
Bylinkový čaj

Zobrazené 26 až 50 z 143
(6 stránok)
Beeovita ponúka produkty pre zdravie a krásu zo Švajčiarska so zameraním na vašu pohodu. Naša kategória bylinných čajov zahŕňa nádherný rad upokojujúcich a diuretických čajov, ktoré sú ideálne na každú príležitosť – od raňajok až po spánok, pomoc pri dojčení alebo detoxikáciu. Naša ponuka zahŕňa ovocné a bylinkové čajové zmesi, ideálne na chladné dni, a zázvorový, kardamónový a feniklový koreninový čaj na podporu duševnej jasnosti. Vychádzame v ústrety všetkým potrebám, od zdravia žien, detskej stravy až po športovcov a milovníkov čaju všeobecne. Naše čaje neobsahujú kofeín a sú vyrobené z najkvalitnejších organických ingrediencií, ktoré zaisťujú maximálne zdravotné výhody. Ponúkame tiež telovú starostlivosť a kozmetiku pre výživu pokožky, vďaka ktorej budete vyzerať tak dobre, ako sa cítite. Pozrite si našu ponuku čajov a wellness produktov ešte dnes.
čaj yogi čaj po jedle 17 vrecúšok 1,8 g

čaj yogi čaj po jedle 17 vrecúšok 1,8 g

Kód produktu: 5353329

Ajurvédska bylinná čajová zmes s kardamónom, feniklom a zázvorom. Lahodná ajurvédska bylinná a koreninová čajová zmes s kardamónom, feniklom, zázvorom a koriandrom, jemne doplnená sladkým drievkom, mätou piepornou a štipkou čierneho korenia. Zloženie Kardamón* (17 %), fenikel* (17 %), koriander*, jačmenný slad*, sladké drievko*, mäta*, zázvor* (6 %), škorica*, čierne korenie*, klinčeky*. *kontrolované ekologické pestovanie.. Funkcie Chutné, sladké, ľahké. Nutričné ​​hodnoty Výživová hodnota Množstvo na % Presnosť merania Energia 0 kcal 100 g Energia 0 kJ 100 g Tuk 0 g 100 g Tuk, z toho nasýtené mastné kyseliny 0 g 100 g Sacharidy 0 g 100 g Sacharidy vrátane cukru 0 g 100 g Proteín 0 g 100 g Soľ 0 g 100 g Alergény Obsahuje obilniny a výrobky z obilnín obsahujúce lepok Môže obsahovať Oxid siričitý a siričitany Poznámky Uchovávajte v chlade a suchu. ..

6,60 USD

Jentschura 7x7 bylinkový čaj 50 vrecúšok

Jentschura 7x7 bylinkový čaj 50 vrecúšok

Kód produktu: 3580848

Zloženie Tymián, škoricová kôra, listy medovky, citrónová tráva, citrónová kôra, koreň ľubovníka, bylina majoránka, bylina tymianu, bylina rakytníka, listy viniča, bylina yzopu, listy verbeny - voňavé, jablko, bylina artičok, bylina medvedieho cesnaku, pohánka bylina, fenikel - sladký, rasca, lipový kvet strieborný, listy rozmarínu, koreň sladkého drievka, plod anízu, listy bazalky, kôra šípky, kvety levandule, pľúcnik, saturejka, list jahôd, list eukalyptu, baza, list ríbezlí, koriander, rasca, list púpavy, kôra pomaranča, kvet chmeľu, list žihľavy, list černice, kôpor ovocie, čučoriedkový list, ibištekový kvet, malinový list, zázvorový koreň, kardamóm, kvet nechtíka, list estragónu, kôpor, plod čučoriedok, lupienky ruží - ružová*zložka z ekologického / organického pestovania. Vlastnosti Vynikajúci výber 49 ingrediencií, ako sú bylinky, semená, koreniny, korene a kvety, je skutočným potešením v chladných dňoch. Ideálne pre športovcov. Aplikácia Vrecúško čajového filtra zalejte 250-500 ml vriacej vody a nechajte lúhovať 2-3 minúty. ..

