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(1 stránok)
Aptamil confort 2 eazypack 800 g
Popis: Aptamil Confort 2 EaZypack 800 g je špeciálne upravené dojčenské mlieko vhodné pre deti vo veku 6-12 mesiacov, u ktorých sa vyvinula kolika, zápcha alebo iné tráviace ťažkosti. Tento produkt je navrhnutý s jedinečnou zmesou ingrediencií, ktoré môžu pomôcť upokojiť a zmierniť tráviace problémy do 24 hodín. Funkcie: Ľahko stráviteľné mlieko, ktoré je šetrné k detskému brušku Obsahuje čiastočne hydrolyzovaný proteín, ktorý znižuje množstvo laktózy v mlieku Obohatené o prebiotiká, ktoré podporujú rast prospešných baktérií v čreve Má zmes základných vitamínov a minerálov, ktoré podporujú celkový vývoj vášho dieťaťa Balenie EaZypack uľahčuje používanie a skladovanie Výhody: Do 24 hodín dokáže zmierniť koliku, zápchu a iné tráviace ťažkosti Vhodné pre deti, ktoré majú problémy s trávením bežného mlieka Môže pomôcť predchádzať budúcim tráviacim problémom Podporuje rast a vývoj vášho dieťaťa EaZypack uľahčuje nosenie na cestách Návod na použitie: Pred prípravou mlieka si umyte ruky. Pomocou vodiacej lišty na obale odmerajte požadované množstvo výživy. Pridajte prípravok do vopred prevarenej a vychladenej vody (40 °C). Zatvorte fľašu a dobre pretrepte, kým sa prášok úplne nerozpustí. Pred podaním dieťaťu otestujte teplotu. Spotrebujte do dvoch hodín od prípravy. Zložky: Odtučnené mlieko, laktóza (z mlieka), rastlinné oleje, čiastočne hydrolyzovaný srvátkový proteínový koncentrát (z mlieka), laktulóza, emulgátor (ester kyseliny citrónovej s mono- a diglyceridmi), dihydrogenfosforečnan draselný, rybí tuk, chlorid vápenatý, sodík chlorid, cholínchlorid, vitamín C, taurín, síran železnatý, inozitol, síran zinočnatý, vitamín E, L-karnitín, niacín, pantoténová kyselina, kyselina listová, síran meďnatý, vitamín A, biotín, vitamín B1, vitamín B12, vitamín D3, vitamín B6, síran manganatý, jodid draselný, vitamín K1, seleničitan sodný. ..
60.70 USD
Aptamil pronutra dobrú noc ds 400 g
Aptamil PRONUTRA GOOD NIGHT Ds 400 g Description: Aptamil PRONUTRA Good Night is a specialized milk formula for babies aged six months and above who have difficulty sleeping at night. This milk formula can help improve sleep quality and duration, making it ideal for parents and babies alike. The formula is enriched with vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids to help support your baby's overall growth and development. It contains reduced lactose, making it easy to digest and gentle on your baby's tummy. Benefits: Helps improve sleep quality and duration Enriched with vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids for overall growth and development Reduced lactose, gentle on your baby's tummy Ingredients: Skimmed milk, lactose (from milk), vegetable oils (palm oil, rapeseed oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, single cell oil), galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) (from milk), whey protein concentrate (from milk), fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), phospholipid (from egg), calcium phosphate, fish oil, potassium chloride, oil from Mortierella alpina, sodium chloride, vitamin C, magnesium oxide, choline chloride, taurine, ferrous sulphate, inositol, vitamin E, zinc sulphate, L-tryptophan, uridine 5'-monophosphate sodium salt, cytidine 5'-monophosphate, L-carnitine, adenosine 5'-monophosphate, inosine 5'-monophosphate sodium salt, vitamin A, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, guanosine 5'-monophosphate sodium salt, copper sulphate, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, manganese sulphate, potassium iodide, folic acid, sodium selenite, vitamin K1, vitamin D3, biotin, vitamin B12. Preparation Instructions: Wash your hands and sterilize all equipment according to the manufacturer's instructions. Boil fresh drinking water and leave to cool for around 30 minutes. Pour the required amount of water into the sterilized bottle. Using the scoop provided, add the correct number of levelled scoops of powder to the water. Level off the powder using the scoop's flat edge. Place the sterilized teat and cap on the bottle and shake well until the powder is completely dissolved. Check the temperature of the feed before giving it to your baby. Note: HTML formatting may vary based on the website's specific requirements...
30.39 USD
Aptamil pronutra pre ds 800 g
Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g The Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g is formulated to provide complete and balanced nutrition for infants from birth to 6 months of age. This high-quality baby formula is designed to support the growth and development of your baby, providing all the essential nutrients they need for optimal health and wellbeing. Features and Benefits Contains a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients needed for your baby's growth and development Rich in iron, vitamin C, and other important nutrients to support your baby's immune system and cognitive development Easy to digest and provides a smooth and creamy texture for comfortable feeding Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g is formulated to meet the nutritional needs of your baby, providing them with the best start in life Free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives Instructions for Use To prepare a single serving of Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g, follow these simple steps: Wash your hands and sterilize all equipment before preparing the formula Boil fresh water and let it cool to around 40°C (104°F) Pour the required amount of water into a sterilized bottle Add the appropriate amount of Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g powder to the warmed water Shake well until the powder is completely dissolved Check the temperature of the formula and feed your baby immediately Always follow the instructions carefully and use the formula strictly as directed. It is important to remember that breast milk is the best food for babies and Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g should only be used as a supplement when breast milk is not available or insufficient. Invest in your baby's future with Aptamil PRONUTRA PRE Ds 800g, a superior-quality baby formula that ensures your little one gets the best nutrition possible...
