
女性的营养需求随着年龄和生命的不同阶段而变化,包括月经、怀孕、哺乳和更年期。专为女性设计的多种维生素可以提供每个阶段所需的特定营养,其中包括怀孕期间促进胎儿发育的叶酸,以及更年期期间保护骨骼健康的钙和维生素 D。
多种维生素包括维生素 A、C、D、E 以及锌和硒等矿物质,它们在增强免疫系统方面发挥着重要作用。强大的免疫系统对于阻止感染和疾病至关重要。此外,维生素和矿物质(包括生物素、维生素 E 和维生素 C)因其在促进健康皮肤、头发和指甲方面的作用而闻名。这些营养素是细胞修复和再生的有用资源,具有健康的外观。例如, Burgerstein CELA 多种维生素 是一种瑞士保健产品,能够可靠地为身体提供所有最大的重要微量因子。 Burgerstein 维生素由 23 种维生素、矿物质和微量元素组成,具有特别高的生物利用度,是一种出色的复合维生素,可支持免疫、支持新陈代谢、神经和肌肉功能。
Burgerstein multivitamin-mineral cela 100 tablets
The Burgerstein CELA multivitamin mineral tablets are a popular dietary supplement that reliably provides the whole family with the most important micronutrients. Taking the Cela tablets is particularly suitable in the following situations Basically suitable for the whole family (adults & children from 4 years).Ingestion during the cold seasontaken during a dietFor people taking birth control pills The Burgerstein Cela multivitamin mineral tablets support the following functions Immune system: Vitamins B6, B12, C and D as well as zinc, iron, folate/folic acid, copper and selenium contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system.Nerves and psyche: Vitamins B1, B6, B12 and C as well as biotin, magnesium and niacin contribute to normal mental and nerve function.Metabolism: Vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2, B6, B12 and C as well as biotin, calcium, iron, iodine, copper, manganese, magnesium, niacin and pantothenic acid contribute to a normal energy-yielding metabolism.Muscle function: Magnesium, calcium and vitamin D contribute to normal muscle function.Growth in children: Iodine contributes to the normal growth of children. Application Take 2 tablets daily with some liquid. composition Dicalcium phosphate, bulking agents (cellulose, cross-linked sodium carboxymethylcellulose, modified starch, gum arabic), vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), magnesium oxide, release agent (mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, silicon dioxide, magnesium salt of fatty acids), magnesium bisglycinate, vitamin E (mixed tocopherols, D-alpha-tocopheryl acid succinate), glazing agents (polydextrose, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, titanium dioxide, triglycerides), Atlantic kelp, ferrous fumarate, zinc bisglycinate, calcium bisglycinate, manganese gluconate, nicotinamide, vitamin A acetate (retinyl acetate), copper gluconate, calcium D-pantothenate, vitamin B6 ( pyridoxal-5-phosphate), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B1 (thiamine mononitrate), folic acid (pteroylglutamic acid), chromium picolinate, biotin, sodium selenate, sodium molybdate, vitamin K1 (phylloquinone),Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). ..
60.01 USD
多种维生素中的 B 族维生素对于将食物转化为能量至关重要,有助于提高能量水平。它们还在调节情绪的神经递质的产生中发挥着重要作用。
- 维生素 B12:对于神经健康和认知功能至关重要,它在维持髓鞘、保护神经纤维和改善脑细胞之间的沟通方面发挥着重要作用。维生素 B12 缺乏会导致记忆力减退和认知功能下降。
- 叶酸(维生素 B9):对大脑功能至关重要,促进 DNA 和 RNA 合成,尤其是在快速生长时期。它还可以降低血液中同型半胱氨酸的浓度,高浓度的同型半胱氨酸与认知障碍和阿尔茨海默病有关。
