Ohropax 软泡沫塞 10 件
Property name Earplugs Composition GermanDE. Features Ohropax Soft 10 PIECES.Protection from noise.I..
10.17 USD
耳塞经典蜡球 20 件
Ohropax 经典蜡球 20 颗 专有名称 耳塞 组成 成分:凡士林、石蜡、脱脂棉。 CN. 功能 Ohropax Classic 20STOHROPAX Classic 耳塞由舒适柔软的蜡和棉制..
16.66 USD
彩色耳塞噪音保护器 8 件
Property name Earplugs against noise Composition EN. Features Ohropax Color 8PIECE.8 soft foam earpl..
9.41 USD
Ohropax 硅胶耳塞 6 件
Ohropax Silicon consists of medical silicone. This versatile material is ideal for ear protection. ..
16.06 USD
OHROPAX Classic Wachskugeln
OHROPAX 经典蜡球 专有名称 耳塞 组成 成分:凡士林、石蜡、脱脂棉。 CN. 功能 Ohropax Classic 20STOHROPAX Classic 耳塞由舒适柔软的蜡和棉制成。形成球..
8.65 USD
Multi earplugs 耳塞 1 对
The anatomically shaped plug is made of pleasantly soft plastic with air-cushioned fins. Properties..
15.58 USD
OHROPAX 测试盒 Ohrstöpsel 3 Paar 组合
OHROPAX Testbox Ohrstöpsel 3 Paar assortiert The OHROPAX Testbox Ohrstöpsel 3 Paar asso..
9.56 USD