Ochrana proti inkontinencii
(2 stránok)
Attends slip regular plus 10 extra veľký 14 ks
Attends Slip Regular Plus 10 Extra Large 14 Pcs The Attends Slip Regular Plus 10 Extra Large 14 Pcs is a high-quality adult diaper designed to provide excellent absorbency and protection against leakage. This product is perfect for individuals who require incontinence protection throughout the day and night. Features Designed to fit individuals with waist sizes ranging from 43"-67" Extra-large, absorbent core provides maximum protection against leaks and wetness Adjustable, re-fastenable tabs ensure a snug and comfortable fit Soft, cloth-like outer covering provides a discreet and comfortable feel that is gentle on the skin High-quality material helps to reduce the risk of skin irritation and breakdown Benefits Provides excellent protection against moderate to heavy incontinence Helps to maintain skin integrity and prevent skin irritation and breakdown Allows for easy changing and quick disposal Provides peace of mind and confidence to individuals with incontinence Discreet design allows for use in any setting without fear of embarrassment Overall, the Attends Slip Regular Plus 10 Extra Large 14 Pcs is an essential product for individuals with incontinence. Its high-quality materials, excellent absorbency, and adjustable fit provide maximum protection and comfort, making it an ideal choice for anyone who requires reliable incontinence protection...
85.54 USD
Elastická molicare 10 xl 14 ks
Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs Are you looking for a comfortable and reliable solution for your incontinence issues? Look no further than Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs. These adult diapers are designed to provide maximum absorbency and protection, allowing you to go about your day with confidence and peace of mind. Key Features and Benefits Extra-large size to fit a variety of body types and shapes Elastic waistband for a comfortable and secure fit Double absorbent core to quickly lock away moisture and odors Wetness indicator to let you know when it's time to change Soft and breathable materials to keep skin dry and healthy How to Use Using Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs is easy and straightforward. Simply remove the diaper from its packaging and unfold it. Place the diaper between your legs, with the back of the diaper resting against your lower back. Fasten the tabs on each side of the diaper to create a secure and comfortable fit. Make sure the diaper is snug but not too tight, and adjust the fit as needed throughout the day. When it's time to change, simply remove the old diaper and replace it with a fresh one. Who Is It For? Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs is ideal for anyone who experiences incontinence or bladder control issues. It's especially useful for those who need extra coverage and absorbency, such as people with larger body types or those who experience heavy leaks. Whether you're dealing with temporary issues or a long-term condition, Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs will help you stay dry, comfortable, and confident. Why Choose Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs? Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs offers a range of features and benefits that make it a top choice for anyone who needs reliable incontinence protection. With its extra-large size, elastic waistband, and double absorbent core, it provides maximum coverage and protection. The wetness indicator lets you know when it's time to change, while the soft and breathable materials keep your skin dry and comfortable. Choose Elastic MoliCare 10 XL 14 pcs for a comfortable and reliable solution to your incontinence needs...
73.62 USD
Extra soft 3 navštevuje vklady btl 10 ks
Extra Soft 3 Attends Deposits Btl 10 pcs Introducing our brand new product- Extra Soft 3 Attends Deposits Btl 10 pcs. These highly absorbent pads are designed to provide ultimate comfort and protection to those with moderate to heavy incontinence. The pads can hold up to 1200 mL of liquid, ensuring you stay dry and comfortable throughout the day and night. Our Extra Soft 3 Attends Deposits Btl 10 pcs feature a soft, non-woven surface that is gentle on the skin, reducing the risk of irritation and discomfort. The breathable backsheet allows air to circulate, preventing excess heat and moisture build-up, further enhancing your comfort. Our pads are designed for easy application and security, with an adhesive strip that keeps the pad securely in place, minimizing the risk of leaks and accidents. Whether you are at home, work or travelling, you can rely on our Extra Soft 3 Attends Deposits Btl 10 pcs to provide the ultimate protection and comfort. Our products are made with environmentally-friendly materials, ensuring that you not only benefit from their superior performance but also contribute to a better planet. Don't compromise on your comfort and protection, try our Extra Soft 3 Attends Deposits Btl 10 pcs today and experience the difference for yourself. ..
