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Astma môže znamenať zvládanie frustrujúcich symptómov a boj o dych môže byť desivý. Na sme tu, aby sme vám pomohli s výberom produktov pre zdravie a krásu zo Švajčiarska. Naše produkty siahajú od prírodných liekov a homeopatických produktov až po inhalačné prístroje a príslušenstvo, ktoré pomáhajú zvládať symptómy astmy. Naše produkty sú ideálne pre každého - vrátane detí - trpiacich astmou, alergiami, chronickou sinusitídou, bronchitídou, respiračnou liečbou alebo inými respiračnými problémami. Aj udržiavaním pravidelnej hygieny nosa môžeme pomôcť zmierniť akékoľvek problémy s dutinami. Naše zvlhčovače a čističky vzduchu navyše môžu pomôcť pri vytváraní sviežeho a čistého dýchacieho priestoru, aby sa ďalej zmiernili príznaky astmy a podporilo sa lepšie zdravie dýchacích ciest. Začnite svoju cestu k ľahšiemu dýchaniu s našou širokou ponukou produktov.
Beurer maremed kombi-set mk 500

Beurer maremed kombi-set mk 500

Kód produktu: 7785304

Beurer maremed Kombi-Set MK 500 The Beurer maremed Kombi-Set MK 500 is an all-in-one device for your home medication needs. This set includes a nebulizer, inhaler, nasal shower, and nasal aspirator - all designed to provide efficient and effective relief from respiratory issues. Whether you have a cold, allergies, asthma, or any other respiratory condition, this set is sure to provide you with the relief you need. Nebulizer The nebulizer is designed to provide quick and effective relief for respiratory conditions. It converts liquid medicine into a mist that can be easily inhaled. The nebulizer is perfect for treating conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. The nebulizer is easy to use and is compact, making it perfect for home use. Inhaler The inhaler is designed to provide quick relief for respiratory conditions such as asthma or bronchitis. It is a pocket-sized device that is easy to use and can be used anywhere. The inhaler is perfect for on-the-go use and is great for those who suffer from mild to moderate asthma or other respiratory conditions. Nasal Shower The nasal shower is designed to clean and moisturize the nasal passages. It is perfect for those who suffer from allergies, colds, or sinus problems. The nasal shower is easy to use and provides quick relief. It is also great for use as part of your daily nasal hygiene routine. Nasal Aspirator The nasal aspirator is designed to provide relief for infants and children who have difficulty breathing due to congestion. It is also great for use in adults who suffer from chronic sinusitis. The nasal aspirator is easy to use and is gentle on delicate nasal passages. It provides quick relief and is perfect for use at home or on-the-go. The Beurer maremed Kombi-Set MK 500 is the perfect all-in-one device for your home medication needs. It provides quick and effective relief for respiratory conditions, and is easy to use and compact. Whether you have a cold, allergies, or asthma, this set is sure to provide you with the relief you need...

79.69 USD

Biosynex inhalačná dávka 9mt-6j

Biosynex inhalačná dávka 9mt-6j

Kód produktu: 7800901

Introducing BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J is one of the most advanced inhalation aids available in the market today. Designed to provide relief to people suffering from breathing difficulties such as asthma, coughs, and allergies, this inhalation aid is a must-have for anyone looking to improve their respiratory health. Easy to Use The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J is incredibly easy to use. The device features a mouthpiece and a chamber that is specifically designed to hold medicine. All you need to do is insert the medicine into the chamber, put the mouthpiece in your mouth, and inhale deeply. The device delivers the medicine straight to your lungs, providing fast and effective relief from breathing difficulties. Efficient Design The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J is optimally designed to ensure efficient delivery of medicine. The device features a low-resistance valve that allows for easy inhalation of the medicine. Furthermore, the inhalation aid is compatible with a wide range of nebulizers, making it a versatile choice for anyone looking for an effective inhalation aid. Compact and Portable The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J is compact and portable, making it easy to take with you wherever you go. Whether you're traveling, at work, or simply at home, the inhalation aid can be easily stored in your bag or suitcase. High-Quality Construction The BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J is made from high-quality materials, ensuring that it lasts for a long time. The device is easy to clean and maintain, ensuring the highest levels of hygiene and cleanliness. Invest in Good Health If you're tired of struggling with breathing difficulties, invest in the BIOSYNEX Inhalationshilfe 9Mt-6J today. This inhalation aid is among the best in the market, delivering fast and effective relief from breathing difficulties whenever you need it most. Easy to use and compact, this inhalation aid is a must-have for anyone looking to take control of their respiratory health...

