Immediate help with dry and chapped lips. Our lips are very sensitive because only a very thin skin ..
13.02 USD
Supplies and soothes dry, stressed lips with moisture and protects them from wind and weather. Retra..
13.76 USD
The Blistex Sensitive Lipstick cares for sensitive lips without perfumes, fragrances and dyes. Ingre..
10.24 USD
双唇因所含的芦荟和可可油而得到精心呵护和滋润。 日常护理具有柔滑、紧致的效果,并含有 15 的防晒系数。双唇因所含的芦荟和可可脂而受到强烈呵护和滋润。日常护理具有平滑、紧致的效果,并含有..
14.06 USD