52.08 USD
Aptamil pronutra pre porcia
APTAMIL PRONUTRA PRE PORTION The APTAMIL PRONUTRA PRE PORTION is a clinically tested, nutrient-dense baby formula that has been specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants under 6 months of age. This formula is made using high-quality ingredients and is enriched with essential vitamins and minerals to support your baby's healthy growth and development. Prebiotics: Contains prebiotics that support digestive health and help build a strong immune system. DHA: This baby formula is enriched with DHA which supports cognitive development and healthy brain function. Iron: Iron is essential for your baby's healthy blood cell development and is a critical nutrient to support overall growth and development. Calcium and Vitamin D: These nutrients are important for building strong bones and supporting the development of healthy teeth. The APTAMIL PRONUTRA PRE PORTION is a convenient option for parents who are always on the go. The pre-portioned packets make it easy to prepare a quick and healthy bottle of formula for your little one. Not only is this baby formula nutritionally complete, but it is also designed to be gentle on your baby's delicate digestive system, so you can be confident that you are giving your baby the best start in life. Whether you are a new parent preparing for the arrival of your little one or have an infant who is in need of a high-quality, nutrient-rich baby formula, the APTAMIL PRONUTRA PRE PORTION is an excellent choice. It is recommended by pediatricians and trusted by parents worldwide. ..
10.77 USD
Beba bio 2 po 6 mesiacoch ds 800 g
Beba Bio 2 po 6 mesiacoch Ds 800 g Beba Bio 2 po 6 mesiacoch Ds 800 g je prémiová organická dojčenská výživa určená špeciálne pre dojčatá vo veku 6 mesiacov a viac. Táto receptúra vyrobená z najkvalitnejších organických ingrediencií poskytuje vášmu drobcovi všetky životne dôležité živiny, ktoré potrebuje na rast a prosperitu. Receptúra je založená na organickom odstredenom mlieku, ktoré je bohaté na základné vitamíny a minerály, ktoré sú potrebné pre silné kosti a zdravý imunitný systém. Obsahuje tiež organické rastlinné oleje, ktoré poskytujú veľmi potrebné mastné kyseliny, ktoré pomáhajú pri vývoji mozgu a celkovom raste. Beba Bio 2 po 6 mesiacoch Ds 800 g je navyše obohatená o probiotiká, ktoré pomáhajú udržiavať zdravý črevný mikrobióm a podporujú zdravie trávenia. Zloženie neobsahuje škodlivé prísady a konzervačné látky, vďaka čomu je bezpečnou a zdravou voľbou pre vaše dieťa. So svojou krémovou textúrou a lahodnou chuťou sa Beba Bio 2 po 6 mesiacoch Ds 800 g určite stane obľúbeným u vášho drobca. Toto mlieko, ktoré sa ľahko pripravuje, je pohodlnou a výživnou alternatívou dojčenia. Ak teda chcete svojmu dieťatku poskytnúť čo najlepší štart do života, vyberte si Beba Bio 2 po 6 mesiacoch Ds 800 g. Vďaka prémiovým organickým ingredienciám je to ideálna voľba pre rodičov, ktorí chcú svojim ratolestiam dopriať tú najlepšiu možnú výživu. ..
61.88 USD
Beba bio pre ab geburt ds 800 g
Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g The Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g is the perfect choice for any health-conscious parent who wants to give their newborn the best possible start in life. This formula is made from high-quality organic ingredients that are carefully designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants from birth to six months of age. One of the unique features of this formula is that it is entirely free of artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. Instead, the makers have used natural ingredients that provide essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, and zinc to support your baby's healthy growth and development. The Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g also contains a precise blend of prebiotics and probiotics that promote digestive health and support your baby's immune system. The lactose in this formula is also suitable for babies who are lactose intolerant and have difficulty digesting regular cow's milk-based formulas. The formula is effortless to mix and prepare, making it a great option for busy parents. It is also gentle on your baby's delicate tummy, reducing the risk of colic, gassiness, and other digestive issues. If you're looking for a high-quality formula that will give your newborn the very best start in life, the Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g is the perfect choice. It is organic, nutritious, and free of synthetic additives, making it one of the healthiest options on the market today...
61.88 USD
Beba expertpro ha 2 nach 6 monaten ds 800 g
Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2 nach 6 Monaten Ds 800 g The Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2 is a specially formulated milk formula for babies after 6 months of age. With its high-quality ingredients and advanced technology, this formula provides all the necessary nutrition for your baby?s growth and development. Benefits of Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2 Hydrolyzed Proteins: The formula contains hydrolyzed proteins which are easy to digest and reduce the likelihood of allergy development. Vitamins and Minerals: This formula is enriched with essential vitamins and minerals for optimum growth and development of your baby's brain and body. DHA and ARA: Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2 formula contains DHA and ARA, which help support brain development. Lactose-free: The formula is lactose-free and easy to digest, which is especially beneficial for babies with lactose intolerance. Easy to prepare: The formula is easy to prepare and comes in a convenient 800 g pack, making it easy to store and transport. Why choose Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2? Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2 is the ideal choice for parents who want the best for their babies. With its advanced formula and lactose-free composition, this product is engineered to support your baby's growth and development. So if you're looking for a high-quality milk formula for your baby, try Beba EXPERTPRO HA 2 nach 6 Monaten Ds 800 g today!..
