
Hydratačné očné kvapky

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Objavte účinnosť hydratačných očných kvapiek z, vášho dôveryhodného zdroja produktov pre zdravie a krásu. Naše zvlhčujúce očné kvapky so švajčiarskym zložením ponúkajú nevyhnutnú prirodzenú lubrikáciu očí, ktorá poskytuje okamžitú úľavu od suchého oka. Preskúmajte naše kategórie vrátane produktov pre zdravie, prírodných liečiv a starostlivosti o oči, aby ste našli dokonalé riešenie pre vaše potreby. Sme hrdí na to, že ponúkame pokročilé riešenia starostlivosti o telo a tvár a ďalšie špecializácie, aby sme zaistili splnenie všetkých vašich potrieb v oblasti krásy. Vyskúšajte dobrotu prírody pre svoje oči s hydratačnými očnými kvapkami ešte dnes!
A. vogel očné kvapky 10 ml

A. vogel očné kvapky 10 ml

Kód produktu: 5580901

Eye drops for dry, burning and tired eyes, which can also be used by lens wearers. Properties Eye drops for dry, burning and tired eyes that instantly moisturize and refresh. The drops are also suitable for contact lens wearers. Application Adults: 1 drop in each eye 4-5 times a day Children from 3 years: 1-2 times a day one drop per day This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

20.79 USD

Artelac splash edo gd opht 30 monodos 0,5 ml

Artelac splash edo gd opht 30 monodos 0,5 ml

Kód produktu: 4875468

Soothing and refreshing moisturizing for dry, tired and stressed eyes and for moistening contact lenses. Properties Artelac Splash eye drops are the ideal freshness boost for the eyes, which are heavily stressed every day by external factors. The drops provide the eyes with moisture and are soothing and refreshing. They are suitable for moistening dry, tired and stressed eyes and for moistening contact lenses. The drops in the practical one-dose optioles are without preservatives.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

41.18 USD

Bepanthen očné kvapky 2*10ml

Bepanthen očné kvapky 2*10ml

Kód produktu: 7755337

What is Bepanthen Eye Drops and when is it used? Bepanthen Eye Drops form a sterile, preservative-free, viscoelastic, clear protective film for the cornea. The combination of sodium hyaluronate (tear film stabilizing) and dexpanthenol (caring, soothing) protects and moisturizes the surface of the eye and makes it slippery. ? mechanical stress caused, for example, by wearing hard or soft contact lenses or during diagnostic eye surgery;? environmental stress eg from air conditioning, wind, cold, drought or air pollution;? strained eyes, for example when working on computer screens and on long car journeys.Due to the fact that they are free of preservatives, Bepanthen Eye Drops are particularly well tolerated, even with long-term use. When should Bepanthen Eye Drops not be used or only with caution? Do not use if the single-dose container is damaged or the foil packaging is damaged.Do not touch the eye with the single-dose container.Do not use if you are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients. If you also use other eye drops/eye ointments, an interval of 15 minutes should be observed. Do not use on infected or injured eyes.When used, visual acuity may be reduced for a short time; How do you use Bepanthen Eye Drops? Disconnect one single-dose container. Place one or two drops in each eye several times a day as needed. What should also be noted? Store at 2°C to 25°C. Do not use the eye drops after the expiration date. What does Bepanthen Eye Drops contain? Sodium hyaluronate 0.15%, dexpanthenol 2%, sodium chloride, disodium phosphate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, water for injections. Where can you get Bepanthen Eye Drops? In pharmacies and drugstores, without medical prescription.Sales unit: one-dose containers, 20× 0.5 ml. Manufacturer Penta Arzneimittel GmbH, Werksstrasse 3, D-92551 Stulln, Germany. Distribution Bayer (Switzerland) AG, 8045 Zurich. ..

45.44 USD

Fermavisc bezpečná kvapka gd opht 0,1% fl 10 ml

Fermavisc bezpečná kvapka gd opht 0,1% fl 10 ml

Kód produktu: 5757096

Eye drops for natural eye lubrication with hyaluronic acid, without preservatives. Properties h3> The Fermavisc Safedrop eye drops are moisturizing, highly viscous eye drops with hyaluronic acid.The drops ensure natural moistening.It is soothing, well tolerated and long-lasting.10ml eye drops with 0.10% sodium hyaluronate Safe without preservatives Notes Keep out of reach of children.After Can be used for six months once opened.Read the leaflet before use.This product is CE-marked . This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

23.52 USD

Fermavisc gelsinus gtt opht

Fermavisc gelsinus gtt opht

Kód produktu: 3187453

Table of Contents Advertisement dosage contraindication Fermavisc-Gelsinus Advertisement Dry eyes, wetting of the contact lenses when inserting and during wearing. dosage 1-2 drops contraindication eye infection. 762275 / 04/28/2022 ..

