Curaprox CS 12460 天鹅绒 Zahnbürste
Features With 12460 filaments with a diameter of 0.08mm. Properties With 12460 filaments with a dia..
11.35 USD
Livsane 全面护理 Zahnbürste
Livsane Total Care Zahnbürste The Livsane Total Care Zahnbürste is a high-quality toothbr..
7.31 USD
elmex KARIESSCHUTZ InterX Mittel Zahnbürste Duo
Elmex KARIESSCHUTZ InterX Mittel Zahnbürste Duo The Elmex KARIESSCHUTZ InterX Mittel Zahnb&uum..
16.64 USD
Trisa Pro Sensitive toothbrush
Trisa Pro 牙刷的特性每包数量:1 支重量:40 克长度:30 毫米宽度:40 毫米 高度:220 毫米 从瑞士在线购买 Trisa Pro 敏感型牙刷..
7.84 USD
TRISA PerfectWhite Zahnbürste 培养基
使用中等刷毛强度的 TRISA PerfectWhite 牙刷体验终极清洁力。这款高品质牙刷专为实现最佳口腔卫生而设计,采用尼龙刷毛,可有效去除牙菌斑和杂质,促进牙龈和牙齿健康。符合人体工程学的手柄可..
7.08 USD
Trisa 牙刷 Extra Duo 中号
Trisa Extra Duo 中型牙刷的特性每包数量:1 支重量:67 克长度:30 毫米宽度:70 毫米 高度:250 毫米 从瑞士在线购买 Trisa 牙刷 Extra Duo 中号..
9.94 USD
Curaprox CS 5460 Duo 旅行笔芯 Bürstenköpfe
Travel brush heads "CS5460 duo refill" Properties Put together briefly, clean gently - and off you ..
17.52 USD
Curaprox CS 5460 Duo 设计挑战赛 2021 Tiger
CURAPROX CS 5460 Duo 设计挑战赛 2021 Tiger 温和且极其高效 您一定会爱上这款牙刷 牙龈:CS 5460 超软牙刷采用 5460 CUREN® 刷丝,在温和性和效率方面..
18.54 USD
Trisa Profilac Fine Tip 敏感型牙刷
The Trisa Profilac Fine Tip toothbrush is an advanced oral care tool designed to provide gentle yet ..
9.13 USD
CURAPROX CS 1009 Bürste 9mm 单发
The right one for fans is the CS single Especially suitable for the care of braces, isolated or badl..
9.76 USD
Trisa Zahnbürste 口香糖保护软
Introducing Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft: Trisa Zahnbürste Gum Protect Soft is a hig..
9.36 USD
Trisa 支架清洁牙刷
Trisa Bracket Clean Toothbrush The Trisa Bracket Clean Toothbrush is the ideal toothbrush for those..
8.24 USD
Trisa 软头两用牙刷 柔软
使用 Trisa 软头软头牙刷体验终极口腔护理。这款创新牙刷具有灵活的头部,可适应口腔独特的曲线和轮廓,确保彻底、温和的清洁体验。柔软的刷毛对牙龈温和,但能有效去除牙菌斑和碎屑,促进最佳口腔健康。这款..
8.12 USD
Trisa We Care 牙刷中号 UNO
Trisa We Care Toothbrush Medium UNO The Trisa We Care Toothbrush Medium UNO is the perfect product ..
6.57 USD
CURAPROX CS 5460 Duo Special Edition DANA Introducing the CURAPROX CS 5460 Duo Special Edition DANA..
18.54 USD