27,38 USD

Jentschura 7x7 bylinný čaj 250 g

Jentschura 7x7 bylinný čaj 250 g

Kód produktu: 3580825

Zloženie Tymián, škoricová kôra, listy medovky, citrónová tráva, citrónová kôra, koreň ľubovníka, bylina majoránka, bylina tymianu, bylina rakytníka, listy viniča, bylina yzopu, listy verbeny - voňavé, jablko, bylina artičok, bylina medvedieho cesnaku, pohánka bylina, fenikel - sladký, rasca, lipový kvet strieborný, listy rozmarínu, koreň sladkého drievka, plod anízu, listy bazalky, kôra šípky, kvety levandule, pľúcnik, saturejka, list jahôd, list eukalyptu, baza, list ríbezlí, koriander, rasca, list púpavy, kôra pomaranča, kvet chmeľu, list žihľavy, list černice, kôpor ovocie, čučoriedkový list, ibištekový kvet, malinový list, zázvorový koreň, kardamóm, kvet nechtíka, list estragónu, kôpor, plod čučoriedok, lupienky ruží - ružová*zložka z ekologického / organického pestovania. Vlastnosti Vynikajúci výber 49 ingrediencií, ako sú bylinky, semená, koreniny, korene a kvety, je skutočným potešením v chladných dňoch. Ideálne pre športovcov. Aplikácia Vrecúško čajového filtra zalejte 250-500 ml vriacej vody a nechajte lúhovať 2-3 minúty. ..

47,27 USD

Kompenzácia pätiek sonnentor dvojkomorová 18 x 1,5 g

Kompenzácia pätiek sonnentor dvojkomorová 18 x 1,5 g

Kód produktu: 4835894

Dvojkomorová základná kompenzácia Sonnentor 18 x 1,5 g Zloženie Z kontrolovaného ekologického pestovania: Slez modrý (topoľ), medovka lekárska, listy černice, mäta, baza, lipový kvet, nevädza. . Aplikácia Čajové vrecúško opláchnite vriacou vodou a nechajte 5-10 minút lúhovať. Poznámky Skladujte mimo tepla a na suchom mieste. ..

10,70 USD

Narodeninový čaj sonnentor dvojkomorový 18 x 1,5 g

Narodeninový čaj sonnentor dvojkomorový 18 x 1,5 g

Kód produktu: 4837025

Sonnentor Geburtstagstee Double Chamber 18 x 1.5 g: Celebrate Your Special Day with a Delicious Cup of Tea If you're looking for a special way to celebrate your birthday, or the birthday of a loved one, the Sonnentor Geburtstagstee Double Chamber 18 x 1.5 g might just be the perfect solution for you. This delicious tea is specially blended to help you savor the flavors of your special day, while enjoying the many health benefits that come with drinking tea. What's in the Box? Each box of Sonnentor Geburtstagstee Double Chamber comes with 18 individually wrapped tea bags. Each tea bag contains 1.5 grams of tea, providing you with the perfect amount for a single cup of tea. This means you can enjoy a full 18 cups of this delicious tea, which is perfect for sharing with friends and family. The Ingredients The Sonnentor Geburtstagstee Double Chamber is made with a blend of herbs and spices, including rooibos, cinnamon, lemon balm, fennel, ginger, cloves, and vanilla. These ingredients are carefully selected and blended to provide you with a flavorful cup of tea that is perfect for any occasion. The Health Benefits Not only is the Sonnentor Geburtstagstee Double Chamber a delicious and flavorful tea, it also provides you with many health benefits. Rooibos, for example, is rich in antioxidants and is known to help improve heart health, while lemon balm is known to help reduce stress and anxiety. Ginger, on the other hand, may help reduce inflammation and boost the immune system. How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Sonnentor Geburtstagstee Double Chamber To brew a delicious cup of Sonnentor Geburtstagstee Double Chamber, simply bring water to a boil, then add a tea bag to your cup. Let the tea steep for 5-7 minutes, then remove the tea bag and enjoy. For added flavor, you can also add a touch of honey, milk, or lemon to your tea. The Perfect Gift Whether you're looking for a special gift for a loved one, or simply want to treat yourself to a delicious cup of tea, the Sonnentor Geburtstagstee Double Chamber 18 x 1.5 g is the perfect choice. Order yours today and experience the delicious, flavorful, and healthful benefits of this amazing tea. ..