61.60 USD

Fermavisc sine gd opht 20 monodos 0,4 ml

Fermavisc sine gd opht 20 monodos 0,4 ml

Kód produktu: 3066258

Dry eyes burn, are red and sensitive.-Itching-Scratching-Sensitivity to light-Watery eyes-Clear feeling of drynessHyduronic acid moisturizing agents such as those contained inFermavisc eye drops are a blessing for dry eyes. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the surface of the eye - i.e. the cornea and conjunctiva - very similar to the body's own tear fluid and is very well tolerated as a natural substance. It forms a clear, long-lasting protective film on the surface of the eye. Hyaluronic acid also supports the regeneration of the cornea. The eyes are refreshed, redness and the annoying feeling of grain of sand that is often typical disappear.Fermavisc sine eye drops are also very well suited for rewetting hard and soft contact lenses...

21.43 USD

Innoxa očné kvapky transparentné zloženie 10 ml

Innoxa očné kvapky transparentné zloženie 10 ml

Kód produktu: 7842052

Sterilný, zvlhčujúci, lubrikačný a upokojujúci očný roztok, zloženie bez konzervačných látok.ZloženieKvetová voda z harmančeka a nevädze, ďatelina a rozvetvená voda, trehalóza, chlorid sodný. Tlmivý roztok.VlastnostiIdeálne pre: Suché oči, podráždené, unavené oči mravčenie; pocit pálenia alebo cudzieho telesa, ťažkosti so žmurkaním, rozmazané videnie, svrbenie.Netraumatická/nepatologická zmena slzného filmu.Nadmerné vystavovanie sa vonkajšiemu svetlu, vetru, prachu, peľu, chlóru, klimatizácii a znečisteniu.Dlhodobé používanie obrazoviek a dlhodobé nosenie kontaktných šošoviekAplikáciaVhodné pre dospelých a dospievajúcich vo veku 15 a viac rokov.Ďalšie informácieNeobsahuje akékoľvek živočíšne zložky...

35.32 USD

Innoxa očný sprej 10 ml

Innoxa očný sprej 10 ml

Kód produktu: 7842053

Sterilný, lipozomálny, zvlhčujúci, lubrikačný a chladiaci očný roztok s kyselinou hyalurónovou a aloe vera.ZloženieLipozómy; 0,3% LMW kyselina hyalurónová, gél z aloe vera, vitamín B5, vitamín E-TPGS, edetát disodný. Izotonický roztok, pufrovaný na pH 7;2..VlastnostiOkamžite pomáha pri citlivých očiach a zapálených viečkach Jemne nastriekajte do otvoreného alebo zatvoreného oka Bez konzervačných látok PH-neutrálne, podobne ako slzná tekutinaVhodné pre nositeľov kontaktných šošoviekDoplnkové informácieNeobsahuje: chlórhexidín, thimerosal, benzalkóniumchlorid a zložky živočíšneho pôvodu...

31.98 USD

Livsane intensiv befeuchtende augentropfen fl 10 ml

Livsane intensiv befeuchtende augentropfen fl 10 ml

Kód produktu: 7819191

Livsane Intensiv befeuchtende Augentropfen Fl 10 ml Do you suffer from dry, itchy eyes? The Livsane Intensiv befeuchtende Augentropfen Fl 10 ml product can help relieve your discomfort. These eye drops are designed to provide intensive moisture to the eyes, reducing the effects of dryness and providing a refreshing and soothing feel. This product is ideal for people who spend long hours in front of a computer or in air-conditioned rooms. The dry air can cause your eyes to become dry and irritated, leading to discomfort and even vision problems. These drops are designed to combat this problem by providing a gentle and refreshing feel that soothes and cools your eyes. The Livsane Intensiv befeuchtende Augentropfen Fl 10 ml product is easy to use and comes in a convenient and portable 10 ml bottle. Simply apply a few drops to the affected eye or eyes as needed, and enjoy the benefits of intensive moisture that lasts for hours on end. With Livsane Intensiv befeuchtende Augentropfen Fl 10 ml, you can enjoy clean, clear, and refreshed eyes throughout the day, even in dry and harsh environments. Order yours today and experience the relief and comfort you deserve! ..

