Intímna starostlivosť
(2 stránok)
Andrea care masť na intímnu starostlivosť bez parfumácie tube 50 ml
AndreaCare Intim AndreaCare Intim protective care ointment contains highly purified paraffins and natural bisabolol, an active ingredient that is also found in chamomile oil is. This product does not contain any unscented. ..
23,29 USD
Andreacare intim pflege salbe ohne parfum tube 100 ml
AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe ohne Parfum Tb 100 ml Experience gentle and effective care for your intimate area with AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe. This specially formulated cream provides soothing relief and lasting comfort for sensitive skin. Free from the harshness of perfumes, this product is ideal for those who need a gentle touch, making it perfect for women of all ages and stages of life. Benefits of AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe Gentle and non-irritating formula Soothes and moisturizes sensitive skin in the intimate area Long-lasting comfort and protection Free from harsh fragrances that can cause irritation Perfect for daily use With AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe, you'll feel confident and comfortable all day long. Formulated with natural ingredients like allantoin and almond oil, this cream deeply moisturizes and nourishes your skin, prevent dryness and irritation. This product is particularly useful in situations where hygiene is important, such as during menstruation or after sex. Easy to apply and quick to absorb, AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe is an excellent choice for daily use. AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe is packaged in a 100 ml tube that is easy to take with you on the go. Whether you're traveling or simply want to keep your intimate area healthy and comfortable, this product is a must-have. Order your tube of AndreaCare Intim Pflege Salbe for gentle, effective, and non-irritating care that works. ..
29,86 USD
Celeste smooth glide lubricant 100 ml
Which packs are available? Celeste Smooth Glide Lubricant 100 ml ..
12,90 USD
Cobagin ointment disp 15 ml
Rýchlo upokojujúca plnotučná masť sa stará o pokožku a podporuje ju pri regenerácii. Pomáha proti podráždeniu, páleniu a začervenaniu. Pre starostlivosť o telo a intímne partie. Zloženie olej z hroznových jadierok lisovaný za studena, Wollwax Althohol, výťažok z kadidlovej živice, koncentrovaný výťažok z aloe vera gélu, výťažok z predného mlieka, vitamíny, minerály, aminokyseliny, stopové prvky, imunitné proteíny, regeneračné proteíny, prírodné éterické oleje zo sladkého pomaranča, citronela tráva a fazuľa tonka. Vlastnosti Plnotučná masť od Cobaginu podporuje pokožku prirodzenými imunitnými proteínmi počas regenerácie a udržateľne sa o ňu stará s aloe vera. Rýchlo upokojujúce kadidlo, olej z hroznových jadierok a esenciálne oleje pomáhajú zmierniť podráždenie, pálenie a začervenanie pokožky. Masť zároveň preventívne chráni a hreje svojim hydratačným účinkom. Ideálne pre starostlivosť o telo v citlivých oblastiach, ako aj intímnu hygienu. Poznámky Všetky použité suroviny sú prirodzene získané a z trvalo udržateľného pestovania. Neobsahuje parabény, silikóny ani parafíny. Aplikácia Aplikujte masť na príslušné oblasti pokožky raz alebo dvakrát denne. Vďaka dávkovaču s pumpičkou sa masť ľahko dávkuje a je veľmi hospodárna. Poznámky ..
