
ergonomicky navrhnutá zubná kefka

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Objavte výhody použitia ergonomicky navrhnutej zubnej kefky, špeciálne vytvorenej pre jedinečné potreby detí aj dospelých. Elmexová učiaci sa zubná kefka (0-2 rokov) je ideálna pre batoľatá, ktoré majú malú, jemne potiahnutú kefu s mäkkými zaoblenými štetinami, ktoré poskytujú jemné čistenie pre svoje prvé zuby. Jeho rukoväť je ergonomicky tvarovaná tak, aby sa pohodlne zmestila do rúk oboch detí a pre rodičov ľahko usmerňovala kefovanie. Vďaka hravým prvkom pre zábavný zážitok z učenia si táto zubná kefka zaisťuje efektívnu starostlivosť o jemné zuby mlieka a zároveň podporuje návyky skorej zubnej hygieny. Pre dospelých s citlivými zubami ponúka profesionálna zubná kefka Elmex citlivé na ergonomicky tvarovanú rukoväť a extra mäkké štetiny pre jemné, ale dôkladné čistenie. Jeho jedinečné štetiny v tvare X uľahčujú dosah medzi zubami a špeciálne stravujú tých, ktorí potrebujú mäkšie kefovanie, aby udržali zdravý úsmev. Obe zubné kefky zdôrazňujú dôležitosť ergonomického dizajnu a poskytujú pohodlie a efektívnosť po celý život zubnej starostlivosti.
Elmex sensitive professional zubná kefka extra jemná

Elmex sensitive professional zubná kefka extra jemná

Kód produktu: 4915305

? For smooth and naturally white teeth ? Ergonomically shaped handle ? Higher X bristles for cleaning the spaces between the teeth ? Extra soft bristles for sensitive teeth ? Particularly gentle and thorough cleaning Properties Try the elmex Senstive Professional Extra Soft toothbrush, specially designed for extremely sensitive teeth was developed. This toothbrush has extra soft bristles that clean teeth gently and thoroughly. Their protruding, X-shaped bristles make it easier to clean hard-to-reach places between the teeth. ApplicationNotes Dental professionals recommend the toothbrush every 3 months and to be replaced after infectious diseases, as well as after wear. Composition ..

11,43 USD

Elmex učiaca zubná kefka (0-2 roky)

Elmex učiaca zubná kefka (0-2 roky)

Kód produktu: 4725355

? Small, softly coated brush head ? Soft, rounded bristles ? Specially developed for children's hands and for parents to brush their teeth ? Learning to brush teeth in a playful way ? Gentle cleaning and care of the first teeth ? Carries protection for milk teeth Properties The elmex learning Toothbrush 0-2 years has been specially developed for the gentle cleaning and care of the first teeth. The small brush head is especially suitable for small children. The blue bristle field makes it easier to dose the pea-sized amount of children's toothpaste. Soft, rounded bristles ensure gentle cleaning of milk teeth. The handle is ergonomically shaped and specially developed for children's hands and for parents to brush their teeth. Comes with a suction cup for easy, fun and upright storage. The variant that you receive with your order may vary and cannot be freely selected. Application Dental specialists recommend replacing the toothbrush every 3 months and after infectious diseases, as well as after wear . Notes Dental professionals recommend replacing the toothbrush every 3 months and after infectious diseases, as well as after wear and tear. Children under the age of 8 should only be used under supervision. DO NOT CHEW OR BIT. Use only for brushing teeth. Do not use as a toy. Composition ..

7,69 USD

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