10.47 USD
Molicare elastic 8 s 26 pcs
Inkontinenčné plienkové nohavičky MoliCare Elastic 8 S ponúkajú prvotriednu ochranu a pohodlie pre jednotlivcov, ktorí trpia inkontinenciou. V balení po 26 ks sú tieto jednorazové nohavice určené na diskrétne a bezpečné nosenie. Elastický pás zaisťuje pohodlné nosenie, zatiaľ čo mäkký, priedušný materiál poskytuje celodenné pohodlie. Vysoká savosť týchto nohavíc pomáha predchádzať pretekaniu a udržuje pokožku suchú a zdravú. Nohavice MoliCare Elastic 8 S, ideálne pre tých, ktorí potrebujú spoľahlivú liečbu inkontinencie, poskytujú pokoj a istotu pri každodenných aktivitách bez prerušenia...
81.47 USD
Molicare elastic 8 xl 14 ks
MoliCare Elastic 8 XL 14 pcs - Adult Diapers for Heavy Incontinence MoliCare Elastic 8 XL is a high-quality adult diaper designed for heavy incontinence. It is made with soft, breathable materials that are gentle on the skin, ensuring maximum comfort and protection to the user. This product is an excellent choice for people who may have mobility issues or who require extra support throughout the day. Secure Fit: MoliCare Elastic 8 XL has an innovative elastic waistband that provides a secure fit, preventing the product from moving around or slipping down. The elastic waistband also ensures maximum comfort, allowing the diaper to move with the user's body without rubbing or causing discomfort. High Absorbency: The product has a high absorbent core that quickly absorbs and retains large amounts of liquid, ensuring maximum protection against leaks, odor and minimizing the risk of skin irritation. Leak Protection: These adult diapers feature an advanced leak guard that provides extra protection to the user, minimizing the risk of leaks and keeping the skin dry and comfortable. Easy to Use: MoliCare Elastic 8 XL is easy to use and dispose of. It features a wetness indicator that indicates when the user needs to change the diaper, making it easy to monitor the usage throughout the day. Each pack comes with 14 pieces to ensure that the user has a sufficient supply on hand. Suitable for Heavy Incontinence: This product is suitable for people who suffer from heavy incontinence. It is perfect for people who require extra support and protection throughout the day, providing maximum comfort and protection to the user. Overall, MoliCare Elastic 8 XL is a high-quality, reliable, and effective solution for heavy incontinence. It provides maximum protection, ensuring the user's dignity and comfort. With its innovative features and advanced technology, it is an excellent choice for people who struggle with incontinence. ..
63.47 USD
Molicare krém na ochranu pokožky tb 200 ml
Charakteristika krému na ochranu pokožky MoliCare Tb 200 mlMnožstvo v balení : 1 mlHmotnosť: 263 g Dĺžka: 40 mm Šírka: 70 mm Výška: 180 mm Kúpiť MoliCare Skin bariérový krém Tb 200 ml online zo Švajčiarska..
20.36 USD
Molicare lady pants l 7 drops 7 pc
Zlepšite pohodlie a sebadôveru s MoliCare Lady Pants L 7 drops, prémiovým riešením pri inkontinencii. Tieto nohavice navrhnuté pre diskrétnu ochranu a vynikajúcu savosť ponúkajú bezpečné uchytenie a nepriepustnú technológiu. Vďaka absorpcii 7 kvapiek poskytujú dlhotrvajúcu suchosť a kontrolu zápachu, podporujú zdravie pokožky a pohodlie počas celého dňa. Elastický pás zaisťuje pohodlné a priliehavé nosenie, zatiaľ čo priedušné materiály zvyšujú pohodlie a znižujú riziko podráždenia pokožky. Pohodlné a ľahko použiteľné, tieto nohavice ponúkajú pokoj pre tých, ktorí zvládajú inkontinenciu, umožňujú aktívny a nezávislý životný štýl. Kvapky MoliCare Lady Pants L 7 sú vhodné na denné aj nočné použitie a poskytujú spoľahlivú ochranu ženám, ktoré hľadajú spoľahlivé a vysokokvalitné riešenie...
