
Citlivá pokožka

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Citlivá pleť si vyžaduje špeciálnu starostlivosť a pozornosť, a preto na ponúkame široký sortiment produktov pre zdravie a krásu špeciálne navrhnutých pre suchú a citlivú pleť. Poskytujeme rôzne produkty od starostlivosti o pleť, make-upu, sprchových a kúpeľových produktov až po produkty na ošetrovanie rán a detskú kozmetiku, vďaka čomu nájdete tie najlepšie riešenia, ktoré budú vyhovovať vašim špecifickým potrebám. Či už potrebujete upokojujúci krém na tvár, účinný odličovač očí alebo jemný krém na ruky, my vám pomôžeme. Okrem toho všetky naše produkty od špičkových značiek ako Vogt, Eubos, Vichy, Avene, La Roche-Posay a Eucerin sú vyrobené z prírodných zložiek, vďaka čomu sú šetrné k vašej pokožke a zároveň poskytujú potrebnú výživu a ochranu. Nakupujte u nás ešte dnes a zažite produkty najvyššej kvality švajčiarskej výroby, ktoré sú ideálne pre vašu citlivú pokožku.
3m cavilon reizfrei hautschutz appl n

3m cavilon reizfrei hautschutz appl n

Kód produktu: 7818455

Popis produktu: 3M CAVILON Reizfrei Hautschutz Appl n3M CAVILON Reizfrei Hautschutz Appl n je vysokokvalitný produkt na ochranu pokožky, ktorý je určený na ochranu pokožky pred rôznymi dráždidlami a odreninami. Tento produkt je ideálny pre jednotlivcov, ktorí majú citlivú pokožku a sú náchylní na tvorbu vyrážok, pľuzgierov alebo iných podráždení pokožky v dôsledku dlhodobého vystavenia určitým materiálom alebo chemikáliám.S pokročilým zložením 3M CAVILON Reizfrei Hautschutz Aplikácia Appl n vytvára na pokožke tenkú a priedušnú vrstvu, ktorá pôsobí ako bariéra proti dráždivým látkam a iným škodlivým látkam. Tento produkt na ochranu pokožky sa ľahko aplikuje a rýchlo sa vstrebáva do pokožky, čím poskytuje dlhotrvajúcu ochranu pred podráždením pokožky.3M CAVILON Reizfrei Hautschutz Appl n je vhodný na použitie na všetky typy pleti a je bezpečný na použitie na citlivých miestach, ako je tvár, ruky a oblasť genitálií. Tento produkt je tiež vodeodolný a vydrží vystavenie vode po dlhšiu dobu, čo z neho robí ideálnu voľbu pre jednotlivcov, ktorí pracujú vo vlhkom prostredí.Tento produkt je dostupný v pohodlnom a ľahko použiteľnom aplikátore, ktorý uľahčuje aplikáciu a skladovanie. Aplikátor tiež zaisťuje, že sa produkt aplikuje rovnomerne a presne, čo umožňuje maximálne pokrytie a ochranu.Celkovo je 3M CAVILON Reizfrei Hautschutz Appl n vynikajúcim produktom na ochranu pokožky, ktorý je ideálny pre jednotlivcov, ktorí chcú chrániť ich pokožku pred podráždením a odreninami. Či už pracujete v priemyselnom prostredí, v zdravotníctve, alebo jednoducho chcete chrániť svoju pokožku pred každodennými dráždidlami, tento produkt je vynikajúcou voľbou...

112.36 USD

3m cavilon reizfreier hautschutz m beipa neu

3m cavilon reizfreier hautschutz m beipa neu

Kód produktu: 7810851

3M CAVILON Reizfreier Hautschutz m Beipa neu 3M CAVILON Reizfreier Hautschutz m Beipa neu je inovatívny produkt pre citlivú a podráždenú pokožku. Poskytuje jemnú a účinnú ochranu pokožky, ktorá je náchylná na poškodenie alebo podráždenie v dôsledku vonkajších faktorov, ako je trenie, vlhkosť a vystavenie dráždivým látkam. Tento krém na ochranu pokožky je vhodný pre všetky vekové kategórie a možno ho použiť aj ako preventívne opatrenie proti poškodeniu pokožky. 3M CAVILON Reizfreier Hautschutz m Beipa neu obsahuje jedinečnú zmes zložiek, ktoré spolupracujú na upokojení a ochrane pokožky. Neobsahuje alkohol a neštípe ani nedráždi pokožku, takže je ideálny pre citlivé typy pleti. Tento produkt sa tiež ľahko aplikuje a rýchlo sa vstrebáva, pričom nezanecháva žiadne mastné zvyšky. Či už máte problémy s plienkovou vyrážkou, ekzémom alebo inými typmi podráždenia pokožky, 3M CAVILON Reizfreier Hautschutz m Beipa neu vám môže poskytnúť potrebnú ochranu a opravu. Je bez parfumácie, je hypoalergénny a testovaný dermatológmi, vďaka čomu je bezpečnou a efektívnou voľbou pre celú vašu rodinu. Nedovoľte, aby podráždenie alebo poškodenie pokožky bolo neustálym bojom. Vyskúšajte 3M CAVILON Reizfreier Hautschutz m Beipa neu ešte dnes a zažite výhody jemnej a účinnej ochrany pre vašu pokožku. Funkcie Jemná a účinná ochrana pre citlivú a podráždenú pokožku Bez alkoholu a nedráždi Upokojuje a chráni pokožku pred poškodením a podráždením Rýchlo sa vstrebáva a nemastí Vhodné pre všetky vekové kategórie a typy pleti Bez vône, hypoalergénne a testované dermatológmi ..