77.77 USD
Bimbosan bio 2 follow-on milk refill 400 g
Vyrobené výhradne z organického švajčiarskeho mlieka a bez palmového oleja. Pre deti od 6 mesiacov, ktoré nie sú dojčené alebo ako doplnok k materskému mlieku a po dojčení. Zloženie Odtučnené mlieko, demineralizovaná srvátka, rastlinné oleje (slnečnicový olej, kokosový olej, repkový olej), maltodextrín, galakto-ooligosacharidy (GOS z laktózy), minerály (citrát vápenatý, citrát sodný, chlorid draselný, chlorid horečnatý, chlorid vápenatý, fosforečnan vápenatý, síran zinočnatý, síran železnatý, selenan sodný, síran meďnatý, jodičnan draselný, síran manganatý), emulgátor (slnečnicový lecitín), rafinovaný rybí olej, vitamíny (vitamín C, vitamín E, vitamín A, vitamín D, niacín, kyselina pantoténová, biotín, vitamín K, kyselina listová, vitamín B1, vitamín B6, vitamín B12, vitamín B2), L-tyrozín, antioxidant (extrakty s vysokým obsahom tokoferolu)..VlastnostiPokračovacie mlieko Bimbosan Bio 2 je vyrobené výlučne z organického švajčiarskeho mlieka, pričom sa dôsledne vyhýba palmovému oleju. Obsahuje cenné omega 3 a 6 mastné kyseliny.Pokračovacie mlieko je vhodné od 6. mesiaca veku ako príkrm k materskému mlieku, po dojčení a pre nedojčené deti. Vyrobené vo Švajčiarsku. Vek/váha*VodaOdmerné lyžice ** Fľaše na pitie Množstvo cca 4 kg130 ml3145 ml4-7kg170 ml4190 ml 7 kg 220 ml5245 ml*Smerné hodnoty **1 biela odmerka = približne 6,5 gAk je potrebné ďalšie jedlo alebo dieťa už nie je dojčené, informácie by ste mali získať od zdravotníckych pracovníkov (pediater, poradca pre pôrodníctvo, pôrodná asistentka).Náplňové balenia neobsahujú žiadne odmerky, v plechovkách je len jedna.Suroviny z kontrolovanej ekologickej výrobyAplikácia Dávkovanie na fľašu:Vek/váha*Voda Odmerka ** Množstvo fliaš na pitie cca. 4 kg130 ml3145 ml 4-7 kg170 ml4190 ml 7 kg220 ml5245 ml*Smerné hodnoty**1 biela odmerka = približne 6,5 gPoznámkyPodľa WHO je dojčenie najlepšia výživa pre bábätká, preto sa dojčenie odporúča prvých 6 mesiacov. Potom pokračujte v dojčení, ale s vyváženou doplnkovou stravou primeranou veku dieťaťa...
27.28 USD
Bimbosan bisoja 1 infant formula refill 400 g
BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref The BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref is a high-quality infant formula designed to provide complete nutrition for newborns up to six months old. This formula is made with carefully selected, organic ingredients to ensure your baby receives the best possible start in life. BIMBOSAN has been trusted by parents for over 80 years and is proud to offer a formula that is safe, natural, and easy to digest. The formula is enriched with vitamins and minerals to support healthy growth and development, and it is free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. The BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref formula contains essential fatty acids and nucleotides, which are vital for healthy brain and eye development. Additionally, the formula is fortified with probiotics to support a healthy digestive system and reduce the risk of colic and constipation. Preparing BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref is quick and easy. Simply mix the formula with boiled water, shake well, and feed to your baby. The formula is also available in convenient single-serving packets, making it easy to take on the go or while traveling. Choose BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref for a safe and natural way to provide your newborn with the nutrients they need to grow and develop. ..
31.71 USD
Bimbosan premium ziegenmilch 2 folgemilch náhradná náplň btl 400 g
Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch refill Btl 400 g The Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch Refill Bottle 400g is an excellent milk supplement for infants who are at least six months of age. Prepared from the finest quality goat milk, this organic formula is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that aid in promoting healthy growth and development in babies. Benefits of Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch Refill Bottle 400g Provides essential protein, vitamins and minerals for healthy growth and development in infants. Organic formula with no artificial flavors, preservatives, or colors. Aside from goat milk, Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch also contains prebiotic fibers that help maintain a healthy digestive system in babies. Easily digestible and absorbable, which makes it ideal for infants with lactose intolerance or digestive problems. Comes in a refillable bottle packaging, which is eco-friendly and convenient for parents who want to save money on formula. How to Prepare Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch Refill Bottle 400g Wash your hands and sterilize all the utensils and bottles to be used. Boil fresh water for five minutes and let it cool for 45 minutes to 50°C. Add the required amount of powder (one scoop per 30 ml of water), which is included in the package, to the water and stir until it dissolves completely. Check the temperature of the milk before feeding your baby. Overall, Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch Refill Bottle 400g is an ideal formula for babies who are six months and above. Order now and enjoy the benefits of this organic goat milk formula!..
