Monitorovanie hladiny cukru v krvi
(1 stránok)
Accu-chek instant teststreifen
Okamžité testovacie prúžky ACCU-CHEK DS 100 ks sú nevyhnutným príslušenstvom na presné a jednoduché monitorovanie hladiny cukru v krvi. Tieto testovacie prúžky sú navrhnuté na použitie s kompatibilnými systémami monitorovania hladiny glukózy v krvi ACCU-CHEK, ktoré zaisťujú presné výsledky v priebehu niekoľkých sekúnd. S balením 100 prúžkov môžu používatelia pohodlne pravidelne sledovať svoje hladiny glukózy a robiť informované rozhodnutia o riadení svojho zdravia. Vysokokvalitná konštrukcia a pokročilá technológia týchto testovacích prúžkov poskytujú spoľahlivé údaje, vďaka čomu sú dôveryhodnou voľbou pre jednotlivcov, ktorí sa liečia cukrovkou. Zostaňte proaktívni, pokiaľ ide o vašu pohodu s okamžitými testovacími prúžkami ACCU-CHEK DS 100 ks...
117.10 USD
Accu-chek instant teststreifen can 50 stk
The ACCU-CHEK INSTANT Teststreifen Ds 50 Stk is a package of 50 test strips designed to be used with the ACCU-CHEK INSTANT blood glucose monitoring system. These test strips are an essential component for people with diabetes who need to monitor their blood sugar levels regularly. They are easy to use and provide accurate results within seconds, making it convenient for people to monitor their glucose levels on the go. These test strips are compact and come in a convenient container that can be easily carried in a bag or purse. They work by collecting a small amount of blood from a fingertip or other testing site, which is then analyzed by the ACCU-CHEK INSTANT meter to give a blood glucose reading. The results are displayed on the meter's screen, making it easy for users to understand their glucose levels at a glance. The ACCU-CHEK INSTANT Teststreifen Ds 50 Stk is ideal for anyone with diabetes, including those who require insulin therapy. They can be used to monitor blood glucose levels before and after meals, during exercise, and at other times throughout the day. They are also useful for healthcare professionals who need to monitor their patients' glucose levels in a clinical setting. These test strips are designed to be used with the ACCU-CHEK INSTANT meter and are not compatible with other glucose monitoring systems. They are reliable, accurate, and meet strict quality standards, ensuring that users get consistent results every time. The ACCU-CHEK INSTANT Teststreifen Ds 50 Stk is an essential product for people with diabetes who want to monitor their glucose levels regularly. They are convenient, easy to use, and provide accurate results within seconds. With these test strips, users can stay on top of their diabetes management and make informed decisions about their health. ..
67.34 USD
Senzory contour next 10 ks
Charakteristika senzorov Contour Next 10 ksCertifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 10 kusyHmotnosť: 26 g Dĺžka: 41 mm Šírka: 45 mm Výška: 56 mm Kúpiť Contour Ďalšie senzory 10 ks online zo Švajčiarska..
25.56 USD
Testovacie prúžky abbott freestyle precision 50 ks
Charakteristika testovacích prúžkov Abbott Freestyle Precision 50 ksCertifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení : 50 kusovHmotnosť: 35 g Dĺžka: 25 mm Šírka: 66 mm Výška: 116 mm Kúpte si testovacie prúžky Abbott Freestyle Precision 50 ks online zo Švajčiarska..
72.53 USD
(1 stránok)