Monitor krvného tlaku
(1 stránok)
Hnedý exaktný tlakomer 3 bua 6150
Charakteristika tlakomeru Brown exactFit 3 BUA 6150Certifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 1250 g Dĺžka: 131 mm Šírka: 145 mm Výška: 195 mm Kúpiť Hnedý exaktný tlakomer 3 BUA 6150 online zo Švajčiarska..
142,40 USD
Kompaktný tlakomer veroval
Charakteristiky kompaktného tlakomeru VerovalCertifikované v Európe CEMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 333 g Dĺžka: 100 mm Šírka: 111 mm Výška: 105 mm Kúpiť kompaktný tlakomer Veroval online zo Švajčiarska..
112,64 USD
Manžeta na meranie krvného tlaku veroval
Charakteristika manžety na meranie krvného tlaku VerovalCertifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusyHmotnosť: 206 g Dĺžka: 43 mm Šírka: 146 mm Výška: 187 mm Kúpiť Veroval manžeta na meranie krvného tlaku online zo Švajčiarska..
35,36 USD
Manžeta na nadlaktie omron 22-42 cm ľahko mäkká
Charakteristiky manžety na nadlaktie Omron 22-42 cm Easy softCertifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov Celzia Množstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 205 g Dĺžka: 40 mm Šírka: 130 mm Výška: 160 mm Kúpiť manžetu na nadlaktie Omron 22 – 42 cm Easy soft online zo Švajčiarska..
74,03 USD
Omron blutdruck oberarm m3 comfort gratisservice
OMRON Blutdruck Oberarm M3 Comfort Gratisservice If you're looking for a reliable and accurate blood pressure monitor, the OMRON Blutdruck Oberarm M3 Comfort Gratisservice is definitely worth considering. This high-quality device is designed to measure your blood pressure at home, giving you a quick and easy way to keep track of your health. With its advanced features and user-friendly design, the M3 Comfort is a great choice for anyone looking for a top-of-the-line blood pressure monitor. Accurate and Easy-to-Use The OMRON Blutdruck Oberarm M3 Comfort Gratisservice uses OMRON's advanced IntelliSense technology to ensure accurate readings every time. It can detect irregular heartbeats, and has an easy-to-read display that shows your systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as your pulse rate. Thanks to its user-friendly design, the M3 Comfort is easy to use ? simply wrap the cuff around your upper arm and press the start button. Comfortable and Convenient The OMRON Blutdruck Oberarm M3 Comfort Gratisservice is designed with your comfort in mind. It has a soft cuff that is comfortable to wear, and it fits most arm sizes (22-42 cm). The device also comes with a convenient storage case, so you can take it with you when you're on the go. Bonus Gratisservice When you purchase the OMRON Blutdruck Oberarm M3 Comfort, you'll get a bonus Gratisservice that includes a free blood pressure check at a participating pharmacy, as well as access to OMRON's customer service hotline. This ensures that you have all the support you need to use the device effectively and stay on top of your health. Final Thoughts The OMRON Blutdruck Oberarm M3 Comfort Gratisservice is a great investment for anyone looking to monitor their blood pressure at home. With its accurate readings, user-friendly design, and bonus Gratisservice, you can feel confident in your health management. So why wait? Get yours today and start taking control of your health!..
198,99 USD
Omron tlakomer na zápästie rs4
Charakteristiky tlakomeru Omron na zápästie RS4Certifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 340 g Dĺžka: 94 mm Šírka: 109 mm Výška: 115 mm Kúpiť Omron tlakomer na zápästie RS4 online zo Švajčiarska..
190,36 USD
Rameno monitora krvného tlaku omron m3
Pamäťový monitor krvného tlaku Omron M3 ponúka presné a spoľahlivé merania krvného tlaku v pohodlí vášho domova. Je navrhnutý tak, aby uľahčil monitorovanie, je vybavený manžetou, ktorá sa hodí na paže s obvodom 22-42 cm, vďaka čomu je vhodná pre širokú škálu používateľov. Pokročilá technológia Intellisense zaisťuje rýchle a pohodlné nafukovanie, zatiaľ čo veľký displej poskytuje jasné údaje. Vďaka svojej schopnosti detekovať nepravidelný srdcový tep a uložiť až 60 meraní pre dvoch používateľov je Omron M3 pohodlným nástrojom na sledovanie krvného tlaku a celkového kardiovaskulárneho zdravia. Zostaňte proaktívni, pokiaľ ide o vašu pohodu s tlakomerom Omron M3 na rameno...
