
Digitálny teplomer

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Beeovita poskytuje komplexný výber digitálnych teplomerov, ktoré vám ponúkajú presnosť a pohodlie na dosah ruky. Či už hľadáte klinické teplomery, ako je GERATHERM Classic EasyFlip, alebo zariadenia na čítanie teploty pre osobné potreby alebo potreby súvisiace s jedlom, máme všetko. Náš sortiment zahŕňa produkty vhodné pre rôzne kategórie ako sú zdravotnícke pomôcky, praktické potreby a prístroje, medicínska technika a diagnostika, ako aj dámske teplomery a príslušenstvo, teplomer Fieber a mnohé ďalšie. S našimi digitálnymi teplomermi je meranie horúčky jednoduché a presné. Preskúmajte náš široký sortiment príslušenstva k teplomerom a vylepšite svoje zdravie a krásu pomocou vysokokvalitných produktov Beeovita zo Švajčiarska.
Beurer express teplomer pre psa by 11

Beurer express teplomer pre psa by 11

Kód produktu: 6257591

Beurer Express Thermometer Dog BY 11 The Beurer Express Thermometer Dog BY 11 is a high quality digital thermometer designed specifically for dogs. It uses advanced technology to provide fast and accurate temperature readings, making it an essential tool for any pet owner. Features Fast and easy to use - provides a reading in just 10 seconds Flexible tip ensures comfortable and safe use for your pet Large and easy to read display Waterproof and easy to clean for maximum hygiene Automatic switch-off feature helps conserve battery life Comes complete with a protective cap and battery Usage Using the Beurer Express Thermometer Dog BY 11 is incredibly easy. Simply insert the thermometer into your dog's rectum, press the button and wait for the reading to appear on the display. The flexible tip ensures that the process is comfortable and safe for your pet. Benefits Having an accurate thermometer on hand is important for any pet owner. The Beurer Express Thermometer Dog BY 11 helps you keep track of your dog's temperature, allowing you to quickly detect any changes that might indicate illness or injury. With its fast readings and easy-to-use design, this thermometer is a must-have for any pet owner. Order yours today and enjoy peace of mind knowing you have a reliable tool for monitoring your dog's health. ..

25.52 USD

Braun thermoscan 6 irt 6515

Braun thermoscan 6 irt 6515

Kód produktu: 7771819

Charakteristika Braun Thermoscan 6 IRT 6515Certifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusyHmotnosť: 330 g Dĺžka: 57 mm Šírka: 164 mm Výška: 205 mm Kúpiť Braun Thermoscan 6 IRT 6515 online zo Švajčiarska..

129.66 USD

Brown age precision digitálny teplomer prt 2000

Brown age precision digitálny teplomer prt 2000

Kód produktu: 5979365

Charakteristika digitálneho teplomera Brown Age Precision PRT 2000Certifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení : 1 kusHmotnosť: 0,00000000 g Dĺžka: 0 mm Šírka: 0 mm Výška: 0 mm Kúpte si digitálny teplomer Brown Age Precision PRT 2000 online zo Švajčiarska..

26.22 USD

Dámsky digitálny teplomer cyclotest

Dámsky digitálny teplomer cyclotest

Kód produktu: 2524291

Digital basal thermometer for cycle control Properties Display with two places after the decimal point. Application Measure orally, vaginally or rectally, do not change during a cycle.This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

32.63 USD

Digitálny klinický teplomer beurer express ft 15 / l

Digitálny klinický teplomer beurer express ft 15 / l

Kód produktu: 3814507

Charakteristika digitálneho klinického teplomera Beurer Express FT 15 / LCertifikované v Európe CEMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 61 gDĺžka: 165 mm Šírka: 20 mm Výška: 80 mm Kúpiť digitálny klinický teplomer Beurer Express FT 15 / L online zo Švajčiarska..

