Akútne a chronické rany
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Mepilex border flex lite 4x5cm
MEPILEX Border Flex Lite 4x5cm Obväz na rany MEPILEX Border Flex Lite 4x5 cm je navrhnutý tak, aby poskytoval účinné hojenie rán pri rôznych akútnych a chronických ranách. Tento obväz je obzvlášť ideálny na použitie na rany, ktoré sú náchylné na nadmernú tvorbu exsudátu alebo tekutín, ako sú dekubity, chirurgické rany a vredy na nohách. Funkcie a výhody: Mäkký a prispôsobivý dizajn pre pohodlné nosenie a jednoduchú aplikáciu Viacvrstvová štruktúra s absorpčnou penovou vložkou pre efektívne zvládnutie rany Priľnavý okraj pre bezpečnú a šetrnú aplikáciu obväzu Poskytuje trvalý a rovnomerný tlak na ranu, čím znižuje riziko poškodenia kože a progresie vredov Filmový podklad, ktorý zabraňuje prenikaniu baktérií a udržiava vlhké prostredie rany pre optimálne hojenie Jednoduché odstránenie a premiestnenie bez spôsobenia bolesti alebo ďalšej traumy v oblasti rany Ako používať: Očistite a osušte oblasť rany. Odstráňte ochrannú vrstvu z okrajového flex lite obväzu. Umiestnite obväz na ranu a uistite sa, že penová podložka sedí priamo na povrchu rany. Podržte obväz na mieste niekoľko sekúnd, aby ste sa uistili, že správne priľne. Upravte obväz podľa potreby, aby ste zaistili optimálne krytie. MEPILEX Border Flex Lite 4x5 cm je všestranný a účinný obväz na rany, ktorý podporuje rýchle a bezbolestné hojenie a zároveň zabraňuje bakteriálnej infekcii a minimalizuje riziko progresie rany. Toto krytie, ideálne na použitie na širokú škálu akútnych a chronických rán, poskytuje optimálny komfort, flexibilitu a pohodlie pre zdravotníckych pracovníkov aj pacientov...
45.81 USD
Mepitel one dressing 8x10cm 5 ks
Mepitel One Dressing 8x10cm 5 pcs The Mepitel One dressing 8x10cm 5 pcs is a highly advanced wound care dressing designed to provide an effective and comfortable way to treat acute and chronic wounds. This product is designed with advanced technology to ensure that it delivers optimal healing outcomes for patients. It is ideal for a range of wound types, including burns, abrasions, skin grafts, surgical wounds, and more. Features and Benefits: Unique patented wound-contact layer design promotes optimal healing while preventing damage to the delicate wound bed Minimizes pain and discomfort associated with wounds Thin and flexible design allows for easy application and removal Transparent material allows for easy wound monitoring and observation Self-adhesive, ensuring that the dressing stays securely in place throughout the healing process Latex-free, making it suitable for patients with latex allergies How to Use: Before use, ensure that the wound is properly cleaned and dried. Remove the protective backing from the Mepitel One dressing and carefully apply it to the wound, making sure that it completely covers the affected area. Gently press down on the edges of the dressing to ensure that it adheres securely to the skin. The dressing should be changed every 3-7 days or as directed by a healthcare professional. The Mepitel One dressing 8x10cm 5 pcs is a must-have for healthcare providers looking for an effective, comfortable, and reliable wound care solution. Order yours today and provide your patients with the best possible care and healing outcomes...
110.29 USD
Prontosan wound gel x sterilný tube 250 g
Prontosan Wound Gel X sterile Tb 250 g Prontosan Wound Gel X is a sterile wound gel that has been designed for the management and treatment of acute and chronic wounds. The gel is available in a 250 g tube and provides a unique combination of two active ingredients which are Polyhexanide and Betaine. Polyhexanide is an antimicrobial agent that is incredibly effective in eliminating a broad range of microorganisms. This ingredient plays a crucial role in preventing the growth of bacteria within the wound environment, thereby promoting faster wound healing. The other active ingredient in this gel is Betaine, which is well known for its moisturizing properties. Its role in the wound healing process is to help retain moisture in the wound bed, which is essential for the healing of wounds. Its moisturizing effect also helps to reduce wound pain and discomfort. Prontosan Wound Gel X is also incredibly easy to use. Simply apply a thin layer of the gel to the wound bed and cover it with an appropriate dressing. The gel has been proven to be well tolerated by patients and can be used on a range of wounds, including pressure ulcers, surgical wounds, and diabetic foot ulcers. If you are looking for a wound gel that offers both antimicrobial protection and soothing properties, then Prontosan Wound Gel X is an excellent choice that you can rely on for fast, effective wound healing. ..
157.09 USD
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