
здорове дитяче харчування

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Здорове дитяче харчування: відкрийте для себе асортимент поживного та органічного дитячого харчування, ретельно розробленого для підтримки росту та розвитку вашої дитини. Від корисних сухарів і каш до смачних фруктових пюре, наш вибір складається з найкращих інгредієнтів із сертифікованих органічних ферм. Без штучних добавок і консервантів, наші продукти гарантують, що ваша дитина отримає тільки найкращий смак і харчування. Наше дитяче харчування, ідеально підходить для введення твердої їжі або забезпечення здорових перекусів, створене для задоволення як батьків, так і їхніх дітей. Вибирайте серед провідних брендів, таких як Holle і Hipp, і дайте своїй дитині здоровий початок її кулінарної подорожі.
Hipp яблуко-груша-банан антон мавпа 100 г

Hipp яблуко-груша-банан антон мавпа 100 г

Код продукту: 7195372

Hipp Яблуко-Груша-Банан Антон Мавпа 100 г Познайомте малюка з вишуканим смаком фруктів за допомогою дитячого харчування Hipp яблуко-груша-банан Anton Monkey. Ця 100-грамова упаковка органічного дитячого харчування розроблена спеціально, щоб забезпечити вашу дитину основними поживними речовинами, необхідними для здорового росту та розвитку.Інгредієнти Дитяче харчування Hipp Apple-Pear-Banan Anton Monkey виготовляється з органічних фруктів, зокрема: 36% органічних яблук 31% органічних груш 33% органічних бананів Органічні фрукти, які використовуються в цьому дитячому харчуванні, ретельно відібрані та оброблені, щоб вони зберегли свій природний смак і поживні речовини. Фруктове пюре не містить штучних ароматизаторів, барвників і консервантів, що робить його безпечним і корисним для споживання вашою дитиною.Переваги Дитяче харчування Hipp Apple-Pear-Banan Anton Monkey є чудовим джерелом необхідних поживних речовин, необхідних вашій дитині для здорового розвитку. Органічні фрукти, які використовуються в цьому дитячому харчуванні, багаті вітамінами, мінералами та клітковиною, необхідними для здоров’я травлення, імунної функції та загального росту й розвитку. Зручна упаковка вагою 100 г ідеально підходить для годування в дорозі, а проста у використанні конструкція стискаючої трубки робить годування вашої дитини легким. Симпатична упаковка Anton Monkey обов’язково порадує вашу малечу та зробить їжу веселою та приємною.Як використовувати Щоб використовувати дитяче харчування Hipp Apple-Pear-Banan Anton Monkey, просто відкрутіть ковпачок і видавіть пюре в ложку, миску або прямо в рот вашої дитини. Конструкція видавлюваної трубки дозволяє легко контролювати потік пюре, тож ви можете годувати малюка в комфортному темпі. Дитяче харчування Hipp Apple-Pear-Banan Anton Monkey можна подавати кімнатної температури або розігріти, помістивши на кілька хвилин у миску з теплою водою. Після відкриття упаковку можна зберігати в холодильнику до 24 годин. Замовте дитяче харчування Hipp яблуко-груша-банан Anton Monkey сьогодні та подаруйте своєму малюку смачні та корисні ласощі, наповнені основними поживними речовинами. ..

3.39 USD

Holle apfel and banane mit dinkel 190 г

Holle apfel and banane mit dinkel 190 г

Код продукту: 7851249

Holle Apfel & Banane mit Dinkel 190 g Holle Apfel & Banane mit Dinkel 190 g is a baby food packed with natural goodness, perfect for babies aged 6 months and above. It is made from organic ingredients that are carefully selected for their quality and taste. The delicious combination of apple, banana, and spelt will surely delight your baby's taste buds while providing essential nutrients for growth and development. The fruits are gently cooked and pureed to maintain their natural sweetness and freshness. The addition of spelt provides an extra dose of fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and prevents constipation. Holle Apfel & Banane mit Dinkel 190 g also contains essential vitamins and minerals that are essential for your baby's well-being. It is free from harmful additives and artificial preservatives, making it a safe and healthy food choice. Holle Apfel & Banane mit Dinkel 190 g comes in a convenient 190g jar, perfect for on-the-go feeding. This product is suitable for babies transitioning from breast milk or formula to solid foods. Give your baby a healthy start in life with Holle Apfel & Banane mit Dinkel 190 g. ..