30,11 USD
Deumavan neutrálny ochranný krém tube 50 ml
Compendium patient information Deumavan® protective ointment lavender/neutral Biomed AGWhat is Deumavan Protective ointment lavender/neutral and when is it used? Deumavan Protective ointment lavender/neutral is an anhydrous ointment that is used as a daily spot, external protection for the entire intimate area (external female and male genitalia, perineum and anal area). It is used to relieve discomfort such as Skin irritation (with e.g. burning, itching, redness and swelling), skin damage, dryness (e.g. in hormone deficiency during menopause), after radiation treatment, soreness in the anal area, especially in diarrhea and rhagades and as a lubricant. p> Deumavan protective ointment lavender/neutral improved the suppleness of the skin (horny layer) with a layer of fat (mixture of highly purified paraffins). It does not contain any pharmacologically active substances (also no stabilizers/emulsifiers, preservatives or hormones). The therapeutic effect is based on improving the suppleness of the top layer of skin ? the horny layer ? and reducing transepidermal water loss. This supplements the natural production of sebum.The barrier function of the skin is not impaired by the ointment protective film. Skin lesions that are entry points for germs are covered and new ones are largely prevented.Deumavan protective ointment neutral (without fragrance) is also free of allergic potential. When should Deumavan protective ointment lavender/neutral not be used? Do not use if you are known to be hypersensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients. p > When is caution required when using Deumavan protective ointment lavender/neutral? Not at the same time as Deumavan protective ointment lavender/neutral Use latex condoms. Use polyurethane or AT-10 (resin based) instead. May use Deumavan Lavender/Neutral Protective Ointment during during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? Deumavan protective ointment lavender/neutral may be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Do not use in the breast area for mothers who are breastfeeding. p > How do you use Deumavan Protective ointment lavender/neutral? Deumavan Protective ointment lavender/neutral can be used as needed, several times a day and over a longer period of time. What else needs to be considered? Keep out of the reach of children.Only use by the expiry date printed on the container and carton.Do not use the product in the eyes.Use only in accordance with the intended use.If the package is damaged, do not use the product and inform the manufacturer.If you observe any side effects, do not use the product continue and inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if necessary. What's in Deumavan Contain lavender/neutral protective ointment? Deumavan neutral protective ointment: liquid paraffin, petrolatum, paraffin, tocopheryl acetate.Deumavan lavender protective ointment: liquid paraffin, petrolatum, paraffin, tocopheryl Acetate , Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Linalool. Where can you get Deumavan Protective Cream Lavender/Neutral ? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores. Deumavan protective ointment neutral: 100 ml can, 50 ml tube, 125 ml tube. Deumavan protective ointment lavender: 50 ml can, 100 ml can and 50 ml tube, 125 ml tube. Distribution company Biomed AG, Überlandstrasse 199, CH-8600 Dübendorf. Manufacturer Ferdinand Eimermacher GmbH & Co. KG, Westring 24, D-48356 Nordwalde. Status of the information February 2017. Published on 10/10/2017 ..
27,90 USD
Deumavan neutral ochranná masť can 100 ml
Výhody denná lokálna ochrana intímnej oblasti zmierňuje ťažkosti, ako je podráždenie, poškodenie a suchosť pokožky možno použiť ako lubrikant neobsahuje žiadne farmakologicky účinné látky posilňuje kožnú bariéru bez alergického potenciálu Popis produktu Neutrálna masť na intímnu ochranu Deumavan je vhodná na každodennú starostlivosť a ochranu vonkajších ženských a mužských pohlavných orgánov, perinea a análnej oblasti. Používa sa na zmiernenie podráždenia kože, ako je pálenie, svrbenie, začervenanie a opuch. Táto masť je účinným pomocníkom aj pri poraneniach kože, suchej pokožke (napr. v klimaktériu z nedostatku hormónov), po ožarovaní a pri ranách v análnej oblasti, najmä pri hnačkách a prasklinách. Túto ochrannú masť možno použiť aj ako lubrikant.Neobsahuje žiadne farmakologicky účinné látky, stabilizátory, emulgátory, konzervačné látky ani hormóny, a preto nemá alergický potenciál. Jeho účinok je založený na zlepšení pružnosti pokožky prostredníctvom tenkej vrstvy tuku vyrobenej z vysoko čistených parafínov. To znižuje transepidermálnu stratu vody a podporuje prirodzenú tvorbu kožného mazu. Kožná bariéra nie je narušená ochranným filmom masti, ale je naopak posilnená. Aplikácia Intímnu ochrannú masť Deumavan je možné používať podľa potreby, aj niekoľkokrát denne a počas dlhšieho časového obdobia. ..
