About this product
众所周知,体育锻炼有益于健康,但它对智力健康的影响同样巨大,而且常常被忽视。定期锻炼对情绪健康、认知功能和普遍智力健康都有深远的影响。 情感福祉 体力活动有助于减轻抑郁和焦虑的症状。当你锻炼时,你的身体会释放内啡肽,也称为“感觉良好荷尔蒙”,有助于改善你的健康。此外,定期的体力活动有助于通过降低压力荷尔蒙皮质醇的水平来应对压力。散步、游泳、快走等运动可以显著减轻压力感并促进放松。要过上快乐而充满活力的生活,保持健康的免疫系统至关重要,因此除了运动外,还要在饮食中加入最好的免疫增强补充剂。 认知功能 锻炼也与改善认知功能有关。定期进行体育锻炼可以改善大脑的血液流动,改善心理健康。....
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The sports shower gel with arnica flower extract and the sporty, invigorating scent of rosemary and lavender relaxes and activates at the same time.Arnica flower extracts support the skin's metabolism by improving the elasticity of the skin and increasing its elasticity and have an antimicrobial effect.Free of synthetic fragrances, colors and preservatives and raw materials based on mineral oil.