188,92 USD
Rameno monitora krvného tlaku omron m3 comfort
Omron Blood Pressure Monitor arm M3 Comfort: The Omron Blood Pressure Monitor arm M3 Comfort is a reliable and easy-to-use device that allows you to conveniently monitor your blood pressure at home. The monitor is designed to provide accurate readings and features an intuitive interface with a large display for easy reading. The M3 Comfort monitor has a comfortable cuff that is easy to fit to your arm and ensures accurate results. It uses the Intellisense technology which allows the cuff to inflate to the ideal level for each individual user, and therefore delivers a fast and comfortable measurement experience. The Omron M3 Comfort blood pressure monitor has a memory capacity of two users and can store up to 60 readings per user, meaning it is ideal for both personal and family use. It has a hypertension indicator that alerts you if the result is above the average level so that you can make necessary adjustments to your lifestyle. The blood pressure monitor comes with a range of additional features, including a body movement indicator, irregular heartbeat detection, and a guest mode function. The device is easy to use and has one-button operation, meaning that it can be used by people of all ages. The device also comes with a storage case for easy transportation and safe storage. The Omron Blood Pressure Monitor arm M3 Comfort is a reliable and accurate device that provides users with a convenient way to monitor their blood pressure at home. With its comfortable cuff and user-friendly interface, it is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to keep track of their blood pressure on a regular basis. ..
237,92 USD
Rukoväť monitora krvného tlaku beurer jednoduché použitie bc44
Charakteristika príručného tlakomera Beurer Jednoduché použitie BC44Certifikované v Európe CEMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 330 g Dĺžka: 90 mm Šírka: 98 mm Výška: 110 mm Kúpiť ručný monitor krvného tlaku Beurer Easy To Use BC44 online zo Švajčiarska..
126,65 USD
Tlakomer axapharm ao8 na nadlaktie
Axapharm AO8 Sphygmomanometer Upper Arm The Axapharm AO8 Sphygmomanometer Upper Arm is an essential tool for medical professionals and patients who need to monitor blood pressure accurately. This device is designed using advanced technology to provide reliable and precise readings every time. It is ideal for hospitals, clinics, and home use. Features: Made of high-quality materials, ensuring durability, and long-term usage Complete with a large LCD display and easy-to-read numbers, allowing for comfortable and efficient readings Comes with an adjustable cuff to fit different arm sizes from 22-32cm Operates quietly and without disturbing patients, thanks to its silent pump technology Ensures accurate results using the oscillometric method and advanced algorithms, making it reliable and dependable. Stores up to 99 readings, including date and time, allowing for easy tracking of blood pressure changes The device is user-friendly and easy to use for both medical professionals and patients Benefits: The Axapharm AO8 Sphygmomanometer Upper Arm provides accurate and reliable results, ensuring precise monitoring of blood pressure levels It is easy to use and comes with an adjustable cuff that fits different arm sizes, making it comfortable for patients The device is portable and lightweight, allowing for easy transportation and use in any setting It is affordable and cost-effective, providing a solution for blood pressure monitoring needs without breaking the bank. Overall, the Axapharm AO8 Sphygmomanometer Upper Arm is a reliable and efficient device that aids in accurate monitoring of blood pressure levels. It is user-friendly, cost-effective, and portable, making it an excellent choice for medical professionals and patients alike. ..
193,30 USD
Tlakomer formy visomat comfort
Charakteristika tlakomeru Visomat Comfort formCertifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 1 kus Hmotnosť: 815 g Dĺžka: 122 mm Šírka: 192 mm Výška: 167 mm Kúpiť Visomat Comfort tlakomer formulára online zo Švajčiarska..