21.56 USD

Digitálny klinický teplomer geratherm

Digitálny klinický teplomer geratherm

Kód produktu: 6884750

Charakteristika digitálneho klinikového teplomera GerathermCertifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/25 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 1 kus Hmotnosť: 39 g Dĺžka: 19 mm Šírka: 70 mm Výška: 172 mm Kúpiť digitálny Geratherm klinický teplomer online zo Švajčiarska..

21.90 USD

Digitálny teplomer scala sc 42tm flex

Digitálny teplomer scala sc 42tm flex

Kód produktu: 7784243

SCALA Digital Thermometer SC 42TM flex The SCALA Digital Thermometer SC 42TM flex is a high-quality thermometer perfect for use in any setting. Whether you're a medical professional, parent, or just need to accurately measure temperature, the SCALA SC 42TM flex is the ideal choice. The thermometer features a flexible tip, making it comfortable and gentle to use. It takes accurate readings in just 10 seconds, providing results quickly and efficiently. The large and clear display screen makes reading the temperature easy, and it's simple and straightforward to use ? perfect for anyone who needs quick and accurate temperature readings. The thermometer uses advanced technology to provide highly precise temperature readings. You can choose to take temperature readings in either Celsius or Fahrenheit, and it automatically stores the last temperature reading, so you can easily track any changes over time. The SCALA Digital Thermometer SC 42TM flex is FDA-approved and has undergone thorough testing to ensure its accuracy and safety. The thermometer features a durable, waterproof design, making it easy to clean and disinfect, and it comes with a protective case for easy storage. Whether you're using it at home, in the office, or in a clinical setting, the SCALA Digital Thermometer SC 42TM flex is a reliable and accurate tool that you can trust. ..

23.59 USD

Geratherm classic easyflip alebo quecksilber

Geratherm classic easyflip alebo quecksilber

Kód produktu: 7069911

GERATHERM Classic EasyFlip ohne Quecksilber The GERATHERM Classic EasyFlip thermometer is a high-quality and accurate digital thermometer that does not contain any mercury. This makes it a safe and reliable choice for families and healthcare professionals. The EasyFlip thermometer features a flexible tip that makes it easy to use and comfortable for the patient. The reading time is fast, with results appearing in as little as 10 seconds. The thermometer is equipped with a large, easy-to-read display that shows the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit to one decimal place. The thermometer also has a memory function that stores the last measurement taken, allowing for easy tracking of temperature trends over time. The thermometer is powered by a long-lasting battery that ensures reliable performance over an extended period. The GERATHERM Classic EasyFlip thermometer is designed to be durable and easy to sanitize. The flexible tip can be sterilized using alcohol, allowing for safe and hygienic use with multiple patients. The thermometer is also water-resistant, making it easy to clean using soap and water. The compact design of the thermometer makes it easy to store and transport, making it a valuable addition to any healthcare setting or household. In conclusion, the GERATHERM Classic EasyFlip thermometer is a reliable, safe, and durable thermometer that provides accurate temperature measurements in a timely manner. The flexibility of the thermometer's tip, coupled with its large, easy-to-read display and memory function, makes it an ideal choice for both home and professional use...

27.30 USD

Hnedý digitálny teplomer prt 1000

Hnedý digitálny teplomer prt 1000

Kód produktu: 3106006

Charakteristiky hnedého digitálneho teplomera PRT 1000Certifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusyHmotnosť: 0,00000000 g Dĺžka: 0 mm Šírka: 0 mm Výška: 0 mm Kúpiť Hnedý digitálny teplomer PRT 1000 online zo Švajčiarska..

20.15 USD

Klinický teplomer microlife mt 850 (3 v 1)

Klinický teplomer microlife mt 850 (3 v 1)

Kód produktu: 7262631

Charakteristika klinického teplomera Microlife MT 850 (3 v 1)Certifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov Celzia Množstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 68 g Dĺžka: 21 mm Šírka: 171 mm Výška: 55 mm Kúpiť klinický teplomer Microlife MT 850 (3 v 1) online zo Švajčiarska..

