
Liečba chladom

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Vitajte na stránke, kde poskytujeme rozmanitý rad vysokokvalitných produktov pre zdravie a krásu zo Švajčiarska. Chápeme potrebu efektívnej terapie chladom, najmä pokiaľ ide o starostlivosť o rany, ošetrovateľstvo a športové zranenia. Naša kolekcia pod týmto štítkom synergizuje s prirodzenými procesmi hojenia tela, aby zmiernila nepohodlie a urýchlila zotavenie. Ponuka siaha od zariadení na okamžitú chladovú terapiu pre naliehavú úľavu až po riešenia na terapiu chladom/teplom na všestranné použitie a exkluzívnu náplasť Sportusal Cool Patch pre športovcov. Tieto produkty sú navrhnuté tak, aby nielen zmierňovali opuchy a bolesti svalov, ale tiež podporovali celkovú pohodu. Dôverujte nám, že vám poskytneme celosvetovo schválené produkty švajčiarskej kvality pre vaše zdravotné potreby. Preskúmajte a nakupujte teraz.
3m nexcare coldh bio gel flex 23,5 x 11 cm thinsulate

3m nexcare coldh bio gel flex 23,5 x 11 cm thinsulate

Kód produktu: 7413225

3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack Gel Flexible Thinsulate, 23.5 cm x 11 cm Nexcare? ColdHot Therapy Pack Flexible is intended for superficial application of cold or heat. Cold helps reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes. The gel is non-toxic and safe for the whole family. The natural therapeutic power of heat and cold. The compress is suitable for the supply of heat and cold and is a practical solution for those who prefer natural therapy without medication. Can be chilled in the freezer or refrigerator. Can be heated in hot water or in the microwave. Distribute the heat evenly by kneading! Always place the gel pad in the protective pouch provided or wrap it in a clean towel before placing it on the skin. Place a compress on the affected area as long as it feels comfortable. Once the gel pack has reached room temperature, rewarm. The protective cover provided with the gel pack makes it easy, comfortable and safe to use on the skin. Use cold for a sprained ankle, strained muscles on legs/arms after sports activities, contusion swelling e.g. B. on the knee and ligament strains. Use the heated product for muscle spasms in the arm/hand caused by repetitive movements, e.g. B. caused by playing tennis or golf, knee or general leg muscle tension and arthritis / rheumatoid arthritis (without acute inflammation) such. B. for wrist osteoarthritis.BENEFITS: - Natural therapy without medication- Cold helps to relieve swelling, inflammation and pain. - Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes.- Reusable gel pack with non-toxic gel - safe for the whole family.- Contains no natural rubber latex- Includes protective cover and strap with Thinsulate? fabric for hands-free use- Eco-friendly - made with 99% biodegradable gel- Natural pain relief: The blue gel is non-toxic and safe for the skin. The product is 99.9% biodegradable and therefore particularly environmentally friendly.- Dimensions: approx. 235 mm x 110 mm This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

30.54 USD

3m nexcare coldhot bio gél mini

3m nexcare coldhot bio gél mini

Kód produktu: 5889509

Which packs are available? 3M Nexcare Coldhot Bio Gel Mini ..

