Plantur 39 咖啡因洗发水 250 毫升
A care product especially for hair over forty, which strengthens fine and brittle hair and protects ..
23.36 USD
Plantur 39 咖啡因洗发水染发带 250 毫升
A care product especially for hair over forty, which strengthens fine and brittle hair and protects ..
23.21 USD
Plantur 39 咖啡因滋补液 200 毫升
A woman's hair roots are protected by a high proportion of the female hormone estrogen until the men..
23.21 USD
Plantur 39 喷雾处理 Vapo 125 毫升
A woman's hair roots are protected by a high proportion of the female hormone estrogen until the men..
18.69 USD
Plantur 39 Care 染发剂 tube 150 毫升
Introducing Plantur 39 Care Flush Colored Hair Tb 150 ml Are you experiencing hair thinning or hair ..
18.69 USD
Plantur 39 活性护发胶囊 60 粒
Plantur 39 Active Hair 胶囊 60 粒的特性储存温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度每包数量:60 颗重量: 66g 长度:57mm 宽度:47mm 高度:100mm 从瑞士在线购..
33.94 USD
Plantur 21 营养咖啡因洗发水 250 毫升
一种滋养咖啡因洗发水,可改善发根的能量供应,尤其是在头发稀疏的情况下。特点年轻女性面临压力、饮食、工作等诸多负担,也属于脱发的高危人群。触发因素包括缺乏维生素或矿物质等微量营养素。 Plantur 2..
23.15 USD
Plantur 21 Nutri 护发素 langehaare Fl 175 毫升
Plantur 21 Nutri conditioner long hair Fl 175 ml 的特性存储温度最低/最高 15/25 摄氏度包装量:1 ml重量:0.00000000g 长度:52m..
12.87 USD