34.20 USD
Guigoz ultima 1 ab geburt ds 800 g
Guigoz Ultima 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g Guigoz Ultima 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g is a premium quality infant milk formula specially designed to cater to the nutritional needs of newborns. It is made from the highest quality ingredients, sourced from trusted suppliers, and is designed to support the growth and development of infants from birth onwards. The formula is fortified with Vitamins A, C, and D to support normal growth and development. Additionally, it contains essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 and 6 that are crucial for the development of the infant's brain and nervous system. Guigoz Ultima 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g is also enriched with iron, calcium, and other essential minerals that contribute to the development of strong bones and teeth. Guigoz Ultima 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g infant milk formula is easy to prepare and is ideal for times when breastfeeding is not possible or insufficient. With this formula, you can be confident that your baby is getting all the nutrients that they need for optimal growth and development. Overall, if you're in search of a high-quality infant milk formula that meets all the nutritional needs of your newborn, Guigoz Ultima 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g is an excellent choice. Order yours today and give your baby the best start in life...
61.20 USD
Guigoz ultima 2 až 6 mesiacov
Objavte GUIGOZ Ultima 2 nach 6 Monaten, ideálnu voľbu pre deti, ktoré na svojej ceste rastu dosiahli hranicu 6 mesiacov. Toto prémiové dojčenské mlieko, špeciálne navrhnuté tak, aby vyhovovalo vyvíjajúcim sa nutričným potrebám starších dojčiat, podporuje zdravý rast a vývoj. Vďaka vyváženej kombinácii vitamínov, minerálov a základných živín poskytuje GUIGOZ Ultima 2 nach 6 Monaten optimálnu výživu na podporu celkovej pohody vášho dieťaťa. Dôverujte GUIGOZ, značke s dedičstvom excelentnosti v dojčenskej výžive, že poskytne vášmu drobcovi to najlepšie v tomto dôležitom štádiu jeho vývoja...
59.95 USD
Hipp 1 bio combiotik
HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik The HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik is a organic formula that is designed to provide complete nutrition for infants. This formula is made from high quality organic ingredients that are carefully selected to promote healthy growth and development for your baby. Key Features of HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik Organic ingredients: HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik is made from organic ingredients that are free from harmful pesticides and chemicals. Complete nutrition: This formula is designed to provide complete nutrition for infants, including important nutrients like iron, Vitamin D, and calcium. Probiotics: HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik contains probiotics that can help support your baby's digestive health and immune system. Easy to digest: This formula is made with gentle proteins that are easy for babies to digest. No added sugars: HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik is free from added sugars, which can be harmful to your baby's health. How to use HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik can be used as a complete nutritional source for infants from birth to six months. It can be used either as a sole source of nutrition or in combination with breast milk. To use, simply mix the recommended amount of formula with warm water and shake well. Always follow the instructions on the packaging carefully. Why Choose HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik? HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik is a high quality organic formula that is designed to promote healthy growth and development for your baby. It is made from carefully selected organic ingredients and contains probiotics to support your baby's digestive health and immune system. With no added sugars and gentle proteins that are easy to digest, HIPP 1 Bio Combiotik is a great choice for parents who want the best for their baby...
28.85 USD
Holle bio-anfangsmilch 1 plv 400 g
Property name Organic infant formula Composition Skimmed MILK**¹, WHEY PRODUCT* (partially demineralised whey powder), vegetable oils* (palm oil*³, sunflower oil*, rapeseed oil*), LACTOSE*, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride , Schizochytrium sp.2 microalgae oil, Mortierella Alpina oil, choline bitartrate, calcium salts of orthophosphoric acid, vitamin C, L-tyrosine, sodium chloride, L-tryptophan, iron sulfate, zinc sulfate, vitamin E, magnesium carbonate, niacin, copper sulfate, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, manganese sulfate, potassium iodide, folic acid, sodium selenite, vitamin K, vitamin D, biotin, vitamin B12 *from organic farming, **Demeter (from biodynamic farming), ¹100 g infant milk powder is made from 175 ml skimmed milk, ²contains DHA (required by law for infant formula), ³from sustainable cultivationDE. Properties Sustainable - right from the start. Holle has stood for valuable organic quality for over 85 years. Consistently organic - for a good reason. As the first Demeter manufacturer of baby food, we work exclusively with raw materials from biodynamic or organic farming. All of our ingredients are strictly controlled and guarantee the greatest possible safety. Holle products only contain what is good for your child. Because the well-being of your baby is important to us. Contains DHA Application Suitable for the special nutrition of infants from birth when they are not or not sufficiently breastfed.Can be given as often and as much as it meets your baby's needs. Can be used at any time instead of Holle Organic Infant Formula PRE or another infant formula. After the 6th month we recommend Holle Organic Follow-On Milk 2 in combination with Holle Organic Baby Porridges. Boil the bottle, ring and teat for 3 - 5 minutes before use. To prepare it, boil the water and let it coolto about 50 °C. Pour half of the water and half of the powder into the bottle according to the quantity given in the meal table (see below). To dose the powder, fill the measuring spoon loosely and smooth it out with the back of the knife. Shake the powder and half the amount of water vigorously. Add the remaining water and shake well again. Allow to cool down to drinking temperature (37 °C).Meal table:Age - Amount of water (ml) - Number of measuring spoons* - Ready-to-drink food (ml) - Meals per day1. week according to the doctor's instructions2.