29.15 USD

3m nexcare coldhot happy kids 12 x 11 cm 2 ks

3m nexcare coldhot happy kids 12 x 11 cm 2 ks

Kód produktu: 7467422

The reusable ColdHot Happy Kids gel compresses from Nexcare can be used both cold and warm. It uses the natural power of cold and warmth and uses it as an alternative therapy.As a heat compress, it helps to relieve muscle spasms, relieve pain, soothe and relax.As a cold compress, it helps Relief of pain, inflammation and swelling.A protective cover is supplied with the gel compresses, which ensures safety and enables easy and comfortable use.The gel contained is non-toxic and 99% of the time biodegradable (99% of the active ingredients are according to 84/449 / EEC). This makes it particularly environmentally friendly and safe for the whole family.ApplicationCold therapy :Use for: toothache, acute injuries (bruises, sprains, small bumps), nosebleeds, swelling after infections or insect bites, fever (not intended to lower body temperature).Keep the gel compress in the refrigerator or freezer so that it is always ready to use. It must be refrigerated or frozen (in the refrigerator or freezer) for more than 2 hours before the compress can be used.Always use the gel compress with the protective cover provided or in a towel when you place the compress on the skin.Do not use the compress for more than 20 minutes to avoid burns and frostbite. Wait 20 minutes before using again, meanwhile put again in the refrigerator or freezer.Heat therapy:Use for: Growing pains, stomach pains (only due to tense muscles), warming the hands.Water bath:Boil water and remove from the heat source. Put the gel compress in the water for 60 seconds and then carefully remove it from the hot water. Knead the compress to distribute the heat evenly.Microwave:Place the gel compress flat in the microwave for 20 seconds at 640 W and then carefully remove it from the microwave. Knead the compress to distribute the heat evenly.Always use the gel compress with the enclosed protective cover or in a towel when you place the compress on the skin. If the compress is too hot, let it cool down before use.The compresses can be washed by hand with mild soap.No alcohol or use other solvents for cleaning.ColdHot Happy Kids gel compresses can be disposed of with normal household waste.NoteFor external use only.Discontinue use if you experience discomfort.If discomfort or discomfort persists Consult a doctor.Do not use on injured or sensitive skin areas.People who are known or suspected of having nervous or circulatory problems should only use these compresses Use with a doctor's prescription.Use on children or people with intellectual disabilities only under supervision.ColdHot Happy Kids gel compress not to be used as a toy ends.Never heat the compress if it is folded, kinked or frozen. This can lead to leakage.Damage to the compresses due to overheating.Do not heat in the oven or grill.Do not sit on the gel compress, lean against it or excessively Apply pressure as this can cause damage and / or leakage. Do not use while sleeping.Check the tightness before use.Never use damaged compresses. Discard if leaks.Use caution to avoid frostbite or damage to the nerves.The heat can cause local burns due to its analgesic effect.?Which packs are available?3M Nexcare coldhot Happy Kids 12 x 11cm 2 pcs?????..

28.74 USD

3m nexcare coldhot instant 150x180mm

3m nexcare coldhot instant 150x180mm

Kód produktu: 7840977

3M NEXCARE ColdHot Instant 150 x 180 mm 3M NEXCARE ColdHot Instant 150x180mm je všestranné a efektívne riešenie pre studenú aj horúcu terapiu. Či už potrebujete znížiť opuch alebo zmierniť bolesť svalov, tento produkt vás pokryje. Ako to funguje Pri chladovej terapii jednoducho uložte balenie do mrazničky aspoň na 2 hodiny. V prípade potreby vyberte z mrazničky a aplikujte na postihnuté miesto naraz až na 20 minút. Obal zostane chladný až 30 minút, čo umožňuje viacero aplikácií počas dňa. Pri horúcej terapii vložte balenie do mikrovlnnej rúry na 10 sekúnd pri vysokej teplote. Pred aplikáciou otestujte teplotu a potom aplikujte na postihnutú oblasť až 20 minút v kuse. Obal zostane teplý až 30 minút, čo umožňuje viacero aplikácií počas dňa. Funkcie a výhody Môže sa použiť na studenú aj horúcu terapiu Poskytuje až 30 minút terapie na jedno použitie Jednoduché skladovanie v mrazničke alebo mikrovlnnej rúre Opätovne použiteľné a umývateľné Mäkké a flexibilné, prispôsobia sa telu pre maximálne pohodlie Aplikácie 3M NEXCARE ColdHot Instant 150 x 180 mm možno použiť na rôzne aplikácie vrátane: Zníženie opuchov Zmiernenie bolesti svalov alebo kĺbov Zmiernenie menštruačných kŕčov Upokojenie bolesti pri artritíde Pomoc pri rekonvalescencii po operácii Celkovo je 3M NEXCARE ColdHot Instant 150 x 180 mm vynikajúcim nástrojom pre tých, ktorí pociťujú bolesť alebo opuch. Či už ide o každodenné použitie alebo rekonvalescenciu po zranení, tento produkt musí mať každý, kto chce úľavu od boľavých svalov a kĺbov...