- 维生素 D:维生素 D 受体,通常被称为阳光维生素,广泛存在于大脑内部,表明其在认知功能中发挥着重要作用。维生素 D 缺乏与认知能力下降和记忆丧失的风险增加有关。
- Omega-3 脂肪酸:尤其是 EPA 和 DHA,Omega-3 对大脑健康至关重要。尤其是 DHA,它是大脑的主要结构组成部分,对于大脑的发育和特征至关重要。
- 抗氧化剂(维生素 C 和 E):这些维生素可以对抗可能损害脑细胞的氧化应激。维生素 E 存在于坚果和种子中,可保护细胞免受氧化应激,而维生素 C 存在于水果和蔬菜中,可支持大脑健康和认知功能。
考虑一下 Livsane AZ 多种维生素 ,这是一种旨在支持健康的多种维生素复合物,对于仅从饮食中无法获取足够维生素和矿物质的人尤其有益。多种维生素含有多种维生素,如 A、B、C、D3、E 和 K,以及铁、锌、硒和铜等矿物质。
Livsane a-z multivitamin depot tablets ch 版本 60 stk
Livsane A-Z Multivitamin Depot Tablets CH Version 60 Stk The Livsane A-Z Multivitamin Depot Tablets CH Version 60 Stk is a comprehensive multivitamin that provides essential vitamins and minerals in a convenient and easy-to-use format. It is designed to provide daily nutritional support for people of all ages and is particularly helpful for those who may not be getting enough vitamins and minerals from their diets alone. This multivitamin contains a wide range of vitamins including A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D3, E, and KIt also contains essential minerals like iron, zinc, selenium, and copper. This combination of essential vitamins and minerals provides a comprehensive nutritional supplement for optimal health and wellbeing. The Livsane A-Z Multivitamin Depot Tablets CH Version 60 Stk is a very convenient way to ensure that you are getting all the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. It comes in a depot tablet form, which is easy to swallow and guarantees slow release of nutrients over a period of time. The product is also vegetarian-friendly and does not contain unnecessary additives, artificial colors, preservatives, or flavors. Additionally, the product is gluten-free and lactose-free, making it a suitable choice for people with specific dietary requirements. Overall, Livsane A-Z Multivitamin Depot Tablets CH Version 60 Stk is a high-quality product that provides essential vitamins and minerals for optimal health and wellbeing. Its convenient depot tablet format, comprehensive range of vitamins and minerals, and vegetarian-friendly and gluten-free formulation makes it a great choice for anyone looking to boost their nutritional intake...
47.25 USD
- 硒:一种抗氧化剂,有助于减少体内氧化应激,硒有助于免疫力并起到预防感染的作用。它还支持甲状腺健康,这对于荷尔蒙平衡和整体免疫功能至关重要。
- 铁:对于免疫细胞的发育至关重要,尤其是参与检测和消除病原体的淋巴细胞。缺铁被认为会损害免疫特性,因此补充铁对于处于危险中的女性很重要。
- B 族维生素:由 B6、B12 和叶酸组成,对于 DNA(包括免疫细胞)的生成和修复至关重要。它们在调节炎症和免疫反应方面也发挥着重要作用。除了维生素 E、活性维生素 B12 和优质维生素 K2 外, Burgerstein 复合维生素 还含有镁以及微量元素锌和锰。只需一粒胶囊即可为身体提供所有重要的维生素。因此,该产品是支持免疫系统的最佳复合维生素。
Burgerstein multivitamin 60 capsules
Burgerstein 多种维生素是一种含有高剂量维生素的膳食补充剂,适合所有想要在饮食中补充额外维生素的人。 适合想要为身体提供重要维生素的人不含人工香料不含麸质、乳糖、酵母和果糖不含砂糖 应用 建议每天服用 1 粒 Burgerstein 多种维生素胶囊,并与一些液体一起服用。 成分 菜籽油、上光剂(食用明胶(牛肉))、L-抗坏血酸钙、保湿剂(甘油)、柑橘类生物类黄酮 - 橙皮苷(4.5%)、改性淀粉、椰子油、烟酰胺、增稠剂(蜂蜡)、D 钙-泛酸盐、生育三烯酚-生育酚、乳化剂(卵磷脂)、 β-胡萝卜素、染料(氧化铁和氢氧化铁)、硝酸硫胺、盐酸吡哆醇、核黄素、蝶酰谷氨酸、D-生物素、甲基萘醌、植物甲醌、胆钙化醇、甲钴胺..
58.32 USD
- 维生素 A:维生素 A 对皮肤修复和保养至关重要,可促进新细胞生成,保持皮肤柔软并防止干燥。
- 生物素(维生素 B7):促进头发生长和强度,支持健康的皮肤和指甲,并有助于脂肪、蛋白质和碳水化合物的新陈代谢,这对健康的头发和皮肤至关重要。
- 锌:促进细胞生长和再生,影响头发生长和头皮状况。锌还可以通过调节皮脂产生和支持胶原蛋白来促进皮肤健康。