21.99 USD

Klinický teplomer microlife mt600 60 sek

Klinický teplomer microlife mt600 60 sek

Kód produktu: 7262625

Charakteristika klinického teplomera Microlife MT600 60 sCertifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 42 g Dĺžka: 19 mm Šírka: 134 mm Výška: 38 mm Kúpiť Klinický teplomer Microlife MT600 60 sekúnd online zo Švajčiarska..

11.25 USD

Livsane achsel-teplomer

Livsane achsel-teplomer

Kód produktu: 1001673

Livsane Achsel-ThermometerPredstavujeme Livsane Achsel-Thermometer, dokonalé riešenie pre presné a spoľahlivé merania teploty. Tento teplomer je navrhnutý pre jednoduché a pohodlné používanie a je ideálny pre tých, ktorí chcú rýchlo a jednoducho sledovať svoju teplotu bez akýchkoľvek problémov a nepohodlia.Funkcie: Jednoduché a pohodlné Poskytuje presné údaje o teplote v priebehu niekoľkých sekúnd Flexibilný merací hrot pre pohodlné používanie Veľký digitálny displej pre ľahké čítanie Vodotesné pre jednoduché čistenie Funkcia automatického vypnutia na šetrenie batérie Funkcia pamäte na ukladanie predchádzajúcich hodnôt Môže sa použiť na meranie v ústach, v podpazuší alebo v konečníku S flexibilným meracím hrotom a veľkým digitálnym displejom je teplomer Livsane Achsel tým najpohodlnejším a najpohodlnejším spôsobom sledovania teploty. Či už meriate svoju vlastnú teplotu alebo teplotu vášho dieťaťa, tento teplomer poskytuje presné údaje v priebehu niekoľkých sekúnd.Vďaka vodotesnému dizajnu sa teplomer Livsane Achsel ľahko čistí a možno ho použiť v akékoľvek nastavenie. Je vybavený aj funkciou automatického vypnutia, aby sa šetrila životnosť batérie, čo z neho robí nákladovo efektívne a spoľahlivé riešenie pre všetky vaše potreby monitorovania teploty.Pre väčšie pohodlie má Livsane Achsel-Thermometer aj pamäť funkcia, ktorá dokáže uložiť predchádzajúce namerané hodnoty, čo vám umožní jednoducho sledovať zmeny teploty v priebehu času. A vďaka svojmu všestrannému dizajnu možno tento teplomer použiť na meranie v ústach, v podpazuší alebo v konečníku, čo z neho robí nevyhnutnú súčasť každej domácnosti alebo zdravotníckeho zariadenia.Neuspokojte sa s menej, pokiaľ ide o tvoje zdravie. Investujte do Livsane Achsel-Thermometer ešte dnes a zažite maximálnu presnosť, pohodlie a spoľahlivosť!..