19.55 USD

3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack gel comfort termoindikátor 26x1

3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack gel comfort termoindikátor 26x1

Kód produktu: 7749312

Zažite rýchlu úľavu a pohodlie s termoindikátorom 3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack Gel Comfort. Tento všestranný terapeutický balíček je navrhnutý tak, aby poskytoval účinnú terapiu chladom alebo teplom na liečenie a upokojenie rôznych bolestí, bolestí a zranení. S veľkosťou 26 x 1 palca ponúka veľkorysé pokrytie pre cielené použitie na rôznych častiach tela. Inovatívna funkcia termoindikátora pomáha monitorovať teplotu a zaisťuje bezpečnú a optimálnu aplikáciu terapie. Či už potrebujete zmierniť opuchy a zápaly pomocou chladovej terapie alebo zmierniť svalové napätie a zlepšiť krvný obeh pomocou tepelnej terapie, toto balenie je spoľahlivým spoločníkom pre vaše potreby zdravotnej starostlivosti. Gél 3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack, ktorý je ideálny pre súpravy prvej pomoci, športové zranenia, pooperačné zotavenie a každodennú starostlivosť o pohodlie, je cenným doplnkom vašej wellness rutiny. Využite silu teplotnej terapie s týmto pohodlným a efektívnym riešením...

29.23 USD

3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack gel maxi 20 x 30 cm

3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack gel maxi 20 x 30 cm

Kód produktu: 7413194

Nexcare? ColdHot Therapy Pack Maxi, 20 cm x 30 cm Nexcare? ColdHot Therapy Pack Maxi is intended for superficial application of cold or heat. Cold helps reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes. The gel is non-toxic and safe for the whole family. The natural therapeutic power of heat and cold. The compress is suitable for the supply of heat and cold and is a practical solution for those who prefer natural therapy without medication. Can be chilled in the freezer or refrigerator. Can be heated in hot water or in the microwave. Distribute the heat evenly by kneading! Always place the gel pad in the protective pouch provided or wrap it in a clean towel before placing it on the skin. Place a compress on the affected area as long as it feels comfortable. Once the gel pack has reached room temperature, rewarm. The protective cover provided with the gel pack makes it easy, comfortable and safe to use on the skin. Use cold for swelling from bruises/injuries (major leg bruises e.g. thigh) and acute injuries (bruises, sprains, small bumps). Use the heated product for lower back pain, e.g. B. during pregnancy, menstrual pain or abdominal pain (only if this is due to muscle tension) as well as chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system as a result of previous bruises or a general feeling of cold (use as a hot water bottle).? Natural therapy without medication- Cold helps reduce swelling, inflammation and pain.- Heat reduces pain, soothes and relaxes.- Reusable gel pack with non-toxic gel - safe for the whole family.- Contains no natural rubber latex- Eco-friendly - made with 99% biodegradable gel- Comes with a convenient protective case- Natural pain relief: The blue gel is non-toxic and safe for the skin. The product is 99.9% biodegradable and therefore particularly environmentally friendly.- Dimensions: 30 x 20 cm This product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

