Kardiovaskulárne zdravie
(2 stránok)
Biotta vital blutdruck bio
BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio is a natural juice that has been specially designed to support the maintenance of healthy blood pressure levels. It is made from 100% organic ingredients and contains a unique blend of beetroot, aronia berries, and red grapes. The beetroot in this juice is known for its ability to support healthy blood pressure levels due to its high nitrate content. Nitrates are converted into nitric oxide, which helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. Aronia berries are also packed with antioxidants and have been shown to have a positive effect on blood pressure. In addition to this, BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio also contains red grapes, which are rich in resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to support cardiovascular health. This juice is also low in sodium and high in potassium, which helps to support the maintenance of healthy blood pressure levels. BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio is carefully crafted using a gentle, traditional pressing method that helps to preserve the flavor and nutrients of the organic ingredients. It is free from artificial additives, preservatives, and added sugars, making it a healthy and natural choice for those looking to support their cardiovascular health. Simply enjoy a glass of BIOTTA Vital Blutdruck Bio each day to help support the maintenance of healthy blood pressure levels...
43.51 USD
Naturstein kakao-vascare kaps
NATURSTEIN Kakao-Vascare Kaps je prémiový doplnok stravy starostlivo vyvinutý na podporu kardiovaskulárneho zdravia a celkovej pohody. Každá kapsula obsahuje zmes prírodných zložiek, vrátane kakaového extraktu, známeho pre svoje antioxidačné vlastnosti, ktoré môžu pomôcť pri podpore funkcie srdca. S pridaným komplexom Vascare sa táto inovatívna receptúra zameriava na krvný obeh a zdravie ciev. Táto účinná kombinácia má za cieľ udržiavať zdravé hladiny krvného tlaku a prispievať k silnému kardiovaskulárnemu systému. NATURSTEIN Kakao-Vascare Kaps je pohodlný spôsob, ako uprednostniť zdravie svojho srdca a osvojiť si proaktívny prístup k wellness. Zahrňte ho do svojej každodennej rutiny, aby ste dosiahli optimálne výhody...
42.26 USD
(2 stránok)