4.68 USD

Holle babybrei hirse bio

Holle babybrei hirse bio

Код продукту: 6658781

Органічна дитяча каша HOLLE — це чудовий вибір для привчання дитини до твердої їжі. Зроблена з сертифікованих органічних інгредієнтів, ця ніжна каша спеціально створена для задоволення харчових потреб дітей. Завдяки м’якій текстурі та м’якому смаку він стане смачним і легкозасвоюваним варіантом для перших страв вашої дитини. Насичена основними вітамінами та мінералами, включаючи залізо для здорового розвитку, ця каша підтримує ріст і загальне самопочуття вашої дитини. Простий у приготуванні, він пропонує зручний спосіб забезпечити вашу малечу повноцінним і натуральним харчуванням. Виберіть органічну дитячу кашу HOLLE, щоб почати кулінарну подорож вашої дитини...

11.73 USD

Holle bio-anfangsmilch 1 powder 400 г

Holle bio-anfangsmilch 1 powder 400 г

Код продукту: 7826278

Property name Organic infant formula Composition Skimmed MILK**¹, WHEY PRODUCT* (partially demineralised whey powder), vegetable oils* (palm oil*³, sunflower oil*, rapeseed oil*), LACTOSE*, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride , Schizochytrium sp.2 microalgae oil, Mortierella Alpina oil, choline bitartrate, calcium salts of orthophosphoric acid, vitamin C, L-tyrosine, sodium chloride, L-tryptophan, iron sulfate, zinc sulfate, vitamin E, magnesium carbonate, niacin, copper sulfate, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, manganese sulfate, potassium iodide, folic acid, sodium selenite, vitamin K, vitamin D, biotin, vitamin B12 *from organic farming, **Demeter (from biodynamic farming), ¹100 g infant milk powder is made from 175 ml skimmed milk, ²contains DHA (required by law for infant formula), ³from sustainable cultivationDE. Properties Sustainable - right from the start. Holle has stood for valuable organic quality for over 85 years. Consistently organic - for a good reason. As the first Demeter manufacturer of baby food, we work exclusively with raw materials from biodynamic or organic farming. All of our ingredients are strictly controlled and guarantee the greatest possible safety. Holle products only contain what is good for your child. Because the well-being of your baby is important to us. Contains DHA Application Suitable for the special nutrition of infants from birth when they are not or not sufficiently breastfed.Can be given as often and as much as it meets your baby's needs. Can be used at any time instead of Holle Organic Infant Formula PRE or another infant formula. After the 6th month we recommend Holle Organic Follow-On Milk 2 in combination with Holle Organic Baby Porridges. Boil the bottle, ring and teat for 3 - 5 minutes before use. To prepare it, boil the water and let it coolto about 50 °C. Pour half of the water and half of the powder into the bottle according to the quantity given in the meal table (see below). To dose the powder, fill the measuring spoon loosely and smooth it out with the back of the knife. Shake the powder and half the amount of water vigorously. Add the remaining water and shake well again. Allow to cool down to drinking temperature (37 °C).Meal table:Age - Amount of water (ml) - Number of measuring spoons* - Ready-to-drink food (ml) - Meals per day1. week according to the doctor's instructions2.-4. Week 90 ? 3 ? 100 ? 5-72. month 150 ? ? 170 ? 4-53rd-4th Month 180 ? 6 ? 200 ? 4-5after the 4th month 210 ? 7 ? 230 ? 3-4*1 level measuring spoon = 4.5 g | 1 mesurette rase = 4.5 gThe stated drinking amounts and meals per day are only guidelines. Small individual deviations are harmless and completely naturalStandard preparation: 13.5 g Holle Organic Infant Formula 1 + 90 mlBoiled water = 100 ml ready-to-drink food. One pack= approx. 30 meals of 100 ml each.Please follow the preparation instructions exactly. The correct dosage ratio always gives your baby thenutrients it needs.Only use the enclosed measuring spoon.Improper preparation and storage can lead to health problems.Each bottle always prepare fresh. Do not reuse leftover food.Do not heat food in the microwave (risk of overheating). Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement Accuracy Energy 286 kJ 100 ml Approximate value (~ ) Energy 68 kcal 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Fat 3.4 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids 1.0 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Fat, thereof monounsaturated fatty acids (cis) 1.8 g 100 ml Approximate value ( ~) Fat, including polyunsaturated fatty acids (cis) 0.6 g 100 ml Approximate value ( ~) Carbohydrates 8.0 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Carbohydrates, including sugar 8.0 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) Carbohydrates, of which starch 0.0 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) Protein 1.4 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Iodine 14.2 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Selenium 3.9 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Fluoride 0.010 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Manganese 0.0053 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Copper 0.055 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Zinc 0.45 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Iron 0.54 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Magnesium 5.40 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Phosphorus 35.9 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Calcium 59.9 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Chloride 50.9 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Potassium 82.2 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) 0.35 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Biotin 1.6 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Vitamin B12 0.14 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Folic acid 10.1 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 0.030 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Niacin 0.35 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 0.18 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 0.035 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Vitamin C 6.1 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Vitamin K 5.4 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Vitamin E 0.90 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Vitamin D 1.5 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Vitamin A 54.8 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Inositol 4.6 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Choline, total 22 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Sodium 24 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Allergens Contains Milk and milk products Milk sugar (lactose) Notes Important note! Breastfeeding is ideal for your child. Get advice from healthcare professionals if you want to use this product. Don't leave the bottle to suckle all the time. Constant contact with liquids containing carbohydrates can lead to tooth decay. Therefore, pay attention to sufficient dental care from the first tooth onwards. Filling level due to technical reasons. Protected from heat, originally closed best before: see embossing on the bottom. After opening, store in a dry place (not in the refrigerator) and use up within 3 weeks Property name Organic infant formula Composition Skimmed MILK**¹, WHEY PRODUCT* (partially demineralised whey powder), vegetable oils* (palm oil*³, sunflower oil*, rapeseed oil*), LACTOSE*, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride , Schizochytrium sp.2 microalgae oil, Mortierella Alpina oil, choline bitartrate, calcium salts of orthophosphoric acid, vitamin C, L-tyrosine, sodium chloride, L-tryptophan, iron sulfate, zinc sulfate, vitamin E, magnesium carbonate, niacin, copper sulfate, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, manganese sulfate, potassium iodide, folic acid, sodium selenite, vitamin K, vitamin D, biotin, vitamin B12 *from organic farming, **Demeter (from biodynamic farming), ¹100 g infant milk powder is made from 175 ml skimmed milk, ²contains DHA (required by law for infant formula), ³from sustainable cultivationDE. Properties Sustainable - right from the start. Holle has stood for valuable organic quality for over 85 years. Consistently organic - for a good reason. As the first Demeter manufacturer of baby food, we work exclusively with raw materials from biodynamic or organic farming. All of our ingredients are strictly controlled and guarantee the greatest possible safety. Holle products only contain what is good for your child. Because the well-being of your baby is important to us. Contains DHA Application Suitable for the special nutrition of infants from birth when they are not or not sufficiently breastfed.Can be given as often and as much as it meets your baby's needs. Can be used at any time instead of Holle Organic Infant Formula PRE or another infant formula. After the 6th month we recommend Holle Organic Follow-On Milk 2 in combination with Holle Organic Baby Porridges. Boil the bottle, ring and teat for 3 - 5 minutes before use. To prepare it, boil the water and let it coolto about 50 °C. Pour half of the water and half of the powder into the bottle according to the quantity given in the meal table (see below). To dose the powder, fill the measuring spoon loosely and smooth it out with the back of the knife. Shake the powder and half the amount of water vigorously. Add the remaining water and shake well again. Allow to cool down to drinking temperature (37 °C).Meal table:Age - Amount of water (ml) - Number of measuring spoons* - Ready-to-drink food (ml) - Meals per day1. week according to the doctor's instructions2.