42,84 USD
Deumavan neutrálna ochranná masť tube 125 ml
Deumavan Intímna neutrálna ochranná masť Tb 125 ml Intímna neutrálna ochranná masť Deumavan je bezvodá, neliečivá masť na celú intímnu oblasť. Ponúka každodennú lokálnu ochranu a zmierňuje ťažkosti, ako je podráždenie, suchosť a poškodenie pokožky. Ako používate ochrannú masť Deumavan Neutral/Lavender? Ochrannú masť Deumavan Neutral/Levander možno používať podľa potreby, aj niekoľkokrát denne a počas dlhšieho časového obdobia. Čo je ochranná masť Deumavan neutrálna/levanduľová a kedy sa používa? Deumavan Ochranná masť Neutral/Lavender je bezvodá masť, ktorá sa používa ako každodenná lokálna, vonkajšia ochrana celej intímnej oblasti (vonkajšie ženské a mužské pohlavné orgány, perineum a análna oblasť). Používa sa na zmiernenie príznakov, ako je podráždenie kože (napr. pálenie, svrbenie, začervenanie a opuch), poškodenie kože, suchosť (napr. v prípade nedostatku hormónov počas menopauzy), po ožarovaní, bolestivosť v análnej oblasti, najmä v prípade hnačky a prasklín a ako lubrikant. Ochranná masť Deumavan Neutral/levanduľa zlepšuje pružnosť pokožky (rohovitá vrstva) cez tenkú vrstvu tuku (zmes vysoko čistených parafínov). Neobsahuje žiadne farmakologicky účinné látky (vrátane stabilizátorov/emulgátorov, konzervačných látok alebo hormónov). Terapeutický účinok je založený na zlepšení pružnosti najvrchnejšej vrstvy kože – zrohovatenej vrstve – a znížení transepidermálnej straty vody. To dopĺňa prirodzenú tvorbu mazu. Ochranný film masti nenarúša bariérovú funkciu pokožky. Avšak kožné lézie, ktoré sú vstupnými bodmi pre mikróby, sú pokryté a novým je do značnej miery zabránené. Ochranná masť Deumavan Neutral (bez parfumácie) je tiež bez alergénneho potenciálu...
43,40 USD
Ellen probiotický intímny krém 15 ml
Charakteristika Ellen Probiotic intímny krém 15 mlCertifikované v Európe CEMnožstvo v balení : 1 mlHmotnosť: 24 g Dĺžka: 22 mm Šírka: 116 mm Výška: 29 mm Kúpiť Ellen Probiotický intímny krém 15 ml online zo Švajčiarska..
34,91 USD
Farfalla intimes pflegeöl frauenleben muskatellersalbei 30 ml
Intimate care oil for women with clary sage. Composition Jojoba oil*, pomegranate seed oil*, cassis oil, essential clary sage oil*, natural vitamin E, sunflower oil*, essential oils. * from controlled organic cultivation.. Properties The valuable pomegranate seed oil is highly valued for its high content of phytoestrogens. It supports the natural intimate flora and strengthens its own protective function. Cassis oil increases the suppleness of the skin. Essential oils of lavender and blue chamomile soothe irritated and reddened skin, keeping it functional and healthy. Clary sage is very balancing, especially with women's issues, and gives serenity. This oil is not compatible with condoms.Vegan. Dermatologically tested. Application Put 1-2 drops of oil on the fingertips and carefully oil the outer mucous membrane. This oil is not compatible with condoms. ..
23,09 USD
Lactacyd intímne holenie 200 ml
The Intimate Shave by Lactacyd is a shaving lotion that is gentle on the skin, moisturizes the skin and softens the hair. This makes shaving in the intimate area easier and protects the skin. Skin irritation and ingrown hairs are reduced. The lotion contains a complex of shea butter and almond oil. For soft and smooth skin after shaving. Suitable for all skin typesSuitable for daily useSoap- free formulationGynaecologically and dermatologically tested Application Use on wet skin. Apply lotion, massage until it foams, then shave. After use, thoroughly cleanse the intimate area with water...
21,52 USD
Lactacyd intímny umývací olej 200 ml
Charakteristika Lactacyd intímneho umývacieho oleja 200 mlSkladovacia teplota min/max 15/25 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení : 1 mlHmotnosť: 233 g Dĺžka: 43 mm Šírka: 75 mm Výška: 162 mm Kúpiť Lactacyd intímny umývací olej 200 ml online zo Švajčiarska..