175,81 USD
Tlakomer microlife a150 afib
Microlife Monitor krvného tlaku A150 Afib Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A150 Afib je vysokokvalitné zariadenie, ktoré vám umožní jednoducho sledovať váš krvný tlak a odhaliť fibriláciu predsiení. Vďaka svojim pokročilým funkciám a intuitívnemu dizajnu je tento monitor ideálny pre každého, kto si chce udržať zdravie. Funkcie Jednoduché ovládanie jedným dotykom: Tento tlakomer sa neuveriteľne ľahko používa, má veľký, jasný displej a jednoduché ovládanie jedným dotykom. Detekcia fibrilácie predsiení: Prístroj A150 Afib dokáže rozpoznať fibriláciu predsiení, vážnu srdcovú chorobu, ktorá môže viesť k mŕtvici, čo vám umožní včas zakročiť. Presné hodnoty: Zariadenie využíva pokročilú technológiu senzorov na poskytovanie rýchlych a presných hodnôt krvného tlaku. Funkcia pamäte: Toto zariadenie dokáže uložiť až 200 nameraných hodnôt na používateľa, čo uľahčuje sledovanie stavu vášho srdca v priebehu času. Pohodlná manžeta: Priložená manžeta je navrhnutá tak, aby bola pohodlná a ľahko sa používala, čo umožňuje presné čítanie a príjemný zážitok. Jednoduché monitorovanie krvného tlaku S monitorom krvného tlaku Microlife A150 Afib nemusíte byť odborníkom, aby ste získali presné hodnoty krvného tlaku. Či už monitorujete svoj vlastný krvný tlak alebo krvný tlak blízkej osoby, toto zariadenie sa neuveriteľne ľahko používa, s jasnými pokynmi a jednoduchým ovládaním jedným dotykom. Len si nasaďte manžetu okolo ruky, stlačte tlačidlo a nechajte A150 Afib urobiť zvyšok. Detekcia fibrilácie predsiení Fibrilácia predsiení je závažné ochorenie srdca, ktoré môže viesť ku komplikáciám, ako je mŕtvica, srdcové zlyhanie a vysoký krvný tlak. S A150 Afib môžete včas odhaliť fibriláciu predsiení, čo vám umožní podniknúť kroky na ochranu zdravia vášho srdca. Zariadenie tiež dokáže uložiť až 200 meraní na používateľa, čo uľahčuje sledovanie zmien krvného tlaku v priebehu času. Neuveriteľne presné údaje Monitor krvného tlaku Microlife A150 Afib využíva pokročilú technológiu snímača na poskytovanie rýchlych a presných meraní. Či už zariadenie používate doma alebo na cestách, môžete sa spoľahnúť, že vám poskytne presné informácie o zdraví vášho srdca. Manžeta robí všetok rozdiel Priložená manžeta je navrhnutá tak, aby bola pohodlná a ľahko sa používala, čím sa zabezpečí, že získate presné údaje bez akéhokoľvek nepohodlia. Bez ohľadu na to, či máte malé alebo veľké ruky, manžetu je možné nastaviť tak, aby vyhovovala vašim potrebám, vďaka čomu ju môže používať každý. Záver Merač krvného tlaku Microlife A150 Afib je vynikajúce zariadenie pre každého, kto si chce udržať zdravie svojho srdca pod kontrolou. Vďaka pokročilým funkciám, rýchlym a presným meraniam a intuitívnemu dizajnu sa tento tlakomer určite stane dôležitou súčasťou vašej zdravotnej rutiny. ..
120,31 USD
Tlakomer microlife a2 classic
Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic is one of the most accurate and reliable blood pressure monitors available in the market. It is designed to make it easy for individuals to monitor their blood pressure conveniently from the comfort of their homes. It is an ideal device for individuals who want to keep track of their blood pressure regularly and detect any changes that might require medical attention. Features of Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic comes with several features that make it an attractive choice. One of the most notable features is its ability to detect irregular heartbeats. This means that if your heart rate is not consistent, the device will warn you, allowing you to take action and seek medical attention where necessary. Other features include: Easy-to-read display: The device features a large and clear display that makes it easy for individuals of all ages to read their blood pressure readings. Accuracy: The blood pressure monitor uses advanced microlife technology that ensures high accuracy in blood pressure monitoring. Durability: The device is built to last, featuring a sturdy construction that can withstand regular use. Quick and efficient: The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic takes readings quickly, saving you time and allowing you to get on with your day. Memory function: The device features a memory function that allows you to store multiple readings for future reference or when sharing with your doctor. Comfortable cuff: The device features a comfortable and adjustable cuff that fits most arm sizes, ensuring that you get accurate readings every time. Benefits of Using the Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic comes with several benefits that make it an ideal choice for individuals who want to monitor their blood pressure regularly. Some of the benefits of using the device include: Convenience: The device allows you to monitor your blood pressure conveniently from the comfort of your home, saving you time and money that you would have spent visiting a medical facility. Accuracy: The device provides accurate readings that are comparable to those that you would get from a medical professional. Early warning: The device's ability to detect irregular heartbeats means that you can detect any changes in your heart rate early and take the necessary action to prevent complications. Peace of mind: Knowing your blood pressure readings can give you peace of mind and help you make informed decisions about your health. The Microlife Blood Pressure Monitor A2 Classic is an ideal device for individuals who want to monitor their blood pressure regularly and detect any changes that might require medical attention. Its advanced features, accuracy, and durability make it an attractive choice for individuals of all ages. Get yours today and start monitoring your blood pressure like a pro...