-4. Week 90 ? 3 ? 100 ? 5-72. month 150 ? ? 170 ? 4-53rd-4th Month 180 ? 6 ? 200 ? 4-5after the 4th month 210 ? 7 ? 230 ? 3-4*1 level measuring spoon = 4.5 g | 1 mesurette rase = 4.5 gThe stated drinking amounts and meals per day are only guidelines. Small individual deviations are harmless and completely naturalStandard preparation: 13.5 g Holle Organic Infant Formula 1 + 90 mlBoiled water = 100 ml ready-to-drink food. One pack= approx. 30 meals of 100 ml each.Please follow the preparation instructions exactly. The correct dosage ratio always gives your baby thenutrients it needs.Only use the enclosed measuring spoon.Improper preparation and storage can lead to health problems.Each bottle always prepare fresh. Do not reuse leftover food.Do not heat food in the microwave (risk of overheating). Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement Accuracy Energy 286 kJ 100 ml Approximate value (~ ) Energy 68 kcal 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Fat 3.4 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids 1.0 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Fat, thereof monounsaturated fatty acids (cis) 1.8 g 100 ml Approximate value ( ~) Fat, including polyunsaturated fatty acids (cis) 0.6 g 100 ml Approximate value ( ~) Carbohydrates 8.0 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Carbohydrates, including sugar 8.0 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) Carbohydrates, of which starch 0.0 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) Protein 1.4 g 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Iodine 14.2 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Selenium 3.9 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Fluoride 0.010 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Manganese 0.0053 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Copper 0.055 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Zinc 0.45 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Iron 0.54 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Magnesium 5.40 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Phosphorus 35.9 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Calcium 59.9 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Chloride 50.9 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Potassium 82.2 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) 0.35 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Biotin 1.6 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Vitamin B12 0.14 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Folic acid 10.1 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 0.030 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Niacin 0.35 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 0.18 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 0.035 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) td> Vitamin C 6.1 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Vitamin K 5.4 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Vitamin E 0.90 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Vitamin D 1.5 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Vitamin A 54.8 µg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Inositol 4.6 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Choline, total 22 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) Sodium 24 mg 100 ml Approximate value (~) tr> Allergens Contains Milk and milk products Milk sugar (lactose) Notes Important note! Breastfeeding is ideal for your child. Get advice from healthcare professionals if you want to use this product. Don't leave the bottle to suckle all the time. Constant contact with liquids containing carbohydrates can lead to tooth decay. Therefore, pay attention to sufficient dental care from the first tooth onwards. Filling level due to technical reasons. Protected from heat, originally closed best before: see embossing on the bottom. After opening, store in a dry place (not in the refrigerator) and use up within 3 weeks Property name Organic infant formula Composition Skimmed MILK**¹, WHEY PRODUCT* (partially demineralised whey powder), vegetable oils* (palm oil*³, sunflower oil*, rapeseed oil*), LACTOSE*, calcium carbonate, potassium chloride , Schizochytrium sp.2 microalgae oil, Mortierella Alpina oil, choline bitartrate, calcium salts of orthophosphoric acid, vitamin C, L-tyrosine, sodium chloride, L-tryptophan, iron sulfate, zinc sulfate, vitamin E, magnesium carbonate, niacin, copper sulfate, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, manganese sulfate, potassium iodide, folic acid, sodium selenite, vitamin K, vitamin D, biotin, vitamin B12 *from organic farming, **Demeter (from biodynamic farming), ¹100 g infant milk powder is made from 175 ml skimmed milk, ²contains DHA (required by law for infant formula), ³from sustainable cultivationDE. Properties Sustainable - right from the start. Holle has stood for valuable organic quality for over 85 years. Consistently organic - for a good reason. As the first Demeter manufacturer of baby food, we work exclusively with raw materials from biodynamic or organic farming. All of our ingredients are strictly controlled and guarantee the greatest possible safety. Holle products only contain what is good for your child. Because the well-being of your baby is important to us. Contains DHA Application Suitable for the special nutrition of infants from birth when they are not or not sufficiently breastfed.Can be given as often and as much as it meets your baby's needs. Can be used at any time instead of Holle Organic Infant Formula PRE or another infant formula. After the 6th month we recommend Holle Organic Follow-On Milk 2 in combination with Holle Organic Baby Porridges. Boil the bottle, ring and teat for 3 - 5 minutes before use. To prepare it, boil the water and let it coolto about 50 °C. Pour half of the water and half of the powder into the bottle according to the quantity given in the meal table (see below). To dose the powder, fill the measuring spoon loosely and smooth it out with the back of the knife. Shake the powder and half the amount of water vigorously. Add the remaining water and shake well again. Allow to cool down to drinking temperature (37 °C).Meal table:Age - Amount of water (ml) - Number of measuring spoons* - Ready-to-drink food (ml) - Meals per day1. week according to the doctor's instructions2.