28.78 USD
Molicare men pants m 5 kvapiek 8 ks
Molicare guarantees comprehensive skin protection. The products are made of skin-friendly, soft, breathable materials. The Quick-Dry system features a 3-layer absorbent core, ensures dry skin and neutralizes odors. The Molicare Pants were developed especially for men with moderate bladder weakness. The pants have been reinforced where men need it most for extra protection. They are low waisted, comfortable, discreet and anatomically shaped, with cuffs that gently surround the male genitals to prevent leakage. M: 80- 120cm Leak protectionwearing comfort like underwearGrayAnatomical shapepH value 5.5 Quick Dry System ..
26.59 USD
Molicare men pants m 7 drops 8 ks
MOLICARE Pánske nohavice M 7 Tropfen MOLICARE Men Pants M 7 Tropfen sú prvotriedne inkontinenčné nohavičky špeciálne navrhnuté pre mužov. Tento produkt je ideálnym riešením pre tých, ktorí majú ľahkú až stredne ťažkú inkontinenciu a vyznačuje sa výnimočnou savosťou, ktorej sa iné inkontinenčné produkty nevyrovnajú. Obsahuje revolučnú technológiu DryPlus? tieto pánske inkontinenčné nohavičky poskytujú vynikajúcu savosť a rýchlo uzamykajú vlhkosť, takže používateľ sa počas dňa cíti v suchu a pohodlí. Pánske nohavice MOLICARE M 7 Tropfen vyrobené z materiálov prémiovej kvality ponúkajú maximálnu ochranu a zvýšený komfort proti pretečeniu. Elastický pás zaisťuje, že nohavice sú priliehavé a bezpečné, a mäkké elastické manžety nohavíc umožňujú maximálnu pohyblivosť a vhodnosť. Pánske nohavice MOLICARE M 7 Tropfen s jedinečným dizajnom pre diskrétnosť a pohodlie majú anatomicky tvarovaný tvar, ktorý zaisťuje vynikajúce padnutie a maximálne pohodlie. Nohavice sú vyrobené z hypoalergénneho a priedušného materiálu, ktorý odvádza vlhkosť a zabraňuje podráždeniu a vyrážkam. Či už ste doma, v práci alebo na cestách, MOLICARE Men Pants M 7 Tropfen sú ideálne pre každého, kto hľadá optimálnu ochranu pri inkontinencii a pohodlie bez kompromisov v štýle. Objednajte si svoj ešte dnes a urobte krok vpred smerom k životu v pohodlí, sebadôvere a slobode. ..
29.17 USD
Molicare podložka pod posteľ eco 5 40x60cm 300 ks
MoliCare Bed Mat Eco 5 40x60cm 300 ks Hľadáte spoľahlivé a efektívne riešenie problémov s inkontinenciou? Nehľadajte nič iné ako MoliCare Bed Mat Eco 5 40x60cm 300 ks. Tieto posteľné podložky sú navrhnuté tak, aby chránili vašu posteľnú bielizeň a posteľnú bielizeň pred pretečením alebo nehodami a udržali vás v pohodlí a suchu počas celej noci. Super absorbent: Tieto posteľné rohože sú vyrobené z vysoko kvalitných materiálov, ktoré sú špeciálne navrhnuté tak, aby rýchlo a efektívne absorbovali vlhkosť a zabránili akémukoľvek presakovaniu alebo presakovaniu. Výsledkom je, že môžete pohodlne spať bez obáv z vlhkosti alebo nepohodlia. Veľká veľkosť: Tieto posteľné podložky s rozmermi 40 x 60 cm sú dostatočne veľké na to, aby pokryli širokú plochu vašej postele a zaistili tak úplnú ochranu pred akýmkoľvek únikom, rozliatím alebo nehodou. Ľahký a kompaktný dizajn navyše uľahčuje ich skladovanie a prepravu. Ekologické: Tieto posteľné podložky sú vyrobené z prírodných, ekologických materiálov, vďaka čomu sú bezpečné pre vás aj pre životné prostredie. Navyše neobsahujú žiadne agresívne chemikálie alebo toxíny, ktoré by mohli spôsobiť podráždenie pokožky alebo iné zdravotné problémy, vďaka čomu sú bezpečnou a efektívnou voľbou pre všetkých. Nákladovo efektívne: S celkovým počtom 300 podložiek v každom balení sú tieto produkty neuveriteľne nákladovo efektívnym riešením vašich problémov s inkontinenciou. Či už ich potrebujete na bežné používanie alebo občasné núdzové situácie, môžete si byť istí, že zásobu budete mať vždy po ruke. Vyberte si MoliCare podložku pod posteľ Eco 5 40x60cm 300 ks ešte dnes pre maximálne pohodlie, ochranu a pokoj. Či už sami riešite problémy s inkontinenciou alebo hľadáte riešenie pre svoju milovanú osobu, tieto posteľné podložky sú dokonalou voľbou pre každého, kto hľadá spoľahlivé, efektívne a cenovo dostupné riešenie svojich potrieb...