58.28 USD

Emser inhalationslösung 8 % hyperton

Emser inhalationslösung 8 % hyperton

Kód produktu: 7795182

EMSER Inhalationslösung 8 % hyperton EMSER Inhalationslösung 8 % hyperton je medicínsky produkt používaný na inhaláciu. Ide o hypertonický fyziologický roztok, ktorý sa používa ako prirodzený a účinný spôsob na zmiernenie príznakov respiračných ochorení, ako je astma, bronchitída a chronická obštrukčná choroba pľúc (CHOCHP). Ako to funguje: Inhalácia EMSER Inhalationslösung 8 % hyperton pomáha vyčistiť dýchacie cesty uvoľnením a zriedením sekrétov hlienu, čo uľahčuje dýchanie. Tento proces tiež poskytuje úľavu od zápalu, znižuje frekvenciu a závažnosť respiračných symptómov a pomáha predchádzať infekciám dýchacích ciest. Použitie: Na použitie EMSER Inhalationslösung 8 % hyperton sa odporúča použiť rozprašovač alebo inhalátor. Roztok sa môže pridať do rozprašovača alebo inhalátora podľa poskytnutých pokynov. Odporúča sa používať 2-3 krát denne alebo podľa odporúčania lekára. Zloženie: EMSER Inhalationslösung 8 % hyperton sa skladá z 8 % chloridu sodného a čistenej vody, čo sú prírodné zložky, ktoré napodobňujú zloženie telesných tekutín. Opatrenia: EMSER Inhalationslösung 8 % hyperton je vo všeobecnosti dobre tolerovaný, ale v prípade výskytu alergickej reakcie alebo vedľajšieho účinku sa odporúča vyhľadať lekársku pomoc. Je tiež dôležité informovať svojho lekára, ak ste tehotná, dojčíte alebo trpíte akýmkoľvek iným zdravotným stavom. Záver: EMSER Inhalationslösung 8% hyperton je prirodzené a účinné riešenie pri respiračných poruchách, ktoré poskytuje úľavu od respiračných symptómov vrátane bronchitídy, astmy a CHOCHP. Jeho zloženie z prírodných zložiek a jednoduchosť použitia z neho robí obľúbenú voľbu pre pacientov trpiacich respiračnými ochoreniami. ..

137.08 USD

Inhalačný rozprašovač pari compact2

Inhalačný rozprašovač pari compact2

Kód produktu: 7775878

Pari Compact2 Nebulizer: Effective Relief from Respiratory Conditions The Pari Compact2 inhaler nebulizer is a highly efficient and easy-to-use apparatus that delivers medicine directly to your respiratory system. It is ideal for treating respiratory conditions such as asthma, COPD, and allergies as it helps patients breathe more easily and reduce symptoms such as coughing and wheezing. Features and Benefits The Pari Compact2 nebulizer has a powerful compressor that can convert medication into fine mist particles. The device comes with a reusable nebulizer cup that can be washed and sterilized several times. This makes the Pari Compact2 nebulizer a cost-effective and environmentally friendly choice. The nebulizer also has an integrated storage compartment that can hold the nebulizer cup and other accessories such as masks and tubing. This feature makes the device portable and easy to use while you are on the go. The Pari Compact2 nebulizer is easy to clean and maintain, allowing you to use it for an extended period with optimal functionality. How Does it Work? The Pari Compact2 nebulizer operates on a compressor-based system that converts the medical solution into a fine mist, which can then be inhaled through a mask or a mouthpiece. The fine mist is inhaled directly into the respiratory system, where it can provide immediate relief from the symptoms of respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD. What do Customers Say? Customers who have used the Pari Compact2 nebulizer praised it for its efficiency, portability, and easy maintenance. They also mentioned that the device provided immediate relief from their respiratory symptoms and that they could use it at home or away from home with ease. Some customers also appreciated the integrated storage compartment and the affordability of the nebulizer cups. Conclusion If you suffer from respiratory conditions such as asthma or COPD, the Pari Compact2 inhaler nebulizer might be the ideal solution for you. It is effective, affordable, and easy to use, making it an excellent investment for your health. Order your Pari Compact2 inhaler nebulizer now and breathe easier in no time...

208.86 USD

Nebulizér pari lc sprint s tryskou junior

Nebulizér pari lc sprint s tryskou junior

Kód produktu: 7782679

Pari LC Sprint Nebulizer with Junior Nozzle: The Perfect Solution for Effective Respiratory Treatment The Pari LC Sprint Nebulizer with Junior Nozzle is an innovative medical device designed to help treat illnesses that affect the respiratory system. This nebulizer is an ideal solution for those who suffer from conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and other respiratory ailments. The device is designed specifically for children and features an easy-to-use Junior Nozzle for younger patients. Why Choose Pari LC Sprint Nebulizer with Junior Nozzle? This nebulizer has been specifically designed to offer effective and efficient respiratory treatment. The device is constructed from high-quality materials that ensure durability and longevity. The Pari LC Sprint Nebulizer with Junior Nozzle is smaller than the traditional nebulizers, making it easier for children to hold onto and use without adult supervision. The Junior Nozzle is designed to work seamlessly with the nebulizer system, ensuring that medication delivery is accurate and efficient. The device also includes an option to use a mask or mouthpiece, depending on the preference of the patient. The nebulizer is easy to assemble, disassemble and clean, ensuring a hassle-free experience. Key Features of Pari LC Sprint Nebulizer with Junior Nozzle Designed especially for children Efficient medication delivery with Junior Nozzle High-quality materials for durability and longevity Smaller and easier to use than traditional nebulizers Easy to assemble, disassemble and clean Option of using a mask or mouthpiece Effective Treatment for Respiratory Ailments The Pari LC Sprint Nebulizer with Junior Nozzle is the perfect solution for anyone seeking effective respiratory treatment. The device has been designed to meet the needs of children with respiratory ailments, ensuring accuracy and efficiency when it comes to medication delivery. With a range of features that make it easier to use, this nebulizer helps alleviate the discomfort and symptoms associated with respiratory problems. Order the Pari LC Sprint Nebulizer with Junior Nozzle today and enjoy a device that is not only efficient but also easy to use, clean and maintain. Its features are everything that you need in a nebulizer for your child's respiratory treatment...