10,70 USD

Phytopharma brusnicový čaj 20 vrecúšok

Phytopharma brusnicový čaj 20 vrecúšok

Kód produktu: 4760179

The health-promoting properties of cranberries have long been known The Indians used cranberries to heal wounds. Various new and latest scientific studies show that the ingredients in cranberries are beneficial for keeping the human body healthy...

16,66 USD

Sidroga beruhigungstee 20 bag 2 g

Sidroga beruhigungstee 20 bag 2 g

Kód produktu: 4164537

What is Sidroga Calming Tea and when is it used? Sidroga Calming Tea contains dried and finely chopped passion flower herb. Calming and relaxing properties are traditionally attributed to the passion flower herb. Sidroga calming tea is traditionally used to support the treatment of nervous restlessness. What should be considered? If the symptoms last longer than 2 weeks or worsen, you should consult your doctor. It cannot be ruled out that interactions with other medicines may occur. When should Sidroga Soothing Tea not be taken or only with caution? Sidroga Soothing Tea must not be used if there is a known hypersensitivity to passion flower herb.This medicine can impair the ability to react, the ability to drive and the ability to use tools or machines, especially if alcohol is also drunk.The use of this medicine in children there is insufficient experience. It should therefore not be used in children under the age of 12.Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other diseaseshave allergies ortake other medicines (including those you bought yourself!). Can Sidroga calming tea be used during pregnancy or during breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as intended. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Sidroga Calming Tea? Adults and adolescents from the age of 12 take 1 cup 2 to 4 times a day. Preparation: 1 sachet for one cup. Pour boiling water over it and leave to stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Squeeze the sachet gently and remove.Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Sidroga calming tea have? In rare cases, hypersensitization and in individual cases allergic skin symptoms can occur.If you notice any side effects that are not described here, you should consult your doctor, pharmacist or pharmacist rogist or your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered? Sidroga Calming Tea should be stored at room temperature (15?25 °C), protected from light, in a dry place and out of the reach of children. The double-chamber bags with aroma protection may only be stored up to the end marked on the container with «Exp.» designated date.Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Sidroga Calming Tea contain? 1 double-chamber bag contains 2.0 g of dried and finely chopped passion flower herb. Authorization number 58713 (Swissmedic) Where can you get Sidroga Calming Tea? Which packs are available? This is an over-the-counter drug. Boxes with 20 double-chamber bags with aroma protection. Authorization holder Sidroga AG, 4310 Rheinfelden This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in August 2008. ..

14,19 USD

Sidroga detský čaj pred spaním 20 bag 1,5 g

Sidroga detský čaj pred spaním 20 bag 1,5 g

Kód produktu: 5159254

Small children need enough sleep, because especially in the first few years they develop in giant strides. They experience and learn new things every day and need the night to regenerate. Small rituals in the evening, such as a bedtime story and a mild herbal tea, help them to calm down. Sidroga Organic Children's Bedtime Tea contains carefully selected and compiled ingredients such as aniseed, lemon balm leaves, peppermint leaves, passion flower herb and lavender blossoms. All ingredients come from controlled organic cultivation.This mixture is often used to prepare for the realm of dreams in the evening. Sidroga Organic Children's Good Night Tea is suitable for children and infants from 4 months. Preparation: 1 filter bag for 1 cup (150ml). Pour boiling water over it, leave to stand for 5 minutes. Gently squeeze out the bag and remove. Cool down to drinking temperature (37°C). Please only offer freshly brewed tea!Important note: To protect against tooth decay due to tooth decay, please make sure you hold the bottle yourself and have your thirst quenched quickly. Get your child used to drinking from a cup as early as possible...

14,14 USD

Sidroga wellness silhouette 20 battalion 2 g

Sidroga wellness silhouette 20 battalion 2 g

Kód produktu: 5124882

Sidroga Wellness Silhouette is a tasty mate tea with herbs and spices. Mate is obtained from the leaves of the Ilex paraguariensis. The addition of lemon verbena, cardamom and ginger gives the Sidroga Wellness Silhouette its refreshing taste. Sidroga Wellness Silhouette accompanies you on the way to your personal feel-good weight. Preparation: 1 tea bag for 1 cup. Pour boiling water on, leave to stand for 5 to 10 minutes, gently squeeze out the bag and remove...

