ViscoSpot Fersenkissen Gr1 左右各 1 对
ViscoSpot 脚跟垫尺寸 1 左右 1 对 符合解剖学形状的足跟垫,用于治疗足跟骨刺,较软的蓝点可缓解足跟底部的敏感压力痛点。 属性 尺码 1:鞋码 32 - 40,尺码 2:鞋码 41 ..
86.24 USD
ViscoSpot Fersenkissen Gr2 左右各 1 对
ViscoSpot 脚跟垫尺寸 2 左右 1 对 符合解剖学形状的足跟垫,用于治疗足跟骨刺,较软的蓝点可缓解足跟底部的敏感压力痛点。 属性 尺码 1:鞋码 32 - 40,尺码 2:鞋码 41 ..
86.24 USD
ViscoSpot 后跟垫 Gr2 左 一对 1
ViscoSpot is a visco-elastic heel cushion for the treatment of heel spurs, which can lead to severe ..
74.07 USD
ViscoSpot 后跟垫 Gr1 左 一对 1
ViscoSpot is a visco-elastic heel cushion for the treatment of heel spurs, which can lead to severe ..
74.07 USD
ViscoSpot Fersenkissen Gr2 右 1 对
ViscoSpot is a visco-elastic heel cushion for the treatment of heel spurs, which can lead to severe ..
74.07 USD
ViscoSpot Fersenkissen Gr1 右 1 对
ViscoSpot is a visco-elastic heel cushion for the treatment of heel spurs, which can lead to severe ..
74.07 USD