
Дифузор ефірних масел

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Пориньте у світ вишуканих природних ароматів з нашою провідною колекцією дифузорів Essential oil на Спеціально розроблені для категорії хіміко-технічних продуктів, наші дифузори забезпечують тонке розпорошення ефірних олій для створення аромату, який наповнює вашу кімнату заспокійливим ароматом. Ідеально підходить для Raum-deo або догляду за приміщенням, ці дифузори є дивовижним доповненням до будь-якого дому. Відчуйте справжню сутність ефірних олій какао, розсіюючи їх у повітрі, перетворюючи вашу кімнату на спокійне святилище. Купуйте у нас, щоб покращити свої відчуття за допомогою наших чудових продуктів Swiss Health & Beauty.
Aromalife pinus cembra fragrance timber globe including essential oil and chips

Aromalife pinus cembra fragrance timber globe including essential oil and chips

Код продукту: 7123970

Покращіть свій життєвий простір за допомогою Aromalife Pinus Cembra Scented Wood Globe – гармонійного поєднання природи та розкоші. Виготовлений із екологічно чистої деревини Pinus Cembra, цей елегантний глобус поширює заспокійливий аромат у будь-якій кімнаті. Включена ефірна олія збагачує атмосферу своїми заспокійливими властивостями. Ідеально підходить для створення спокійної атмосфери або сприяння розслабленню, цей ароматизований дерев’яний шар стане універсальним доповненням до вашого дому чи офісу. Підніміть свої почуття за допомогою природної есенції Pinus Cembra та пориньте у світ спокою...

70.61 USD

Aromalife аромалампа люцерна

Aromalife аромалампа люцерна

Код продукту: 7124403

Aromalife Aromalampe Lucerna The Aromalife Aromalampe Lucerna is a beautiful and practical addition to any home or office. Its elegant design is inspired by the traditional oil lamps of the past, with a modern twist. The lamp is made from high-quality ceramic and features a smooth and sleek finish. The Lucerna is the perfect way to add subtle fragrance to your space, helping you to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Simply add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to the water in the dish and light the tea light candle to release the fragrance into the air. The lamp is easy to use and features a removable dish and a tea light candle holder, both of which are easy to clean. The Lucerna is also lightweight and easy to move around, so you can use it wherever you need to create a peaceful environment. The Aromalife Aromalampe Lucerna measures 10 cm in height and 12 cm in diameter, making it the perfect size for any room. It is also available in a range of colours, so you can choose the perfect one to match your decor. Overall, the Aromalife Aromalampe Lucerna is a beautiful and practical way to create a relaxing and calming atmosphere in your home or office. Its elegant design, ease of use and practical benefits make it a wonderful addition to any space. ..

76.03 USD

Aromalife чиста атмосфера äth / олія 10 мл

Aromalife чиста атмосфера äth / олія 10 мл

Код продукту: 3321213

Характеристики Aromalife Чиста атмосфера Äth / олія 10 млКількість в упаковці: 1 млВага: 0.00000000г Довжина: 0 мм Ширина: 0 мм Висота: 0 мм Купуйте Aromalife Pureатмосфера Äth / олія 10 мл онлайн зі Швейцарії..

26.78 USD

Aromasan bergamot äth / олія 15 мл

Aromasan bergamot äth / олія 15 мл

Код продукту: 4730534

Aromasan Bergamot Äth / Oil 15 ml Aromasan Bergamot Äth / Oil is a high-quality essential oil that is extracted from the rind of the bergamot fruit. This oil has a refreshing, citrusy scent that is well-known for its calming and soothing properties, making it a popular choice for use in aromatherapy and massage. Bergamot essential oil has been used for hundreds of years for its natural healing properties. It is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties, making it a popular choice for treating a wide range of conditions, including skin infections, digestive issues, respiratory problems, and more. This 15 ml bottle of Aromasan Bergamot Äth / Oil is perfect for those who are looking for a natural way to improve their overall health and wellbeing. It can be used in a variety of ways, such as in a diffuser, in a bath, as a massage oil, and more. To use, simply add a few drops of Aromasan Bergamot Äth / Oil to your diffuser or other carrier oil and enjoy its refreshing scent and natural healing properties. It is important to always dilute essential oils before using them on the skin or in other applications. Overall, Aromasan Bergamot Äth / Oil is a must-have for anyone who is looking for a natural way to improve their health and wellbeing. With its refreshing scent and numerous healing properties, this essential oil is a great addition to any home or office. ..