47.94 USD

Andreacare intim pflege salbe ohne parfum tb 100 ml

Andreacare intim pflege salbe ohne parfum tb 100 ml

Kód produktu: 7788650

AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe ohne Parfum Tb 100 ml Experience gentle and effective care for your intimate area with AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe. This specially formulated cream provides soothing relief and lasting comfort for sensitive skin. Free from the harshness of perfumes, this product is ideal for those who need a gentle touch, making it perfect for women of all ages and stages of life. Benefits of AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe Gentle and non-irritating formula Soothes and moisturizes sensitive skin in the intimate area Long-lasting comfort and protection Free from harsh fragrances that can cause irritation Perfect for daily use With AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe, you'll feel confident and comfortable all day long. Formulated with natural ingredients like allantoin and almond oil, this cream deeply moisturizes and nourishes your skin, prevent dryness and irritation. This product is particularly useful in situations where hygiene is important, such as during menstruation or after sex. Easy to apply and quick to absorb, AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe is an excellent choice for daily use. AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe is packaged in a 100 ml tube that is easy to take with you on the go. Whether you're traveling or simply want to keep your intimate area healthy and comfortable, this product is a must-have. Order your tube of AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe for gentle, effective, and non-irritating care that works. ..

36.88 USD

Avene sun sonnenfluid getönt spf50+

Avene sun sonnenfluid getönt spf50+

Kód produktu: 7815206

AVENE SUN Sonnenfluid getönt SPF50+ AVENE SUN Sonnenfluid getönt SPF50+ je vysoko ochranný, ľahký a vodeodolný tónovaný opaľovací krém, ktorý je špeciálne navrhnutý pre citlivú pokožku. Tento produkt poskytuje vysokú úroveň ochrany pred slnkom a zároveň ponúka prirodzene vyzerajúci matný povrch pokožky. Tento opaľovací krém má jedinečnú kombináciu zložiek, ktoré poskytujú ochranu, hydratáciu a zdravý lesk. Opaľovací krém obsahuje veľmi vysokú širokospektrálnu ochranu proti UVA a UVB lúčom, ktoré môžu spôsobiť poškodenie a starnutie pokožky. Je tiež obohatený o Termálnu vodu Avene, ktorá upokojuje a upokojuje zapálenú či podráždenú pokožku a znižuje riziko kožných reakcií. Jedinečné zloženie je nemastné, nelepivé a rýchlo sa vstrebávajúce, čo zaisťuje, že vaša pokožka vyzerá a pôsobí hladko a sviežo. Produkt tiež obsahuje antioxidačné vlastnosti, ktoré pomáhajú chrániť pokožku pred oxidačným stresom a fotostarnutím. Má vysoko znášanlivé zloženie bez vôní, parabénov a olejov, vďaka čomu je ideálny pre ľudí s citlivou pokožkou alebo pokožkou náchylnou na alergie. Produkt je vodeodolný až 40 minút a možno ho použiť na tvár aj telo. AVENE SUN Sonnenfluid getönt SPF50+ poskytuje univerzálne lichotivý odtieň, ktorý hladko splynie s pokožkou, vďaka čomu je ideálnym produktom na každodenné použitie. Ľahké zloženie pôsobí na pleti bez tiaže a je ideálne na použitie pod make-up alebo ako prirodzene vyzerajúci odtieň. Vo všeobecnosti je AVENE SUN Sonnenfluid getönt SPF50+ vynikajúcou voľbou pre každého, kto hľadá širokospektrálnu ochranu pred slnkom, ktorá je zároveň jemná a vyživujúca pre citlivú pokožku. Je to dokonalý produkt pre ľudí, ktorí chcú chrániť svoju pokožku pred škodlivými slnečnými lúčmi a zároveň vytvoriť žiarivý, prirodzene vyzerajúci povrch. ..

55.83 USD

Avene tolérance control balsam beruhigend

Avene tolérance control balsam beruhigend

Kód produktu: 7795337

Skin regenerating, soothing balm for reactive dry skin. Composition Avene thermal spring water (avene aqua), caprylic/capric triglycerides, glycerin, cetearyl alcohol, butyrospermum parkii (shea) butter (butyrospermum parkii butter), squalane, beeswax (cera alba), cetearyl glucoside, cetyl esters, aquaphilus dolomiae extract filtrate, arginine, citric acid, tromethamine, water (aqua), xanthan gum.. Properties Sensitive reactive, hypersensitive or allergic skin. Suitable for dry to very dry skin. For children, adults. Immediately calms redness, tingling, tightness and feelings of heat.Regenerates the natural skin barrier, moisturizes the skin and makes it feel good.Controls and durably reduces hyper-reactivity of the skin.Without preservatives, without fragrances. Formulation tested on allergic skin. 97% ingredients of natural origin. Innovation D-Sensinose?: Probiotic active ingredient extracted from Avène Thermal Spring Water (Patent pending. For external use only.). Soothes the skin and restores its well-being.Designed to minimize the risk of allergic reactions. Non-comedogenic. Application Apply morning and evening to face, neck and eye contour. ..