14,06 USD

Sidroga wellness zázvor citrón 20 battalion 2 g

Sidroga wellness zázvor citrón 20 battalion 2 g

Kód produktu: 7743420

Spicy tea composition with a fresh note of citrus Ingredients: ginger root (33%), liquorice root, white hibiscus blossoms, coriander, lemon myrtle, lemon peel (2%), spicesContains liquorice - excessive consumption of this product should be avoided if you have high blood pressure.Properties: Ginger, known as an aromatic, hot spice, can also be enjoyed as a tea. In addition to essential oils, it contains pungent substances that make up its typical taste.Fresh ginger also has a delicate lemon scent. We have emphasized this nuance in our tea blend by adding lemon peel. Together with selected spices such as liquorice and coriander, the fruity citrus note piquantly underlines the characteristic sharpness of the ginger root.Preparation: 1 filter bag for 1 cup. Pour boiling water over it, leave to stand for 5 minutes. Gently squeeze out the bag and take it out. Important note: Always pour boiling water over it and let it stand for at least 5 minutes! This is the only way to get safe food! ..

14,21 USD

Sonnentor šípkový ibištekový čaj 18 bag 3 g

Sonnentor šípkový ibištekový čaj 18 bag 3 g

Kód produktu: 4517160

Charakteristika čaju SONNENTOR šípkový ibištek 18 Btl 3 gMnožstvo v balení : 18 gHmotnosť: 89 g Dĺžka: 79 mm Šírka: 69 mm Výška: 119 mm Kúpte SONNENTOR šípkový ibištekový čaj 18 Btl 3 g online zo Švajčiarska..

10,70 USD

Sonnentor čaj dvojkomorový 18 x 1,5 g

Sonnentor čaj dvojkomorový 18 x 1,5 g

Kód produktu: 4836876

Charakteristika čaju SONNENTOR ďakujem dvojkomorová 18 x 1,5 gMnožstvo v balení : 18 gHmotnosť: 64 g Dĺžka: 80 mm Šírka: 68 mm Výška: 118 mm Kúpte SONNENTOR čaj s dvojitou komorou 18 x 1,5 g online zo Švajčiarska..

10,70 USD

Sonnentor čaj na dobrý spánok 18 bag

Sonnentor čaj na dobrý spánok 18 bag

Kód produktu: 4473876

Charakteristika SONNENTOR Čaj na dobrý spánok 18 BtlMnožstvo v balení: 18 BtlHmotnosť: 62 g Dĺžka: 80 mm Šírka: 68 mm Výška: 118 mm Kúpiť SONNENTOR Čaj na dobrý spánok 18 Btl online zo Švajčiarska..

11,13 USD

Sonnentor free away from the liver tea 18 bag

Sonnentor free away from the liver tea 18 bag

Kód produktu: 4473215

100% organic tea blend with dandelion, yarrow, fennel and more. A treat for the liver. Composition Spearmint, dandelion leaves, yarrow fennel , lemongrass, caraway, marigolds.. Properties Sonnentor's Frei von der Leber Weg tea contains a tea blend that is good for the liver. The tea helps the body to purify and regenerate. Goes perfectly with spicy meat dishes. Vegan100% organicEco packagingCO2 neutral Application Put the bag in a cup, add hot water at about 100 degrees and let it steep for 5-10 minutes. ..

11,08 USD

Sonnentor glückstee dvojkomorový 18 x 1,5 g

Sonnentor glückstee dvojkomorový 18 x 1,5 g

Kód produktu: 4837031

Charakteristika SONNENTOR Glückstee dvojkomorová 18 x 1,5 gMnožstvo v balení : 18 gHmotnosť: 61 g Dĺžka: 79 mm Šírka: 69 mm Výška: 119 mm Kúpiť SONNENTOR Glückstee s dvojitou komorou 18 x 1,5 g online zo Švajčiarska..