65.97 USD

Aromasan litsea äth / oil 15 ml

Aromasan litsea äth / oil 15 ml

Код продукту: 4731114

Aromasan Litsea Eth / Oil 15 ml If you're looking for a natural way to stimulate your senses, the Aromasan Litsea Eth / Oil 15 ml is the perfect choice for you. Made from the essential oil of the Litsea cubeba plant, this product is known for its refreshing and uplifting scent. With this oil, you can easily create an invigorating atmosphere in your home or office. Benefits and Uses Stimulating Effect: The aroma of Litsea cubeba has been shown to stimulate the senses and help improve mood. Soothing Properties: Litsea oil has been used for centuries to soothe sore muscles and joints. Simply add a few drops to your bath or massage it onto the affected area. Natural Insect Repellent: The scent of Litsea cubeba is effective in repelling insects, making it a great natural alternative to chemical insect repellents. Aroma Diffuser: Dilute with water and use in an aroma diffuser to create a refreshing and uplifting atmosphere in any room. How to Use You can use this essential oil in a variety of ways. Here are some suggestions: For aromatherapy, add a few drops to your diffuser or vaporizer and inhale the vapors. For massage, mix with a carrier oil such as coconut or almond oil before applying to the skin. For a refreshing bath, add a few drops to your bathwater. For an insect repellent, dilute with water and apply to the skin. Ingredients 100% Pure Litsea cubeba essential oil. No additives, fillers, or preservatives. The Aromasan Litsea Eth / Oil 15 ml is a high-quality product that is easy to use and provides a range of benefits. Try it today and experience the refreshing and uplifting scent of Litsea cubeba for yourself!..

21.24 USD

Citronella puressentiel® дифузні ефірні олії для дифузії 30 мл

Citronella puressentiel® дифузні ефірні олії для дифузії 30 мл

Код продукту: 6392053

Характеристики дифузних ефірних олій Citronella Puressentiel® для дифузії 30 млСертифіковано в Європі CEТемпература зберігання min/max 15/25 градусів Цельсія Кількість в упаковці: 1 мл.Вага: 84 г. Довжина: 38 мм. Ширина: 38 мм. Висота: 100 мм. Купуйте дифузні ефірні олії Citronella Puressentiel® для дифузії 30 мл онлайн зі Швейцарії..

45.70 USD

Farfalla citronella ct гераніол bio gr cru

Farfalla citronella ct гераніол bio gr cru

Код продукту: 7787828

Experience Nature's Bounty with FARFALLA Citronella CT Geraniol Bio Gr Cru Introducing the FARFALLA Citronella CT Geraniol Bio Gr Cru, a versatile and potent essential oil that promises to bring nature's best offerings to you. Made with the finest ingredients sourced directly from organic farms, this essential oil is an effective and natural solution for your wellness needs. Citronella CT Geraniol Bio Gr Cru Our essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the Cymbopogon Winterianus, also known as Citronella. It contains a high concentration of geraniol, a terpene compound with antimicrobial, antifungal, and insecticidal properties. This makes it an effective solution in repelling mosquitoes and other insects, particularly during the hot summer months. Quality and Purity FARFALLA Citronella CT Geraniol Bio Gr Cru is made from organically-grown Citronella plants, cultivated without the use of harmful chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers. We employ a rigorous production process that involves distillation under low pressure and low temperature to ensure that essential oils are not degraded. The result is a premium quality essential oil free from any impurities and guaranteed to deliver optimal results. Versatile Use FARFALLA Citronella CT Geraniol Bio Gr Cru is ideal for different aromatherapy applications. You can add a few drops to your diffuser, massage oil, or bath water to enjoy therapeutic benefits that include relaxation, stress relief, pain reduction, and mood enhancement. It can also help in treating skin conditions such as acne, fungal infections, and eczema. Order Your Bottle Today Experience the best of nature with FARFALLA Citronella CT Geraniol Bio Gr Cru. Place your order today and enjoy the natural and therapeutic benefits of this essential oil. ..