59.55 USD

Avene tolérance control reinigungslotion 200 ml

Avene tolérance control reinigungslotion 200 ml

Kód produktu: 7795335

Cleansing lotion for the face and eyes, for sensitive to reactive skin. Composition Avene thermal spring water (avene aqua), cetearyl alcohol, aquaphilus dolomiae extract filtrate, arginine, caprylyl glycol, coco-glucoside, disodium phosphate, hydroxycapric acid, magnesium oxide, potassium phosphate, sodium benzoate, sodium cetearyl sulfate, sodium hydroxide, tromethamine, water (aqua).. Properties Cleans and removes makeup Leave-inFragrance-free 99% ingredients of natural origin.Designed to minimize the risk of allergic reactions - Non-comedogenic. Application Apply to face, eyes and lips in the morning and evening. Without rinsing. ..

48.19 USD

Bioderma sensibio gél moussant tb 100 ml

Bioderma sensibio gél moussant tb 100 ml

Kód produktu: 7798581

Experience Refreshed and Soothed Skin with BIODERMA Sensibio Gel Moussant Tb 100 ml BIODERMA Sensibio Gel Moussant Tb 100 ml is a gentle, soap-free foaming cleanser designed for those with sensitive skin. This formula works to thoroughly cleanse the skin of impurities without causing any irritation, making it an ideal option for daily use. This foaming gel is enriched with active ingredients like glycerin and coco-glucoside, which help to hydrate the skin while restoring its natural moisture balance. It is also formulated with soothing ingredients like allantoin and cucumber extract that help to leave the skin feeling cool and refreshed. BIODERMA Sensibio Gel Moussant Tb 100 ml is specifically designed to combat the redness and irritation associated with sensitive skin. Its gentle formula helps to calm and soothe the skin, making it perfect for those prone to inflammation or with easily irritated skin. This product is also hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, and free from parabens and other harsh chemicals that can further irritate sensitive skin. It is a non-comedogenic formula, which means it won't clog pores or cause breakouts, making it a suitable choice for those with acne-prone skin as well. Overall, BIODERMA Sensibio Gel Moussant Tb 100 ml is a gentle, yet effective cleansing option that is perfect for those with sensitive skin. Its unique formula is designed to soothe, hydrate, and refresh the skin, leaving it looking and feeling healthier than ever...

28.92 USD

Bluu waschstreifen ohne duft 60 stk

Bluu waschstreifen ohne duft 60 stk

Kód produktu: 7805240

Bluu Waschstreifen ohne Duft 60 Stk Description: The Bluu Waschstreifen ohne Duft 60 Stk is an essential product for anyone looking for convenient and hassle-free cleaning. These washing strips are entirely fragrance-free, making them ideal for individuals who have sensitive skin or allergies to artificial scents. The product comes in a pack of 60 strips that offer great value for money. Each strip is made from high-quality materials that are soft and gentle on the skin, yet effective in removing dirt, grime, and oils. The strips are easy to use and can be used for washing hands, face, and body. One of the significant benefits of this product is that it is highly absorbent, which means it can absorb dirt and impurities quickly without leaving any residue. These strips are perfect for travel, camping or hiking, and can easily fit into your luggage without taking up too much space. Features: 60 strips in each pack Fragrance-free, ideal for sensitive skin Soft and gentle on the skin Highly absorbent and effective at removing dirt and impurities Convenient and easy to use Perfect for travel, camping, or hiking How to use: To use the Bluu Waschstreifen ohne Duft 60 Stk, simply wet the strip with water, lather it up, and use it to wash your hands, face, or body. After use, rinse off the strip with water and hang it up to dry. The strip can be reused multiple times, depending on the level of dirt and grime removed. Summary: The Bluu Waschstreifen ohne Duft 60 Stk is an excellent product that offers a convenient, hassle-free way to clean your hands, face, and body. The strips are fragrance-free, making them perfect for individuals with sensitive skin or allergies to artificial scents. The strips are soft, gentle on the skin, and highly absorbent, making them effective at removing dirt, grime, and oils. The product is perfect for travel, camping, or hiking, and can easily fit into your luggage without taking up too much space. ..

30.27 USD

Daylong sensitive mineral creme spf30 tb 90 ml

Daylong sensitive mineral creme spf30 tb 90 ml

Kód produktu: 7817464

Daylong Sensitive Mineral Creme SPF30 Tb 90 ml Daylong Sensitive Mineral Creme SPF30 Tb 90 ml is a highly effective sunscreen that provides optimal UV protection to your skin. The cream is specially formulated to cater to the needs of individuals with sensitive or allergic skin types. Features: The Daylong Sensitive Mineral Creme SPF30 Tb 90 ml is formulated with zinc oxide which acts as a physical barrier to protect the skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays. It has a lightweight, water-resistant formula that offers long-lasting protection against sun damage and makes it ideal for use even during outdoor activities. The mineral-based sunscreen is free of chemical filters, preservatives, fragrances, and parabens, making it safe for all skin types, especially sensitive skin. The product contains vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that prevents skin damage caused by free radicals and promotes healthy-looking skin. The Daylong Sensitive Mineral Creme SPF30 Tb 90 ml provides excellent coverage without leaving a white cast on the skin and absorbs quickly without feeling greasy or sticky. Benefits: Protects against UVA and UVB rays, preventing sunburn and premature aging of the skin. Minimizes the risk of skin reactions and irritation, making it suitable for individuals with sensitive or allergy-prone skin. Water-resistant and long-lasting formula provides uninterrupted sun protection for up to 6 hours. Provides a lightweight, non-greasy, and non-sticky application, making it easy to wear under makeup or other skincare products. Free of harmful chemicals, preservatives, fragrances, and parabens, making it safe for all skin types and ideal for daily use. Overall, Daylong Sensitive Mineral Creme SPF30 Tb 90 ml offers optimal daily sun protection for individuals with sensitive or allergy-prone skin, without compromising on effectiveness or skin health...