-4. Week 90 ? 3 ? 100 ? 5-72. month 150 ? ? 170 ? 4-53rd-4th Month 180 ? 6 ? 200 ? 4-5after the 4th month 210 ? 7 ? 230 ? 3-4*1 level measuring spoon = 4.5 g | 1 mesurette rase = 4.5 gThe stated drinking amounts and meals per day are only guidelines. Small individual deviations are harmless and completely naturalStandard preparation: 13.5 g Holle Organic Infant Formula 1 + 90 mlBoiled water = 100 ml ready-to-drink food. One pack= approx. 30 meals of 100 ml each.Please follow the preparation instructions exactly. The correct dosage ratio always gives your baby thenutrients it needs.Only use the enclosed measuring spoon.Improper preparation and storage can lead to health problems.Each bottle always prepare fresh. Do not reuse leftover food.Do not heat food in the microwave (risk of overheating). Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Energy286 kJ100 mlApproximate value (~ ) Energy68 kcal100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Fat3.4 g100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids1.0 g100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Fat, of which monounsaturated fatty acids (cis)1.8 g100 mlApproximate value ( ~) Fat, including polyunsaturated fatty acids (cis)0.6 g100 mlApproximate value ( ~) Carbohydrates8.0 g100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Carbohydrates, including sugar8.0 g100 mlApproximate value (~) Carbohydrates, of which starch0.0 g100 mlApproximate value (~) Protein1.4 g100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Iodine14.2 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Selenium3.9 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Fluoride0.010 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Manganese0.0053 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Copper0.055 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Zinc0.45 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Iron0.54 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Magnesium5.40 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Phosphorus35.9 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Calcium59.9 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Chloride50.9 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Potassium82.2 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)0.35 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Biotin1.6 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Vitamin B120.14 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) Folic acid10.1 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)0.030 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Niacin0.35 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Riboflavin (vitamin B2)0.18 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Thiamine (vitamin B1)0.035 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Vitamin C6.1 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) Vitamin K5.4 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) Vitamin E0.90 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) Vitamin D1.5 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) Vitamin A54.8 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) Inositol4.6 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Choline, total22 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) Sodium24 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr> Allergens Contains Milk and milk productsMilk sugar (lactose) Notes Important note! Breastfeeding is ideal for your child. Get advice from healthcare professionals if you want to use this product. Don't leave the bottle to suckle all the time. Constant contact with liquids containing carbohydrates can lead to tooth decay. Therefore, pay attention to sufficient dental care from the first tooth onwards. Filling level due to technical reasons. Protected from heat, originally closed best before: see embossing on the bottom. After opening, store in a dry place (not in the refrigerator) and use up within 3 weeks ..

