Na neponúkame nič iné ako to najlepšie, pokiaľ ide o produkty pre zdravie a krásu zo Švajčiarska. Výnimkou nie je ani náš sortiment detskej výživy, ktorý poskytuje živiny potrebné pre rast, imunitu a trávenie vášho dieťaťa. Naše pokračovacie mlieko je odborne vyrobené, aby zabezpečilo, že vaše dieťa dostane tú najvyššiu kvalitu výživy, presne tak, ako to príroda zamýšľala. Prezrite si naše dobre preverené kategórie a nájdite produkty prémiovej kvality od Zdravia + Výživa, Detské chumáčiky až po súpravy na mlieko a pepíky, ktoré zodpovedajú potrebám vášho dieťatka. Objavte svet zdravých a prirodzených riešení detskej výživy iba v Beeovite. Pretože nám záleží na blahu vášho dieťatka!
The Aptamil Profutura 2 Ds 800 g is a premium follow-on formula milk developed to support the nutritional needs of babies from six to twelve months old. It contains a unique blend of ingredients that includes vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, and probiotics to support your baby's digestion, immune health, and physical development. This formula is designed to complement a varied diet as your baby transitions from exclusive breastfeeding or formula feeding.
Key Features
Contains a unique blend of ingredients including prebiotics and probiotics to support digestion and immune health
Provides complete nutrition for babies from six to twelve months old
Contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals to support your baby's physical development
Easy to digest and absorb
Usage Instructions
Use only as directed by your healthcare professional. Prepare formula milk according to the on-pack instructions. Always use a clean and sterilized feeding bottle, teat, and ring. Do not add cereals, other liquids or food to the formula milk. Discard any leftover formula milk after feeding, and do not reuse within an hour. Store in a cool, dry place.
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63.35 USD
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Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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