212.06 USD
Seni active classic xl 30 ks
Seni Active Classic XL 30 ks Seni Active Classic XL 30 pc je hygienický výrobok prémiovej kvality, ktorý je navrhnutý tak, aby poskytoval maximálny komfort a ochranu pred inkontinenciou. Tieto plienky pre dospelých sú ideálne pre ľudí, ktorí trpia stredne ťažkou až ťažkou inkontinenciou moču alebo stolice, no napriek tomu si chcú zachovať aktívny životný štýl. Umožňujú vám zostať v suchu a pohodlí po dlhú dobu, či už sedíte alebo aktívne.Funkcie Navrhnuté tak, aby vyhovovali väčšine typov tela Jednoduché použitie a likvidácia Kontrola zápachu a indikátor vlhkosti Elastické šnurovanie zaisťuje bezpečné uchytenie Vysoko absorpčné jadro uzamyká vlhkosť a znižuje riziko pretečenia Mäkké a priedušné materiály, ktoré zaisťujú zdravie pokožky a pohodlie Výhody Seni Active Classic XL 30 pc vás udrží v suchu a pohodlí a zároveň vám umožní užívať si aktívnejší životný štýl. Kontrola zápachu a indikátor vlhkosti zaisťujú, že sa pri nosení týchto plienok pre dospelých budete cítiť sebaisto a bezpečne. Elastické šnurovanie poskytuje priliehavé a pohodlné nosenie, ktoré zostáva na svojom mieste aj pri náročných aktivitách. Vysoko absorpčné jadro tiež znižuje riziko pretečenia, ktoré môže spôsobiť nepohodlie a rozpaky. Mäkké a priedušné materiály navyše zabraňujú podráždeniu pokožky a udržujú vás zdravý a pohodlný po celý deň.Pre koho je určený? Seni Active Classic XL 30 ks je určený pre každého, kto má strednú až ťažkú inkontinenciu moču alebo stolice, či už z dôvodu veku, choroby alebo iných príčin. Tieto plienky pre dospelých sú ideálne pre tých, ktorí chcú udržiavať aktívny životný štýl bez strachu z pretečenia alebo zápachu. Sú vhodné aj pre tých, ktorí môžu mať obmedzenú pohyblivosť alebo sú pripútaní na lôžko, čím zabezpečujú maximálnu čistotu a pohodlie počas celého dňa.Záver Seni Active Classic XL 30 pc je ideálny produkt pre každého, kto chce zostať pohodlný, sebavedomý a hygienický napriek inkontinencii alebo problémom s pohyblivosťou. Vďaka svojim pokročilým funkciám a spoľahlivému výkonu tento produkt určite splní všetky vaše potreby a prekoná vaše očakávania. ..
57.84 USD
Seni active super elastické nohavice s 10 ks
Seni Active Super Elastic Pants S 10 pcs Are you looking for a comfortable and discreet way to manage leaks and incontinence? Look no further than Seni Active Super Elastic Pants S! These high-quality, disposable pants are designed for people with light to moderate incontinence and are ideal for active individuals who want to stay comfortable and confident throughout the day. Features Super elastic design for a comfortable and secure fit Soft, breathable, and hypoallergenic material that feels gentle on your skin Leakage protection with moisture-wicking properties to keep you dry and comfortable Odor control features to keep you feeling fresh and confident Color-coded waistband for easy size identification Large absorbency capacity for all-day protection Discreet and compact packaging for easy storage and travel Size Guide Seni Active Super Elastic Pants S are designed to fit people with waist sizes between 60-90 cm. Please refer to the color-coded waistband to ensure you are purchasing the correct size for your needs. Why Choose Seni Active Super Elastic Pants S? Seni Active Super Elastic Pants S are perfect for anyone who wants to stay active, comfortable, and confident, even in situations where leakage or incontinence may occur. Whether you are going to work, exercising, traveling, or simply going about your daily activities, Seni Active Super Elastic Pants S provide reliable protection and comfort, so you can focus on living your life to the fullest. Order your Seni Active Super Elastic Pants S today and start enjoying worry-free protection and comfort!..