51.70 USD

3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack l/xl rückengurt

3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack l/xl rückengurt

Kód produktu: 7843812

Product Description: The 3M NEXCARE ColdHot Therapy Pack L/XL Rückengurt is a versatile and effective solution for managing pain and promoting healing of various types of injuries. This therapy pack comes with a special Rückengurt or back belt that provides targeted heat or cold therapy to the affected areas of the back, promoting pain relief and speeding up recovery. The therapy pack contains multiple gel packs that can be heated up in a microwave or chilled in a freezer as per the need. The gel packs are designed to retain the temperature for an extended period, allowing for continuous therapy. The L/XL Rückengurt is adjustable to fit most sizes and has a comfortable and durable design that allows for easy wear and maximum coverage of the back. Whether you are recovering from a back injury, experiencing chronic back pain, or looking for a way to relax and soothe tired muscles, the 3M NEXCARE ColdHot Therapy Pack L/XL Rückengurt is an ideal choice. The therapy pack is reusable, easy to use, and provides effective relief from pain and discomfort, making it a valuable addition to any household or first-aid kit. Features: Multiple gel packs for heat or cold therapy L/XL Rückengurt for targeted back therapy Adjustable to fit most sizes Reusable and durable design Provides effective pain relief and accelerates recovery ..

76.97 USD

3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack s/m rückengurt

3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack s/m rückengurt

Kód produktu: 7843813

3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack S/M Rückengurt The 3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack S/M Rückengurt is designed to provide fast relief from pain and discomfort associated with muscle strains, sprains, arthritis, and other types of injuries. This product is a must-have for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to recover from an injury quickly. Features and Benefits Comes with a reusable therapy pack that can be used for cold or hot therapy, depending on your needs The therapy pack is made of high-quality materials that are soft, flexible, and comfortable to wear The S/M Rückengurt is designed to fit most people and is adjustable for a custom fit The therapy pack can be heated in the microwave or immersed in hot water for hot therapy, or placed in the freezer for cold therapy Provides fast relief from pain and discomfort How to Use For cold therapy, place the therapy pack in the freezer for at least 2 hours before use. For hot therapy, heat the therapy pack in the microwave or in hot water according to the instructions on the packaging. Place the therapy pack in the S/M Rückengurt and adjust the straps for a comfortable and secure fit. Apply the therapy pack to the affected area for 20 minutes at a time, and repeat as necessary. Conclusion The 3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack S/M Rückengurt is an effective and versatile product that can help you recover from injuries quickly and reduce pain and discomfort. With its easy-to-use design and high-quality materials, this product is an excellent investment for anyone who wants to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle...

76.97 USD

3m nexcare studená maska ​​na oči

3m nexcare studená maska ​​na oči

Kód produktu: 2610228

The 3M Nexcare ColdHot eye mask is easy and safe to use Heat emission. The compress has a fleece protective cover and can be used repeatedly and locally.The 3M Nexcare ColdHot eye mask is a drug-free therapy option and can be used in many ways to relieve pain. Due to its special shape, it is particularly suitable for relieving headaches and migraines.??Which packs are available?3M Nexcare coldhot eye mask???..

39.68 USD

Actimove physio pack 12x29cm 25 pcs

Actimove physio pack 12x29cm 25 pcs

Kód produktu: 7739497

Actimove Physiopack 12x29cm je všestranný a nevyhnutný produkt pre ošetrovanie rán, ošetrovateľstvo a zdravotnú starostlivosť. Toto balenie obsahuje 25 kusov, každý s rozmermi 12 x 29 cm, vďaka čomu je vhodný na rôzne terapeutické účely. Či už poskytujete terapiu chladom na zníženie opuchu a zmiernenie bolesti, alebo aplikujte tepelnú terapiu na zlepšenie obehu a podporu hojenia, tento produkt je navrhnutý tak, aby vyhovoval rôznym potrebám. Actimove Physiopack je pohodlný, ľahko sa používa a ponúka efektívne riadenie teploty pre optimálne pohodlie a regeneráciu. Zlepšite svoje skúsenosti s terapiou chladom a teplom pomocou tohto spoľahlivého a vysokokvalitného produktu...