-4. Week 90 ? 3 ? 100 ? 5-72. month 150 ? ? 170 ? 4-53rd-4th Month 180 ? 6 ? 200 ? 4-5after the 4th month 210 ? 7 ? 230 ? 3-4*1 level measuring spoon = 4.5 g | 1 mesurette rase = 4.5 gThe stated drinking amounts and meals per day are only guidelines. Small individual deviations are harmless and completely naturalStandard preparation: 13.5 g Holle Organic Infant Formula 1 + 90 mlBoiled water = 100 ml ready-to-drink food. One pack= approx. 30 meals of 100 ml each.Please follow the preparation instructions exactly. The correct dosage ratio always gives your baby thenutrients it needs.Only use the enclosed measuring spoon.Improper preparation and storage can lead to health problems.Each bottle always prepare fresh. Do not reuse leftover food.Do not heat food in the microwave (risk of overheating). Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Energy286 kJ100 mlApproximate value (~ ) Energy68 kcal100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Fat3.4 g100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Fat, thereof saturated fatty acids1.0 g100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Fat, of which monounsaturated fatty acids (cis)1.8 g100 mlApproximate value ( ~) Fat, including polyunsaturated fatty acids (cis)0.6 g100 mlApproximate value ( ~) Carbohydrates8.0 g100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Carbohydrates, including sugar8.0 g100 mlApproximate value (~) Carbohydrates, of which starch0.0 g100 mlApproximate value (~) Protein1.4 g100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Iodine14.2 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Selenium3.9 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Fluoride0.010 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Manganese0.0053 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Copper0.055 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Zinc0.45 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Iron0.54 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Magnesium5.40 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Phosphorus35.9 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Calcium59.9 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Chloride50.9 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Potassium82.2 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)0.35 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Biotin1.6 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Vitamin B120.14 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) Folic acid10.1 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)0.030 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Niacin0.35 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Riboflavin (vitamin B2)0.18 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Thiamine (vitamin B1)0.035 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) td> Vitamin C6.1 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) Vitamin K5.4 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) Vitamin E0.90 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) Vitamin D1.5 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) Vitamin A54.8 µg100 mlApproximate value (~) Inositol4.6 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr>Choline, total22 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) Sodium24 mg100 mlApproximate value (~) tr> Allergens Contains Milk and milk productsMilk sugar (lactose) Notes Important note! Breastfeeding is ideal for your child. Get advice from healthcare professionals if you want to use this product. Don't leave the bottle to suckle all the time. Constant contact with liquids containing carbohydrates can lead to tooth decay. Therefore, pay attention to sufficient dental care from the first tooth onwards. Filling level due to technical reasons. Protected from heat, originally closed best before: see embossing on the bottom. After opening, store in a dry place (not in the refrigerator) and use up within 3 weeks ..
24.53 USD
Holle organické následné mlieko 2 plv 600 g
Organické následné mlieko Zloženie [ uhličitan vápenatý, chlorid draselný, olej z mikro rias schizochytrium sp.², vitamín C, vápenaté soli ortofosforečnené, L-tyrozín, citrát draselný, chlorid sodný, L-tryptofán, železný sulfát, zinkový niacín, síran meďnatého, kyselina pantoténová, vitamín A, tiamín, vitamín B6, mangánový síran, jodid draselný, kyselina listová, vitamín K, selenit sodný, vitamín D, biotín, vitamín B12 * z organického poľnohospodárstva ** demeter (z biodynamického poľnohospodárstva; Celkový demeter podiel 68%) 100 g prášku dojčenského mlieka sa vyrába z 182 ml odstredeného mlieka 2 obsahuje DHA (Omega-3, ktorý je legálne potrebný na následný vzorec). DHA prispieva k normálnemu rozvoju videnia u dojčiat do veku 12 mesiacov. Pozitívny účinok sa vyskytuje pri dennom príjme 100 mg DHA. 3 od trvalo udržateľnej kultivácie. Vlastnosti Udržateľný - hneď od začiatku. Už viac ako 85 rokov je Holle za cennú ekologickú kvalitu. Neustále organické? Z dobrého dôvodu. Ako prvý výrobca detskej výživy Demeter pracujeme výlučne so surovinami z biodynamického alebo ekologického poľnohospodárstva, chránime zvieratá, pôdu a životné prostredie a udržiavame spravodlivé partnerstvá s ekologickými farmami. Obzvlášť dôležitá pre nás je obzvlášť dôležitá holistická strava s jednoduchými, prírodnými receptami a rozmanitosťou poskytovaná sezónnymi úrodami. Všetky naše zložky sú prísne kontrolované a zaručujú najväčšiu možnú bezpečnosť. Produkty Holle obsahujú iba to, čo je dobré pre vaše dieťa. Pretože pohoda vášho dieťaťa je pre nás dôležitá. Používame cenné demetrové mlieko na organické následné mlieko Holle Organic 2. Demeter Farms pracuje biodynamicky v harmónii s prírodou. Naša záruka vysokej kvality mlieka vo vzorcoch Holle Mlieko. obsahuje dha Aplikácia Vhodný po 6. mesiaci do konca 3. roku, ako súčasť zmiešanej stravy fliaš a pyré. Môže sa použiť po dojčení alebo kedykoľvek namiesto iného následného mlieka. Holle Organic Následné mlieko 2 sa môže tiež použiť na prípravu organických obilnín Holle. Od 10. mesiaca odporúčame Holle Organic Následné mlieko 3 v kombinácii s pyré Holle Baby Peees. fľaša; Prsteň a struky by sa mali variť 