10,70 USD

Sonnentor guten morgen tee bio

Sonnentor guten morgen tee bio

Kód produktu: 3949756

Charakteristika SONNENTOR Čaj na dobré ráno 50gMnožstvo v balení : 1 gHmotnosť: 0,00000000 g Dĺžka: 0 mm Šírka: 0 mm Výška: 0 mm Kúpiť SONNENTOR Čaj na dobré ráno 50 g online zo Švajčiarska..

12,75 USD

Sonnentor mystic witch tea otvorený 40 g

Sonnentor mystic witch tea otvorený 40 g

Kód produktu: 4653584

Doprajte si očarujúcu zmes mystického čarodejníckeho čaju Sonnentor. Táto vynikajúca ovocno-bylinná čajová zmes sa môže pochváliť magickou fúziou prírodných ingrediencií, starostlivo upravených pre chuť a pohodu. Nechajte sa pri každom dúšku preniesť do ríše upokojujúcich vôní a slastných chutí. Toto 40g balenie ponúka očarujúci zážitok, ktorý kombinuje ovocné tóny s bylinnými podtónmi, čím vytvára harmonickú rovnováhu pre vaše zmysly. Preskúmajte mystický svet mystického čarodejníckeho čaju Sonnentor a objavte napĺňajúci rituál pitia čaju, ktorý sa nepodobá žiadnemu inému. Prijmite kúzlo každej šálky a pozdvihnite čas strávený pri čaji na úplne novú úroveň potešenia...

12,75 USD

Yogi tea čaj šťastie 17 battalion 2 g

Yogi tea čaj šťastie 17 battalion 2 g

Kód produktu: 5352732

Product Description: Yogi Tea Happiness 17 Battalion 2 g Experience blissful happiness with every sip of Yogi Tea Happiness 17 Battalion 2g. This herbal tea blend is formulated with natural ingredients that promote positivity, uplift your mood, and enhance mental clarity. It is a perfect blend for those looking for an escape from the daily hustle and bustle of life and want to relax and unwind. The tea blend contains an array of healing herbs and spices that possess mood-boosting properties. The primary ingredients include hibiscus, rooibos, lemon balm, and lemon grass. These herbs are known to have a calming effect on the mind, promote relaxation, and reduce stress levels. The soothing aroma of the blend helps create an ambiance of peace and tranquility. The tea comes in tea bags, which are individually packed to maintain freshness and aroma. They are easy to use and can be brewed in hot water. The tea can be consumed any time of the day, either before or after a meal or before bedtime. Drinking a cup of Yogi Tea Happiness 17 Battalion 2g everyday promotes overall well-being and helps maintain a positive outlook towards life. The tea is 100% Organic and naturally caffeine-free, which makes it suitable for individuals who are looking to reduce their caffeine intake. The blend is also gluten-free and vegan-friendly. Experience happiness in a cup with Yogi Tea Happiness 17 Battalion 2g. Order now and start your journey towards a happy, healthy, and peaceful life. ..

6,60 USD

Yogi tea čaj tranquility 17 bag 1,8 g

Yogi tea čaj tranquility 17 bag 1,8 g

Kód produktu: 5352703

Charakteristika čaju Yogi Tea tranquility 17 Btl 1,8 gMnožstvo v balení : 17 gHmotnosť: 0,00000000 g Dĺžka: 0 mm Šírka: 0 mm Výška: 0 mm Kúpiť čaj Yogi Tea tranquility 17 Btl 1,8 g online zo Švajčiarska..

6,60 USD

Yogi tea čaj z kôry 17 bag 1,8 g

Yogi tea čaj z kôry 17 bag 1,8 g

Kód produktu: 5352933

This Ayurvedic herbal tea blend with basil, orange peel and chilli conveys pure joie de vivre. The tea has a strengthening, constructive and inspiring effect. Composition Basil (50 %), liquorice, dried lemon juice, orange peel (5%), cinnamon, ginger, chili (0.5%), cardamom, cloves, black pepper*controlled organic cultivationContains liquorice - excessive consumption of this product should be avoided if you have high blood pressure.. Properties This Ayurvedic herbal tea blend with basil, orange peel and chili conveys pure joie de vivre. The tea has a strengthening, restorative and inspiring effect. Nutritional values Nutritional valueAmountper%Measurement accuracy Energy td>0 kcal100 gEnergy0 kJ100 gFat0 g100 gFat, thereof saturated fatty acids 0g100gCarbohydrates0g100 gCarbohydrates, including sugar0 g100 gprotein0 g 100gSalt0g 100 g Allergens May contain Sulphur dioxide and sulphites Notes Store in a cool, dry place. ..

