flexibilný lepiaci obväz
(1 stránok)
3m tegaderm rolové krytie na rany 5cmx10m priehľadné
3M Tegaderm Roll Wound Dressing 5cmx10m Transparent The 3M Tegaderm Roll Wound Dressing is an innovative product designed to provide effective protection and healing for wounds. The transparent film dressings are ideal for use on shallow wounds, burns, and surgical incisions. The roll format of this dressing makes it a convenient medical supply to always have on-hand. Size: The 3M Tegaderm roll wound dressing measures 5cm x 10m, providing ample coverage for wounds of varying sizes. Transparent: The transparent material of the dressing allows for easy wound monitoring without the need for removal, reducing the risk of infection. Elasticity: The dressing is designed to flex with body movements, increasing comfort and preventing the dressing from peeling off. Adhesive: The adhesive used in the dressing is gentle on the skin, reducing the risk of allergic reactions or skin irritation. Waterproof: The waterproof nature of the dressing allows patients to bathe or shower without worrying about the dressing becoming dislodged. The 3M Tegaderm Roll Wound Dressing is an ideal product for healthcare professionals to use in a variety of healthcare settings such as hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. The innovative design and excellent features of this wound dressing make it a top choice for wound treatment...
38.02 USD
Mollelast adhezívny fixačný obväz 10cmx20m bez latexu
Zažite bezpečnú a jemnú starostlivosť o rany s adhezívnym fixačným obväzom Mollelast. Tento bezlatexový obväz s rozmermi 10 cm x 20 m ponúka spoľahlivú fixáciu obväzov bez toho, aby spôsoboval podráždenie pokožky – je teda ideálny pre citlivé typy pleti. Flexibilná a roztiahnuteľná povaha bandáže umožňuje pohodlné nosenie a zároveň poskytuje optimálnu podporu a bezpečnosť. Či už pre lekárov alebo pre osobné domáce použitie, Mollelast zaisťuje spoľahlivé priľnutie a ochranu pre rôzne veľkosti rán. Dôverujte tejto vysokokvalitnej bandáži pre efektívnu liečbu rán a pokoj...
21.84 USD
(1 stránok)