Beeovita ponúka rozmanitý výber produktov pre zdravie a krásu obohatený o extrakt z konope v plnom spektre. Naše produkty pochádzajúce zo Švajčiarska spájajú silu prírody a vedecké inovácie. Výťažok z konope v plnom spektre je známy svojimi potenciálnymi výhodami v starostlivosti o pleť a celkovom zdraví. Je kľúčovou zložkou nášho prémiového sortimentu starostlivosti o telo a kozmetiky, ošetrovateľských výrobkov, výrobkov osobnej hygieny a telového mlieka, krému, mlieka, oleja a gélu. Vychutnajte si esenciu švajčiarskej kvality a luxusu s naším starostlivo vybraným radom produktov, ktorých cieľom nie je len zvýrazniť vašu krásu, ale aj zlepšiť vašu celkovú pohodu. Vitajte v Beeovite, kde sa zdravie prirodzene stretáva s krásou.
OLARIS Vollspektrum Hanfextrakt 1000 neu
The OLARIS Vollspektrum Hanfextrakt 1000 Neu is a high-quality hemp extract that is produced from organic hemp plants. These plants are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides or other harmful chemicals to ensure that you receive the purest and safest product.
Unlike other hemp products, OLARIS Vollspektrum Hanfextrakt 1000 Neu is a full spectrum extract that contains all of the beneficial compounds that are found in the hemp plant. This includes cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals that work together to provide a potent and effective product.
The OLARIS Vollspektrum Hanfextrakt 1000 Neu is made using a CO2 extraction method, which is considered the safest and most efficient method of extracting hemp oil. This method ensures that the extract is free from any harmful solvents or chemicals and retains its full spectrum of compounds.
This product is ideal for those who are looking for a natural and holistic approach to wellness. The OLARIS Vollspektrum Hanfextrakt 1000 Neu is known for its ability to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and provide relief from mild to moderate pain.
Each bottle of OLARIS Vollspektrum Hanfextrakt 1000 Neu contains 10ml of CBD-rich extract and is available in a dropper bottle for easy dosing. This product is 100% natural, vegan, and cruelty-free, making it perfect for anyone who values sustainability and ethical production practices.
Order your OLARIS Vollspektrum Hanfextrakt 1000 Neu today and experience the benefits of full-spectrum hemp extract!
79.52 USD
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Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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