6,60 USD

Yogi tea green harmony 17 sáčkov 1,8 g

Yogi tea green harmony 17 sáčkov 1,8 g

Kód produktu: 5352695

Charakteristika čaju Yogi Tea Green Harmony 17 Btl 1,8 gMnožstvo v balení : 17 gHmotnosť: 0,00000000 g Dĺžka: 0 mm Šírka: 0 mm Výška: 0 mm Kúpiť čaj Yogi Green Harmony 17 Btl 1,8 g online zo Švajčiarska..

6,60 USD

Yogi tea sweet chili mexické korenie 17 bag 1,8 g

Yogi tea sweet chili mexické korenie 17 bag 1,8 g

Kód produktu: 5352927

Charakteristika čaju Yogi Tea Sweet Chili Mexican Spice 17 Btl 1,8 gMnožstvo v balení : 17 gHmotnosť: 64 g Dĺžka: 63 mm Šírka: 74 mm Výška: 118 mm Kúpte si čaj Yogi Sweet Chili Mexican Spice 17 Btl 1,8 g online zo Švajčiarska..

6,60 USD

Yogi tea večerný čaj 17 bag 1,7 g

Yogi tea večerný čaj 17 bag 1,7 g

Kód produktu: 5352726

Charakteristika čaju Yogi Večerný čaj 17 Btl 1,7 gMnožstvo v balení : 17 gHmotnosť: 0,00000000 g Dĺžka: 0 mm Šírka: 0 mm Výška: 0 mm Kúpiť večerný čaj Yogi Tea 17 Btl 1,7 g online zo Švajčiarska..

6,73 USD

Yogi tea women balance 17 bag 1,8 g

Yogi tea women balance 17 bag 1,8 g

Kód produktu: 5352904

Ayurvedic herbal tea blend with raspberry leaves, lemon verbena and lavender blossoms. This mild, light Mediterranean tea blend with thyme, lavender blossoms and raspberry leaves helps with the balancing act. Composition Raspberry leaves* (35%), licorice*, lemon verbena* (13%), cinnamon*, lemon balm*, ginger*, thyme*, lavender blossoms*, oregano*, cardamom*, black pepper*, cloves*.*certified organic cultivation.. Features Simple, feminine, full of herbs. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantity per%Measurement accuracy Energy0 kcal td>100 gEnergy0 kJ100 gFat0 g100 gFat, thereof saturated fatty acids0 g 100 gCarbohydrates0 g100 gCarbohydrates, including sugar0 g100 gprotein0 g100 g Salt0 g100 g Allergens May contain Sulphur dioxide and sulphites Notes Contains licorice - if you have high blood pressure, excessive consumption of this product should be avoided. ..

6,60 USD

Yogi tea women power 17 bag 1,8 g

Yogi tea women power 17 bag 1,8 g

Kód produktu: 5352910

Ayurvedic herbal tea blend with hibiscus, angelica root and ginger. This happy, fruity, strong YOGI TEA® Women's Power exhilarates with fruity hibiscus and angelica root. Composition Hibiscus* (38%), liquorice*, peppermint* , raspberry leaves*, black pepper*, angelica root extract*, cinnamon*, ginger*, cardamom*, cloves*.*certified organic farming.. Properties Fruity, powerful, inspiring. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantity per%Measurement accuracy Energy0 kcal td>100 gEnergy0 kJ100 gFat0 g100 gFat, thereof saturated fatty acids0 g 100 gCarbohydrates0 g100 gCarbohydrates, including sugar0 g100 gprotein0 g100 g Salt0 g100 g Allergens May contain Sulphur dioxide and sulphites Notes Contains licorice - if you have high blood pressure, avoid excessive consumption of this product. ..

6,60 USD

Zobrazené 26 až 50 z 143
(6 stránok)
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