46.73 USD

Dr hauschka med intensivcreme mittagsblume tb 50 ml

Dr hauschka med intensivcreme mittagsblume tb 50 ml

Kód produktu: 7820099

Dr Hauschka Med Intensivcreme Mittagsblume Tb 50 mlPopis produktu: Ak hľadáte jemný a účinný spôsob ošetrenia suchej a citlivej pokožky, potom je Dr Hauschka Med Intensivcreme Mittagsblume dokonalým riešením. Tento krém bol špeciálne vyvinutý tak, aby hlboko hydratoval a vyživoval vašu pokožku a zanechával ju zdravý a žiarivý. Kľúčovou zložkou tohto krému je Mittagsblume, ktorý je známy svojimi neuveriteľnými vlastnosťami upokojujúcimi pokožku. Pomáha upokojiť a omladiť suchú a citlivú pokožku a zároveň znížiť výskyt začervenania a zápalu. Ďalšie prírodné zložky, ako je nechtík a harmanček, poskytujú dodatočné hydratačné účinky, zanechávajú pokožku jemnú a pružnú po celý deň. Tento krém sa ľahko nanáša a rýchlo sa vstrebáva do pokožky, takže sa nebudete musieť báť mastného alebo lepkavého pocitu. Je tiež bez syntetických vôní, farbív a konzervačných látok, vďaka čomu je bezpečnou a jemnou voľbou pre každého s citlivou pokožkou. Funkcie: Intenzívny hydratačný krém pre suchú a citlivú pokožku Obsahuje Mittagsblume pre upokojujúce účinky na pokožku Nechtík a harmanček poskytujú dodatočnú hydratáciu Ľahko sa nanáša a nemastí Bez syntetických vôní, farbív a konzervačných látok Veľkosť: 50 ml Ako používať: Naneste malé množstvo krému na tvár a krk ráno po vyčistení a tonizácii. Jemne vmasírujte do pokožky, kým sa úplne nevstrebe. Pre dosiahnutie najlepších výsledkov používajte v spojení s inými produktmi Dr Hauschka Med. Celkovo je Dr Hauschka Med Intensivcreme Mittagsblume Tb 50 ml skvelou voľbou pre každého, kto hľadá prirodzený a účinný spôsob hydratácie a výživy suchej a citlivej pokožky. Jeho jemné zloženie a upokojujúce zložky zanechajú vašu pokožku zdravý a žiarivý vzhľad. ..

57.34 USD

Eubos sensitive dermo protection lotion 200 ml

Eubos sensitive dermo protection lotion 200 ml

Kód produktu: 7792651

Eubos Sensitive Dermo Protection Lotion 200 ml The Eubos Sensitive Dermo Protection Lotion 200 ml is a specially formulated skin care product that caters to the needs of sensitive skin. This lotion is free from fragrance, colorants, and preservatives, making it the perfect option for people with skin allergies or hypersensitivities. The unique formula of the lotion helps maintain the skin's natural moisture balance without causing any irritation. The Eubos Sensitive Dermo Protection Lotion contains a blend of natural ingredients that work together to soothe and protect the skin from environmental stressors. The combination of urea and lactic acid help in maintaining the skin's natural pH level, while panthenol and allantoin offer intense hydration and nourishment. The lotion also contains chamomile extract, which has anti-inflammatory properties, and supports the regeneration of the skin's natural protective barrier. The Eubos Sensitive Dermo Protection Lotion is suitable for daily use, and its fast-absorbing formula leaves no greasy residue. The 200 ml bottle size makes it perfect for travel and easy to use anywhere. The product is dermatologically tested, and its gentle formula makes it safe to use on babies and children as well. Overall, Eubos Sensitive Dermo Protection Lotion is a must-have for people looking for a gentle and effective solution for sensitive skin care. Key Features: Free from fragrance, colorants, and preservatives Helps maintain the skin's natural moisture balance Contains natural ingredients that soothe and protect sensitive skin Contains chamomile extract with anti-inflammatory properties Fast-absorbing formula leaves no greasy residue Suitable for babies and children Dermatologically tested ..