16.54 USD

Microlife non-contact clinical thermometer nc 200

Microlife non-contact clinical thermometer nc 200

Kód produktu: 7262648

Bezkontaktný klinický teplomer Microlife NC 200 Bezkontaktný klinický teplomer Microlife NC 200 je základným nástrojom na rýchle a presné bezkontaktné meranie telesnej teploty, čím sa znižuje riziko krížovej infekcie. Využíva infračervenú technológiu na detekciu telesnej teploty a ponúka ľahko čitateľný digitálny displej. Funkcie: Bezkontaktné meranie: znižuje riziko krížovej infekcie Infračervená technológia: presne zisťuje telesnú teplotu Veľký, ľahko čitateľný displej: jasne zobrazuje hodnoty teploty Upozornenie na horúčku: upozorní používateľov, ak teplota prekročí 37,5 °C (99,5 °F) Uchováva až 30 nameraných hodnôt: umožňuje používateľom sledovať teplotné trendy v priebehu času Bezpečné a spoľahlivé: CE-schválené a klinicky overené Použitie: Používanie bezkontaktného klinického teplomera Microlife NC 200 je jednoduché a priamočiare. Jednoducho namierte teplomer na čelo alebo niekoľko centimetrov od pokožky a stlačte tlačidlo merania. Teplota sa zobrazí na obrazovke v priebehu niekoľkých sekúnd. Teplomer má tiež funkciu upozornenia na horúčku, ktorá používateľov upozorní, ak teplota prekročí 37,5 °C (99,5 °F). Výhody: Bezkontaktné meranie je hygienické a bezpečné Presná infračervená technológia eliminuje potrebu nepríjemného kontaktu Na ľahko čitateľnom displeji je meranie teploty jednoduché a priamočiare Funkcia upozornenia na horúčku pomáha včas identifikovať príznaky horúčky Ukladá až 30 nameraných hodnôt pre jednoduché sledovanie teploty v priebehu času Celkovo je bezkontaktný klinický teplomer Microlife NC 200 nevyhnutným nástrojom pre nemocnice, kliniky a domácnosti, ktoré vyžadujú rýchly a presný spôsob bezkontaktného merania telesnej teploty. Jeho neinvazívna metóda tiež pomáha znižovať riziko krížovej infekcie, vďaka čomu je bezpečnou a spoľahlivou voľbou pre každého...

81.08 USD

Microlife rod thermometer flexible duck 30 sec

Microlife rod thermometer flexible duck 30 sec

Kód produktu: 6171636

Microlife Rod Thermometer Flexible Duck 30 sec The Microlife Rod Thermometer Flexible Duck 30 sec is a versatile and practical thermometer that is ideal for parents who have young children. This thermometer is designed to provide an accurate reading in just 30 seconds, so you don't have to wait long to find out if your child has a fever. The thermometer is also flexible, making it comfortable for your child to hold in their mouth, under their arm, or in their rectum. This thermometer features a cute duck design that is sure to appeal to children and make taking their temperature less stressful. The thermometer is also easy to use, with a one-button operation that makes it simple to take a reading. The display is easy to read, and the thermometer also has a memory function that can store the last temperature reading. The Microlife Rod Thermometer Flexible Duck 30 sec is made from high-quality materials that are durable and easy to clean. The thermometer is also compact, making it easy to take with you when you travel or visit the doctor's office. It is also clinically validated for accuracy and conforms to the European Medical Device Directive. Features: 30-second measurement time Flexible design for comfort Cute duck design Easy one-button operation Easy-to-read display Memory function to store the last reading High-quality and durable materials Compact size for travel Clinically validated for accuracy Conforms to European Medical Device Directive The Microlife Rod Thermometer Flexible Duck 30 sec is an essential tool for parents with young children. It is accurate, easy to use, and comfortable for your child, making it the perfect thermometer for any household. ..

18.36 USD

Omron fieberthermometer flex temp smart

Omron fieberthermometer flex temp smart

Kód produktu: 7849497

OMRON Fieberthermometer Flex Temp Smart The OMRON Fieberthermometer Flex Temp Smart is a revolutionary digital thermometer that provides accurate and reliable temperature readings within seconds. With a flexible and soft tip, this thermometer is comfortable for use on all ages, including infants, children, and adults. It is a must-have medical device for all households. Features and Benefits of OMRON Fieberthermometer Flex Temp Smart: Fast and Accurate Results - The thermometer is designed to deliver precise readings within 10 seconds. Easy to Use - The OMRON Flex Temp Smart features a simple one-button operation, making it easy for everyone to use. Flexible and Soft Tip - The thermometer's soft and flexible tip makes it comfortable for use for all ages, especially infants and children. Memory Function - The thermometer can store up to 25 previous readings, allowing you to track your temperature changes over time. Water-resistant - The Flex Temp Smart is water-resistant, making it easy to clean and maintain. Auto Shut-off - The thermometer automatically turns off after 1 minute to conserve battery life. Smart App - The Flex Temp Smart comes with a free app, which allows you to track temperature changes over time and share your readings with your healthcare provider or family members. How to Use: Press the button located above the display to turn on the thermometer. Place the thermometer tip under your tongue, in the armpit, or rectum (for babies) and wait for the beep sound. The thermometer will display the temperature reading on the display screen. Turn off the thermometer by pressing the button again or wait for it to automatically shut off. Overall, the OMRON Fieberthermometer Flex Temp Smart is a game-changer in digital thermometers. Its easy-to-use design, flexible tip, memory function, and smart app make it an essential household device for monitoring your temperature changes over time...