21.67 USD
Shelter-san premium anatomically shaped insert nr3 11x33cm red absorption capacity 500 ml of 28 pcs
Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr3 11x33cm Red Absorption Capacity 500 ml - 28 PCS Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr3 is designed to provide maximum comfort and protection during moderate to heavy incontinence. The product is anatomically shaped to fit snugly to the body, ensuring a secure and comfortable fit. The red color indicator strip on the product changes to blue to indicate when the product needs to be changed, which makes it easy to assess the product usage. The product has an absorption capacity of 500 ml, making it ideal for heavy incontinence. Each pack contains 28 pieces with a size of 11x33cm, suitable for everyday use both at home and on the go. Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr3 offers reliable protection and discretion, providing comfort and confidence, making it a perfect choice for those with incontinence. Shelter-San products use only high-quality materials and are dermatologically tested, ensuring that they are gentle on the skin and do not cause irritation. Order your Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr3 today and enjoy the freedom and security that comes with reliable incontinence protection. ..
22.14 USD
Shelter-san premium anatomically shaped insert nr6 30x63cm light blue absorption capacity 1600 ml 34 pcs
Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr6 30x63cm Light Blue Absorption Capacity 1600 ml 34 pcs The Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr6 is a top-notch product designed to provide reliable protection for individuals dealing with urinary incontinence. This highly absorbent and comfortable insert is designed to fit perfectly and discreetly in regular underwear, providing high-quality protection against leaks and accidents. With a size of 30x63cm, this anatomically shaped insert is perfect for people looking for reliable protection during the night or for individuals who require extra absorbency during the day. The light blue color of the insert is perfect for discretion and complements a wide range of colors, making it a great choice for individuals looking for an incontinence product that is both practical and discreet. The absorption capacity of the Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr6 is an impressive 1600 ml, making it one of the most absorbent products on the market. It is designed with a unique three-layer system that quickly absorbs and locks away any liquid, ensuring that the wearer remains dry and comfortable throughout the day or night. This product comes in a convenient package of 34 pieces, ensuring that the user is always well-stocked and prepared. It is made with high-quality materials that are gentle on the skin, making it suitable for people with sensitive skin or allergies. The Shelter-San Premium Anatomically Shaped Insert Nr6 is a top-of-the-line product and has been tested and certified by leading organizations in the incontinence management industry. It is an affordable, reliable, and practical solution for anyone looking for an effective way to manage urinary incontinence...
51.42 USD
Tena comfort mini super 30 ks
Charakteristiky TENA Comfort Mini Super 30 ksCertifikované v Európe CEMnožstvo v balení: 30 kusovHmotnosť: 1186 g Dĺžka: 133 mm Šírka: 295 mm Výška: 273 mm Kúpiť TENA Comfort Mini Super 30 ks online zo Švajčiarska..
26.03 USD
Tena diskrétny mini magic 34 ks
Funkcie - TENA diskrétny Mini Magic 34 ks Slipové vložky Mini Magic boli vyvinuté špeciálne pre veľmi miernu slabosť močového mechúra. Pomocou technológie microPROTEX poskytujú spoľahlivú ochranu pred zápachom, vlhkosťou a zatekaním. Nohavičkové vložky zároveň dodávajú pocit istoty a sviežosti. Mini Magic bol vyvinutý pre veľmi miernu slabosť močového mechúra. Táto diskrétna slipová vložka s technológiou microPROTEX ponúka ochranu proti pretečeniu, vlhkosti a pachom pre bezpečný pocit kdekoľvek a kedykoľvek. Suché; bezpečná a kontrola zápachu Poznámky Dermatologicky testované Bez parfumácie ..
