 花是 37 朵单独的野花或树花。例外的是岩水,它是由天然泉水制成的。 爱德华巴赫的哲学是什么? 巴赫®花是由著名研究员和细菌学家爱德华·巴赫(Edward Bach,1886?1936)发现的,他当时是伦敦的一名执业医生。他凭直觉发现,特定的花朵因其能量振动而对人类的思想和精神具有活力作用。因此,在生命的最后阶段,巴赫致力于寻找植物“能源材料”来缓解精神问题。 通过多年的试验,他成功地利用阳光和烹饪的方法提取植物在开花期间产生的基本能量达到顶峰。利用这两种制造工艺,巴赫创造了一个包含 38 种花精的系统;针对特定的情绪障碍可分为七组;例如 焦虑 孤独 对周围的注意力不集中 沮丧和沮丧 容易受到影响 对他人的过度承诺 不安全感 可以相应地使用。 爱德华·巴赫有他的系统简单且设计易于理解。他希望让各行各业的人们能够自助。根据“治疗个性而不是疾病”的原则。 巴赫®花有什么帮助? 如何在其他形式的自然疗法中,花通过将患者视为个体来发挥其特性。它们可以对受影响者的情绪状态产生特定的影响。这就解释了为什么两个心意相同的人会用不同的花。一个人可能会屈服于自己的处境,而另一个人则反应不耐烦。所以每种情况也需要不同的鲜花。使用巴赫®花并不是为了抑制消极态度;而是为了抑制消极态度。而是将这些转化为积极的态度。这样,你自身的自我修复潜力就得到了提升;通过释放身体自身的力量。然而,您无需有任何身体不适即可从巴赫®花的影响中受益。我们中的许多人都会经历困难时期或无法解释的疲劳;这可能会发展成消极情绪。正是在这些时候,巴赫®花在身体症状出现之前恢复了内在平衡,做出了极其宝贵的贡献。 我如何识别原作? 巴赫中心(英国牛津郡)董事总经理 Judy Ramsell Howard 保证原始 Bach® 花的传统高品质: 只有任何人使用原装 Bach® 花的人可以放心地使用完全根据爱德华·巴赫的传统发现制造的 Bach® 花。您可以通过弯曲的字母“Bach”识别出真正的本质。印象销售:Hänseler AG,CH-9101 Herisau(适用于瑞士)。请注意,标有“根据巴赫博士”的产品并非原装巴赫®花! div>..

33.32 USD

原味巴赫花野燕麦 no36 20ml

原味巴赫花野燕麦 no36 20ml

产品代码: 2544922

Original Bach Flower Wild Oat No36 20ml的特性每包数量:1 ml重量:38g 长度:24mm 宽度:24mm 高度:93mm 瑞士网购原装巴赫花野燕麦 No36 20ml..

33.32 USD

原味巴赫金雀花 no13 20ml

原味巴赫金雀花 no13 20ml

产品代码: 2544632

Original Bach Flower Gorse No13 20ml的特性包装量:1 ml重量:38g 长度:24mm 宽度:24mm 高度:94mm 瑞士在线购买原装巴赫金雀花 No13 20ml..

33.32 USD

原味巴赫马鞭草 no31 20ml

原味巴赫马鞭草 no31 20ml

产品代码: 2544862

Does your excessive enthusiasm sometimes lead to overexertion?These people have a strong capacity for enthusiasm, but in their overzealousness for a "good cause" they often overexploit their own strength. You are extremely oversensitive to injustice, like to proselytize and tend to extremes. Vervain helps to use your positive energy more purposefully and economically for a worthwhile task. It shows that you can't force anything, but that calm and trust are the best building blocks to achieve high ideals...

33.32 USD

原装巴赫花金银花 no16 20ml

原装巴赫花金银花 no16 20ml

产品代码: 2544690

Original Bach Flower Honeysuckle No16 20ml的特性每包数量:1 ml重量:38g 长度:24mm >宽度:24mm 高度:93mm 瑞士原装巴赫花金银花 No16 20ml..

33.32 USD

巴赫 flower original mimulus no20 20ml

巴赫 flower original mimulus no20 20ml

产品代码: 2544738

Bach Flower Original Mimulus No20 20ml 的特性包装量:1 ml重量:38g 长度:24mm 宽度:24mm 高度:94mm 瑞士在线购买 Bach Flower Original Mimulus No20 20ml..

33.32 USD

巴赫花 original heather no14 20ml

巴赫花 original heather no14 20ml

产品代码: 2544649

Bach Flower Original Heather No14 20ml Heather is a flower essence that is believed to provide emotional balance to individuals who are excessively self-centered, talkative, and needy. It is one of the original 38 Bach Flower Remedies developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, and it remains a popular choice for those seeking a natural way to support their emotional health. Benefits of Heather Heather is said to promote a sense of inner peace and calmness by helping to quiet an overactive mind. Those who feel a constant need for attention or who monopolize conversations may find that using Heather helps them become more aware of the needs of those around them and less focused on themselves. People who have a tendency to feel lonely or isolated may also benefit from using Heather, as it is believed to foster a greater sense of connection to others. How to Use Heather can be taken orally or applied topically. For oral use, add two drops to a glass of water or place two drops directly under the tongue. For topical use, add two drops to a carrier oil and massage onto the skin. It is recommended to take two drops four times a day, and to continue use until emotional balance is achieved. Who Should Use Heather Heather is intended for individuals who are excessively self-centered and talkative, and who have difficulty tuning in to the needs of others. It is also recommended for those who feel lonely or isolated, or who struggle with low self-esteem. Anyone seeking support for their emotional health may benefit from using Heather, as it is believed to promote feelings of peace, calmness, and connection. Why Choose Bach Flower Original Heather No14 20ml Bach Flower Original Heather No14 20ml is a high-quality flower essence crafted with care and precision. It contains only natural ingredients and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Each bottle contains 20ml of Heather essence, making it a cost-effective and convenient way to support emotional balance. With its easy-to-use dropper, Bach Flower Original Heather No14 20ml is a fast and effective way to incorporate the benefits of Heather into your daily routine...

33.32 USD

巴赫花原味红栗子 no25 20ml

巴赫花原味红栗子 no25 20ml

产品代码: 2544796

Bach Flower Original Red Chestnut No25 20ml的特性每包数量:1 ml重量:38g 长度:24mm 宽度:24mm 高度:93mm 瑞士在线购买 Bach Flower Original Red Chestnut No25 20ml..

33.32 USD

巴赫花原岩水 no27 20ml

巴赫花原岩水 no27 20ml

产品代码: 2544810

Do you set yourself too high standards?For people who lead a rigid way of life. You want to be an example to others, you value discipline, you are strict with yourself and others. However, they often have the feeling that they lack discipline. This leads to constraints, rigidity, harshness, fanaticism and intransigence. Rock Water is always checking the message: "Where am I stuck in my life?". Rock Water helps you stay true to yourself while being open to life and enjoying life's joys and pleasures...

33.32 USD

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