334.62 USD

Cool perskindol gél tube 100 ml

Cool perskindol gél tube 100 ml

Kód produktu: 1853561

What is Perskindol Cool and when is it used? Perskindol Cool is an externally applied medicinal product for cold therapy. When should Perskindol Cool not be used? Do not apply to mucous membranes or open wounds!Do not use Perskindol Cool in children under the age of 4 or in people with bronchial asthma.Do not use Perskindol Cool if you are hypersensitive to one of the ingredients (see composition). When is caution required when using Perskindol Cool? Do not use under a bandage and do not cover the treated skin with materials such as plasters, compresses, etc. Ethanol 96% (v/v)Perskindol Cool Spray, spray for use on the skin contains 10 mg alcohol (ethanol) per 1 g solution. Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or other medicines you have bought yourself! Can Perskindol Cool be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as intended. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Perskindol Cool?Adults and children from 4 yearsGel Apply a thin layer of Perskindol Cool Gel to the painful parts of the body several times a day as required. Spray for use on the skin Spray several short puffs of Perskindol Cool Spray onto the affected, painful parts of the body in circular motions from a distance of about 15 cm. Children under the age of 4: The use and safety of PERSKINDOL Cool in children under the age of 4 has not yet been tested. PerskindolFollow the dosage given in the package leaflet or prescribed by your doctor. What side effects can Perskindol Cool have? The following side effects can occur when using Perskindol Cool: Uncommon (affects 1 to 10 users in 1000) Skin itching, redness, burning. Rare (affects 1 to 10 users in 10,000) Eczematous skin lesions (stop treatment). Very rare (affects less than 1 in 10,000 people) Marked hypersensitivity reactions, cold burns (stop treatment). If such a case occurs, the treatment should be discontinued and a doctor contacted if necessary.If you notice side effects, contact your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What should also be noted? The medicinal product may only be used up to the date marked ?EXP? on the container. Storage Notice Store at room temperature (15 to 25°C) and out of the reach of children.Do not damage the can. More information Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Perskindol Cool contain?Active Ingredients Gel: 1 g contains: Levomenthol 70 mg.Cutaneous spray : 1 g contains: Levomenthol 5 mg. Excipients Gel: Purified Water, Isopropyl Alcohol, Carbomer 980, Trometamol, Lemon Essential Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil, Patent Blue V (E131).Cutaneous spray: butane, propane, dimethyl ether, dimethoxymethane, ethanol 96% (v/v), partially dementholized essential oil of Mentha arvensis. Registration Number 53241, 53319 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Perskindol Cool? This is an over-the-counter medicine.Gel: tube of 100 mlSpray for use on the skin: 250 ml Marketing Authorization Holder VERFORA SA, 1752 Villars-sur-Glâne ..

26.09 USD

Dermaplast active instant ice

Dermaplast active instant ice

Kód produktu: 7145173

Charakteristika DermaPlast Active Instant IceCertifikované v Európe CEMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 458 g Dĺžka: 40 mm Šírka: 125 mm Výška: 150 mm Kúpiť DermaPlast Active Instant Ice online zo Švajčiarska..