39.89 USD

Eubos sensitive hand repair & care 75 ml

Eubos sensitive hand repair & care 75 ml

Kód produktu: 7792647

Eubos Sensitive Hand Repair & Care 75 ml Eubos Sensitive Hand Repair & Care 75 ml is a high-quality hand cream designed to effectively repair damaged skin while providing long-lasting hydration and protection. The unique formula is specially developed to soothe and calm irritated skin on hands, leaving them feeling soft and supple. Features Non-greasy formula Fast-absorbing Moisturizes deeply Repairs damaged skin Calms irritated skin Creates a protective barrier against environmental stressors Active Ingredients The Eubos Sensitive Hand Repair & Care 75 ml is made with high-quality ingredients that work together to effectively soothe and protect sensitive skin. These include: Panthenol ? a provitamin of B5 that has excellent moisturizing properties and helps to soothe and repair dry and damaged skin. Bisabolol ? a natural compound found in chamomile flowers, known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Squalane ? an ultra-lightweight oil derived from olives that mimics the skin's natural oils to provide long-lasting hydration without a greasy feel. Vitamin E ? a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from environmental stressors and helps to repair and maintain the skin's barrier function. Directions for Use Apply Eubos Sensitive Hand Repair & Care 75 ml as needed, especially after washing hands or exposure to water. Massage gently into the skin until fully absorbed. For best results, use regularly to maintain smooth and healthy-looking skin on your hands. Overall, the Eubos Sensitive Hand Repair & Care 75 ml is a must-have for anyone with sensitive skin. It provides effective repair, hydration, and protection, without a heavy or greasy feel. Get your hands on this product today!..

29.49 USD

Ialugen calm gel tb 50 g

Ialugen calm gel tb 50 g

Kód produktu: 7818347

Ialugen Calm Gel Ialugen Calm Gel je dermatologický produkt špeciálne navrhnutý na opravu, upokojenie a ochranu citlivej pokožky, ktorá je náchylná na podráždenie, začervenanie a vysušenie. Gél sa dodáva v 50g tube a obsahuje zmes aktívnych zložiek, ktoré pomáhajú obnoviť prirodzenú bariéru pokožky, zabraňujú ďalšiemu podráždeniu a poskytujú okamžitý pocit úľavy. Výhody: Znižuje začervenanie a podráždenie Zvlhčuje a zjemňuje pokožku Chráni pokožku pred vonkajšími agresormi Rýchlo sa vstrebáva a nezanecháva mastné zvyšky Vhodné pre všetky typy pleti Aktívne zložky: Tento jemný gél obsahuje tri aktívne zložky, ktoré synergicky pôsobia na upokojenie pokožky a zmiernenie zápalu: Hydratačné látky: Kyselina hyalurónová a prírodné polysacharidy pomáhajú uzamykať vlhkosť a udržiavať pokožku hydratovanú. Protizápalové činidlo: Beta-glukán pomáha znižovať reaktivitu pokožky a upokojuje zápal. Ochranný prostriedok: Zinok pomáha chrániť pokožku pred vonkajšími agresormi, ako je znečistenie a UV žiarenie, ktoré môže spôsobiť podráždenie a poškodenie. Ako používať: Naneste gél na čistú a suchú pokožku ráno a večer Krúživými pohybmi jemne vmasírujte do pokožky Pred nanesením akýchkoľvek iných produktov alebo make-upu nechajte gél úplne absorbovať Ialugen Calm Gel musí mať každý s citlivou pokožkou, začervenaním alebo podráždením. Jeho jemné, ale účinné zloženie pomáha upokojiť a hydratovať pokožku, zanecháva ju jemnú a hladkú. Objednajte si svoj ešte dnes a zažite výhody tohto úžasného produktu na vlastnej koži!..

55.59 USD

Ialugen calm spray 100 ml

Ialugen calm spray 100 ml

Kód produktu: 7818348

Ialugen Calm Spray 100 mlHľadáte riešenie na upokojenie vašej podráždenej, citlivej alebo svrbiacej pokožky? Nehľadajte nič iné ako Ialugen Calm Spray – vaše obľúbené riešenie na upokojenie pleti. Tento 100 ml univerzálny prírodný sprej je špeciálne vytvorený s kombináciou aktívnych zložiek, ktoré spoločne poskytujú rýchlu a dlhotrvajúcu úľavu od podráždenia pokožky. Môže pomôcť znížiť svrbenie, začervenanie a zápal na citlivej pokožke a chrániť pred vonkajšími faktormi, ako je znečistenie a zmeny počasia. So svojím nemastným, nelepivým a nevoňavým zložením sa Ialugen Calm Spray ľahko nanáša a nezanecháva na pokožke žiadne zvyšky. Dá sa použiť na akúkoľvek časť tela vrátane tváre a je vhodný pre všetky typy pleti, vrátane citlivej, suchej a ekzémom náchylnej. Vďaka prírodným zložkám, ako je kyselina hyalurónová, aloe vera, harmanček a pantenol, Ialugen Calm Spray poskytuje pokožke okamžitý pocit sviežosti a hydratácie. Ak hľadáte prirodzené, ľahko použiteľné a zároveň účinné riešenie pre vašu citlivú pokožku, Ialugen Calm Spray rozhodne stojí za vyskúšanie. Objednajte si teraz a presvedčte sa sami o transformačných výhodách tohto spreja na upokojenie pokožky. ..