67.27 USD

Philips innospire go portable mesh nebulizer portable

Philips innospire go portable mesh nebulizer portable

Kód produktu: 7321368

Predstavujeme prenosný sieťový nebulizátor Philips InnoSpire Go Prenosný sieťový nebulizátor Philips InnoSpire Go je najmodernejší produkt, ktorý poskytuje efektívne podávanie liečiva v prenosnom kompaktnom dizajne. Ponúka ľahko použiteľné funkcie v kombinácii s prenosnosťou a pohodlím, vďaka čomu je ideálny pre ľudí, ktorí potrebujú rozprašovanie na cestách. InnoSpire Go využíva technológiu Mesh na vytváranie jemnej aerosólovej hmly, ktorá preniká hlboko do pľúc a dodáva lieky presne tam, kde je to potrebné. Táto technológia je vysoko efektívna a môže ju používať ktokoľvek bez ohľadu na vek alebo kapacitu dýchania. Ako to funguje InnoSpire Go je navrhnutý s ohľadom na jednoduchosť. Používa vibračnú sieťku na aerosóliu lieku, ktorý je potom poháňaný do pľúc. Systém možno použiť s náustkom alebo maskou, v závislosti od preferencií pacienta. Zariadenie je napájané z batérie a možno ho nabíjať pomocou priloženého kábla micro-USB, vďaka čomu ho môžete pohodlne používať na cestách. Plne sa nabije za približne dve a pol hodiny a na jedno nabitie poskytuje až 30 ošetrení. Funkcie a výhody Prenosný a ľahký dizajn Technológia sieťoviny účinne dodáva lieky do pľúc Môžu ho používať všetky vekové kategórie a všetky dýchacie kapacity Ovládanie jedným tlačidlom pre jednoduché použitie Bezhlučná prevádzka pre diskrétnosť Napájanie z batérie s až 30 ošetreniami na jedno nabitie Jednoduché čistenie a údržba Kto by to mal používať? Prenosný sieťový nebulizér Philips InnoSpire Go je ideálny pre ľudí, ktorí pravidelne potrebujú lieky na rozprašovanie alebo ktorí potrebujú rýchlu úľavu od respiračných symptómov na cestách. Je ideálny pre ľudí s astmou, chronickou obštrukčnou chorobou pľúc (CHOCHP), alergiami a inými respiračnými ochoreniami. Tento produkt je navrhnutý tak, aby sa dal ľahko prenášať, čistiť a obsluhovať, čím sa zabezpečí, že pacienti budú mať prístup k liekom kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek ich potrebujú. Získajte svoj prenosný sieťový nebulizér Philips InnoSpire Go ešte dnes! Prevezmite kontrolu nad zdravím svojich dýchacích ciest a zažite pohodlné, efektívne a efektívne podávanie liekov, ktoré poskytuje prenosný sieťový nebulizátor Philips InnoSpire Go. Objednajte si teraz a užívajte si slobodu pohybu...

346.02 USD

Puressentiel atemwege hustensirup kind fl 140 ml

Puressentiel atemwege hustensirup kind fl 140 ml

Kód produktu: 7846291

Puressentiel Atemwege Hustensirup Kind Fl 140 ml If your child is suffering from cough and respiratory problems, the Puressentiel Atemwege Hustensirup Kind Fl 140 ml can be the perfect solution. Designed with natural ingredients, this cough syrup is safe for children and helps to relieve cough, bronchitis, and asthma, among others. This cough syrup is used for children over 3 years. Features: Easy-to-use cough syrup for children Safe natural ingredients with medicinal plants Relieves cough, bronchitis, and asthma Packaged in a 140 ml bottle Benefits: The Puressentiel Atemwege Hustensirup Kind Fl 140 ml is formulated with an exclusive blend of natural ingredients for providing relief from cough, bronchitis, and asthma. The medicinal plants, such as thyme and eucalyptus, help to clear the airways by expelling mucus and phlegm. This cough syrup also helps to soothe irritated throats and promotes calmness for a better night's sleep. Directions for Use: For children aged 3 to 6 years: 2.5 ml (half a teaspoon) of syrup 2 to 3 times per day. For children aged 6 to 12 years: 5 ml (one teaspoon) of syrup 2 to 3 times per day. In case of doubt, seek advice from a healthcare professional or pharmacist. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children. The Puressentiel Atemwege Hustensirup Kind Fl 140 ml is a must-have in the medicine cabinet of every household. With its natural ingredients, it is the perfect solution for ensuring your child's respiratory health. Order now and provide your child with the relief they deserve!..

30.38 USD

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