21.65 USD

Optive fusion gd opht 30 monodos 0,4 ml

Optive fusion gd opht 30 monodos 0,4 ml

Kód produktu: 6784818

Optive Fusion eye drops are a unique combination formula that provides immediate dry eye treatment.If your eyes are burning, stinging or feel dry, you may be suffering from dry eye. These can arise, for example, from staying in air-conditioned rooms or from frequent computer work.With Optive Fusion, the surface of the eye is moistened and moistened by the drops penetrating deep into the surface and supplying the sensitive cells with moisture. In addition, the surface of the eye is protected and regenerated. suitable for all types of contact lenses.needs to be used less than conventional drops thanks to the special formula.Osmoprotective.Also available in a bottle. Application Put 1-2 drops in the eye(s) as needed. INCI Carmellose Sodium Salt, Glycerol, Hyaluronic Acid Sodium Salt, Erythritol Purite Water for Injections..

40.58 USD

Similasan tears again night gd opht fl 10 ml

Similasan tears again night gd opht fl 10 ml

Kód produktu: 7781077

Similasan Tears Again Night Gd Opht Fl 10 ml Similasan Tears Again Night Gd Opht Fl 10 ml is a specially formulated eye drop that provides relief for dry eyes during the night. It helps to soothe and refresh your eyes, providing a comfortable and peaceful sleep. Features and Benefits Moisturizes and soothes dry, tired eyes Provides long-lasting relief during the night Helps reduce eye strain and fatigue Does not contain preservatives, making it gentle on the eyes Can be used with contact lenses Directions for use Wash your hands thoroughly before use Tilt your head back and look up Gently pull your lower eyelid down to create a small pocket Hold the bottle above the eye and squeeze one or two drops into the pocket Blink a few times to help spread the solution over the eye Repeat on the other eye if necessary Close the bottle tightly after use Similasan Tears Again Night Gd Opht Fl 10 ml comes in a convenient and easy-to-use dropper bottle that allows you to easily apply the solution to your eyes. It is suitable for adults and children over the age of two, making it a versatile and family-friendly eye care product. Whether you suffer from chronic dry eyes or occasional eye discomfort, Similasan Tears Again Night Gd Opht Fl 10 ml can provide the relief you need to get a good night's sleep...

32.35 USD

Systane ultra ud zvlhčujúce kvapky 30 x 0,7 ml

Systane ultra ud zvlhčujúce kvapky 30 x 0,7 ml

Kód produktu: 4687152

Systane Ultra UD zvlhčujúce kvapky 30 x 0,7 ml Očné kvapky Systane ULTRA UD na rýchlu úľavu od príznakov suchého oka a osviežujúcu hydratáciu Očné kvapky Systane ULTRA UD dodávajú oku vlhkosť. Odporúča sa pre každého, kto trpí príznakmi suchého oka (pálenie, podráždenie) a chce rýchlu úľavu (napr. pri zvýšenej práci na obrazovke, čítaní alebo v uzavretých miestnostiach so suchým vzduchom). So Systane ULTRA UD sú očné kvapky sterilný roztok obsahujúci nasledujúce zložky: polyetylénglykol 400, propylénglykol, hydroxypropylguar, sorbitol, aminometylpropanol, kyselina boritá, chlorid draselný a chlorid sodný. ..

44.99 USD

Vismed multi gd opht 1,8 mg / ml fl 10 ml

Vismed multi gd opht 1,8 mg / ml fl 10 ml

Kód produktu: 3297791

Vismed is used for lasting moisturizing of the eye in the case of a subjectively perceived feeling of dryness, burning and tired eyes and other minor ailments without pathology, caused e.g. by dust, smoke, dry heat, air-conditioned air, wind, cold, prolonged computer work, wearing contact lenses or by ophthalmological examination procedures. Vismed contains hyaluronic acid, a natural polymer that is also found in the structures of the human eye. The special physical characteristics of hyaluronic acid give Vismed its important "viscoelastic" and water-binding properties.It forms a stable layer on the surface of the eye, which is only gradually removed by blinking. Vismed Multi can be used for a period of 3 months after the first application...

25.86 USD

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