14.67 USD

Farfalla кедровий арве ефір/олія органічний дикий збір пляшка 5 мл

Farfalla кедровий арве ефір/олія органічний дикий збір пляшка 5 мл

Код продукту: 3152466

Органічне ефірне масло швейцарської сосни кедрової (Swiss stone pine), дика колекція.СкладЕфірна олія гілок сосни (Pinus cembra), з контр. органічне землеробство. Походження: Австрія. Містить альфа-пінен, лімонен, бета-пінен, дельта-3-карен..ВластивостіЕфірна олія кедрової сосни швейцарської, яку ще називають кедрова , виготовляється з відходів деревини, які утворилися внаслідок злив та догляду за лісом. Цей вид сосни росте в найвищих альпійських регіонах і є дуже міцним і пружним. Основними темами ефірної олії є сила, стійкість, мужність і рішучість. Він очищає голову та думки, а також сприяє радості життя, розслабленню та гарному сну.Веган.ЗастосуванняДля ароматизації приміщень і для особистого догляду за ароматами. Зверніться до спеціальної літератури щодо використання в ароматерапії.ПриміткиНебезпека. Легкозаймиста рідина та пари. Викликає подразнення шкіри. Викликає серйозне подразнення очей. Може викликати шкірну алергічну реакцію. Може викликати подразнення дихальних шляхів. Може бути смертельним при проковтуванні та потраплянні в дихальні шляхи. Дуже токсичний для водних організмів з довготривалими наслідками. Якщо потрібна медична допомога, майте під рукою етикетку. Зберігати в недоступному для дітей місці. Прочитайте етикетку перед використанням. ПРИ КОВТУВАННІ: Негайно зверніться до ТОКСИКОЛОГІЧНОГО ЦЕНТРУ/до лікаря. НЕ викликайте блювоту. ПРИ ПОТРАПЛЯННІ НА ШКІРУ (або волосся): промити шкіру водою. ПРИ ПОПАДАННІ В ОЧІ: Обережно промийте водою протягом кількох хвилин. По можливості зніміть контактні лінзи. Продовжуйте полоскання. Утилізуйте вміст/контейнер відповідно до місцевих правил. ..

14.67 USD

Goodsphere essenz metall fl 250 мл

Goodsphere essenz metall fl 250 мл

Код продукту: 7809517

Goodsphere Essenz Metall Fl 250 ml Goodsphere Essenz Metall Fl 250 ml is a high-quality aromatherapy diffuser that creates a pleasant scent in your home or workplace. It's perfect for reducing unpleasant odors and providing a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere. The diffuser uses advanced technology to disperse essential oils throughout your space, creating a more comfortable environment. It does not require electricity or batteries, making it energy-efficient and eco-friendly. The bottle is made of high-quality metal, making it durable and long-lasting. The 250 ml capacity ensures long-lasting use, and the compact size makes it easy to place in any room. To use Goodsphere Essenz Metall Fl 250 ml, simply fill the bottle with water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oils. Then, insert the rattan sticks into the bottle to smokeless fragrance. The diffuser will evenly distribute the fragrance throughout your space. Goodsphere Essenz Metall Fl 250 ml is an excellent addition to any room, whether it's your living room, bedroom, office, or any space you want to relax and unwind in. It is an excellent product for anyone who enjoys aromatherapy or is looking for an eco-friendly and energy-efficient way to diffuse essential oils. ..

73.89 USD

Puressentiel potpourri provence essential oils for diffusion 30ml

Puressentiel potpourri provence essential oils for diffusion 30ml

Код продукту: 6970604

Characteristics of Puressentiel potpourri Provence essential oils for diffusion 30mlStorage temp min/max 15/25 degrees CelsiusAmount in pack : 1 mlWeight: 78g Length: 35mm Width: 35mm Height: 100mm Buy Puressentiel potpourri Provence essential oils for diffusion 30ml online from Switzerland..

