Nízky obsah sacharidov
(1 stránok)
Ovo sport 60 g
Ovo Sport 60 g Pripravte sa na ďalšiu športovú aktivitu s Ovo Sport 60g? konečný zosilňovač energie. Či už sa venujete vzpieraniu, behu, cyklistike alebo akémukoľvek inému športu, tento produkt je ideálny pre športovcov všetkých úrovní. Ovo Sport je vyrobený z vysokokvalitných prírodných ingrediencií a poskytuje energiu a živiny, ktoré potrebujete na to, aby ste mohli napájať aj tie najťažšie tréningy a súťaže. Vysoký obsah bielkovín: Ovo Sport obsahuje 20 g bielkovín na porciu, ktoré pomáhajú opraviť a posilniť svaly po náročnom tréningu. Nízkosacharidové: S iba 4 g sacharidov na porciu je Ovo Sport skvelou voľbou pre športovcov na nízkosacharidovej diéte. Bohatý na vitamíny a minerály: Ovo Sport je nabitý vitamínmi a minerálmi, ktoré pomáhajú podporovať zdravý imunitný systém a celkovú pohodu. Bez lepku: Ovo Sport je úplne bezlepkový, takže je bezpečnou voľbou pre ľudí s citlivosťou na lepok alebo celiakiou. Ľahko stráviteľné: Ovo Sport je vyrobený z ľahko stráviteľných ingrediencií, aby vaše telo mohlo rýchlo absorbovať energiu a živiny, ktoré potrebuje na čo najlepší výkon. Ovo Sport sa dodáva v praktickom balení s hmotnosťou 60 g, takže si ho môžete jednoducho vziať so sebou, kamkoľvek idete. Jednoducho zmiešajte s vodou, mliekom alebo vašim obľúbeným nápojom a vychutnajte si lahodnú osviežujúcu chuť. Doplňte svoje telo s Ovo Sport a posuňte svoj športový výkon na vyššiu úroveň! ..
5.23 USD
Qnt light digest whey protein creme brulee 500g
QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Creme Brulee 500g QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Creme Brulee 500g is a premium quality whey protein supplement that is specially designed to help you build lean muscle mass and support muscle recovery after intense workouts. This whey protein supplement is great for athletes, bodybuilders, and anyone who is looking to get in shape and achieve their fitness goals. Key Features and Benefits 25g of high-quality whey protein per serving Low carb - only 1.9g per serving Low fat - only 2.5g per serving Gluten-free and Aspartame-free Delicious Creme Brulee flavour Easy to digest and absorb Helps build and repair muscle High-Quality Whey Protein QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Creme Brulee 500g is made from high-quality whey protein, which is rich in essential amino acids that are vital for building and repairing muscle tissue. It is a complete protein, which means it contains all nine essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own. Low in Carbs and Fat This whey protein supplement is low in carbs and fat, making it ideal for those who are looking to build lean muscle mass while also maintaining a healthy body weight. Each serving contains only 1.9g of carbs and 2.5g of fat, which means you can enjoy this delicious protein supplement without worrying about consuming excess calories. Easy to Digest and Absorb QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Creme Brulee 500g is easy to digest and absorb, thanks to its advanced formula that contains digestive enzymes. These enzymes help break down the protein into smaller components, making it easier for your body to absorb and utilize the nutrients. Delicious Creme Brulee Flavour This protein supplement is available in a delicious creme brulee flavour that is sure to satisfy your taste buds. Whether you mix it with water, milk, or your favourite smoothie, this whey protein supplement makes a great tasting and convenient way to meet your daily protein needs. Final Thoughts QNT Light Digest Whey Protein Creme Brulee 500g is an excellent protein supplement that provides you with high-quality whey protein, low carbs and fat, easy digestion, and a delicious taste. It is ideal for anyone who wants to build muscle, recover faster after workouts, and achieve their fitness goals...
32.87 USD
(1 stránok)