Objavte autentické švajčiarske perníkové korenie v Beeovita - váš dôveryhodný obchod pre zdravie a výživu, potraviny, potravinárske prísady, prísady a ďalšie. Naše perníkové korenie, charakteristické svojou bohatou, teplou arómou a upokojujúcou chuťou, zohráva dôležitú úlohu pri príjemnom vianočnom pečení a dodáva vašim sviatočným koláčom, koláčikom a iným dezertom štipku zdravia, chuti a tradície. Nakupujte to najlepšie zo švajčiarskych produktov Health & Beauty, vychutnajte si aromatickú blaženosť perníkového korenia vo vašom jedle a doprajte si lahodný zážitok zo zdravého stravovania! Švajčiarska záruka kvality v každej nádobe s perníkovým korením zlepšuje kvalitu vášho jedla a vitalitu vášho zdravia.
SONNENTOR Lebkuchengewürz BIO
Introduced by SONNENTOR, the Lebkuchengewürz BIO spice is the perfect ingredient to add a special touch to your Christmas baked goodies. The word ?Lebkuchen? means gingerbread, so this spice mixture is the perfect way to make homemade gingerbread. The organic spice blend brings all your favourite Christmas aromas to your baked goods, from cinnamon and cloves to cardamom and nutmeg. This spice blend is a secret recipe, which has been passed down through generations of French culinary heritage.
The SONNENTOR Lebkuchengewürz BIO is made in a traditional way that ensures it retains its original and authentic aroma. The organic ingredients have been carefully selected, with no artificial colours or flavours added, to make your baking experience healthier and flavourful. The spice blend consists of cinnamon, coriander, cloves, ginger, nutmeg and cardamom, which complement each other perfectly to create a scrumptious flavour.
The Lebkuchengewürz BIO spice is perfect for making cookies, gingerbread, cakes, pies, and other baked goodies. All you need to do is add a dash of the SONNENTOR Lebkuchengewürz BIO to your baking mix and give it a quick stir. The sweet aroma of the spices will fill your kitchen, while the taste and aroma will transform your Christmas baking into a delicious and flavourful experience.
The SONNENTOR Lebkuchengewürz BIO is perfect for those who prefer organic ingredients. It is also vegan, gluten-free, and non-GMO, making it a healthier option. The spice comes in a 50 g package, so it?s perfect for a single batch of gingerbread or for multiple batches of cookies and cakes.
In conclusion, if you want the perfect spice blend to put the Christmas scent into your home and to make your cookies and cakes amazing, then SONNENTOR Lebkuchengewürz BIO is the perfect spice blend for you!
11.29 USD
Zobrazené 1 až 1 z 1 (1 stránok)
Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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