
ENT Health

ENT hälsa eller öron, näsa och hals hälsa omfattar en rad metoder och produkter som syftar till att upprätthålla och förbättra välbefinnandet för dessa kritiska områden i kroppen. En sådan produkt som stöder ENT Health är triomer isotonisk monodos. Denna naturliga, sterila havsvattenlösning är isotonisk, vilket betyder att den matchar kroppens fysiologiska tillstånd, vilket gör den säker och effektiv för daglig näsvård. Triomer isotonisk monodos är utformad för individer i alla åldrar, inklusive spädbarn (med undantag för för tidiga födelser), barn och vuxna. Dess rika mineral- och spårelementkomposition ger viktigt stöd för nässlemhinnan, vilket hjälper till att lindra symtom förknippade med blockerade eller torra näsor. Regelbunden användning hjälper till att skydda näspassagerna från miljöirritanter som allergener, torrluft och föroreningar, vilket säkerställer optimal andningsfunktion. Rekommenderas för daglig sköljning av näshålorna, triomer isotonisk monodos hjälper till att främja evakueringen av nässlem, vilket gör det till en utmärkt tilläggsbehandling för olika ENT -tillstånd. Dess praktiska monodosförpackning säkerställer användarvänlighet, vilket gör det enkelt att integrera i dagliga hygienrutiner. Oavsett om det gäller att förhindra nasal trängsel eller förbättra den totala näshälsan, är triomer isotonisk monodos en pålitlig lösning för att upprätthålla optimal ENT -hälsa.
Triomer lös isotonisch 30 monodoseos 5 ml

Triomer lös isotonisch 30 monodoseos 5 ml

Produktkod: 7809558

Triomer Isotonic Monodose is a natural product. The monodoses contain an isotonic, sterile seawater solution that is rich in minerals and trace elements. Due to the physiological concentration of the solution (isotonic at 0.9%), it can be used for daily nose care. Triomer Isotonic Monodose is recommended for daily rinsing of the nasal cavity in infants (except for premature babies), children and adults, especially in the case of blocked or dry nose. Good nasal hygiene helps protect the nasal mucosa from harmful environmental influences (cold, allergens, dry air, air pollution, etc.) and helps the nose to ensure respiratory function. Indications Triomer Isotonic Monodose is recommended for instillation or rinsing in infants from birth (excluding premature infants), children and adults: for the daily care of the nasal cavities, in the case of a blocked nose to promote the evacuation of nasal mucus, for the supplementary treatment of ENT diseases. ul> Compendium patient information Triomer® Isotonic monodoses VERFORA SAMedical device What is Triomer Isotonic Monodose and when is it used? Triomer Isotonic Monodose is a natural product. The monodoses contain an isotonic, sterile seawater solution that is rich in minerals and trace elements. Due to the physiological concentration of the solution (isotonic at 0.9%), it can be used for daily nose care. Triomer Isotonic Monodose is recommended for daily rinsing of the nasal cavity in infants (except for premature babies), children and adults, especially in the case of blocked or dry nose. Good nasal hygiene helps protect the nasal mucosa from harmful environmental influences (cold, allergens, dry air, air pollution, etc.) and helps the nose to ensure respiratory function. Indications Triomer Isotonic Monodose is recommended for instillation or rinsing in infants from birth (except for premature babies), children and adults: for the daily care of the nasal cavities,in the case of a blocked nose to promote the evacuation of nasal mucus,for the supplementary treatment of ENT diseases. ul> When should you be careful when using Triomer Isotonic Monodose? In infants, use the product with minimal pressure to avoid any risk avoid contamination of the middle ear. How do you use Triomer Isotonisch Monodose?Dosage For daily care: 1 to 4 times a day in each nostril. For nasal congestion: 4 to 6 times daily in each nostril as needed, prior to other topical treatments. Application The dosage form as a monodose ensures easy and safe application. Detach a monodose and open by twisting the top part (a). For dripping or rinsing Tilt your head to one side, gently insert the tip into the nostril and gently squeeze the monodose (b).Repeat the other nostril.The head stand upright to drain mucus and wipe your nose with a tissue. Children and infants Children should blow both nostrils before use.It is recommended to lay infants or the child down to be placed in a sitting or standing position with the head tilted to the side.Infants should not be blown their noses immediately after application so that the product can take effect longer. What else needs to be considered?Special warnings The monodoses are intended for single use. Open or damaged monodoses should not be used due to the risk of rapid bacterial contamination. Storage Instructions Use only by the expiry date stated on the pack/each monodose. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH AND SIGHT OF CHILDREN. What is isotonic in Triomer? 100% sterile, isotonic diluted seawater. Where can you get Triomer isotonic? What packs are available? Triomer Isotonisch Monodosen is available in pharmacies and drugstores in packs containing 30 monodoses of 5 ml each. The Triomer Isotonic range also includes: Triomer Isotonic Spray 125 ml and 245 ml. Importer VERFORA SA, CH-1752 Villars-sur-Glâne. Manufacturer Laboratoires Gilbert, 928, Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 14200 Hérouville Saint-Clair ? France. Status of information January 2022. This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

25.06 USD

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