21,39 USD
Lactacyd intimwaschlotion 400 ml
Charakteristika Lactacyd Intimwaschlotion 400 mlMnožstvo v balení : 1 mlHmotnosť: 474 g Dĺžka: 51 mm Šírka : 94 mm Výška: 194 mm Kúpiť Lactacyd Intimwaschlotion 400 ml online zo Švajčiarska..
29,17 USD
Lactacyd intimwaschlotion 50 ml
Charakteristika Lactacyd Intimwaschlotion 50 mlMnožstvo v balení : 1 mlHmotnosť: 65 g Dĺžka: 30 mm Šírka : 40 mm Výška: 95 mm Kúpiť Lactacyd Intimwaschlotion 50 ml online zo Švajčiarska..
6,17 USD
Lactacyd plus + sensitive 250 ml
Charakteristika Lactacyd Plus + sensitive 250 mlMnožstvo v balení : 1 mlHmotnosť: 303 g Dĺžka: 55 mm Šírka: 55 mm Výška: 198 mm Kúpiť Lactacyd Plus + sensitive 250 ml online zo Švajčiarska..
21,34 USD
Lubex femina waschemulsion 200 ml
Protects against recurrences and brings freshness and well-being Lubex femina is a gentle and protective washing emulsion with a triple effect was developed in cooperation with gynaecologists especially for daily intimate hygiene.Lubex femina supports the skin's natural protective function against fungi and bacteria that are foreign to the skin. Special care ingredients pull the Wash onto the skin, soothe irritated skin and prevent irritation in long-term use.Lubex femina has a lasting effect against body odor and makes the skin feel pleasantly fresh. Application/Dosage Use like liquid soapDab dry after rinsing without rubbingCan also be used for body care li> Tolerance/SafetyLubex femina is free from preservatives and dyes and is extremely kind to the skin. ..
20,15 USD
Multi gyn actigel 50 ml
Prevents and treats vaginal disorders and bacterial vaginosis Restores the optimal pH level of the vagina,Prevents and treats bacterial vaginosis,Prevents and treats bacterial infections due to bacterial vaginosis, immediately reduces vaginal odor and discharge,restores the physiological functions of the skin and mucous membrane tissue. Multi-Gyn ActiGel is a natural gel that acts immediately and effectively. It immediately relieves irritation, itching, burning sensations or dryness in the vaginal area. More on Multi-Gyn ActiGel here:https://www. This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
40,30 USD
Multi-gyn šumivé tablety 10 kusov
For the Multi-Gyn vaginal douche More information here: shower/ This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
26,61 USD
Multi-gyn femiwash pena 100 ml
Intimate hygiene in everyday life cleans the vulva (outer part of the vagina),respects the intimate area and the skin flora,provides an immediate and lasting feeling of freshness,immediately neutralizes bad vaginal odor in the intimate area,leaves a soft skin feeling. Multi-Gyn FemiWash is an externally mild product, soap-free, fragrance-free and preservative-free.Multi-Gyn FemiWash is a natural, bioactive (2QR) hygiene product that provides an immediate and long-lasting feeling of freshness in the intimate area and neutralizes bad vaginal odor.It is also suitable for use on other sensitive parts of the body. The woman's individual pH value is respected and her own skin flora is protected. Ideal for the skin and vulvaMore on Multi-Gyn FemiWash here: ..
28,61 USD
Pharmalp soin intimná starostlivosť 100 ml
The Pharmalp Soin Intimate Care is intimate care that promises calming and protective properties. Reduces symptoms such as irritation, burning, itching, and drynessCalms and protectsWith aloe vera, chamomile, edelweiss, fireweed, mallow and sea buckthornHypoallergenicWithout parabens Use Pharmalp intimate hygiene is ideal for daily intimate hygiene. ..