3-5 minút pred použitím. Varte vodu a nechajte ju vychladnúť na cca. 50 ° C. Nalejte polovicu vody a množstvo prášku do fľaše podľa množstva v stole jedla (pozri nižšie). Na meranie prášku vyplňte meraciu lyžicu voľne a vyhladte ju zadnou časťou noža. Prášok a polovicu množstva vody rázne pretrepte. Pridajte zvyšnú vodu a znova sa dobre pretrepte. Nechajte ochladiť teplotu pitia (37 ° C). Tabuľka jedla po 6. mesiaci Množstvo vody - počet meracích lyžíc - jedlo pripravené na pitie - jedlá denne 150 - 5 - 170 - 2-3 180 - 6 - 200 - 2-3 < BR> 210 - 7 - 230 - 2-3 *1 úroveň meracie lyžice = 4,5 g Uvedené množstvo tekutín a jedál za deň sú iba pokyny. Menšie individuálne odchýlky sú neškodné a úplne prirodzené. Jeden balenie = cca. 44 jedál × 100 ml postupujte podľa pokynov na prípravu presne. Správny pomer dávkovania vždy dáva vášmu dieťaťu výživné látky, ktoré potrebuje. Používajte iba poskytnutú meraciu lyžicu. Nesprávna príprava a skladovanie môžu viesť k zdravotným problémom. Vždy pripravte každú fľašu čerstvú. Nehrievajte jedlo v mikrovlnnej rúre (riziko prehriatia). Nutričné hodnoty výživová hodnota množstvo Per % Presnosť merania Energy 287 kJ 100 ml približná hodnota (~) Energy 68 kcal 100 ml približná hodnota (~) FAT 3,6 g 100 ml približná hodnota (~) tuk; z toho nasýtených mastných kyselín 1 g 100 ml približná hodnota (~) tuk; z ktorých mononenasýtené mastné kyseliny (cis) 1,9 g 100 ml približná hodnota (~) tuk; z ktorých kyseliny polynasýtených (cis) 0,7 g 100 ml približná hodnota (~) Sacharidy 7,7 g 100 ml približná hodnota (~) uhľohydráty; z ktorých cukry 5,3 g 100 ml približná hodnota (~) uhľohydráty; z ktorých škrob 0,8 g 100 ml približná hodnota (~) proteín 1,4 g 100 ml približná hodnota (~) Vitamín A 55,4 µg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) Vitamín D 1,6 µg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) Vitamín E 1,2 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) Vitamín K 6,6 µg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) Vitamín C 7 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) tiamín (vitamín B1) 039 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) Riboflavin (vitamín B2) 0,14 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) niacín 0,36 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) pyridoxín (vitamín B6) 038 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) kyselina listová 11,1 µg 100 ml približne hodnota (~) Vitamín B12 0,11 µg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) biotín 1,8 µg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) Kyselina pantoténová (vitamín B5) 0,366 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) Draslík 88,2 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) chlorid 52,5 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) vápnik 61,4 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) fosfor 37,9 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) horčík 5,40 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) železo 0,59 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) zink 0,46 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) meď 057 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) mangán 0051 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) fluorid 01 mg 100 ml menej ako ( selén 3,8 µg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) jód 14,9 µg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) Sodík 25 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) kyselina linoleová 574 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) kyselina alfa-linolénová 57 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) Kyselina dockosahexaenová (DHA) 14 mg 100 ml približná hodnota (~) alergény Obsahuje mlieko a mliečne výrobky mliečny cukor (laktóza) Poznámky Dojčenie je najlepšie pre vaše dieťa. Následné mlieko je vhodné pre špeciálnu výživu dojčiat od veku najmenej 6 mesiacov. Je to iba časť zmiešanej výživy a nesmie sa používať ako náhrada materského mlieka počas prvých 6 mesiacov. Rozhodnutie začať používať doplnkové potraviny v prvých šiestich mesiacoch by sa malo prijať iba na základe rady nezávislých zdravotníckych pracovníkov a brať do úvahy potreby rastu a rozvoja vášho dieťaťa. Nedovoľte, aby vaše dieťa neustále nasávala fľašu. Konštantný kontakt s kvapalinami obsahujúcimi uhľohydráty môže viesť k zubnému kazu. Preto sa uistite, že vaše zuby sú primerane starané od času, keď sa objaví prvý zub. Chránené pred teplom, v pôvodnej utesnenej nádobe, najlepšie predtým: pozri odtlačok na základni. Po otvorení skladujte na suchom mieste (nie v chladničke) a použite do 3 týždňov. Dávka pre jedno sklo: Množstvo vody v ml Počet meraní lyžičiek* pripravené na pitie potravín v Ml jedlá denne 150 5 170 2-3 180 6 200 2-3 210 7 230 2-3 *1 úroveň meracieho lyžice = 4,5G ..
27.77 USD
Milupa aptamil 1 800 g
Milupa Aptamil 1 800 g The Milupa Aptamil 1 is a high-quality infant formula designed for babies from birth up to 6 months old. With a unique blend of essential nutrients, this formula provides complete nutrition to support your baby's growth and development during the crucial first few months of life. Features and Benefits: Contains essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals for optimal brain and eye development Contains prebiotics and probiotics to support digestive health Contains nucleotides to support a strong immune system Easy to digest and gentle on baby's tummy Gluten-free, and contains no added sugars or artificial colors or flavors The Milupa Aptamil 1 is also suitable for babies who are not fully breastfed or for babies who require a supplement to their breast milk. It can be easily prepared by mixing with boiled water and can be served either warm or at room temperature. How to Use: Wash your hands and sterilize all utensils. Boil fresh water for 5 minutes and leave to cool for at least 30 minutes. Do not use artificially softened or repeatedly boiled water. Follow the instructions on the packaging to measure the correct amount of formula powder and add to the water. Shake well until all the powder has dissolved. Check the temperature of the formula before serving. It should be lukewarm. Do not microwave the formula as it may cause hot spots. With the Milupa Aptamil 1, you can rest assured that your baby is getting the best possible start in life with the right nutrition to support their growth and development...
