V Beeovita chápeme, že zdravie a pohoda vášho dieťaťa sú vašou najvyššou prioritou. To je dôvod, prečo sme naše hračky na hryzanie pre bábätká vytvorili s ohľadom na najvyššie štandardy bezpečnosti a kvality. Tieto hračky poskytujú nesmiernu úľavu citlivým ďasnám vášho dieťaťa počas fázy prerezávania zúbkov, čím ich udržujú šťastné a spokojné. Tieto hračky sú vybavené netoxickými materiálmi a sú navrhnuté tak, aby stimulovali ich zmysly a podnecovali ich zvedavosť. Ako súčasť nášho sortimentu starostlivosti o deti patria tieto produkty do viacerých kategórií – Domácnosť a rodina, Bábätká a deti, Krúžky na hryzenie a Štetinky. Začnite skúmať náš výber ešte dnes a zabezpečte zdravý rast a vývoj vášho dieťaťa s Beeovita.
Nuby Teether Key with Ice Gel
The Nuby Teether Key with Ice Gel is the perfect toy for your little one during teething. It is made of soft and durable silicone material that is gentle on the baby's teeth and gums. The teether has a unique key-shaped design that makes it easy for the baby to hold and play with.
The teether key is filled with an ice gel that can be frozen, giving your baby a cooling and soothing effect that helps to alleviate any discomfort during teething. It is perfect for babies between 3 months to 18 months old who are teething and experiencing pain and discomfort.
The Nuby Teether Key with Ice Gel is also BPA-free, making it safe for your baby's use. It is easy to clean and can be washed with warm soapy water or placed in the dishwasher for easy cleaning. The teether is also small and lightweight, making it easy for you to carry it around when you are on the go.
The teether key also comes with different textures that stimulate the baby's senses and provide them with a variety of teething experiences. The textures also help to massage the baby's gums, providing relief from the teething pain. The bright and attractive colors also help to engage and stimulate the baby's visual sense, making it a fun and enjoyable experience.
The Nuby Teether Key with Ice Gel is a must-have product for parents who want to help their babies through the teething phase. It is a safe, effective, and fun way to help your baby get through the discomfort of teething while also providing them with an enjoyable sensory experience...
26.71 USD
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Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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