V Beeovita ponúkame prémiové švajčiarske produkty pre zdravie a krásu vrátane radu Floradix Iron. Tento vysoko hodnotený doplnok železa sľubuje celý rad zdravotných výhod a je skvelým výživovým doplnkom každej diéty. Ak ste na ceste chudnutia alebo potrebujete produkty špecifické pre zdravie a výživu, Floradix Iron sa stane vašou voľbou. Je tiež bezpečný a prospešný pre deti, pretože zaisťuje, že dostanú všetko železo, ktoré potrebujú pre zdravý rast a vývoj. S Beeovita sa môžete spoľahnúť na kvalitu a účinnosť našich produktov, ktoré vám predstavia optimálne doplnky pre vašu celkovú pohodu.
Floradix is ??a dietary supplement containing vitamins and iron. Iron contributes to the reduction of fatigue and the normal cognitive development of children. As a support for children during growth and / or during periods of high growth mental stress and challenge. With B vitamins and vitamin C to support the immune system, formation of red blood cells and to support normal energy-yielding metabolism.
Iron contributes to the reduction of fatigue and normal cognitive development in children.Children and Adolescents may have increased iron requirements as they grow. Accompanying symptoms of growth can be tiredness, reduced alertness and less drive. In times of high mental challenge, iron supports normal mental development. Floradix is ??a dietary supplement containing vitamins and iron. Iron and vitamins B2, niacin, B6, B12 and C contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism and help reduce tiredness and fatigue. Iron and vitamins B6 and B12 contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system, are also necessary for the formation of red blood cells and thus support normal blood formation. Vitamin B1 contributes to a normal energy-yielding metabolism.Floradix Eisen for children is without preservatives, alcohol, gluten and lactose.1 x daily - from 4 yearsChildren 4 - 6 years: 12, 5 ml dailyChildren 7 - 9 years: 15 ml dailyBoys 10 - 13 years: 17.5 ml dailyGirls 10 - 13 years: 20 ml dailyYoung people from 13 years and adults: 20 ml dailyIt is recommended to take Floradix Iron for 12 weeks. If necessary, it can also be taken over a longer period of time.
45.46 USD
Zobrazené 1 až 1 z 1 (1 stránok)
Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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