26,20 USD
Puressentiel® intímna umývacia pena bio 150 ml
The Puressentiel Intimate Care Wash Foam Organic is a natural protection for the intimate area. The gentle formulation is suitable for the whole family and has also been dermatologically tested for the more sensitive intimate area. In addition, the wash foam soothes inflammation and itching in the intimate area. Without soapLight floral fragrancePhysiological pH valueSoothingMoisturises Application Puessentiel Intimate Care Wash Foam can be used for daily cleansing for the intimate area and the whole body. Ingredients Qua (Water), Glycerin, Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Leaf Water, Rosa Damascena Flower Water, Anthemis Nobilis Flower Water, Decyl Glucoside, Coco-Glucoside, Caprylyl/Capryl Glucoside, Sodium Enzoate, Levulinic Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Levulinate, Citric Acid, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder, Sodium Hydroxide ...
25,77 USD
Vaginálny gynomunal vlhký gél 50 ml
Charakteristika Vaginálneho Gynomunal vlhkého gélu 50 mlCertifikované v Európe CEMnožstvo v balení: 1 mlHmotnosť: 96 g Dĺžka: 40 mm Šírka: 56 mm Výška: 174 mm Kúpiť Vaginálny Gynomunal vlhký gél 50 ml online zo Švajčiarska..
35,08 USD
Vagisan intimwaschlotion 200 ml
Properties Properties: contains lactic acid, natural whey and chamomile extract; Remarks: pH 5; Properties Properties: contains lactic acid, natural whey and chamomile extract; Remarks: pH 5; ..
22,72 USD
Vagisan ochranná masť tube 75 ml
Charakteristika ochrannej masti Vagisan Tb 75 mlSkladovacia teplota min/max 15/25 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení : 1 mlHmotnosť: 95 g Dĺžka: 38 mm Šírka: 44 mm Výška: 166 mm Kúpiť Vagisan ochrannú masť Tb 75 ml online zo Švajčiarska..
29,77 USD
Viviflor ginkgo gel tube 50 ml
Table of Contents What is VIVIFLOR Ginkgo Gel 50 ml and when is it used? Can VIVIFLOR Ginkgo Gel 50 ml be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? How do you use VIVIFLOR Ginkgo Gel 50ml? What does VIVIFLOR Ginkgo Gel 50 ml contain? Where can you get VIVIFLOR Ginkgo Gel 50 ml? What packs are available? sales company manufacturer status of the information COMPENDIUM Compendium Patient Information VIVIFLOR ginkgo gel 50 ml Medinova AG Cosmetics What is VIVIFLOR Ginkgo Gel 50 ml and when is it used? VIVIFLOR Ginkgo Gel is a moisturizing gel for external use and is suitable for women who feel dry in the intimate area. Thanks to the European ginkgo biloba extract, the local microcirculation can be improved. In addition, the moisturizing dexpanthenol has a calming effect. It manages and protects the sensitive skin of the intimate area. By adding natural acids such as lactic acid, the pH value is optimally adapted to the conditions in the female genital area. Can VIVIFLOR Ginkgo Gel 50 ml be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? It can also be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. How do you use VIVIFLOR Ginkgo Gel 50ml? Apply 1-2 pumps to affected area several times a day. What does VIVIFLOR Ginkgo Gel 50 ml contain? Aqua, Glycerin, Xanthan Gum, Panthenol, Benzyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Benzoate, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract, Potassium Sorbate, Lactic Acid, Citric Acid. Where can you get VIVIFLOR Ginkgo Gel 50 ml? What packs are available? Available in pharmacies and drugstores. 50ml per tube. sales company Medinova AG, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland. manufacturer Laboratoire L'ldeal Parisien sp. z o.o. Al. Krasi?skiego 14/3a, 30-101 Kraków, Poland. status of the information June 2020. 29806 / 01/25/2021 ..
38,09 USD
Zuccari aloegyn gél 80 ml
Charakteristika gélu ZUCCARI Aloegyn 80 mlSkladovacia teplota min/max 15/25 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení : 1 mlHmotnosť: 106 g Dĺžka: 35 mm Šírka: 52 mm Výška: 155 mm Kúpiť ZUCCARI Aloegyn gél 80 ml online zo Švajčiarska..
26,63 USD
(2 stránok)