63,41 USD
Tlakomer na horné rameno beurer bm 40
Beurer Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor BM 40 The Beurer Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor BM 40 is an easy-to-use device that provides accurate blood pressure readings at home. It is highly recommended for individuals who need to monitor their blood pressure regularly due to medical reasons, like hypertension or heart diseases. Why choose Beurer BM 40? Large cuff size (22-42 cm) suitable for most arm sizes Illuminated XL display for easy reading of measurement results Arrhythmia detection indicates any irregular heartbeats during measurement 2 User profiles to save individual measurement data with date and time stamps Automatic switch-off feature saves battery life 5-year warranty for peace of mind How to use Beurer BM 40? Using the Beurer BM 40 is simple and hassle-free. Simply wrap the cuff around the upper arm, press the start button, and wait for the measurement to complete. The measurement result will be displayed on the screen, along with any irregular heartbeat detected during the measurement. The device is powered by 4 AAA batteries, which come included with the package. Conclusion The Beurer Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor BM 40 is a reliable tool to keep track of your blood pressure in the comfort of your home. It is easy to use and provides accurate readings, making it an ideal choice for individuals with hypertension, heart diseases, or those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Get your Beurer BM 40 today and take control of your blood pressure!..
92,23 USD
Tlakomer visomat comfort 20/40
Charakteristika tlakomeru Visomat Comfort 20/40Certifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 830 g Dĺžka: 122 mm Šírka: 192 mm Výška: 167 mm Kúpiť Tlakomer Visomat Comfort 20/40 online zo Švajčiarska..
186,15 USD
Tlakomer visomat handysoft
Charakteristika tlakomeru Visomat handySoftCertifikované v Európe CESkladovacia teplota min/max 15/30 stupňov CelziaMnožstvo v balení: 1 kusHmotnosť: 110 g Dĺžka: 95 mm Šírka: 110 mm Výška: 150 mm Kúpiť tlakomer Visomat handySoft online zo Švajčiarska..
132,73 USD
Veroval duo control m
VEROVAL duo control M - Product Description Overview The VEROVAL duo control M system is a blood pressure monitor that allows for easy and accurate monitoring of your blood pressure. It comes equipped with advanced technology and features that make monitoring your blood pressure a breeze. The device is portable and easy to use, making it ideal for people who need to monitor their blood pressure on the go. Features Large and easy to read display Memory function to save readings Advanced technology to ensure accurate readings Portable and lightweight design One-touch operation Cuff size can be adjusted to suit various arm sizes Benefits The VEROVAL duo control M is an ideal device for people who need to monitor their blood pressure regularly. Its large and easy to read display ensures that readings can be taken easily, even for people with poor eyesight. The memory function helps to keep track of multiple readings, helping you to track trends over time. The advanced technology ensures that the readings are accurate and reliable, even when taken outside of a clinical setting. The device is also very portable and easy to use, making it ideal for people who need to monitor their blood pressure on the go. Summary The VEROVAL duo control M is a highly advanced blood pressure monitor that makes monitoring your blood pressure easy and accurate. Its advanced technology, portability, and ease of use make it an ideal device for people who need to monitor their blood pressure regularly. With its large display, adjustable cuff size, and memory function, the device is highly user-friendly and will make it easy for you to track your blood pressure readings over time. ..
243,47 USD
(1 stránok)