A. vogel echinaforce junior 120粒
新鲜植物制剂 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior 由新鲜开花的草本植物和紫色金光菊的新鲜根制成。 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior 传统上适合那些容易感冒的人。它还促进感冒的愈合过程。 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior 用于在易患感冒和发烧感冒的情况下增强身体自身的防御能力。 Swissmedic 批准的患者信息Echinaforce® resistance - cold junior A. Vogel AG草药 什么是 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior 以及何时使用?新鲜植物制剂 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior 由新鲜的开花药草和新鲜的植物制成红色金光菊根。 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior 传统上适合那些容易感冒的人。它还促进感冒的愈合过程。 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior 用于在易患感冒和发烧感冒的情况下增强身体自身的防御能力。 应该考虑什么?该制剂不含糖(用山梨糖醇增甜)并且对牙齿有益。 什么时候不应使用 Echinaforce Junior 片剂或仅应谨慎使用?Echinaforce 耐药性 - 如果已知对一种药物过敏,则不应使用 Junior 感冒药成分或一般菊科(山金车、西洋蓍草、金光菊等复合物)。出于根本原因,Echinaforce Resistance – Cold Junior 不应用于自身免疫性疾病、白血病或多发性硬化症。 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior 的使用和安全性尚未在 4 岁以下儿童中进行过测试。如果您患有其他疾病、过敏或正在服用其他药物(包括您自己购买的药物),请告诉您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Echinaforce Resistance – Cold Junior 可以在怀孕期间或哺乳期间服用吗?根据以往的经验,按照指示使用对儿童没有已知的风险。然而,从未进行过系统的科学研究。作为预防措施,您应避免在怀孕和哺乳期间服用药物,或咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师的意见。 如何使用 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior?如果容易感冒(预防):4 岁以上的儿童每天 3 次 1 片,青少年12 年 每天 3 次 2 将片剂含在口中溶解。对于感冒和发烧感冒:4 岁以上的儿童每天 3-5 次,每次 1 片,12 岁以上的青少年每次 2 片,每天 3-5 次。连续服用不应超过2个月。如果孩子比较容易感冒(每年发作6次以上),建议去看医生。 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior 的使用和安全性尚未在 4 岁以下儿童中进行过测试。按照包装传单中给出的剂量或医生开的处方服用。如果您认为药物太弱或太强,请咨询您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 Echinaforce Resistance - Junior Cold 有哪些副作用?服用 Echinaforce Resistance - Junior Cold 可能会出现以下副作用:在极少数情况下,超敏反应已经发生据报道,紫锥菊制剂(如皮疹和非常罕见的哮喘或循环系统反应)已被观察到。在这种情况下,应立即停止治疗并咨询医生。如果您注意到此处未描述的任何副作用,您应该通知您的医生、药剂师或药剂师。 还需要考虑什么?Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior 应保存在室温 (15 - 25° C) 且儿童接触不到的地方。药品只能在容器上标有“EXP”的日期之前使用。未使用或过期的包装应退还给您的药剂师进行处置。您的医生、药剂师或药剂师可以为您提供更多信息。 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior 含有什么?1 片 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior 含有 Spissum 提取物,来自:380 毫克新鲜开花的紫色金光菊药草酊剂* (药物-提取剂比例 1:12,提取剂乙醇 65% (v/v))和 20 mg 新鲜紫色金光菊根酊剂*(药物-提取剂比例 1:11,提取剂乙醇 65% (v/v))。该制剂还含有辅助物质和天然的橙子香气。 *来自经过认证的有机农业批准文号58192(Swissmedic)哪里可以买到 Echinaforce Resistance - Cold Junior?有哪些包装可供选择? 在药房和药店,无需医生处方,120 片一包。 授权持有人A.Vogel AG, CH-9325 Roggwil TG 药品管理局 (Swissmedic) 于 2007 年 8 月对本传单进行了最后一次检查。 ..
53.52 USD
A. vogel kelpamare 液体 500 毫升
A. Vogel Kelpamare liq 500 ml The A. Vogel Kelpamare liq 500 ml is a unique and delicious tasting seasoning that is rich in natural goodness. It is made from a combination of soy sauce, vegetable extract, and kelp. Kelp is a type of seaweed that is rich in iodine and is known for its many health benefits. It is sourced from the cold North Atlantic ocean waters and is carefully harvested and prepared to produce a premium quality seasoning. Health Benefits The A. Vogel Kelpamare liq 500 ml is an excellent source of iodine which is a crucial nutrient that supports healthy thyroid function. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism and support the development of the brain and nervous system. Iodine deficiency can lead to poor cognitive function, fatigue, and weight gain. Consuming Kelpamare can help prevent iodine deficiency and support optimal health. Natural and Delicious Seasoning Kelpamare is a versatile seasoning that can be used to add a delicious umami flavor to a wide range of dishes. It is perfect for seasoning soups, salads, stir-fries, pasta dishes, and much more. The seasoning is free from artificial additives, preservatives, and MSG. It is vegan-friendly and naturally gluten-free, making it an ideal seasoning for people with special dietary requirements. What Makes A. Vogel Kelpamare Unique? A. Vogel Kelpamare liq 500 ml is made using premium quality ingredients and undergoes a unique brewing process that enhances its flavor and nutritional value. The kelp used in the seasoning is carefully selected from the Northern coast of France and is certified organic. The seasoning is also prepared using a traditional brewing process that takes six months to complete, ensuring that the flavor and nutrients are well preserved. Conclusion The A. Vogel Kelpamare liq 500 ml is an excellent natural seasoning that is rich in iodine and other beneficial nutrients. It is a versatile and delicious seasoning that can be used to add flavor and nutrition to your favorite dishes. The seasoning is free from artificial additives and preservatives, making it a healthy and wholesome option for people of all dietary requirements. ..
22.46 USD
A. vogel 小麦胚芽油 100 毫升
A. Vogel Wheat Germ Oil 100ml Our A. Vogel Wheat Germ Oil is a natural food supplement that is made from the small, nutrient-rich seed of wheat. This oil is rich in vitamin E, which plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. Our product has been cold-pressed, ensuring that all of its valuable nutrients and properties are preserved. Our A. Vogel Wheat Germ Oil is unrefined, meaning that it is untouched by any chemicals or synthetic processes. This ensures that it is as natural and pure as possible, delivering maximum nutritional value to your body. Our Wheat Germ Oil is also high in essential fatty acids and amino acids, making it a great addition to any diet. These nutrients are essential for promoting healthy growth and development, and they can help to reduce inflammation, improve cardiovascular health, and support healthy brain function. Our product comes in a 100ml bottle, making it easy to take wherever you go. It can be added to salads, smoothies, or other foods, or taken straight from the bottle as a daily supplement. At A. Vogel, we are committed to delivering the highest quality natural products to our customers. Our Wheat Germ Oil is no exception, and we are confident that you will feel the benefits of this incredible supplement. Order your A. Vogel Wheat Germ Oil today and start taking advantage of the many health benefits that it has to offer! ..
21.77 USD