12.29 USD

Dermaplast active instant ice mini

Dermaplast active instant ice mini

Kód produktu: 7145167

DermaPlast Active Instant Ice mini Popis produktu DermaPlast Active Instant Ice mini je produkt, ktorý musí mať každý, kto sa venuje športovým aktivitám alebo je náchylný na bolesti svalov a zranenia. Tento produkt poskytuje okamžitú úľavu od bolesti a zápalu spôsobeného malými modrinami, vyvrtnutiami, natiahnutím a inými zraneniami. Ide o kompaktný a ľahko použiteľný produkt, ktorý možno aplikovať priamo na postihnutú oblasť bez toho, aby spôsoboval akékoľvek nepohodlie. Kľúčové vlastnosti: Rýchla a účinná úľava od bolesti a zápalu spôsobeného drobnými zraneniami Kompaktný a ľahko použiteľný dizajn Okamžite ochladzuje postihnutú oblasť, znižuje opuch a zápal Nespôsobuje žiadne nepohodlie ani podráždenie pokožky Ideálne na použitie po športových aktivitách, tréningu alebo akejkoľvek fyzickej aktivite Ako používať: Používanie DermaPlast Active Instant Ice mini je veľmi jednoduché. Jednoducho postupujte podľa nasledujúcich krokov: Vyberte produkt z obalu Priložte ho na postihnuté miesto a jemne ho zatlačte Produkt okamžite začne ochladzovať oblasť a poskytuje úľavu od bolesti a zápalu Ponechajte produkt na postihnutom mieste 15-20 minút, alebo kým nepocítite úľavu Po použití produkt zlikvidujte DermaPlast Active Instant Ice mini je bezpečný a účinný produkt, ktorý môže použiť každý, kto potrebuje rýchlu úľavu od bolesti a zápalu spôsobených drobnými poraneniami. Je malý a kompaktný, takže ho môžete ľahko nosiť so sebou, kamkoľvek idete. Či už ste športovec, fitness nadšenec alebo len niekto, kto má sklony k svalovým bolestiam a zraneniam, DermaPlast Active Instant Ice mini je pre vás dokonalým riešením...

6.88 USD

Himmelgruen traubenkernkissen 18x14cm ovečka

Himmelgruen traubenkernkissen 18x14cm ovečka

Kód produktu: 6672338

Charakteristika oviec Himmelgruen Traubenkernkissen 18x14cmMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 429 g Dĺžka: 29 mm Šírka : 219 mm Výška: 122 mm Kúpte Himmelgruen Traubenkernkissen 18x14cm Ovečky online zo Švajčiarska..

28.09 USD

Livsane eis-sprey

Livsane eis-sprey

Kód produktu: 7744741

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Kontraindikation Livsane Eis-Spray Indikation Stumpfe Traumen. Dosierung Bei Bedarf mehrere Sprühstösse aus ca. 15 cm Distanz. Kontraindikation Kontakt mit Augen, Schleimhäuten oder offenen Wunden. 765428 / 22.07.2019 ..

17.37 USD

Mäkká plyšová hračka warmies minis levanduľová výplň

Mäkká plyšová hračka warmies minis levanduľová výplň

Kód produktu: 7447856

Charakteristika plyšovej hračky Warmies Minis baby tučniak Levanduľová náplňCertifikované v Európe CEMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 240 gDĺžka: 220 mm Šírka: 100 mm Výška: 170 mm Kúpte si teplou hračku Warmies Minis tučniak levanduľová výplň online zo Švajčiarska..

34.97 USD

Sportusal cool patch 5 stk

Sportusal cool patch 5 stk

Kód produktu: 3500513

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Sportusal cool patch Indikation Stumpfe Traumen, Muskel- und Gelenkschmerzen. Dosierung 1 Pflaster, max. 3 Pflaster tgl. 758963 / 23.11.2015 ..

21.73 USD

Tigrí balzam liečivá orba 10x14cm 3 ks

Tigrí balzam liečivá orba 10x14cm 3 ks

Kód produktu: 3036375

Charakteristika Tiger Balm Medicinal orba 10x14cm 3 ksCertifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/25 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení : 3 kusyHmotnosť: 0,00000000 g Dĺžka: 0 mm Šírka: 0 mm Výška: 0 mm Kúpiť Tiger Balm Liečivá orba 10x14cm 3 ks online zo Švajčiarska..

15.78 USD

Uterák quick aid fresh ice 34x80cm

Uterák quick aid fresh ice 34x80cm

Kód produktu: 6825457

Charakteristika uteráka Quick Aid Fresh Ice Towel 34x80cmCertifikované v Európe CEMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 108 g Dĺžka: 75 mm Šírka: 75 mm Výška: 180 mm Kúpte si uterák Quick Aid Fresh Ice Towel 34x80 cm online zo Švajčiarska..

21.88 USD

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expert advice