

Gesal Moth Paper är en effektiv lösning för att skydda dina textilier från destruktiva mal angrepp. Gesal Protect Moth -papper är designad specifikt för användning i lådor, bröstkorgar och garderober och finns i ett bekvämt paket med 12 stycken. Varje ark innehåller 4% klorpyrifos, en potent aktiv ingrediens som riktar sig mot malar och deras larver, och skyddar din värdefulla ull, läder, päls och mattor. Mal är ökända textilskador, och att använda mal papper kan ge både omedelbart och långvarigt skydd. Produkten fungerar inom några timmar efter placering och erbjuder en ständig skyddande effekt i upp till sex månader. Placera bara bladen i dina förvaringsområden eller hänga dem över klädhängare för att säkerställa omfattande täckning. Gesal Moth Paper är idealisk för alla hushåll som vill förhindra malskador.
Gesal protect malpapper 12 st

Gesal protect malpapper 12 st

Produktkod: 3026075

Moths are textile pests. They destroy wool, leather, furs and carpets. Moth paper is used effectively against moths. Composition 4% chlorpyrifos. Properties Moths are textile pests that destroy wool, fur, leather and carpetsMoth paper: Where suitable: drawers and chests. Can be hung over clothes hangers with a hole.How to use: Place leaves in drawers and chests on clothesImmediate effect: Works after a few hoursPermanent effect: 6 monthsQuestions and answers on the subject of textile pests:Do clothes have to be aired first after they have been stored in a closet with a strip?Answer: No, the active ingredient is released continuously and builds up at the same rate off.May I also spray Gesal Protect Moth Spray directly onto clothes?Yes, the risk of stains is very small. For drawers and cupboards, however, we recommend Gesal moth paper or moth stripMy children have asthma, can I still use the moth repellent?The active ingredients can trigger allergic reactions in patients, talk to your doctor before treatment .What is the benefit of the Gesal Protect clothes moth trap?Answer: The product is ideal for determining if you have a clothes moth problem in your household. However, the clothes moth trap does not protect against other textile pests such as e.g. B. Carpet beetleDoesn't the clothes moth trap simply attract moths into the house and then I have a moth problem?Answer: no. The attractant only works locally and within a few m2. So if you notice moths in the trap, you have a clothes moth infestation. Carry out an anti-moth treatment. We would be happy to advise you Application Protects all textiles and fur from moth, carpet and fur beetle larvae.; ..

13.15 USD

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