96.05 USD

Lavera basis sensi bodylot exp aloe&jojo

Lavera basis sensi bodylot exp aloe&jojo

Kód produktu: 7812590

LAVERA Basis Sensi Bodylot exp Aloe&Jojo The LAVERA Basis Sensi Bodylot exp Aloe&Jojo is a perfect solution for sensitive skin. The lotion is made of certified organic ingredients that moisturize and nourish the skin. This product is ideal for those who have dry or irritated skin, as it is gentle and non-irritating. The main ingredients of this lotion are aloe vera and jojoba oil, which are known for their hydrating and healing properties. The aloe vera extract in the lotion soothes the skin and reduces inflammation, while the jojoba oil softens and smoothens the skin. This lotion is free from artificial fragrances, colors, and preservatives, making it suitable for people with hypersensitive skin. The absence of harsh chemicals in the lotion makes it eco-friendly and safe for the environment. The LAVERA Basis Sensi Bodylot exp Aloe&Jojo is dermatologically tested and suitable for all skin types. The lotion is easy to apply and absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving it nourished and moisturized. Its lightweight texture makes it perfect for everyday use, and the 200 ml bottle is convenient for travel and use on-the-go. This lotion is cruelty-free and vegan-friendly. Overall, the LAVERA Basis Sensi Bodylot exp Aloe&Jojo is a great option for anyone looking for a gentle, organic, and effective lotion for sensitive skin. ..

24.37 USD

Mavena b12 gesichtscreme disp 50 ml

Mavena b12 gesichtscreme disp 50 ml

Kód produktu: 7801140

Mavena B12 Gesichtscreme Disp 50 ml The Ultimate Solution for Sensitive Skin: Mavena B12 Gesichtscreme Disp 50 ml is a facial cream enriched with Vitamin B12 that is specifically designed to nourish and heal sensitive skin. The cream contains highly effective ingredients that work to moisturize, soothe, and protect the skin, reducing redness and inflammation, and restoring the skin's natural hydration. Features and Benefits: The cream contains Vitamin B12 which assists in repairing the skin, leaving it smooth and healthy The ingredients work to calm irritated skin and reduce redness and inflammation caused by various skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea It contains a blend of natural ingredients such as jojoba oil, vitamin E, and aloe vera that help to restore the skin's natural hydration The product is gentle on the skin and does not contain any harsh chemicals, preservatives, or fragrances that can cause irritation or allergic reactions The cream is easy to apply and comes in a convenient 50 ml dispenser that allows you to control the amount of cream needed for your face The product is suitable for all skin types, especially for those with sensitive, dry, or itchy skin With consistent use, Mavena B12 Gesichtscreme Disp 50 ml will help to protect, nourish, and improve the overall health of your skin. Give your skin the attention it deserves with this gentle and effective facial cream. Order now and experience the benefits of a healthy and radiant complexion. ..

45.14 USD

Mustela change liniment

Mustela change liniment

Kód produktu: 7821042

MUSTELA Change Liniment MUSTELA Change Liniment is a gentle and effective diaper rash cream formulated with 99% natural ingredients. It is suitable for newborns, infants, and toddlers with very sensitive skin prone to diaper rash. The formula is free from harmful chemicals like parabens, sulfates, and phthalates, making it safe for frequent use. Features and Benefits Prevents and soothes diaper rashes 99% natural ingredients Safe to use on newborns Gently moisturizes and nourishes the skin Free from harmful chemicals Hypoallergenic and dermatologist-tested MUSTELA Change Liniment is enriched with extra-virgin olive oil that creates a protective layer on the skin to prevent diaper rash. It is also infused with vitamin E and fatty acids that nourish and moisturize the skin. The cream has a soft and creamy texture that spreads easily and gets absorbed quickly without leaving any residue. Directions for Use Before each diaper change, cleanse the baby?s skin with water, and then apply MUSTELA Change Liniment generously on the diaper area. Gently massage the cream onto the skin until it is completely absorbed. It is ideal for use with MUSTELA wipes and diapers for better protection against rashes. Ingredients Extra-virgin Olive Oil Milk of Lime Sunflower Seed Oil Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride Undecylenic Glycerides Vitamin E Fatty Acid With MUSTELA Change Liniment, you can rest assured that your baby?s delicate skin is well-protected and nourished. It is a trusted product recommended by pediatricians and dermatologists worldwide for its quality and effectiveness in preventing diaper rash. Order your MUSTELA Change Liniment today and experience the benefits of this gentle and natural diaper rash cream...

28.17 USD

Mustela reinigungsflu ohne abspül ani haut

Mustela reinigungsflu ohne abspül ani haut

Kód produktu: 7786547

MUSTELA Reinigungsflu ohne Abspül nor Haut The MUSTELA Reinigungsflu ohne Abspül nor Haut is a gentle cleansing fluid that caters to the needs of the sensitive skin of babies and children. Formulated with natural ingredients, this non-rinse formula effectively eliminates dirt, impurities, and traces of sweat, without causing any dryness or irritation to the delicate skin. The product comes in a practical pump bottle, which makes it easy to dispense just the right amount of the product needed for each use. The fluid is enriched with avocado perseose, a patented natural ingredient that helps to reinforce the skin barrier and protect the natural skin flora. It is also infused with mild surfactants that cleanse the skin gently yet effectively, without drying it out. The hypoallergenic and fragrance-free formula of the MUSTELA Reinigungsflu makes it safe for use on babies from the first day of life. Thanks to its non-rinse formula, this cleansing fluid is a practical solution for busy moms and dads who want to make sure their baby's skin stays clean, soft, and protected, all day long. The product is dermatologically tested and free from parabens, phthalates, and phenoxyethanol. Recommended Use: Apply the MUSTELA Reinigungsflu ohne Abspül nor Haut to a cotton pad and gently wipe the skin, making sure to cover all areas. Repeat until the skin is clean, and there is no more dirt or impurities on the cotton pad. Avoid the eye area. No rinsing needed. Ingredients: Aqua (Water), Glycerin, Sodium Benzoate, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, 1,2-Hexanediol, Allantoin, Caprylyl Glycol, Parfum (Fragrance), Tartaric Acid, Sodium Hydroxide, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder, Persea Gratissima (Avocado) Fruit Extract, Propylene Glycol, Saponaria Officinalis Leaf/Root Extract. ..