12.87 USD
Tena fix xxxl 5 ks
Predstavujeme TENA Fix XXXL, balík 5 prémiových inkontinenčných sietí a ochranných nohavíc navrhnutých pre maximálne pohodlie a bezpečnosť. Tieto vysokokvalitné strečové nohavice sú ideálne pre jednotlivcov, ktorí riešia problémy s inkontinenciou, poskytujú diskrétne a spoľahlivé riešenie na zabezpečenie ochrany a dôvery počas celého dňa. TENA Fix XXXL ponúka bezpečné uchytenie, čím sa minimalizuje riziko úniku tekutín a nehôd, čo používateľom umožňuje vykonávať každodenné činnosti s pokojom. Tieto nohavice sú vyrobené z mäkkých, priedušných materiálov, sú jemné k pokožke a podporujú prúdenie vzduchu, čím pomáhajú udržiavať zdravie pokožky. Zostaňte v pohodlí a bez starostí so spoľahlivou ochranou TENA Fix XXXL...
23.99 USD
Tena flex maxi l 22 ks
Product Description: TENA Flex Maxi L 22 pcs The TENA Flex Maxi L 22 pcs is an advanced all-in-one solution designed to provide ultimate comfort and protection to people with moderate to heavy incontinence. This product combines an absorbent core, comfortable waistband, and adjustable leg elastic for a secure and comfortable fit. Features: Ultimate absorbency for moderate to heavy incontinence Easy to use, secure and comfortable Adjustable leg elastic for a custom fit Anatomical shape and soft material designed for comfort Highly breathable material reduces the risk of skin irritation Odour neutralizer for complete confidence 22 pieces in one pack Benefits: All-in-one design provides an easy and hassle-free solution to incontinence Comfortable and discreet for maximum confidence Adjustable fit ensures optimal coverage to prevent leaks Anatomical shape conforms to the body?s natural contours for a snug and secure fit Soft and breathable material keeps skin healthy and comfortable Odour neutralizer eliminates unwanted odours for complete reassurance The TENA Flex Maxi L 22 pcs provides an effective and comfortable solution to incontinence. With its advanced features and benefits, it provides reliable protection and comfort without compromising on ease of use or discretion. Ideal for people with moderate to heavy incontinence...
107.07 USD
Tena flex maxi m 22 ks
TENA Flex Maxi M 22 pcs Experience maximum comfort and protection with the TENA Flex Maxi M 22 pcs adult diapers. Designed with advanced technology and high-quality materials, these adult diapers feature a FlexiFit waistband that ensures a secure and comfortable fit. The waistband is adjustable, so you can customize the fit to your body shape and size. The patented ConfioAir technology allows for better breathability and promotes skin health, while the absorbent core securely locks away moisture, providing maximum leakage protection and dryness. The TENA Flex Maxi M 22 pcs adult diapers are easy to use and change, with re-sealable tapes that allow for multiple adjustments for the perfect fit. The curved leg elastics also provide additional leakage protection and prevent any leaks from occurring from the sides. Additionally, the wetness indicator alerts you when it?s time to change the diaper, so you can stay dry and comfortable throughout the day. These adult diapers are ideal for those with moderate to heavy incontinence and provide maximum protection and comfort during long hours of wear. The pack of 22 pcs is perfect for those who need a reliable supply of adult diapers, as they are easy to store and can be easily taken on the go. With the TENA Flex Maxi M 22 pcs adult diapers, you can enjoy the freedom of movement, confidence, and comfort you deserve...
95.67 USD
Tena flex maxi s 22 ks
TENA Flex Maxi S 22 pcs Introducing the new TENA Flex Maxi S 22 pcs - the perfect product for people looking for ultimate protection and comfort. TENA Flex Maxi S 22 pcs is designed to provide maximum absorbency, ensuring that you stay dry and comfortable all day long. Whether you suffer from mild incontinence or need extra protection, these pads are perfect for you. With their unique design, TENA Flex Maxi S 22 pcs are incredibly easy to use. They feature adjustable, resealable tabs that make it easy to adjust the pad for the perfect fit. This also means that they can be removed and replaced quickly and easily, without having to remove your clothes. These pads are incredibly discreet, with a slim profile that makes them virtually undetectable under clothing. This means that you can wear them with confidence, knowing that you are protected without anyone else knowing. TENA Flex Maxi S 22 pcs are made from high-quality, soft materials that are gentle on your skin. Plus, they are designed to be breathable, ensuring that moisture is wicked away from your skin and preventing any uncomfortable irritation or chafing. So why wait? Order your pack of TENA Flex Maxi S 22 pcs today and experience the ultimate in comfort, protection, and discretion. ..