24.53 USD

Holle organic baby rusk minis 100г

Holle organic baby rusk minis 100г

Код продукту: 7833276

Holle Organic Baby Rusk MINIS 100g The Holle Organic Baby Rusk MINIS are the perfect snack for your little one. Made with only the best organic ingredients, these rusks offer a nutritious and delicious option for your baby. Each rusk is carefully crafted using wheat flour, butter, and a pinch of organic vanilla, making for a crunchy and tasty treat that is sure to satisfy your baby's cravings. These rusks come in a convenient mini size, making them perfect for tiny hands to hold and enjoy. They are also great for on-the-go snacking, as they can be easily stored and taken with you wherever you go. The 100g pack includes multiple servings, making this a great value for parents looking for a healthy snack option for their little ones. At Holle, we are committed to providing the best possible products for your baby. All of our ingredients are sourced from certified organic farms, ensuring that only the highest quality ingredients go into our products. We never add any artificial colors or flavors, and all of our products are free from preservatives and other harmful additives. The Holle Organic Baby Rusk MINIS are perfect for babies who are just starting to explore solid foods or for those who are looking for a healthy snack option. They are easy to digest and are a great way to introduce new flavors and textures to your little one's palate. Give your baby the best with Holle Organic Baby Rusk MINIS...

7.84 USD

Holle pouchy груша яблуко and чорничний овес 90 г

Holle pouchy груша яблуко and чорничний овес 90 г

Код продукту: 7577895

Holle Pouchy Pear Apple & Blueberry Oat 90 g: A Healthy Snack for Your Little One Introducing the Holle Pouchy Pear Apple & Blueberry Oat 90 g ? a nutritious and delicious snack for your little one. Made from 100% organic ingredients, this pouch is free from preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors. It is a perfect on-the-go snack for babies from 6 months onwards. Nutrition Information This pouch contains natural sugars from fruits and is a good source of fiber and vitamin C. Oat is a great addition to your baby's diet as it is rich in complex carbohydrates that provide long-lasting energy. Here is a breakdown of the nutrition information: Energy ? 310kJ/74kcal Fat ? 1.2g of which saturates ? 0.2g Carbohydrates ? 13g of which sugars ? 9.2g Fiber ? 1.7g Protein ? 1.3g Salt ? 0.01g Ingredients The Holle Pouchy Pear Apple & Blueberry Oat 90 g only contains organic ingredients that are safe and healthy for your baby: Apple puree* Pear puree* Blueberry puree* Oat flakes* Concentrated lemon juice* *Certified organic by EU standards How to Serve The Holle Pouchy Pear Apple & Blueberry Oat 90 g is a handy snack that you can take anywhere. You can serve it at room temperature or slightly warm by placing it in hot water for a few minutes. Make sure to check the temperature before serving to your little one. This pouch is an excellent snack for babies and toddlers between meals or as a dessert. Conclusion The Holle Pouchy Pear Apple & Blueberry Oat 90 g is a healthy and convenient snack for your little one. It comes in a handy pouch that is easy to open and perfect for on-the-go snacking. Made from organic ingredients, this pouch is free from any harmful additives and preservatives. Get one today and let your baby enjoy a nutritious and delicious snack...

3.82 USD

Milupa goodnight soft start 4м + 400гр

Milupa goodnight soft start 4м + 400гр

Код продукту: 7758700

Milupa Goodnight Gentle Start is a soft-melting milk pudding and is therefore ideal for the start of treatment from the 4th month. Milupa cereal and milk paps are side dishes that are adapted to the baby's special nutritional needs. Therebypays particular attention to quality: The grain comes from selected farmers and undergoes up to 650 quality controls before it is put on the baby spoon. The cereal grains are ground as finely as babies of that age need and at the same time provide important nutrients such as carbohydrates. Ideal before bedtime. Gluten-free.With vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium and vitamin D.No added sugar. (But contains sugar naturally).With valuable, baby-friendly cereals.In practical, resealable packaging. CompositionCereals (45.8%) (maize (27.5%), rice (18.3%)), skimmed milk powder (26%), demineralised whey powder (from milk) (17%), vegetable oils (palm, rape, coconut, sunflower, emulsifier: soya lecithin), mineral mixture (calcium carbonate, iron diphosphate, potassium iodide), vitamin mixture (vitamin C, vitamin B?, vitamin A, vitamin D), natural vanilla flavour...

17.04 USD

органічний дитячий сухар holle зі спельтою 200 г

органічний дитячий сухар holle зі спельтою 200 г

Код продукту: 2951768

Характеристики Holle Organic Baby Spelt Rusk 200 гКількість в упаковці: 1 гВага: 200 г Довжина: 65 мм Ширина: 130 мм Висота: 188 мм Купуйте органічні дитячі сухарі Holle зі спельтою 200 г онлайн зі Швейцарії..

10.57 USD

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