37.09 USD

Nivea magicbar sensitiv 75 g

Nivea magicbar sensitiv 75 g

Kód produktu: 7799508

Nivea MagicBAR Sensitiv 75 g Nivea MagicBAR Sensitiv 75 g is a magical soap bar that provides a gentle yet effective cleansing experience. It is specially formulated for sensitive skin types and leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth after every use. Features: Formulated with natural ingredients like chamomile, aloe vera, and vitamin E Free from artificial colors, preservatives, and synthetic fragrances Gentle and mild fragrance that is suitable for people with sensitive skin 75 g soap bar that can last long Benefits: Effectively cleanses the skin without leaving it dry or tight Provides a refreshing and soothing sensation to the skin Enriched with natural ingredients that nourish and protect the skin Free from harmful chemicals that can cause skin irritation or allergies Usage: Wet your skin and the soap bar. Create a lather by rubbing the soap bar in between your palms. Gently massage the lather onto your skin. Rinse well with water. Overall: Nivea MagicBAR Sensitiv 75 g is an excellent soap bar for people with sensitive skin. Its natural formula and gentle fragrance provide a refreshing and soothing cleansing experience. If you're looking for an effective and safe soap bar that won't harm your skin, Nivea MagicBAR Sensitiv 75 g is definitely worth trying. ..

25.70 USD

Nivea male deo dry active (neu)

Nivea male deo dry active (neu)

Kód produktu: 7799441

NIVEA Male Deo Dry Active (Neu) Experience long-lasting freshness with the NIVEA Male Deo Dry Active (Neu). This deodorant is specially formulated for men with an active lifestyle. It provides reliable protection against sweat and odor for up to 48 hours, so you can stay fresh and confident all day long. The NIVEA Male Deo Dry Active (Neu) is enriched with anti-bacterial agents that inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria. It also contains mineral complex that helps to soothe and protect the skin, making it perfect for those with sensitive skin. This deodorant is free from alcohol and colorants, so it won't irritate your skin or stain your clothes. The NIVEA Male Deo Dry Active (Neu) has a fresh and masculine fragrance that leaves you feeling energized and refreshed. Its non-sticky formula is easy to apply and quickly absorbs into the skin, leaving no residue or stains. It is also dermatologically tested and proven to be skin-friendly. Get long-lasting protection against sweat and odor with NIVEA Male Deo Dry Active (Neu) and enjoy the confidence that comes with staying fresh and dry all day...

12.32 USD

Pelsano pflegender puder (neu)

Pelsano pflegender puder (neu)

Kód produktu: 7820112

Stará sa a chráni citlivú, podráždenú pokožku zadočka dieťaťa. Viaže prebytočnú vlhkosť bez podráždenia pokožky. VlastnostiVlastnosti: bez farbív a bez konzervačných látok; ..

20.93 USD

Penaten pflegecreme gesicht & körper topf 100 ml

Penaten pflegecreme gesicht & körper topf 100 ml

Kód produktu: 7808891

Penaten Pflegecreme Gesicht & Körper Topf 100 ml The Penaten Pflegecreme Gesicht & Körper Topf 100 ml is a high-quality skin care product that is perfect for both your face and body. The formula is specially designed to protect and care for your skin, leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and healthy. It contains a unique blend of natural ingredients that provide deep moisturization and protection against dryness, irritation, and other common skin problems. Features and Benefits Contains natural ingredients that nourish and protect the skin Provides deep moisturization to prevent dryness, flakiness, and roughness Helps to soothe and calm irritated skin Gentle formula is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin Non-greasy texture is easily absorbed for optimal results Comes in a convenient 100 ml pot for easy application and storage Free from harmful chemicals, parabens, and synthetic fragrances How to Use Apply the Penaten Pflegecreme Gesicht & Körper Topf 100 ml to your face and body as often as needed. Massage gently until completely absorbed. Use daily for best results. Ingredients Aqua, Paraffinum Liquidum, Lanolin, Cera Microcrystallina, Glycerin, Panthenol, Decyl Oleate, Zinc Oxide, Cetyl Alcohol, Sorbitan Sesquioleate, Magnesium Sulfate, Parfum, Citric Acid, Linalool, Benzyl Salicylate, Citronellol, Eugenol, Limonene, Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone, Coumarin, Geraniol. Customer Reviews "I have very dry and sensitive skin, and this cream has been a lifesaver for me. It's gentle, non-greasy, and absorbs quickly, leaving my skin feeling soft and smooth. Highly recommended!" - Rachel S. "I've tried so many skin care products over the years, and this is by far my favourite. It's simple, effective, and affordable - everything I want in a moisturizer. Will definitely be repurchasing." - James R. Conclusion With its nourishing formula, gentle texture, and affordable price, the Penaten Pflegecreme Gesicht & Körper Topf 100 ml is a must-have skin care product for anyone who wants to keep their skin healthy and radiant. Try it today and see the difference for yourself! ..