87.89 USD
Tena pants super s confiofit 12 ks
Discreet disposable pants for moderate to severe bladder weakness with a thin, flexible ConfioFit absorbent core and odor binder, which always give you a dry and safe feeling. Properties Tena Pants Super are discreet disposable pants for moderate to severe bladder weakness with a comfortable, body-hugging fit. When worn, the thin and flexible ConfioFit absorbent core forms two absorption chambers that quickly and safely draw liquid away from the body. The integrated leak barriers provide additional security while keeping you dry and secure. An odor neutralizer at the core also reduces the impact of ammonia, neutralizing unwanted odors.This product is CE -certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
50.31 USD
Tena slip maxi medium 24 ks
Charakteristika TENA Slip Maxi medium 24 ksCertifikované v Európe CEMnožstvo v balení: 24 kusovHmotnosť: 0,00000000 g Dĺžka: 0 mm Šírka: 0 mm Výška: 0 mm Kúpiť TENA Slip Maxi medium 24 ks online zo Švajčiarska..
104.62 USD
Tena slip plus veľký 30 ks
Product Description: TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs is a pack of high-quality adult diapers that are designed to provide maximum comfort and protection to individuals with moderate to heavy incontinence. These adult diapers are made using high-quality materials that are skin-friendly and super-absorbent, making them perfect for individuals who suffer from incontinence. Features Secure fit with re-closable fastening tabs ConfioAir breathable technology for skin comfort Super absorbent core that quickly locks away moisture Wetness indicator to indicate the need for a change Double-layer leg cuffs for leakage protection Odour neutraliser to keep you feeling fresh throughout the day Benefits If you suffer from incontinence, TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs can provide you with the following benefits: Peace of mind knowing that you are protected against leaks, odours and skin irritation An easy-to-use and comfortable solution that will keep you feeling confident and secure throughout the day A high-quality product that is designed with your needs in mind, providing you with maximum comfort and protection A cost-effective solution that will save you money compared to purchasing individual pads How to Use Using TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs is easy. Simply remove the diaper from the packaging and unfold it. Then, place the diaper on the individual, ensuring that the elasticated cuffs are snug around the legs. Next, fasten the tabs securely onto the diaper. The wetness indicator will let you know when it's time to change the diaper. When it's time to change, remove the diaper and dispose of it in a hygienic manner. Overall, TENA Slip Plus Large 30 pcs is a high-quality product that provides maximum comfort and protection to individuals with incontinence. Its features and benefits make it an excellent choice for those who want a reliable and effective solution for incontinence. Buy yours today and experience the difference!..
103.03 USD
Tena ultra diskrétny mini 28 ks
For very light bladder weakness. Protects against leakage, moisture and odors. Features The Mini Magic panty liners were specially developed for very light bladder weakness. With the help of microPROTEX technology, they provide reliable protection against odours, moisture and leakage. At the same time, the panty liners give a feeling of security and freshness.Mini Magic was developed for very light bladder weakness. These discreet panty liners with microPROTEX technology offer protection against leakage, moisture and odors, so you can feel secure anywhere, anytime.Dry, secure and odor control Notices Dermatologically testedWithout perfume This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
12.72 USD
Zúčastňuje sa pull ons 8 l
Nohavice Attends Pull Ons 8 L sú spoľahlivé riešenie na zvládanie inkontinencie, ktoré ponúka ochranu a pokoj. S balením 16 kusov sú tieto plienkové nohavičky ideálne pre tých, ktorí potrebujú diskrétnu a pohodlnú ochranu proti pretečeniu a nehodám. Sú navrhnuté pre pohodlie a vyznačujú sa jednoduchým nazúvacím štýlom pre rýchlu výmenu pri zachovaní bezpečného uchytenia. Priedušný materiál pomáha udržiavať zdravie pokožky a predchádza podráždeniu, vďaka čomu sú vhodné na dlhodobé nosenie. Nohavice Attends Pull Ons 8 L, ktoré sú ideálne pre opatrovateľov a jednotlivcov, ktorí hľadajú vysokokvalitné produkty na inkontinenciu, zaisťujú pohodlie a istotu počas celého dňa...
49.70 USD
(2 stránok)