23.24 USD

Scala digitálny teplomer sc 1501 flexibilný spitze 10 sekunden blau

Scala digitálny teplomer sc 1501 flexibilný spitze 10 sekunden blau

Kód produktu: 7786772

Scala Digital Thermometer SC 1501 Flexible Spitze 10 Sekunden Blau The Scala Digital Thermometer SC 1501 is the perfect tool for anyone who needs fast and accurate temperature readings. With a flexible tip that conforms to your body's contours, this thermometer provides a comfortable and easy way to take your temperature. The digital display is large and easy to read, and the results are displayed in just 10 seconds. Whether you're using it to take your own temperature, or you're a healthcare professional who needs a reliable tool for taking patient temperatures, the Scala Digital Thermometer SC 1501 is a top-quality choice. It features an automatic shut-off function that helps to extend the life of the battery, and it's also waterproof for easy cleaning and disinfection. One of the best things about the Scala Digital Thermometer SC 1501 is its versatility. It can be used orally, rectally, or under the arm, and it's suitable for use with people of all ages. It's a great tool to have on hand for monitoring your health, especially when you or your loved ones are feeling unwell. Overall, the Scala Digital Thermometer SC 1501 is a reliable and easy-to-use thermometer that provides fast and accurate temperature readings. Its flexible tip, large digital display, and waterproof design make it a top choice for anyone who needs a thermometer they can count on. ..

17.83 USD

Scala digitálny teplomer sc 17 basic blau

Scala digitálny teplomer sc 17 basic blau

Kód produktu: 7784241

Scala Digital Thermometer SC 17 Basic Blau The Scala Digital Thermometer SC 17 Basic Blau is an essential tool for home and professional use. With its precise temperature readings and easy-to-read LCD display, this thermometer is the perfect addition to any kitchen, laboratory, or medical setting. The thermometer has an ergonomic design that fits comfortably in your hand and its compact size allows for easy storage when not in use. It has a waterproof and durable body that is easy to clean and maintain for long-lasting use. The thermometer is accurate and quick with its temperature readings, allowing you to make informed decisions about food or medical treatments. It can measure temperatures from -50°C to 300°C, making it highly versatile and applicable to a variety of environments. The Scala Digital Thermometer SC 17 Basic Blau comes equipped with a backlight feature that illuminates the display for easy reading in low light conditions. Its Fahrenheit and Celsius settings provide added convenience, making it easy for you to understand temperature readings in your preferred unit. Whether you're a professional chef, laboratory technician, or home cook, the Scala Digital Thermometer SC 17 Basic Blau is a reliable and accurate thermometer that is an essential tool for any temperature-sensitive task. ..

11.66 USD

Thermoval rapid teplomer

Thermoval rapid teplomer

Kód produktu: 3005417

With this thermometer you can measure fever in just 10 seconds. With its extra-large display and an acoustic signal after the measurement, it greatly simplifies fever measurement. The digital thermometer from HARTMANN Thermoval® rapid stands out due to its short measuring time of approx. 10 seconds and the extra-large digital display. The thermometer features - an extra-large digital display - an audible signal when the thermometer is ready to use and when the measurement is complete - storage of readings - automatic switch-off - a waterproof and shatterproof housing - long-lasting, replaceable battery. This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

24.01 USD

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