16.34 USD

Sonett wäschespüler

Sonett wäschespüler

Kód produktu: 7798062

SONETT Wäschespüler The SONETT Wäschespüler is a natural fabric softener that leaves your laundry feeling soft and fresh. Made with only the highest quality ingredients, this fabric softener is free from synthetic fragrances, dyes, and preservatives, making it perfect for those with sensitive skin. Our fabric softener is suitable for all types of fabrics and can be used in both hand washing and machine washing. It has a pleasant scent of essential oils and botanical extracts, leaving your clothes smelling fresh and clean. Plus, it's biodegradable and environmentally friendly, making it a great choice for conscious consumers. The SONETT Wäschespüler is easy to use, simply add it to the final rinse cycle and watch as your laundry comes out feeling soft and comfortable. It helps to prevent static cling and reduce wrinkles, giving your clothes a clean and polished look. Our product is made with love and care by a family-owned business in Germany, ensuring that every bottle is of the highest quality. We believe in using only the best ingredients to create natural and effective household products that are good for you and good for the planet. Try the SONETT Wäschespüler today and experience the difference for yourself!..

16.25 USD

Ultrasun family spf 30 tb 250 ml

Ultrasun family spf 30 tb 250 ml

Kód produktu: 7815382

Ultrasun Family SPF 30 Tb 250 ml - Sun protection for the whole family Ultrasun Family SPF 30 Tb 250 ml is the perfect sun protection solution for the whole family. This high-performance sunscreen lotion is specifically designed to provide long-lasting protection against harmful UV rays. It is formulated with broad-spectrum UVA and UVB filters, as well as Infrared-A protection, to safeguard your skin from sun-induced damage. Key Features and Benefits: High UV protection - offers SPF 30 to block 97% of UVB rays Long-lasting protection - water-resistant for up to 2 hours Gentle formula - suitable for sensitive skin and children Non-greasy and non-sticky texture - easy to apply and absorbs quickly Large 250 ml tub - provides ample sunscreen for the whole family to use How to Use: Apply Ultrasun Family SPF 30 Tb 250 ml liberally to clean, dry skin 15 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply every 2 hours, or after swimming, sweating, or towel-drying to ensure optimal sun protection. Avoid contact with eyes and clothing. Ingredients: Aqua, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Pentylene Glycol, Methylene Bis-Benzotriazolyl Tetramethylbutylphenol (Nano), Titanium Dioxide (Nano), Ethylhexyl Salicylate, Glycerin, Bis-Ethylhexyloxyphenol Methoxyphenyl Triazine, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Diethylamino Hydroxybenzoyl Hexyl Benzoate, Ethylhexyl Triazone, VP/Eicosene Copolymer, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetyl Phosphate, Mica, Parfum, Decyl Glucoside, Tocopheryl Acetate, Sodium Hydroxide, Propyl Alcohol, Xanthan Gum, Lecithin, Caprylyl Glycol, Sodium Citrate, Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate, Silver Chloride. Order Now and Provide Safe and Effective Sun Protection for Your Family With Ultrasun Family SPF 30 Tb 250 ml, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your entire family is protected from harmful UV rays. Order now to get the best sun protection available, wherever and whenever you need it. ..

59.68 USD

Vichy normaderm sérum probio-bha fl 30 ml

Vichy normaderm sérum probio-bha fl 30 ml

Kód produktu: 7815159

Vichy Normaderm Serum Probio-BHA Fl 30 ml Clear and beautiful skin is what everyone desires, and with Vichy Normaderm Serum Probio-BHA Fl 30 ml, you can achieve that effortlessly. This serum is specially formulated to tackle the most common skin concerns such as imperfections, enlarged and clogged pores, dullness, and uneven texture. The innovative ingredients used in this serum work together to refine pores, even skin tone, and provide intense hydration for a perfect-looking skin. Features Contains Probiotics, which are known to strengthen the skin's natural barrier Includes salicylic acid, a powerful exfoliating agent that provides chemical exfoliation and deep pore cleansing Formula enriched with niacinamide, a vitamin B3 that helps to reduce inflammation and redness caused by acne Provides long-lasting hydration and leaves the skin looking plump and healthy Paraben-free and non-comedogenic formula suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin Directions for Use Apply Vichy Normaderm Serum Probio-BHA Fl 30 ml onto clean, dry skin every morning and night. Gently massage the serum into your skin in circular motions until fully absorbed. This serum can be used alone or as a base for your moisturizer. Avoid contact with the eyes, and in case of contact, rinse thoroughly with water. For best results, use alongside other products from the Vichy Normaderm range. Final Thoughts Whatever your skin concern might be, Vichy Normaderm Serum Probio-BHA Fl 30 ml has got you covered. This serum is your go-to product for achieving perfect-looking, radiant, and healthy skin. Use it regularly as a part of your daily skincare routine, and you'll instantly feel the difference in your skin's texture, tone, and overall appearance...

56.14 USD

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