39.70 USD

Puressentiel thermostein white

Puressentiel thermostein white

Код продукту: 5924677

PURESSENTIEL Thermostein weiss The PURESSENTIEL Thermostein weiss is an essential oil diffuser that provides a soothing and calming environment for your home. This product is perfect for those who value health, wellness, and natural remedies to enhance their well-being. The diffuser is made of high-quality white ceramic and features a minimalist design that complements any home décor. With a capacity of 300ml, it is ideal for use in large rooms and can run continuously for up to 10 hours. The Thermostein weiss also features a colored LED light for ambiance and relaxation purposes. This essential oil diffuser uses ultrasonic technology to break down essential oils into a fine mist, which is then dispersed throughout the room. The diffuser can be easily controlled with its touch buttons, allowing you to adjust the timer, mist intensity, and light settings according to your preferences. The PURESSENTIEL Thermostein weiss is compatible with all PURESSENTIEL essential oils, allowing you to create your own personalized aromatherapy experience. Essential oils are known for their emotional and physical therapeutic benefits and can improve your mood, reduce stress, boost immunity, and improve your sleep quality. The diffuser is also an excellent natural alternative to synthetic air fresheners, which can contain harmful chemicals that can irritate your respiratory system. Overall, the PURESSENTIEL Thermostein weiss is a must-have for anyone who values natural and holistic health practices. It provides a perfect balance of relaxation, beauty, and health benefits while being easy and straightforward to use. Order yours today and enjoy the many benefits of aromatherapy in the comfort of your own home!..

122.03 USD

Puressentiel ultraschall diffusor api

Puressentiel ultraschall diffusor api

Код продукту: 7805324

Introducing the PURESSENTIEL Ultraschall Diffusor API - Aromatherapy Perfected The PURESSENTIEL Ultraschall Diffusor API is a cutting-edge aromatherapy diffuser that utilizes ultrasonic technology to produce a fine and fragrant mist of essential oils into the air, allowing you to create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere in any room of your home or office. This ultrasonic diffuser has a large water capacity of 600ml, providing up to 10 hours of continuous use, and features an auto shut-off function for added safety and convenience. It also includes a timer and provides a lighted display of the different settings, giving you full control over your aromatherapy experience. The PURESSENTIEL Ultraschall Diffusor API is compatible with all essential oils, making it easy for you to achieve the benefits of aromatherapy without harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances. Whether you are looking to alleviate stress and anxiety, promote relaxation and restful sleep, or simply freshen up your living space, this ultrasonic diffuser is the perfect tool to help you achieve your goals. Designed for easy use and long-lasting performance, the PURESSENTIEL Ultraschall Diffusor API is a must-have for anyone seeking a healthy and natural way to enhance their daily routine, improve their overall health and wellbeing, and create a more peaceful and stress-free environment in their home or office. ..

87.81 USD

Puressentiel weihnachtsbox kapillar-diffusor+cocoo

Puressentiel weihnachtsbox kapillar-diffusor+cocoo

Код продукту: 7834550

PURESSENTIEL Weihnachtsbox Kapillar-Diffusor+Cocoo The PURESSENTIEL Weihnachtsbox Kapillar-Diffusor+Cocoo is an incredibly versatile and useful essential oil diffuser kit that is perfect for the holiday season. This beautiful set includes a kapillar diffuser and Cocoo essential oil, making it the perfect addition to your home or work space. The kapillar diffuser is a natural and easy way to diffuse essential oils around your home, providing a beautiful and calming scent that can help relieve stress and promote relaxation. The simple and effective design of the diffuser makes it perfect for use in any room, whether you want to create a peaceful atmosphere in a bedroom or a serene environment in a living room. The kit also includes a bottle of Cocoo essential oil, which is a beautiful blend of essential oils that are perfect for the holiday season. This delightful scent features a unique combination of cinnamon, eucalyptus, and clove oils, which create a warm and inviting aroma that is perfect for the colder months. The PURESSENTIEL Weihnachtsbox Kapillar-Diffusor+Cocoo is also incredibly easy to use. Simply fill the kapillar diffuser with the Cocoo essential oil and watch as it diffuses a beautiful and calming scent around your home. The diffuser is also incredibly simple to clean and maintain, making it a great addition to any home or office. If you are looking for a beautiful and practical essential oil diffuser kit that is perfect for the holiday season, look no further than the PURESSENTIEL Weihnachtsbox Kapillar-Diffusor+Cocoo. With its elegant design, beautiful scent, and practical functionality, it is sure to become a wonderful addition to your home or workspace. ..

60.92 USD

Puressentiel® суміш ароматів zen ефірні олії для дифузії 30 мл

Puressentiel® суміш ароматів zen ефірні олії для дифузії 30 мл

Код продукту: 5930123

Характеристики ароматної суміші Puressentiel® Zen ефірні олії для дифузії 30 млТемпература зберігання min/max 15/25 градусів ЦельсіяКількість в упаковці: 1 мл Вага: 80 г Довжина: 38 мм Ширина: 37 мм Висота: 100 мм Придбайте суміш ароматів Puressentiel® Zen essential олії для дифузії 30 мл онлайн зі Швейцарії..

39.70 USD

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