52.08 USD
Milupa aptamil 2 pb de 4 x 200 ml
Milupa Aptamil 2 PB DE 4 x 200 ml je umelá výživa prémiovej kvality špeciálne navrhnutá pre deti vo veku 6-12 mesiacov. Tento produkt je pokračovacie mlieko, ktoré bolo vytvorené tak, aby vyhovovalo rastúcim nutričným potrebám vášho drobca. Zloženie obsahuje všetky základné živiny, ktoré vaše dieťa potrebuje na podporu svojho zdravého rastu a vývoja.Kľúčové vlastnosti: Mliečna výživa: Milupa Aptamil 2 PB DE 4 x 200 ml je umelá mliečna výživa, ktorú možno použiť na doplnenie alebo náhradu materského mlieka. Vysokokvalitné zložky: Zloženie obsahuje vysokokvalitné zložky vrátane bielkovín, sacharidov, esenciálnych mastných kyselín, vitamínov a minerálov, ktoré vaše dieťa potrebuje na rast a vývoj. Ľahko stráviteľné: Zloženie je ľahko stráviteľné a poskytuje vášmu dieťaťu optimálnu výživu bez toho, aby spôsobovalo zažívacie ťažkosti. Pohodlné: Tento produkt sa dodáva v praktickej 200 ml fľaši pripravenej na použitie, ktorú možno ľahko skladovať a prepravovať, vďaka čomu je ideálny na kŕmenie na cestách. Bezpečný: Produkt bol prísne testovaný a neobsahuje žiadne škodlivé látky, čo zaisťuje bezpečnosť vášho dieťaťa. Milupa Aptamil 2 PB DE 4 x 200 ml je skvelou voľbou pre rodičov, ktorí chcú svojim bábätkám poskytnúť tú najlepšiu možnú výživu. Jeho vysokokvalitné ingrediencie a ľahko stráviteľné zloženie z neho robia spoľahlivú a pohodlnú voľbu pre zaneprázdnených rodičov. Získajte tento produkt prémiovej kvality ešte dnes a doprajte svojmu dieťaťu výživu, ktorú potrebuje, aby prospievalo!..
19.75 USD
Milupa aptamil 2800 g
Milupa Aptamil 2800 g The Milupa Aptamil 2800 g is a premium baby milk formula designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants from 0-12 months. Made with high-quality ingredients, it provides complete nutrition for the healthy development of your baby's brain and body. Key Features Made with unique and patented ingredients to support the immune system Contains essential fatty acids like DHA and ARA for cognitive development and eye health Provides all the necessary nutrients for healthy brain, eye, and bone development Easy to prepare and can be stored for up to 4 weeks after opening Designed for sensitive tummies and helps reduce colic, reflux, and constipation Why Milupa Aptamil? Milupa Aptamil is a trusted brand that has been providing baby milk formulas for over 50 years. Their products are formulated with the highest quality ingredients and in accordance with strict European standards. Milupa Aptamil is committed to providing complete nutrition for every stage of your baby's development. How to Prepare? Preparing Milupa Aptamil is easy. Just mix the formula with boiled water and shake well. Always follow the instructions on the packaging, and make sure to use the correct amount of water and powder. Conclusion The Milupa Aptamil 2800 g is the perfect choice for parents who want to ensure their baby gets the best possible nutrition. With its high-quality ingredients and unique formulation, it provides complete nutrition for healthy growth and development. Try it today and give your baby the best start in life! ..
52.08 USD
Milupa aptamil pdf špeciálne potraviny ds 400 g
The Milupa Aptamil PDF special food is suitable for premature babies and underweight term infants. It can be used for babies between 1.8 and 5kg and supports even weight gain. The special food is suitable for exclusive feeding. Note According to the WHO, breastfeeding is the best nutrition for babies, so it is recommended to breastfeed for the first 6 months. After that, continued breastfeeding, but together with a balanced diet appropriate to the baby's age. If supplementary feeding is required or the baby is no longer being breastfed, information should be obtained from health care professionals (paediatrician, maternal adviser, midwife). This special food should only be used after consultation with a doctor. Composition Lactose (from milk), skimmed milk, vegetable oils (sunflower oil, rapeseed oil , medium chain triglycerides (from coconut and palm oil), evening primrose oil), galactooligosaccharides (from MILK), milk fat, maltodextrin, Eilepids, fructooligosaccharides, calcium carbonate, fish oil, calcium orthophosphate, sodium choride, oil from Mortierella alpina, magnesium orthophosphate, potassium citrate, inositol, choline chloride, potassium hydroxide, vitamin C, emulsifier (soya lecithin), tauin, iron II sulphate, zinc sulphate, L-carnitine, vitamin E, nucleotides (sodium salts of cytidine, uridine, inosine, adenosine, guanosine 5-monophosphate), niacin, pantothenic acid, antioxidant (ascorbyl palmitate), copper sulphate, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B2, folic acid, potassium iodide, sodium selenite, vitamin K, manganese ese II sulfate, biotin, vitamin D, vitamin B12...
37.94 USD
(1 stránok)