Vysoký obsah bielkovín
(1 stránok)
Fresubin 2 kcal vanilkový krém 4 x 125 g
Fresubin 2 kcal vanilkový krém 4 x 125 g Vanilínový krém Fresubin 2 kcal 4 x 125 g je lahodný a výživný doplnok navrhnutý tak, aby dodal telu základné živiny, ktoré sú potrebné pre optimálne zdravie. Je ideálny pre ľudí, ktorí majú problém skonzumovať dostatok jedla pre svoje každodenné potreby alebo potrebujú dodatočnú výživu v dôsledku choroby, operácie alebo vysokého veku. Tento produkt je vysokokalorický doplnok s vysokým obsahom bielkovín a tukov, ktorý poskytuje vynikajúci zdroj energie a výživy. Každá porcia obsahuje 2 kcal, 4 g bielkovín a 4,5 g tuku. Obsahuje tiež základné vitamíny a minerály, ktoré sú životne dôležité pre celkové zdravie tela, ako sú vitamíny A, D, E, K a C, vápnik, železo a zinok. Vanilínový krém Fresubin 2 kcal prichádza s lahodnou vanilkovou príchuťou a krémovou textúrou, ktorá sa ľahko prehĺta a strávi. Môže sa konzumovať ako doplnok alebo náhrada jedla a je vhodný pre jedincov s dysfágiou alebo ťažkosťami s prehĺtaním. Je vhodný aj pre ľudí s cukrovkou, keďže obsahuje nízky glykemický index a vyvážené zloženie živín, ktoré pomáha regulovať hladinu cukru v krvi. Celkovo je Fresubin 2kcal vanilkový krém 4 x 125 g vynikajúcim a pohodlným doplnkom, ktorý dodáva telu základné živiny, ktoré sú potrebné pre optimálne zdravie. Je to skvelý spôsob, ako zabezpečiť, aby ste uspokojili svoje denné nutričné potreby, najmä keď bežné jedlá nestačia. Tak prečo čakať? Vyskúšajte tento produkt ešte dnes a vychutnajte si lahodnú chuť a množstvo zdravotných výhod!..
26.85 USD
Isostar high protein riegel toffee crunchy 55 g
Isostar High Protein Riegel Toffee Crunchy 55 g The Isostar High Protein Riegel Toffee Crunchy 55 g is the perfect snack for those who are leading an active lifestyle. Made with high-quality ingredients, this protein bar is packed with nutrients that can help fuel your body during intense activities or workouts. High-quality protein: The Isostar High Protein Riegel Toffee Crunchy 55 g is made with high-quality whey protein isolate, which is easy for the body to absorb and use for muscle building and repair. Each bar contains 20g of protein. Carbohydrates: To fuel your body during exercise, this protein bar contains a blend of fast and slow-digesting carbs that provide sustained energy. Each bar contains 18g of carbs. Fiber: This protein bar is also a good source of fiber, which can help keep you feeling full and satisfied between meals. Delicious flavor: The Isostar High Protein Riegel Toffee Crunchy 55 g has a delicious toffee flavor with a crunchy texture that makes it a pleasure to eat. Easy to carry: With its convenient size and packaging, the Isostar High Protein Riegel Toffee Crunchy 55 g is easy to carry with you wherever you go, making it a great snack for on-the-go. Add the Isostar High Protein Riegel Toffee Crunchy 55 g to your daily routine to help support muscle growth, repair, and recovery, as well as sustain you through your active lifestyle. ..
4.91 USD
Nutramino nutra-go protein wafer hazelnut 39g
Nutramino Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Hazelnut 39g Enjoy a delicious and nutritious snack with the Nutramino Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Hazelnut. Each pack contains a crunchy wafer filled with a luxurious hazelnut cream and a generous serving of high-quality protein. Made from a blend of whey protein isolate and milk protein isolate, this protein wafer delivers a whopping 9g of protein per serving. It is also low in sugar and carbs, making it an ideal snack for anyone following a high-protein or low-carb diet. The Nutramino Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Hazelnut is perfect for busy individuals who are always on the go. It is a convenient snack that you can take with you anywhere ? to the gym, to work, or even on a long road trip. Each pack contains a single-serving wafer, making portion control easy. And because it is wrapped in a protective foil, you can be sure that it stays fresh and crunchy until you are ready to indulge. With its delicious hazelnut flavor and satisfying crunch, the Nutramino Nutra-Go Protein Wafer Hazelnut is sure to become your new favorite snack. Order yours today and enjoy the convenience of a high-protein snack that you can take with you anywhere. ..
4.50 USD
(1 stránok)